Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1954, p. 6

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Back In Good Health Please la report B111 Day inking pnrl Kn the cnmmunlly Mllcs nznln and Is enjoying he hes heanL Dnncldn Nash was guest at Nancy Orser Bluebird thlngn Thunfler Bay Beach the Mincsing circuit WAS was WA Cnmpemllve success The comparative adventure of decided surcess in calering In the Wardens Outing last chncsday The ladies all enjoyed the soda Icllowshlp in wurklng ogcthemnd the parsonage Iund recelved 323372 Toronto Weddln Gums ML and Mrs Morley and nmlly and Mr and Mrs Fred Cooke Jr Dunn and 1mm Toronto were wcekcml guests or Mn nnd Mrs Cooke and attended me Gibson Thompsfln wedding on Saturday In Unilcd Church Unlon Cemetery Bee Mihurst Union Cemetery me one UCllKk was hold an Wednes day afternoon Gneslg Thunder Bay Mr andMrs James Craig and Charles spent ihe weekend at Thunder Bay Bum Gm To en The New Mldhursl community were plea Ed to hear that he Dbpnrtmum 01 kinds and Fun515 have declde to leave Mr Adnmsml in charge 01 tho Mldhurst Forest Simon Presenlallon Tn Walt Family lilllu number 01 friends and nnifihbar met in Midhurst Hall on Saturday evening Dancing was enjnycd Maurice Coutts culled Mn and Mrs Wait Maryiyn and ivan forward and they were prc semad with lovely inzyboy chain nnd cutie tablet Hi Russeii in lew remarks expressed the snntimmtrs Di lhn neighbors in Stanley and Rela on being gnod neighban with nn open home or community meetings Best wishes go with them to their new home in Daision WA Caler Fur vmmu Mlghurst WA um naming or turkey dinner for the Velemns c1ub Barrie in Springwulcr Park an June 23 Three Sun Arrive Cigar wen In circulation £th week in dehum when three boys were born ta local residents Con ualulaflom In Mn and Mn Hurry Marxhlll Mr and Mn Homer Robin and Mr anB Mrs Clar ence Brown Toronto Vishnu ML and Mrs Lame Fowler and family of Toronln called an Mid hursl trlends last weekend lhq Mo Elm and nut Illa l7 ynw IhUIlvI NOWI Wm lo Iilpmlwl and 5umhmflnl Handbook Mod in Cunuxla vhh 51le and Suvko um um Imqu Ovvhouvd Molou In uuumni pm boot Plllvbnrouflh Canada Hlmcne Cnuntyn Lulu Cur Healer UHIII IAII DIVISION 21 BRADFORD ET 4931 ImdcIn vnluc an my car Hut runs on mar 500 molc Trulcvln Illnwanccs of $100 an Mr or mo Ind use an how or inure nay va Cunlldence Dangerfield Motors LIMITED ATTENTION FARMERS SAVE mo 5200 MIDHURST MOTORS Mr and Mm Dan Newman Mary Louise spent the weekend at home with Mn and Mrs Jennelt TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Weddxég béns are Paging around Ivy On John Read Leaves Orillia For Michigan Dr John Read medical officer heath In charge me Orillin Office Slmcuc County Health Unit is leaving Drillln nqxt Tucs day ur AnnArbnr Mlchlgan Thch hospilnh cnnmclcd with he Univursily at Michigan Dr Head will take 11 twuycar post graduate course In pcdialxics Dr Roads positlnn In Drillin will be tnkun over by Dr Anderson who has bum in general medical pmch in Cnmpbclltnrd and whn has been taklng diploma in pub llc mm the School Hygiene Toronto Mn and Mr Hannah Mr and MrL Rola Hunt and any spent Sunday with M1 and Mrs Harold ArnalrL Hope For Specdy Recovery Mrs Glendlnnlng of Toronto Ia smylng with Mrs Pclcllor tor law days We wlshltor Rev Mn Pclleticr speedy recovery as we mksvhim the qommunlky DI Road has been in OrilHa for flu p151 two years He has helm Emma advocate of municipal fluor idflunn lnr Orillia and he Is membrr ol lhc Ys Mens Club A1151 new apén smuniay home with his parenu M1 and Mm 15an mm Wallace Cnrrulhcrs day with Mr and Canuthnrs Mr and Mmrlhhirlriofirgnrll and Man spent the week wllh Dr Jackie and Mm Huxganh lnOK lawn VJnmEi McDLrmou and