THE BARBIE 259 lnnisï¬l SI We am My equipped we yuu Lumplck cnrck and make pm installnlluns whch ucccsury no your llrullnl SJahm chrckud mm Hum Chimney cmuplvlc hm blower ilkrs carried In our stock IIIZFKIJH F0 Fl OPERATION Now In In RIGHT Hm In For mulhlunmc or chlly nullmusu or neptlc 5sz $101 AT SPECIAL PRICE STOPFIRE EXTINGUISIHIIC FLUID QT SHE DUNLOP ST EHST GENUINE Am FOAM You canl mm to he unprumwm Models or Home Collage Game nr any Imunn TRACTOR SEAT CUSHION SUSI SAN FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FUBNRCE and 0H BURNER FarmKilchen and Ulilily Rooms mulrmm III In rullvrvllrnw mmm mun wll mp um unn lo mm my pu uh uln mum nu rr um mm nl mum OUGHS HARDWARE SPECIAL SERVICE 950 2750 IIA IHHVMKII llLIAM Wo are open unlil oclock Wednolday Juno 30 and closed all day Thursday July Dominion Day LOTS nu AllllNi SIACE WE DELIVERu Aulhovind lumen of Hunflng and Flmlng Llcannl WITH HEAVY PLASTIC COVER ï¬ll0P HOLIDAY WEEK OPENING AND CLOSING STOP IN AT have yuur moungmim 1m APULL STOCK 0N HAN 7CLARKEVFLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT nn prnlrulnlul mumm Jul an mu wmplrlr V401 larha lltnlal qulpmmh Nun Ilmn Mul money Ind llvr ynur lllmn llrw Iluuly lll lllllm wn lulllhll rqnlumrnl mum ml Cnmylfle Illllmrllunl Phone 2429 0U llliNlAl ILAN INCLIIIHCH EVIIIYTIIINH ll llH BAH T0 Ivll lllOS 0H FLUOKH ll YOU DO YOU WITH CLAIIKH FLUOII SANDING ICQIYHM 79C PHONE YOUR RESERVATIONS tanks 559 MERE 515 The second method 15 slmey platlnrm on casters which consists two layers Wood nailedto gclhrr The garbage can ï¬ts Into hull cut out the top layer The container and platform cc nupy space under the sink The lac spncc sactlnn of the czbinnt ls attached to lhn door 50 that when the door is opened the Lunlnlncr may be rpllcd nut fog cmqtymg The bird Illustrallnn Shaw metal hoop support which can nccmd by swlvul arrangement 10 bracket on the wall of lhe cabinet An om unparawr rlng could be used for Ibis supporL The ï¬rst sketch shows can placed on stand which szings With the cupboard rinar thus Bringing the can within easy reach The hinges on the door must hei n1 cxiruhmvy type in order It provide nmpic support when the garbage can 13 fuii in the garbage can sn that it can easily be reached and rerï¬oved 1m glcjnlng The problem of the picture wln jnw has brought tom cocktail lzbles wth plankr ducks and the long planter Iablc The Increasing number of bans serving wagons and tea cant relied entertaining trends PLANTER TABLES VINES ADD CHARM To screen In old gauze or knee or add privncy Ind beauly In your home flowering tflmhen may be used rut ndmnlagc For verzreen wings try eunnymmu and English Ivy lax floweflng vlnes that Ihnd flick leavesrum st vlnu clumlis virgan creep tr climbing hydrangea and win Iona Shop 54 Sophia St Res 14 Parry St Dependable Eleelrieul Work For Indushlnl Wiring Repair Work Lightlng Fixtures llesldcmlnl and IN OIL BURNERS SALES Cr SERVICE CALI 11m EXAM 1703 PRINTING PHONE 24 PHONE 3230 WALLWIN ELECTRICAL CUNTHHETUBS PHONE 2556 AUTHORIZED Sula call The Spanish never recovered Irom that dclcat