Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1954, p. 5

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This 3vt5rnrvvri McFadden Plcnlc Brlnx your basket and come to theMcFadden Picnic at Sprinflwmcr Park Mid hursl Sunday June 21 Cor Dunlap St and Maple Ave CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Annual Tracy Reunion Thun day July Springwmer Park Spam begin at pm Bring yaur basket 7073 Ilardbafl tournament Mnndzy Aug Utopia Communfly Park Good prizes Watch or particulars lnlon Utopia Recreation Commu Ice 73 THE BABEIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE 25 195 Dancing at the Lucky Star Pair nion Saturday night 73 um mmunm mnkr pnmln mm nlmul um wnk strawberry Fesuval um salad Wm WM Wm or bad lnw mm drpcmHnu an Mulch mm Un Car hum yuu hzlmwncd be nl mcc mm llml slantd puxll llxrlvxsllvrI nmund hnrsclcn mum theyve mu mum ms alum and some than have um molly mum In llu ylnrs lvv bwu nruund mm Ive luckid uwuy 10w H10 Hunger unm Hul 1er fame nnum HM Flux law which rnmhrd ll mun In wnlk 1n mm nl lhv llmchu wllh ml Ina In he dnylllm and IN Inmrxmnl mum 11n luu on lull mad mnl brldw win Him and ml wvvn In hush dny 1mm IIIHMUJ werr mm lhvn wm nu ndvmuv In mnur hmwpuflnuun nnlll Ufllr WU WhIXI Illl IlyI vmlrldh laws WIH lrpmlrd Quilt Khlflvrvluv mm vy Wlllll Ilw lulynr cxpMUnnd HESMHE xww mlvnluo winning wry yvnr llw rnxvhl mlvnmrmml mlllmmhllu llrllhm nml trnlumrmxmv nunml um um Imw yrm old nun mu mu Immutable mun muwnmnl uupnllnlnn mu rvrn luxury In In huyllu uan cnr ynu mr vvrn wldnr runno cholce llmn ln lnwlw luw mr Aml rmml mum on Hula luxury Inn wllhnul Imrllnu yuur lmnklnmk ml xu mnw yuu mm um um um you mun nnmvyl me Wu mmm huvv hml MN nlluusl 100 years nmllrr lhnn we dld or hml 111 ll hullnt lmn Inr nu English law parrd nrunml no cunrhm wvxu mnmllnu In thusr In one mun hnd Hutu If Hum uu II nuulur nmll mum man INF near Londnn Anumor Hllu hmnn luld inn lltnm bust3 0n mxulnr mutrI urn 5mm nmmn uwmm find Hm um prncfival nip pmyvllml vnMclcywm tumd of lln Nada firestone Mam you rnuvmlmr wetks nnu mcnllnnfil lhc law In Mcmpm mm mung hluwlnx cur nums hullle mu cny mm I7w mam GHHTSHOBES Clulom mflln mulllan llrnlu Vhlle wall Inn 1951 CHEV FLEETLINE SEDAN Bv GEORGE DANEERFIELI STbRE nrncllcnlly new mud dinning every Frldly Pine Crest mum north at Barrie on Hmhway 21 or mnu mth Elmvalc Mush by Htptogu Ad mhniun 50c ZUWF ers allowed Player one team only Experienced out ulde umplms Draw to be made pm Teams to he on grnund by pm Enlrlcs be made by 12 noon July to Bartons Stare Phone Bollon IZDI Eunlh on grounds upon by 12 noon Admls Mon adulu fine chndren 252 school children under l2 years at age free Parking on groundu 25 lcenu 7374 plnbe at 5mm laugh Cen Jugll 30 51103 um 11pm ovum by danéefjdmlslnn andAOc 7114 Daugherty Bromers of Barrie Invite you la Field Demnnalrnflun or the latest type haying equip ment to be held on the arm 01 Mr IL Stewart 13th ancesslon 01 nnlsflL mile east No 11 lHIghway Monday June 28 130 pm 73 Monster DoanInn Day Hardball xToumnmenl Thursday July Palgrave Park at pm DSE Hardball prizes F10 $40 $20 Ai levst six teams to enter for above No Torqntn teams or play Senior Staff Inspccmr El Greasy Dnlnrio Provincial Policy Headquarters Toronto will be lecturing on