and fltlpAY single copy 90th YearNo 73 till illigBarrie Salval Ciheiltém authqu IonM clue Ill ly the In om mommat mun ion Armytoy Girl Guides Celebrate Anniversary Einsl Mother Dd 0n Thumday June i7 at 530 pm the Girl Guides of the 5th to Salvation Army Company down to their first Mother and Daughter banquet held in connection with their third anni versnry The mothers auxiliary lust re cently formed was responsible for the delicious supper and several of the Brownie mothers served Among the guests were Major and Mrs Moulton divisional com manders for this division ol the Salvation Army Mlu Moulton be ing the urea director Mrs Cra vcn area commissioner of Orillla and Mrs MacGrcgpr district commissioner oi Barrie ughler Banquet After the supper mothers and Guides were invited In enter the main Citadel where Mm Craven was introduced and presented three first class badges to Company Leader Dorotin Putnam and Pat rol Leaders Doreen Sclwood and Grace Putnam Mrs Craven also gave the girls very heiplul talk Min MneGrogcr after being in trnduccd pmented second class badges to Jean Cunningham Jean Bloomï¬eld Joan Trew Marjorie Kinselle Loreen Brandon Evelyn Blake and Mary Lewes As the distinguished guests had another appointment with Guides at hand nerd bolorc leaving Patrol Load Turn to page two please nuts nitmic niouurori lclt divisional commander lor this division ol the Salvation Army with her husband Major Moulton travelled from Grill in lor the banquet She is presenting Patrol leader Doreen Selwood with Little House Emblem including artist yycllst cook hostess singer music lover Mrs Moulton presented 34 proficiency badges needlewoman lrlcnd to deal mlnstrcl health danccr lllundress and homemaker its well as three Little House Emblems at the third anniversary celebration of the com pany ltlitS lilliTli UllltVfiN urea commissioner Company iClttifi Dorothy liltnlun with her first cl presents liittlltc The mother ltlltl daughter banquet wiln llcill lust illurildily evcnlillt litthe Salvation Army Cltndcln illiitmii rur incurs Mother and Daughter banquet lltlfl by the Girl Golden oi the nth llnrrlo llalvailoll Itrllly Company ill ciilutcctlol third nnnlvcranry wm Mrs Edith Craven the llrilt with their captain lclt oi Orlllln Georgian liny and Mill it it MncUregor Hunt of flame illitrlct commissioner Ill tillI centre iii Mrs Icnrlc Illtnant company Nine New Teachers Ort BDCI Staff There will be nine new teachers when the 195455 term opens at Barrie District Collegiate Institute on Tuesday Sept Six are re placing teachers who have re signed and three have hcenaddcd to the stall anticipating an enrol ment of some 950 students an in frcase of 75 over the 105354 open ng The new teachers whose con tracts have been signed are Miss Yvonne Girdwood Coil lngwood from Ontario College oi Education teacher olAHistnry and English She will replace Miss liopc Ronald who will teach in Toronto Mrs IIoward Lacey of Barrie teacher of English and Latin Mrs Lacey has been on the stall since Easter of this year since Mr Dcmpsier took iii She will Ic place Miss Laura Young who is retiring from teaching Wallace rt Lemmon oi Slmcoc who has been on the stall Sim coc District High School He will teach Commercial subjects in place at Donald Mclntyrc who will teach in Toronto next term Miss Mary MacDonald oi Tor onto from Ontario College at Edu cation who will teach girls phys icaltrainings She will replace Miss ltuth Kissick who plans to takea year tor travel and study Parker oi Caledonia from Ontario College of Education who haslieen added to the industrial Arts departmental staff Miss Verna Prltchard teach er oi French who will replace Dempsier who retired owing to poor health ML Priscilla Thompson 0t UxbridlzC teacher oi French who will replace Mrs Rum Stephens of iiilllitnwho has retired to carry on domestic duties Miss Alice Mark of Toronto irom Ontario College of Education ChineseCanadian girl who will tca omc Economics an added staff in her Gordon Watt from Stoney Creek has been teaching at Sallilcc ligh School will teach Scio and Agriculture an added Sta member Thank You Honest Barrie recan visitor to Barrie In advertently dropped hill rar key while mailing purehlncs In various stores alter parking his car He reported the loss in the err hudqunrtm Ind then went to garage seeking help to overcome the dillfculty thus caused Not very many minutes had rupml before police officer located him and laid that the key had