and Spnln was sub ion In series of wars and revol ution down to our nwn time The Battle of Tralalgar which slrunk the decislvn blnw Nap alcon Wail laugh nil the Slrafls of Gibraltar and Hrllain had mot been in possmslon the Rock the battle might have been lost Britains conlml of Gibrallar has since been bastion defence for Gibraltar has been In Britlih hand tnr 750 years and Spanish children should be told how il name there and what lhe occu pation has meant or the protec tion ni Spain and the guarding at the entrance to theMediterranean invtlme war andpeacc The name Gibraltar is derived mm the Arabian name Jebeialiarik which dates mm the Invasionvand capture the peninsula as tar back Is the year 7IlAD Beiorc thatSpain had been invaded and occupied by ï¬ne Romans by the German Vandals and by the Ber bers mixed race 1mm North Alrich ny LEWIS mm Education nulhorlucl here ord ered picture Glhrlltlr to be placed In class mums Teacher were told Io explain tq children about Ihe shlmntul Incl that Gib raltar xnmains In British hands Reulcra new dlupatch from Pamplunn Spain Nuw Imlll lhr man mum mp mll lmul ho up mum nml nu rmulrrl daily wrlukllnu win II Inc may Inklng cnrc nnl la walk he north on lhr mr You Illunld umw yvhm mm the mm It mum le 1m llmwll In llnml min nunmun urn lnlmrnlmlu In yuu drn Hm pmmi mny be mum ur Irrpnrn lmnclh md hm manning lho mu mu of mum Wnrk mm In pm plant food and 100 Mman Incl Thrn mlllllm wllll llrlml ll mn be wvucd th mu vnrlrly MIX Um no WHII MINI mu mum over Ihc Mum rvrnly pusslhln Thru man mvulnn mrmll mu ovrr lhr mu and mm In lluhlly Much the ma technique uhauld be und in he xnrdm as In sowinl In mu bnx partltu lnrly in shallow planllnz and covering Io nod wllh wrong In Idrnllflcnllnn of lhc lncdï¬ um 01 their location Me nlsu imporlnnl since wllh nlnw norm hlnlorl ll filly In urkcl cxacl ly when lhry wm xown mm mum mnny uw nrdn WNICh humnn lkl llnllul Wholly nvnld but In mnful np crnlur mny count upon hlgh warn of Intent N0 DOWN PAYMENT These include Myssum Call ornln poppy Kodclin knchln lcmnsyne llnnrll lupin mallhlo In evening xccnlcd sloth mu mnlum dwar phlax popplcs pomnncu and snlpixluslls Thu Mom occupied Ind ruled Spain ru hundred of yean The Spanmds look over Glhmllar In the ynr 1462 when the Moon were bcllll drlvcn any Thu hundred yeer later Columbus opened up me New World to gunman settlement Ind the Spath Emplre grew £0 Hidden wail and prosper ny sprudln In conquest lnlo Europe nunpyln Ie Neth erlande Ind Illrexlélllnx lo Ill vldc England IIIIUI Ill Arm du me unzshpd by HI um Ish F156 In It Engllsh Chan nel In 1588 All nnnunl flower needs may he xown dlrcclly In Ihc garden and hch are II number whlth nhnuld be because may nrc difï¬cull lo lrnnxplanL Mix Seed WM Band Ind 5mm Over Art Evrnly lnulblo SeVen Steps to Success in Sowing Flower Seeds no Inyn lronl tlnlc nppllrnllun 10 um Inymtnl Law lnlmsl llnlu llp In HM In pny THE ROCK OFfGIBRALTAR ILANN FOR lllll IIII2 Mlli AVAILAIIMI AT ALL ILANINH MILL HlAIT TAN Al VIHI SIYIIMIIJZ MAI Ill5 Mnlrrlnl Nrnlnl lo Shmux Hrrrms Juulmnrdu