Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jan 1954, p. 11

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ADIiaissroN rites Help Kiddies routesj FRI SAT Iu Pk liliiSMEliS illiiiiiili LY 27 ADMISSION FREE 23 Till BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE 23 1954 gHardbali tournament Monday Aug Utopia Community Park load prizes Watch Ior particulars later Utopia RecreationCnmmtt Special Holiday Dance at Plhu Crest Wednesday June 30 Lucky spelt balloons frin galore Dancing 10 pm until om Admission 175 Strawberry Festival and salad plate at Grenfei Community Cen tre June 30 53011 pm ball games followed by dance Adm ion $1 and tile 7374 St Georges Ang aahChurch Utopia Garden Poi1 tiling 29 Supper served 5304 alad plate home baking trawberrics etc Ball game Fro by the choir with added aitliilctidot Ad mission 51 and sorr 74 Annual Strawberry Festival Nam Salad Plate Strawberries elc under auspices of Hand Head United Church WMS will be held in thtI Community Hall Bond Head on Wednesday June 30 good bail program musical dru ma Music in the Attic by Ear rie Central United Church Glee Club Supper served from 530 to it pm Proceeds in aid at Church Fund Admission $125 ehlldrcn 75c 74 Monster Dominion Day Hardball Tournament Thursday July at Palaravo Park at pm DST llardball prizes $60 $40 520 At least six teams to enter for above prizes No Toronto teams or play or allowed Player to play for one team only Experienced aut rilde umpires Draw in be made at pm lreams to be on grounds by pm Entries in bombde by 12 noon Jilly to Bartons Store Phone Bolton 1201 Booth on grounds9pen by lit noon Admis sion adults 50c children 150 school children under 12 years at age free Parking on grounda 25 cents 7374 ration eeronna Samuel Iiearns the 18111 century explorer of Canadas Northwest became midshlpman in the Brit ish Navy at 11 loving do what thousands are doing You set your own suing eat all Ian on Itll pun runnulrut inatalinrnl an aniloutISlmnlurtguatuntm your III III iult amount ui ltiatgolltntauaidrruulwima ymi Ilaho li llmptnlnywrhnrrllbunch ruin nayimlliaim hunt in ii iin thiaminpmlunlmlway to uni Your humr in dle Your NS Manager is trill man to know In ilarria he it It It Hancock The First Column Continued from page one the same as in the road show which played the Royal Alexandra about our yenrs ago of special interest to many peo ple in Barrie WLJ that the part oi Jean was played by Lillian ltr vis who was dance instrucrresr here three years ago and one of the featured dancer3 was Terry Johnson who has colitiiicted studio In town or the past two years 13th Miss Jarvis and Miss lohhsoir Will tic in all Melody Fair productionJ throughout the current season was Interested to learn that MGM studios in Iiollywootl are now busy on the movie version of Brigadoon in CiiirlIInScupe Gene Kelly tins the leading male role and Cyd Cllnlilst is the Highland Ids for whom Tommy is willing return to bygone century There must be change in the script for the moi1e 0n the stage these roles call for slngeru ut the piorcmentlonad movie slatJ are dancers only Van Johnson should It right into the part oi heawiseoraeklng New Yorker Iefi poundr The party of 28 United States lewspaper editors dispersed to their 13 ditierélit States after it lays of travel and olttertalnment in Ontario litany places were vu ted in the province At one they loldoi being Invited to II recep tion at the local nrmnury Erich visitor was handed ticket which entitled him to one drink After that they were on their own was bit surprised and embarrass ed to learn It was in thitt county No they didnt visit Barrie it couldnt happen here All kind of written material is submitted to the editorial desk daily and it seems that the apos trophe thhBiLl large number 0i correspondents Evert in our own otfice we have taputout chnstani reminderslhat before the its singularguitar the its plural