Banting spun Sunday with Mr Torantn brothers Elw 0d DUNLOP STREETE TO SERVE YOU BETTER Um llu nunmull 51 Holy lAwrenCt Ind cumplclc wllh lhc nrwut In Electronic It Hunlp mrnl llll TV Ind llUHO HHIIVILH DEPARTMENT ls 0pm Io xnvc yourennllna whun your IllaNon or ndlu II punhued and Mrs Vivian Jonncu spent Sunday with ml Beverley Herman and TV RADIO FULL GUARANTEE 0N PARTS SERVICE SUPERB 21 PHILIPS TABLE MODEL 1131f HIIKYIALIN HINHHHZI AND IIUIIII Fl HHNHH AREA IlliCl 0N DNIY lnrorpnullnl any mxlnnml yam uul lulu uqulml lur ullnrl In nuvln NEW OW SUMMER PRICE vnn In 0mm SPEGIAL lMlllll QUANTITY WALNUT ONLY BRAND NEW SETS Sold Direct from tho Packing Cato spent ew Mrs George BUY WHERE YOU GET SERVICE unn or our woods worst of Stuff01 scraping ncrw th an exact it also vn The was at Mth 15 mos lux urious growlng as ll does an lhe Hill Blalc on about 10 Inches of pure sin deposit of ages back and held no doubt by beaver dams formed there That brings up the mum of Beaver Camp and than lung and good story some Hme butw grass gm lying sum and on the rehubllllzned wreck cncnunlcred flu green buner it skipped bite occasionaly and spasmodically and the HM would all lurwnrd qn the handle us he was excruug he lull 200 pounds whm LBJ cause um 1hr cadaver one llu onlyreu the expenditure bclt lo screw man called 01 PM rlatc or fmlhl but ml stuffoi éfiopbinz scraping hc final WW theres flW Continued tron me one He whim the aid wreck intn waxking model which still work ing but can in lens 7m pdunds nun behind it and the hired man weigh only 125 61 ling back in our muimn theres another thought Who ever mu muhmn any mnré That rollerth shrunk in beiow saieiy minimum and Id the HM hirEd mun hied himseu to the cups inw Lheml another grand oid word that bring bit of England intu he picture We quote and hope its not copy rwmed We danced around me Mnypole and in U19 hazel come iiil charlcxss Wain came oui among the tail white chimney tapsan ictt the HM in the wilds oi ihu caplet Where Why ni lhe iniersetiiun nf Highwny and Mincis Point Road and beauty spot by the decrepit gravel pH ofInnisfll which we sincerely irusi willremain mm as won dcrIui piacc or the passing throng in stop passing Why old he taum bit of honey lncusl luughesl Heaviest and Ice or our Canadian abum woods and bydimhm worst of mm make dx The lasf Column SERVICE REPAIR DEPARTMENT PHILIPS and bydimhm was 10 make dint In the chopping and pinning and he finally made replica theres word which menus model of he original and means just oneand mals isand ever will be be regret wood no or roll reto Vlhe HM was 01 cents for we in lag screws the and It seemed most roller lhat did shqum comment nus woodlhe and less known abundanceln antiwar DH hill Ntw Law mum ml Illlfl no DOWN PAYMENT ANTENNA 60 lo 90 flEEfllGEMTlQN COMPANY Fuhlnn for umwll nine FRENCH LESSONS MONTREAL CHFree courses In French are being Nlcred new comers Camda by the New Can adizm conunmeo the Montreal Catholic school board The courses nnsisl at 15 lmsons to be given at two schanxs hm Ht 1600 he comlled Ipmnust who said Whut 10 do lhe do an why brothlw ch 1110 do need pawlLha what he sajd and It sounds most apawl ling Hey CKBBI lherel word for comesL lelnx In Ill and speaking of that Word nncréallunhy lhl waywhen that job is BLIhEd that old wreck will be recrentcdrwhtre in lunked hat one came from Joseph lems Cnpe and sun In can you 1qu more gang aver span quqrterientury at fine auUay Ma dollars and mintyrum ccms Hormrs orgnt the Pfiwl dqmuun uhlun Nutc mnwlng the USED MENS BOYS ALLWAVE BlcvéiEs KG Bayflcld Street URRYS ml IINIIIMI PHONE 1059 lmcllul WWII apparel Addfllumfl incllfllu tn provide 013300 more telzphnne llne be lexved by he CImpEarden ex chlnze will be Inst