ltrrrrzlllun Rmnm rlt D0IT YOURSELF muulllnln Gulllnlllln Kochln Aurrnlum Cumu Srnmlrlu 4wa llnlxlln UHanuu Snuwnlllhr nnmlrnnon lulu Enuum nnlq Ilmwnllln Cnlcnduln Cnlllnpsh Cmulylull Colnsin Crnlnurm Campu Cmm Swrrl Vllllflln Dinnllmn Lnlflunllrl 1mm wul Alyxsum Allllrrhlnum nnmlrnnon lulu Enuum nnlq Ilmwallln Cnlcnduln Cnlllupsh Cmulylull Colnsin Crnlnurm Campu Cosmo Swrrl Wmlam hmnum Lnlflnrulrl 1mm Gudrlln Luplnsynn Llnnrln thrlln LIIle Mn rlLrIldl Mlmulus Nlmllnml nvrtlwbflrro nmy lrhmln Annual Phlox Inrlulncn Mlfllmnrlm Schmmhu Vluln Zlnnin Nnxlurllum In by few dnyl hu ll will save nu uuhlc The recam vbll hi the Quean Mum and Glhrallar wal rnullne part of her tour the Comnnwealih and the name during the visil is Included in colnrlul mollon plclurc or Ihe entlr roundrlhewnrlfl trip Those who have seen the ple lnre say the incldtnl in young Prince m1 Princes feeding the monkeys ai Gib run is an enchanting 011 We may be sure that Premier Franco will never alluw the pic lure tn be shown to the Spanish schnoi children which is In pity for it is part Hi the history 01 Spain as well an he rqst or Eurunc Whii Gibraltar remains in British hands Spain need have no car repetition of the in vasions she sullercd from in he Inng past roman CAPITAL Kyolo my Mum 1mm am century was the capital me Ja paan Empire unul was Spnln ind Porluual well guardian at the mew9w 1nd and ï¬le Far East The tortgain in but hm tkclch history and the Span ish children are ioid Ithe lrulh Britain hal nothing in be nahnmnd 01 Spain is aim in possession the Balearic Islands in he Medi terranean and the Canary Island at the north west coast Airicn and Britain has insured make lien of hose Gibraltar had never really been national asset oi dew lento to Spain until the Brilish look 1he lawn and the Rock are connected with the mainland by Inwrsandy isthmus an area neutral ground In ancient times the Rock was known one of Ike Pillars of Herculu The Arabs mm the apposite coast Amm occupied Ind used it 115 step plngslonc or lnvasinn Remain 01 an ancient Munrlsh castle an relics of the Arab occupation of the fortress Tm In Twenty nu rm to 1m Dayn Sowlnl In In Clllnlvcr Cfllllir nun Humm HMIIIKII Vulunn Mrl lrn uml who Nlurlln Inuum rm Van Cnrdlnnl Mn ulcy llnravnl INm Iympnlhy Ixhmllll In Mn Wulvy Hm do mr hmer Grumc SenPr Slay mr 34 Grade Grade lo n2 Special Grade Grade Grade 11 lo bl Sncclnl Grade Grade Grade Under lbl 311 flrade Crude 12 15 20 IH 11 on 11 Nick th Nu Imltllsnn pr Low 11 lelllm lur wnlulnw mm hululllvr Mr mul Mm Cllflnnl Ilnxlnn lluxlun Lu munr HIP Inc or many mum mr Apuly rlcuvrry nlm rs mm MrCmckrlL who an un mu IIL Mr nnd mm mm mm Mrs Drum Dflmll Vhllnn My Ilnth Dvlrull vldlllm bk mulhlr Mrl Ilnxlnn Jam Lillklfllll DMInll Isl le The bus hnuscwiie appeals to haven lhos ecinlcnnsideration offb urchiiccl the planning of huusc Note the com low sep uuuun oi the living an sleeping Always prime aim in iamin unmmmlutiun Then is space in lun Ii roam or dining on minu Mansions but other meals can ved in the bright kitchen which compact arrangement ni cup baud counters