been found and that they were It the mat oillce It was evident that the hyl hail been pirktl up by come unhnown pcrlrln and plieed In letter box thouxhllnl lotion indeed and one very greatly appreciated an thnnir you ill honest Ilarrlal Apprcelatlvcly uhmitied hy It Vltliitlit T0 MIME Airman Committed For Trial After Highway Fatality Gregory ilnvilt ilrniunly 10 mt iiCAi ilillnllii Wit cmnllllttrli iiIi lrtiil on charm ill lllnlisilluuhlrr tn the Itlltll ill Lloyd Fulton ilrlr roll ll oi iiilrk ilay Nll ill traliic flitttlllil ilnrrclt nlui Victor tow 21 nn other Illfilllr oi the Cti irflill lhlrur aniiun were pamcnyvrll wltll MiGillnls The preliminary hearing wall lltlil ill iliirrie lluiglntrntolconrt nil Wrdn iy nren commissioner ior BAR Inspector Alex MacLeod Exam Reports BDCI Students Out Next Week Principal Bowman in his report to the Ilarric District Cullen glate Board atthclr June meeting stated On May 20 we held our annual cadet inspection and physical edu cation demonstration in the arena Weiwero well pleased with the performance and believe that it compared well with previous years We would cstlmalc on attendance of about 3000 spectators and par ticlpants and we reeeived many fine compliment lrom our visit ors The CO at the Cadet Cniw this your was Cadet Major Gerald Edgev and lorthor Girlci Corps ioan Murlson The Winning boyl platoon was No under the com mand ot Cadet Lleut Don McMar tin and the winnlnl ifis platoon was No under lcla liamli ton general arrangements were under the direction at Mr Cock burn with the active nmiatance oi the athletic departments and many members of the stall We were pleased to have several members vi the Board present and to have our chairman Mr Johnston pres ent the trophy to thc winning lilris platoon On May 21 our stuttch were Xrnycd by the Til Mobile Clinic sponsored by Harrie Kiwanla Club This is illlc service to the com inunlly by tliiJ club and it it to be congratulated lur it under tnlllnil During the last week in May our school magazine OvcrInnui was distributed Tliix mnxnzine tl produced liyuur students under tlle direction nl ltlr CllLshoiln nlld the English iiipallilielit The clit flirlllchicf this year was Knrcll Gray and hire lid li very olile Juli with ll cnpiiliie edltnrini titflii They work throughout the year it corrilng in word null picture every hnpnrlnut llctivliy lllill lulur pluct As you itilti tlic lnilxnlllic you get elllllpiric lmprcsslnn of yrnr iii the lite of aliiiicltl ill lilir school The iltliiicnt business lfimllliiltt with hritftfft up by Pat irctililr Hillier tllc nilvlhilry lllrrc lilIlI oi itir Sylilioit III II lilnc ill crinltiiiltly thine production costs this tllllltlltitfi is to he lllllurittliia trit ihr llnullrliiu ihu 200 prlijrcl without inu mul wltlloul rolling the rllrt Hi the lllalzaiinr III the litiliitlltl iilc ifnlllcln lllil llois ll line jolt of recording the evrnln oi the MIllml in picture mni plnyn nn tlupollznt putt in the InclII iii the illlllzilliiil in Friday Julie the Student Council litili lill rllhiliu Malllillly ni the your when school hum nllil rrrlts were prrwrirri in nu llrnllwhii hnve lnkrir artlvit park in actrqu rnirrnrlru itiiilllt lhe your The selection cuunniuer for the honor willltll umler the title vlizory littltillil oi Ml Kllsir Ilrail ilhi run no lloy welr iloliolril nt ltiil It nllily lhrllnll ielirllail was chosen ll Ilrml filll nml Terry fic1wrlgiit nI Iicnll iioy Iilc wlllllrr lit the imlltnl hirnlllr lal Trophy tor the oulliunillnu lmy llltlirtl wan Illlali WlnillcrlINVl You will irrllll iiill lulttltallllliill pelllirnlnluc nr inrllltlrr hi the dynillnsllc train at raiict llllplc lion Final Xilllltlilltiiilll ililiilllliltlll iiir ltit luluiill on Julie in nlllt will llilll or our llillllli willl filniic Xili lmlc oli Julll iopcl Ale Itelltu graded and report ple parril lor nur plmnotlou ililctllml nn Julie It will 11 llrports will tit llmlieii ill Iiillitlill in lllint iXXll lly June Elli llr ilrmlnnm tppnti tollllwli Filluilllrlil 170 avenue attentionsl 7tltll pellelttall mm is Me lltivi ll Til TIIV All Dilillilli Aid Jon Mr Hill Mil illwe iill IiiMililnllil wu culian in the liar yesterday it KUnVliiliiiltl It CIIlillliF IlIiI To nvlllll illl will it Iuilcllilrii willl Chitin Ultloy Midinil bliilller Jllnrzuhnnr moujmannlnlm 44 lwnawa4xhwi TARIO CANADA FRIDAYJUNE 25 EXONERllTED Ni OPP xaminer i954 TOWNaaAR POLin Ain leads Arthur Roczel of New Lowell to Magistrates