the Atomic Bomb with slides at the Library HallI June 28 at pml General public and especially those iriiereaied in Civil Dcience welcnme 1273 St CALL THE EXAMINER FOE PRINTING PHONE 2414 human hunut rn lrll you To Jsngvei chmpromlse 3W1 widonoc mam Ty factor that help give dis uan to our eruice In order to advert pc dally aw pdan Euery funeral whedlrect an of truly Impressive character Yet nevu cam mare often 1m jocaIluf Major Mill closed the evening with me bencdlclion and all JuInLd the ulnglng The Quucn All were llred but my happy to thlnk Hm me first monr and laughter n4 mm mm been such huxu sun Mm Putnam the GuldLI Len dur sluud 1n cxlend the courluslm Patrol Lender Sclwood sleppcd forward and presumed the loader wllh lmnulHul cup and sauncl with plate much leulcnnm Brown was presented wllh lapel pln I0 shnw npprcclallun ol luadcmllpl Two of me Guides are moving from BunIa and after being Called to the 1mm Patrol Leader Selwnod prannlcd Mary Lowes who lcnvu or Oshawa whh Guide ring and LL Brawn presented Joyce llctherlnaton wha kl leaving for Londnn with fine Memenlou of his spacial evenl were also given 10 Major and Mrs Moullun nnd Major and Mrs Mills To bring in servitn to more serious period Company Loader Dorothy Pulnam Liam in very il ling solo Grant is Thy Failhiul nus Mnor Moullnn gave the mothers and girls very heiplui and interesting chili on Guiding ii use in chnmcinr building and he necm being Christians Evpry qnn all that may would to bulletin Guide when the Major had finished his discoursei Canilnuad nan pm we crs Jenn Cunningham and Grace Putnam pmyntad the Commisi inhers with ma pins as umnn remembrance at their presnnce at this memorable event Bnih Mrs Craven andVMis MncGregnr rc plied in their awn deiighitui way beiore leaving Jenn Cunningham delighted her audience will pianpiorle spin be are Mm Mnuilnn pmemnd 34 proficiency badges which included artist cyclist cook noedlcwnmam Iriend in deaf hosiess singer mu sic Inver minsirei henllh dancer inundrm homemaker nnd Ihree Lillie Home Emblems to Camp any Lender Puinam and Pauol Lenders Di Selwnud and Pul Mary Lowe then Inok over and played lovely planu solo In very pleasing manner Onr the nut week the local radio station has been gning all out in make summer listening mare in ionnaiive and entertaining 0n the ininnnatlve ride olthe scalev fans have issued number oi very lawnable comment about the corn pieie coverage which is given 5170er action in and Mound the district The spomdepartment has lined up in number 01 correspond ents who have bean religiously keeping us supplied wlth complete coverage an almost all events local significance Four maim spoerastl are presented daily aver cm the Ovemight Spam Roundup at eight in the morning Sports Digest 11 1210 the 615 Re part on Span nnd theLine evening SwmiRoundup at 1115 On Sun 51h Barrie SA Coy Guides Celebrate 3rd Annivefsary Enlflll lilenlrlc your Cmnlcy TV Dlnlrlhuton happy tn present lhl nthedulo ul CULT Iroxuml lhree mu wth or In con vcnltncc flaw In lhnlc Ilul mmch 5147 Dunlap SI Phone Barrio B441 In OrIIIIA It WHO floulh ll Mllllnl III II an hm ll on WM mu man ollmu hm Imu jun no cl Ill 1m our mu ioi 3m nun11 Ihu um Take advaniago of H10 Ipeclal purchalo made on Admiral Cvollay and General Elec