rarinstance continually we will get Oddfellows null which would indicate that it belongs to or is for one person in modern style sheets the apostrophe is being ieit out more and more For instance Webster gives the name an Pikes Peak although it was named alter the discoverer Zebulon Pike The apostrophe should be dropped al together when it isnt used as true possessive As an example why use it in Quecnslnrk 0n the subject at grammatical usage and columnist recently look up cudgciu against what he calls the possessive double substantive an example it which would be novoilsts novelist lan in clear enough It suggests degree pt proiessionallsm that can not be grasped by the normal reader Seldon itarlt wrote 01 all cliches that probably is one we ills like the nrurt suppme it is usrd in every bullnesi priliesslun anti trade We hear it occasion nlly Iiit newspapernians newspaperm iltlitinty if he isnt it newspaper maltrt news paperlnan then he should quit The same applies in all other fields im hippopormurr hippopot Imui we CollierrvUnited Family Picnic Al Springwaler Collier Ulliirtl Gilttiller Inst tVtiiiioniiny prorvtl tnriitt tlny Iur llln tllltill Inliilly plrlllru uul thu hut Hill Inn cold and with lust liil Iirlll literrt tit tIitVl nII tlw lnnnrullm niltl have patter IlalIlIlnit IIIIttItiIilllll erywhrrn nt ittrrlnuwnlrr wm gluian 11 milliltil and children wr Irrogttlrtil Olin wrii runny Iiirllilo limit your plritiis tlattiu wriu rillnyrit hy the rllil rirrn at an to lily run for ruin it win crimilil lint in which evrrylliln tlotn the stroller Irt mothers ill or ari Itl aitwcr our num hliiris ap Ilie ilnpliea Reginald Goddén Buslin Art Gallery pmeachtdayrv Mrshd Mrs George Lake of Peterboro renewed acquaintance in town over the weclrend idler lie BUST OF THE famous Canadian pianist Reginald God den who was born and raised in Barrie and now resides in adians Sunshine Today Continued Cool Lighter Winds The past week was compara tiver conifer summer but with only light rain on Friday on Saturday west wind sprang up and Is stlll blowing this morning but not nearly Ito strong on Sunday it increased In almost ate land caused considerable damage to trees gardens etc Today promises sunny and cool rrrnpmtum were High Low June 20 32 or June 2r as June 22 12 55 June 68 50 June 71 is June at Juno June so reared and busy time those had who distributed the ircsilie tea and cone oi lcc crram There were opportunities to talk with old and new triends Alter slipper our boys played the Presbyterian ltt baseball the liov lamrs Ferguson acting as uiilpire And so home again by car or him iirtil IIan liamry ENGAGEMENTS Mrs George Cotes Ilnrrrr wishes to nnnounu ilie urrprpcmwn nf hrr daughter Iltneltiri June to Arthur ilwbrrt ltyrIs amt of ltir and him Itcglnalil Ayns iinrrir llit tIIarItagt take phuu iprletly Saturday July at Trinity Anitli mu Church at ilrrro Iihltsk ll Iltlth Illtltill ADS More than 25010 US lititlllth Ilnirs ntivriliSi tin book Illflttll cnvrrs saili you mumy 259 INNISPII ST Kiwanis Night Hamilton is one of the exhibits lit the new Art Gallery in Hamilton It is the work at Sculptor Elizabeth Bradford Hoi broolr David Barber first president of the Gallery is shown beside the bustA recent and most significant step in Ham iltons cultural circles the opening 01 the gallery has filled great need ill Hamilton and has been praised by leading Can Roy McViitie At Past Presidents Past Presidents nightwas obr iervcd at Mondays Kiwanis meet ing with Cecll Norris presiding Walter Sleckley in irrict state ment said the Barrie Kwanis Club started in 1912 and Ihcte were 3i Past Presidents 13 0t whom are still active members eight haVO passed to the Great Beyond 0f the other it some have moved away and others laid aside through inlirmlties new member itay licap who recently Joined the London Life Insurance Co slaii was introduced and welcomed into the club by Ali