equipment and damn Nata aim the handy side mum vuh direct access to this hymenfl and bathroom anathcr ab wmpl to make it easier or theglouse wilt to attend to the needs 01 young children nwmrnl floor area 01 the house is 1092 square cot and the cubic mcmxrcmr The Ml inr dlnzrnsions are 40 car by 29 fret Working drawings far this house are nVHillbiu 31 minimum cost from Central Mortgage an Housing Corporation long planting area wide cave ï¬vean and generous comer win dow arrangementam among the eye calchih features or tth new three Imdroum bungalow designed by archi tect Dixon Ottawa my SMALLHOUSE DESIGNS qumcd by Firsl Coopcmlive Packers at Ontario Barrie Ho Markll Unscmcd yummy1 par nrpa of the house JUNE 23 1954 nous Cams mun rounm Lach Mvdlum Small MARKET PRICES BUILDERS ANGUS mom ma Ihave mm mm IUD IL Arnmmm lhc wr krlld will HMï¬in 8084 Dynlop Wm MRRII BRISTOW Hakim immm Feature Hpme of The Week LIGNITE DEPOSITS Stilnusls In Pakislnn CsIImnIL licnlh drpnslts mm may total 200 00000010ns Him his shtcrInIaw Mm Char ll Linklnlcr vlsnm Hare and There Mn and Mrs Oscar Linton Misci Hilda Holland and Sandra nuckwmm mom Sunday an norm in Collingwno and mic Duckwurlh and family Spent Sunday wllh tivcs glrgulhilc Egigar Mr Miss spun here FOB All ELECTRICAL CONTRACT WORK For House Wiring and Power Installgtions for new Homes and Industrial Buildings For Prompt Scfvicc Pickup and Delivery an Appliance llcpnirs CALL IIA lllllr Hm pickrd up down In Hm 1092 square an Inn my magmach iu22zooicumc rm 3880 SOUTHWOOD ELECTRIC and Mm McMncan and pmciua wman Toronto wcckcnd wllh rclauvu 950mm 100 xao ll Vlclorln Sin lrlvc on lawn or qulckcr thlcc or phone culled Slyoud 56122 MIIn any of fluvlr nn llwy Na 11 imms 5mm Limiled PAINSWICK Irun rlrrmnnn Modal II nunnro zan hmnmwnrrn lhn Hm hmllnu mnmrv they prefer In mice you can mull TM Modrl Funng wlulor nlr cnmlL llulln llln luminurlrnnlnz wnnuhm nml clrculnllug no Mr lur nullnl wlnlcr cmu Inn on llm cahlut ulnyu lemncl mmlml and vrnnumlrnl to npnnln lhb hon Flmnnn Mmlvl no In wrchlly dulunnl or the lnwcml Immn market rm uer lulu nvmnl lulu Hm lmmrn you Imlld Inllnn hon nmnnnn Model no on Furnacetho lumncu 11mm nwucrn prom Iron nrrmln Modal In human it My ranvmnl In III hm nl llllcllmy he nllrlnx II will Iron Firemgn can help you sell homes rm mun klmn hu xlvrn hu mm lurh dlnllncllnn mm at rnulie Ms nally mm he an In mallrials lrom our lalmwlck mmlm mum um ntlsllrflon Inullrlln wm unally malerhln at Inwer uIm wnnl mu 1wa vrry rapidly In loo makt lmmc lmprnvtmcnll Irllll no down pzymrnl under the flame Im mmmm gum Auk ux umur PLANTS WITH DIFFERENCE Cul duwn on for izcr cost or yuur garden by starting comma 1130 Choose shady unobtmsivu corner and put dead leaves lawn clippings chclnblc mme mm the kflchcn and wood nshm In ï¬lm when dlcompuscd Eh rich organic malarial thatplank lhrive Dn low unusual pound plams cah add chimm to your homo Try dwarf pink nr ytllmv calla my Anolhcr cnnvcrsnlionpicco islhc all Green Regent puhcr plum knEwn as new 245 plaang mu narrlc Phone 371 LIVI inqu BRO I3ï¬7llp1n 13