Court in Barrie followed by Constable fihatcher MISS lrOlritNIiA DANKO tllc pretty 20yearold New Lop wcil girl who was from of charges Wednesday afternoon ill tile llltrlnl dclitll of Karl linydcll of Home She was cleared ol all clliirizcil when her nephew surrendered to police Miss Barbara Gilmore is Installed Venlure Club President Annual Dinner Galheiing at the Studio nu Slorllo wnr tlic miilny inr tlw nnnuni umniinuun dinner of in Vulture ui on rurulny ev euiuv whwh rqw lulu ilnrlmm iiilillole lirr iru nr lirlilillll lilr thv enminn if in triiilltlonnl mmllrliphiinh rerunony The 4itillrf gallieliliu of about it vrllplr Illriillliii clilii llltlltiltfl no ntollieu of litriltticll llllfi guests uniting tillnil Illillllwr iii aluminum woman the old rr wrvho club which helped In or union the Velililltitl litll ill to llllt yran ltliilillziitlllll tho evrnlltga pio rnnn vim thi simwlltg oi Iltlira ivy it im killiin of tiil ilvllfiQ illn trtlt tlililcinte lnetilolrl rattling tinil who illilotlntvil some oi the mic prlnclplrI ni innrinnnn rm rleulnv llv lllmnl ni hi ttrnlliillli rolur ptltdngrntttis ul lllilw oi the illWlIA Inmly Ariti Mr Corli trtilit hail ttltvellnl nruunli tlWlI with ltll rnlllrla Rlllt hail rllicllt nnui oi the hmuiy ni nptlnr toll and ilitmttrr Ill thri countryliliic Illiltltlllltillfl liqirlr well In the llcnuly oi the nltblll crcutul by individual itmrw nwnm Entertainment during the oven llnr this piilvlilmt try him illrltni lloiwun incl illitlrllll tFlcllflf who was pnmeitt ii lint with om nl Iiir pupils Mina Donut raptdin who lwn cold dance num ber were inueh Ipprlticted The retiring mallttcnt oi the club MI Wliml McNIilh Druid Id at till dinner nthrim and Min wutin Tuliwrt nlltinit picni rient oi lilo Silloplllnlnt luih nri oil nr iminliinu omm hitilllKI of In new executive nre hiive lilan ipalilnlll vinowelli ilent Misc nn ilnnm tirilrIL lug mretpty him Jane wanuzn cilrrcaaitlillliu lrlretllry nil inr Newan trwiullvr Mia MM Dillon Young and ltllsl Melinlill tiiIlCtUltl for one year Mill Milt Iililtl hthprs dhrvlur ill twil yearn ille rvrnlllir also now Itvr nrw nunnluu Iltltlnlrii lulu the chili Mist hiarjtlllc Tmlil Mlurnhri lluhl ltllu Inrtr llrwutl Mist Jonll liiirinwa llllii itflsn lirlen Cui lmnt lwu other tww nmnlreu MIR Jmll Mommy and Min Jane Vltrnnu wrre nut pluvlil at the dinner The llnpreulvc tridnllatlon run many we prNrdld by the light ind oi Candice lillracnllng lin titlil ui Velllurilimrtlllcrnllrr llllrrlity lilendxlltp wlmloill nlld rrviciktiy iivr oi the club um twin Mill ilolil Mattel MIA liar nlil Todd Mill Helen Cillhllit tu ilclcn ltlllialdloll liltil Mill Mic thmirrw ch ill the nfrirm was in ntullrrt in ofllrc me ill candle mm the centnll oaridle ol Van tlitllll ill by Jillnrt Cluli new includvd Mil Hews clla Maciniill who hm been the italon nllleer between the Burno lTurn to pan two place AN INDEIEMJINI MIME serving THE TOWN BABE arm mom or saucer lam cilia humm emu and Audit lumu of common cllnliuD Since 1864 i6 Pages Two Sections iiNSlJillGHTER YQLANDA DANKOCLEARED ARTHUR ROCZEI CHARGED IN KARL HAYDEN HITRUN CASE Miss Yolanda Danko 29 at New Lowell was cleared oi all charges in connection with the hitruin death or Kori Hayden 36 ol Barrie on Wednesday clternoon when her nephew 21 yearold Arthur Roczel of New Lowell surrendered to police He was released on the sam $5000 bail posted the previous afternoon to lrce his aunt slaughter dangerous driving and lalling to scene ol an accident The switch in the case as it was termed by Inspector Alex Maclcod ol the Ontario Provincial Police Criminal Investigation Bur eau who arrested Miss Danko Mon dayevening ioiluwed lour and hall day investigation into the death of the cerebral palsy victim Haydenwas killed in the early hours at Saturday morning as he walked to his home on No 90 Highway Hts battered body was lound several hours later where it had been hurled into ditch by car which struck him and failed to stop Police traced the New Lowell girl alter she brought her mothers car into Barrie garage for trout end repairs on Tuesday night ï¬t her rclcasc on bail nonzel confessed to members oi the lam ily that he was the driver of thc hitrun car They contacted their lawyer itowc who brought him to pro vlnclal police headquarters here where police sny he made state ment Charges were laid by in spector Macleod and short time later he appeared in magistrates court which was already in scs slon when