llprrls Thespeaker oi thp evening was Itoy Montile ot Guelph Pas President at the Barrie club on Past LieutenantGovernor nf Divi sion lie was introduced by Bill Craig and Meth Adamson extended thanks itoy spoke on Barrie Kiwanis Club As Knew It from Illilii to 1945 These were among the happiest years at his ilit Heter ente was made to the many activ tile and the loyalty of the mem liars the tilt and tilll fellowship that was enloyed The meeting together 0i such It group ll the club was colnptrsrd at and eating nllit singing together was of inest linnblp value The meetings held in rttral tilslricls helped wonder ltilly in developing boiler untilr rlantilng between rural and urban iolk lie was most happy to know that the clutlwaa aliii gningalrung hilt Ire lntsSid many of the lid iatnillar laces who helped make Kiwanis so worthwhile in this ruinintuilly iiiurinirrtnri be quoted nnnu 0i lire lines he unmpnrud whrn Iriillttlil ldttor lle pill in in slIIltIIltL his old invtlrlir Alain lttl RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS Cltlpll highly trained hrhulcinnr tilliy nuniirini to mullu ally radio or television mt nunrnnhtrl in yivr you nriirtnrrinn anti COOP Barrio Tciavliion Exports Pillilili 2429 EXAMPLII LOANS for seasonal exmno lo pop up old blllo rarli loan quickly on iii Ily run that inni ihwt or twin ol llloutairtil lur yur In iniii may required mm Invtcii Itit phnh nitt lot loan in one trip tintqu ad l9 and flown fluid or tin to outrun Willa out In in lhmnl In 73 other 60 Galbraith who was trans ierred to Sittibury two years ago is back at Ihe Bart1e oifice at Bell Telephone Co prior to move to Toronto next tnonth ln the mean time Mr and Mm Galbraith and family are melding at Tbllendal Antonio Solomihe brother at Mrs Tutti Cumin arrived here irom Soul titty on June 12 and is rrtaying with Mr and Mrs Cureio tor the present His wile and two children are still in Italy and he is hoping to become estab lished here and to bring them out hits no ltnowldege at English but is an expert capenter Among the guests tram Barrie at the wedding oi Mm Dorothy tiill and ltatden Robinson 01 llam litnn formerly oi Barrie in Brant lonl on Saturday were Mr and Mm ltonald Stewart Mr and Mrs LR Chlttiek Mr and Mrs Leigh toh Clark Mr and Mrs Gordon Needham Mr and Mrs lack Nix on Mr and Mrs Cecil Cook Ross Peacock and Miss Pauline Robin son who wraa one of the bridal attendants Mr and Mrs Hir lehey at Windsor tormeriy oi Barrie were also amahg the goesls Mr Stewart was gmuntsman and Mr Clark was one oi the ushers The groom is the son of Mr and MrsuWnlter Robinson formerly Di Barrie and now residing in Wood itoclt where Mr Robinson is sta tioned with the Ontario Provincial Police GRAPHITE SOURCE The worlds most noted deposits 01 graphite used tor many indus trta purposes are in Ceylon COOPERRAM Hamilton on Sun day Junel Tl l954 Frank Cooper inlhis rdyear lather or Mrs Lclshman of Ear rte Funeral from Dodsworth and Brown Funeral lloIne Main Street West Wednesday alter noon June 30 MacDONALDSuddenly at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday June 25 1054 Alex ander MacDonald beloved hus band nI Elizabeth Nicol dear tether at Walter of Thoroid and Ken of Toronto in his llth year Resting til the lennett Funeral Home Barrio Service on Mon day June 28 at pm interment Barrie Union Cemetery THOMASSuddenly at her home 55 Donald SL Barrie Saturday June 26 1954 Mary neson be loved wile of Albert Thomas and dear mother of Albert Berti Toronto Eileen tMrs Robert Spruulel Stroud Harold Toronto Dorothy Mrs George liyons Toronto and llazel Mrs Peter lltidtl Barrie loving sister or Ellen Mrs Fred Clarkel New Westminster BC Resting at the Peihlck Funeral Home 127 Hayfield St Service in the chapel hiesday at pm interment Barrie Union Ceme ery IN MEMORIAM GRAHAMin loving memory or dear husband and father Dun can Graham who passed away June 13 lBSl have lost