nic Television Sm Call In and no the many bargaim throughout Hm now ETfilTTS mm Exclusive CRUSH TV Dislrihulon HAVE MANY BARGAINS IN NEW AND USED TV By in ASE CBLT TV ChannoIQ Toronto SATURDAY JUNE 26 EPLETTS SUNDAY JUNE 27 FRIDAY JUNE 25 In Bani Enieminmanivgse iiglenm are still applauding nowSunday night drama series nndifliémn packad Red Skeilun Show which M1 the air wnvel twice each day Manaay ihrnugh Friday at 930 in the morning and 730 in the ev ening Smiiu and Chuckles are still coming lrom Bill Dccgans popuiar Show Time Out with We zons which is hard Mondays Wednexdnys and Fridays at 1015 in the morning VETERAN EDITOR WINNTPEG CPSam NWynn Mm in August completes 50 years as edllnr and pubnsxmr 01 um Yurklnn Sash Entenprlse was guns the annual conventlon of the Manlwba ddvlsinn of Ihe Can ndlan Weekly Newspaper Awhi dun Wynn will be mumbled Mr Editor at the CWNA annual cunvnnllon ln Tmonto Aug 2023 will the dlillncl pleasure of Wu ching sultry Eartha Kilt go hmugh her cflecflve pace at Turonms Casino Theatre last Wednesday night She may be the great es singer in the world but she has plemy of alarm Bradford Teacher Honored at End of 25 Years Service member the Bradford Dis Iricl High School machlng slit Miss Constance Nolan was honored by he bludenLI firmly on me cmfipleunn of 25 years of teaching The popular lmher whu is known more requently as Cunme than Miss Nolan was given surprise End of the Year party Tm students presented her with bonuluul chh with Donald fleeg president of the student body making the presentation dny spori ncuvuy covered Sn Lhe Weakend Spam Roundup which 11 hard at 65 Tellnvfluexfi VWhSch heard daily Monday through Fudny at 1005r will have new formal whichwm uuow wider llstener participatlun beginning on Monday We suggm you tune In and 1nd nut all about It Try elevmnn on npprovll NOTHING DAY no met 11 We only mmb hum iclevlglan mohlly enxlncer 2d In trldu Ire neeptlan Clll on Elmht mummo nuc MN Clulu MIuIIIluNIC um um cmmn nooclc on mu Call Geouc Ind MI aclmlclzmn lnr nny ndvlca on Lelevhlon lmullnllon loo hm IIInun llmv label nu nu Innnll Immu cum II III ma won the leuml un mun 1m wnk TV GEORGE uflawnfim TELEVISION Planund TV In Slrncne County MONLC REFRIGERATION C0 113 Dunlap sum mom 2059 6231 Plum CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 DJD XIII BM MIMI manemum upon wmvmumm nm am aurch fig muffin am no um moo mmunu In no Telcmn 315 mm 11m no nannu cuuu 000 Imam nan no cuman lulu1 1000 41 wu 13303 mu um awn mu nnthl Teach non Nan awn awn Ind walkr Mo News Human mu mu 505 mud to am luna UII 910 IIVXII II L10 HILI 01 III Week 1000 1005 nm Wm runny mm ummnn on IIJU Sharil Dill ma Mum mum 1220 Inn 100 SWIM Inn 105 muml WGIHI ml mlcuxmu mum canld 100 Wulem Wu worn 00 mn um Just in hunt lam 1110 Th man Boo no Wemm ml Fume zoo Nun to 8mm 5mm 330 lln 400 cm Iuo 41a Imu Budxhul or Wed aJn Nun 1le lean uwnuv 1m GJI film on 40 Nm mumm um mm mm mum Igumu cm um rum mum mum umuu wmxm Nun fimq ulnal We record and cut records to sun ynur own personal requirements Use 01 studla needed For rates nml In formation RECORDING SERVICE Announcing NOW BETTER EQUIPPED THAN EVER TO SERVE YOU USING THE MOST MODERN AND UPTO DATE EQUIPMENT FOR CLEANLINESS AND SPEED THANKS MONDAY NE 287 AM DIAL 4126 nu