led by the Ind 01 July Machnnld Bell manner lur Ihh region said Vim week BellPerdeg 300 More Phones For camp Borcjen Because at the heavy demand or service thework being rushed now to meet the requirement of well over we permu who news In or telephnnes halides many more expected In requmaérvlce In the Immediate iuturcw Therenresome 1200hnuslnz un IL In thePexmanent Married Quai Iem but ewer than 100 households have eiephonm Mr MacDonnld pointed am To cup with the ut lmnted demand 1mm PMQ resid ents nddlllnnal equipment to serve another 500 mil L9 scheduled tn be Installed about la month tram now The present 600 line connected with the Camp Borden switchbpnrd provide service tor nearly 350 mu mry Ind civfllnn telephonu Lntér this mu telephgne technl dam will complete another 1n stullhtlon at Camp Borden when Mark¢t==5uuarev2 50R An oqu Imy Un mun whn lnlrr film In flux mm rcuumulnl lmnwmlnllnn Mmflul mica IAmlupul wllh umdnvr AC lHulvr In umd cmmmun Him ullrrwllvv twu mm 11le rrnrcll lhv exnHrnl rnrc hnsrnrlvnl mule rmlln mm wnltr muurul mm wllh nulunullc my luvcly mudillon TM car will urovldq many mum at lrouhlc fru mulnrlnu hwylullauc drlvomby company rxrcu VD Allmflivy Lurk blue AC llmkr EX upuomn value al ml prim I95 MAYFLOWER BULLOCK MOTORS 1952 FORD COACH I95 FORD CEUB CONVERTIBLE 1954 FORD TUDOR I953 FORD TUDOR 1953 STUDEBAKER TUDOR Bulldozng Game Baker This lvnt Incn tumultMy INIIINIHIHHHI I950 CHEVROLET COACH Phone 2923 WORK BARBIE now YOUR FORD MONAROH DEALER usgb cu Lof N0 90 aggluwn AT amp the pmeni nnepasiuon Boynl Con ndhn Air Force nwilchbogrd is replaced by dial ryslcm The RCAFI requirement have in creased main point wherelhe present Iwitchbunrd can serve aniy portion the nirylnrcc cle phonn and he remainder are he in served directly by Ihe Camp Borden exohn The new 5w huard will ura vld or 200 telephones each which can connecled to nnolhcr In the uyllem without the 5515M nnca an operator Baldex pro viding an Improved service th RCAF he new system wl re leiue 12911qu in thevcamfi Borden exchange to help meet rising demandjtnr telephnpe service QYCLE SALES Lalijyenr Canada bought the record figurelot 60337 bicycles worth $14 million inlhe first tour mnnths ol thisycar Britain exported 34715 machines worth $71 million 10 CanadaMon than hnllilhe mm tanks year THE MOST mops MOTOR OIL nos wmn ASSOCIATED OIijMPANv CANADAHTD IIIIIII TTTTT 10 MO NNNNNN 51695 61475 $1495 $1475 $675 sings $1995 E3j59 SPECIAL RECOGNITION The Hon Wllter EHinls Mln km Clllumhlp and Immigra on will in future send in letter of commendation to every Cnnn dlnn Boy Scyupqualllyinz gar the THE BARBIE BLFRIDAY JUNE 25 1854 1949 CHEVROLET COACH Law innn lulu wrll Wllhln Ivrrylmdyn mm mm mm your tllnluv llm lnnrh Hill Iunuurn ILle llml ul Urns I947 FORD PASS STATION WAGON llm nu mm Hnlly rar vm xullnhlo or mummm murmle puurngcr wrvlrr I940 BUICK CLUB COUPE lhlmmuhly cluckld cvrr and nlmuld ulvv muny mllm ul lwuhlc rtv drlvlnu hnrunln at This rm 1qu nmmlt mw palm 391 Four Ilucllcnlly mw Um I948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Rmpmap IMMEDiArELY Yuriaunu unployinem Inr rxgmmm mm chm woiunx condltlom Gond equlnmm Sick Emu Apply In Denim CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE DEALERS PHONE 13 ST 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN 1946 FORD PICKUP TRUCK 11w Meal Vrhlrle lur MIMIr yr lulpll rmmulur I949DODGE V2 TON PANEL SERVICE SHOP FOREMAN WATSON MOTORS hrflnr Illrcully vrrlunllm Clflzen Proficiency Badge The Mlnmerl oug to this me will thud and necepted the Inmul annlr the Clnndlan Gwen Council he Boy Scout Amad nunn In mum on Aer 30 whlch he was the main spegkefi STAYN ER $Fmm

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