my souls companion lite linked with my own And day by day miss him more As walk through life alone Lovingly remembered by wife and family It lNGLESin loving memory of dear dad Ernest ingles who pgfied awaysuddeniy June 25 Hid memory is as dcartoday As in the hour he gassed away Sady missed his daughter Dorothy sonlnlaw Telt and grandchildren BORN BOWERSAt the Royal Victoria iiorsnllal Bar to June 25 1954 to Mr and rs Victor Howard 1111 No grain daughter BEGINAt Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Jurt 20 1954 to Bayiieid Sim son DENNISTONAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie June 24 1954 to Set and Mrs Den nislon 14 Fourteenth 81 Camp Borden daughter GLASSFORDAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie June 23 1954 to Mr and Mrs Glassford ill Wellington St West daughter MueDONALDAt the Royal Vie toria Hospital Barrie June 25 1954 to Sgt and Mrs Ken Mac Donald 1112 TIiIIn 5L daughter PEARCEAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie June 21 1054 to Mr and Mrs William Pearce at Henry St son PEACOCKAt the Hill Victoria llos ital Barrie June 27 105 in and Mid Cecil Peacock 14 High Sta son VAN liUSCHAt the Royal Vtc toria Hospital Barrie June 25 I954 to Mr and Mrs John Van LAC and Mrs Claud Begin ill Busch RR No Barrie lion ilElii liilllli rot as hints as $Iooo DEPOSIT NEW CARS AI CONDITION REASONABLE RATEfi Phillie 2772 llanie711rive¥lii2ur conrANY LIMITED 69 Collier St Next Gray Coach ALL TYPE CAR KEYS KEYS CUT WHILE WAIT OVER 50 YRS KEY LOCK SERViCE llllil 3874 3B BIIYFIElD ST WONDERFUL LESSON IN GOODWILL WHICH WE MUST NOT MISS crazers can Mum SHOWINGTHE SWISS PEOPLE TIIE PRODIGIOUS IliENOMENON TII AT iS CANADA WI76 wont do xifitntnrfl cinm MWV tut fiéééymdmm adamanter Everywhere ii ha been Illuwrl aluuitlls 30000 irtiic yearlong International routeat brilliant previews attended by governmental ititlurtriiii uiliiiral and professional trailers and at public alitlwirtgtrhc Scugranl Collection of tlililtnlu llithillltiinil Cities has been Ialkcdalrtnrt headline news Inliic rilitlil rttici itvliitctl abroad the Collection earned or Canada lliiluraiiitI Iii llllllllii It CW ptprr reports cititoriuli rcvlrws llntl pirlurci magniine articlet radio and television Imiiiduisu Irewrrecl trlnn widespread public at Iriitluuall Icitlfying to the mounting mum and Itlciiriilncu on Illt part of people everywhere toward Canada and things Intuition Iiilnicd crprtiiilly for Tire Iiotrie nl Stimulant try Iltttitlulltlllttt tiaiiadlaii Irtisii this unique illictriou of 32 original paintings of 22 Canadianctliei was seen enjoyed and talked about by It quarter of million people In 16 citiu of two continents IIle Sangrunl Cullmiun of Point Ingr oi Chlllltitltn Citth has won clitliirttaitic friend for Canada around the worldfriend who have flitlltl it new and vivid tmprctritiii of our niutriry at it land that is vital and growing iiliil ottrcmrintoili natural ItItlt iiiduitriiil rcritilrrei and IKilllthlltttl human reioilrccfriliiru Illc Seagrarn ttiitttttlll it now track ironir on Iwoynr irninInnaila tuur which will give Canadians the oppor limit of Ian or IiIanIIclnI limo Ilitllliitii iiiilliusaiitln of goodwill their portrayii of our thriving rlrlri which have utllrrl tonlmtIit around the world laniaIMQOwhkh is noarut your inc Mltaihflultroflnmm uv Iotttl or III mtllnAIloust will not nlitttlivmtarrro tilvtaltntm at Inmotto ttinctontot Annuovtltmo loot lemon mnonlm IIounotulitI illnvr nonhuman ml to anrun sum to II at mtt vml titanm Iou rtuleamoiah Olllfttllwlrllflltla unionimw Mittll lotoi IIMI loinirnnllonrmn nvmIifierl ovtltciuitaotiwumo ASIAIOOIrWIMOIIAMII0IINOSIttMt Quality Diamonds mom DIAMOND Rollin omtnmmol Iv snowmanlilo IOI tvriimo noun muhmmwamm Mintundm mlra naguW sisAnew Hungrs knfllqli vat1 in try that mu mu urnwith an JiAuLLAauwunaJuwt11t 1u

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