run ma mm 945 cubean nm 1000 My man 1an New mm lem nmuu um cnmer st United Church BIDdull mu Nunn ma mm mu Moonllxm 5mm ma Nun am scorn Ind WenDI WNHAV 1m munuau TeenAu Boa Jim um um Inn Pmlum sunnin xuo Job or man 1159 11 camera wandr Loo Ilan mumm uo counu Clinnlnll Lu mundc 200 and mm film 210 gut To BIN em cuunujmu Evan IJD Bufllfln 700 my Villa Hindi Ben 75 mm mm Mo nun Mn Hllhllrhu In man nvomu uo 3v wan Time moo gamerqu Word mm 230 mu 0mm 400 Nu no 111 MI no game Inn idem 00 Huh mm cvuma mm 31m War In Your 5M yo lg Cummunun 015 Wanna 5mm mumnu can Rena Prom Town Inn mum Mum awn film on no Nun us xnzmna 54 ludlnl lion THE AEUPENING 0F BAAAIES MOST AECEPTEA RESTAURANT Scientifically Air Conditioned for your Comfort and Health Tu nll nur cullomen mnl Irlrndl who lmvr been In pallcnl for lhr nut mmllh To II In pvalnlrn carprntnu plumbers rlrclrlrlnml and nll than whn wnrknl In nml xn lmnl mt we mull our menu TIIII II In rmmm nu Vlulrh WI Illld Ilr Flumm woo allyAnn Am 00 menu LII Ikfil us nu ma anh man no mama mm IJO Murder ll Illflnllhl 1000 Tn Bluk luuum um my mo any lambma um IllI upon mm Ind mum Mumwr 610 am an New Ilaalum lawn MI Mn cm 045 New 7m mu mumm us New un Nun Remune Fun Mum RIM no natural wnuur uo nun am nme spam am New llndnnll L5 mic QueI 000 1min Pun gig M1 sullen Shaw mm New 1005 Tnllfl Du ms 33mg on with moo unchzon mu 11m Boom mm 121 Mum Mum mm was no Eulleun noua 105 Pnrm unru 105 Regionl wmhn mm mm on 200 New nu You 320 New 135 Kllchzn Km 400 Club 1270 410 mm lleldllnu 425 mm numn an 530 mm 515 nm Mum new no yum mm 00 um in ma Nellhbnr xuo Round 171 nm wmam 93mm PRYSQNS CLEANLINESS QUICK SERVICE THE FINEST IN FOOD fly 54 ande to mum Bum 55 mm mm um Neil name 000 County our Ill 700 6539 fiaNnAv ma Mum Mama mm 00 numn apart Miss Gilmore Installed President We Nudge ourselves ax Ventur Xsts to uphold the best interest of nur communuy to strive award success in every undertaking to be loyal and sincere In our friend mps and up keep our vislun un Continued 1mm page one limb Ind Venlure clubs for the p15 ymr Grnc the beginning or dinner wnssaid by Mrs James Lynn and Mn Robson played or the singing oi iii national amhem nt he be ginning ol the evening and Cnnndn at the close of the pro gram The speaker 01 the evening was immduced by MLu Mary Ellen Young and Ihanked by Miss Helen Mapes Knew president was congrat ulated by hu predecmr at the close of the lnstalfiillon ceremony and prmented with her club pm Mtss Young presented the past president with the gavel In recog mum at having held the highest office In the club The club mmnbgrs lolned In the repeating the chtun plgdgg HmIiéd Miss Spam and her Iencher were introduced by Mrs Shirléx Shaw and M15 Ethel ladd thank ed the young artist or her Line perfannancc An outdoor Domlnlun my service under the nhsplces 01 the three local churches wlll be held on the Presbyter lnh Church lawn Cookstqwn on Sunday July at 1115 mm The scrvlce will be conducted by Rev Moore and Rev ClH Kellog Sermon wlll be preached by Canon Chuperlln CIIIIIISIIIWII DOMINION DIIY SERVICE warm Christian welcome 15 extended to all PLAN TO ATTEND fepén From ljown Hull SUNDAY630 pm MR MILLS Flume Commljle Cnuncll the Town at Barrie 515

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