Magistrate Gordon Fos tcr read the charges against him the same charges against Miss Drinkn were withdrawn The pre liminary hearing in the euro is still set or July 21 The inspector from the C18 in chargcol investigation by prov incial police said that it was the most rapid withdrawal at man slaughter charge he had ever en countered in case Miss Danltowas in the Simcoe County Jail at Barrie for bout hours before her release on ball at two oclock Tuesday afternoon She had denied any knowledge or the accident stating to police that shcand her mother had attended movie in Barrie on Friday night Later they discovered that the cal had been damaged in qumtlonlng hcr lit the lime oi her arrest police asked her it she had driven the car on Friday night She explained that as it was tllc car she usually drove she Mostly Sunny Much Warmer Possible Rain Summer slipping alongand bringing lieum weuher hr with no great extreme oi hut and only ocranlonai hmy ralnil with wind Torlny prom lsen mlhle show em and considerably wrnner Wednesday was somewhat tool tr mt cloudy law or the pun week our so and turn oi n2 11th morning early wcnt to oi Trnlpcraturcil wrrc ilirh low ll 62 ll 59 lili so 51 tit June 20 June It Julie 22 June 21 June Farewei Sunday ï¬ll MAID ii MilLN and Mill Mllll wlio hav tiNll in tllollo oi the lilifit Sllvlitllll Itlnly Cllluiri since Jan it 751 have horn trunninrreil tu Million illon they will lllka nvrr Nil city conic July They have time unlulltrrw in Toronto and their loll irieut ii Mill oi the Eli vltluil Army Mill wet with ltil partnth lit llntrill inr illir mnutliil wlmn they lint Itnl ll now lcnehln II Cinyon CityI In hoilil uh nrttlli Columbia Mnjor lmu Cooper tint Mu Cooper comtnn to Harris from renclon til 5r Hagar ill will have hi all umity in llmtc Ihlt weekend is charged wlth motor man remain at the said Yes Later when charges were laid against her having ad mitted that she was driving the car she said she was little con fused She admitted after her nephews arrest that she had had faint suspicion that he might have been driving the car knowing through out the time that she was under arrmt But once having stated that she was driving the dr she had not changcd her story Her nephew did not admit that he wasthe drivcr until alter her re lease Sun at her deceased sLstcr Rac zlc had been raised by her family since he was lour yean old and was like younger brother to her she said Iloczei claims he pulled over to the wrong side of the road to past another car and dimmed his lights Hayden suddenly appeared in frontof him ahd he hit him He admitted that he had also been involved in sideswlpe accident wllh another car as reported by Camp nordcn sergeant lollowing the accident Paint from the Dan ko car left on the sergeants car had proved to tn key point in the investigation Although his lelt hand head light had been knocked out in the impact with the hitrun victim Itoczci thought that the sidcswlpedv car might have been more over in the centre oi the road than the on he was driving lrlcnd Svctko Crniaric was with him at the time The Danko lamlly owns tobac co larm near New unwell which Yolanda Danko and her mother have been operating since the death of her lather last October Mrs Dankn had undergone seri ous operation since her husbands death and Roczci said that he was thinking oi his grandmothers ill health when he kept silent about the accident The lamily moved to New Low cll about lour ears ago irorn the Tllisonhtirfl or in the tobacco farming district Di southwestern Ontario The Lost Collile Who Said Recreation Al GEORGE HILL Heel it An oceanimul chalice word or its application will at timer bring alonil with it number of other into issues which load all into by wiiys diverging nnri why ilhouid the much lLcusscil nverMorkd subject of rrcmitllin hrlnp to mind lueh iilrcnuiiiutnu linri hlundrtun word as lawlilnriwcr4ine lr not even sure oi the English mic ll as to the spelling Should it be hrphcnntcit illilicd or npdrntedi That brinn up another word disilllegriitcit which again heads back to thi nripnul thought of tho rillcrulrngvr because that ruuiiu good bit oi mowing mn oltinery one hi the moth ni the estate of the oversimlrit dt ltllnrln luiiit rornrs under ihnt entrenry nnu instwvik onllril mnhir prllb lrnl to the owner nvcrIrrr or put plnin hter mnn wllhout pay Till uilmlrn rnlirr Mitch iitlea along ludtlnti lllc tliiflitl rrillsiii til lille find no hirunh in It tltliiilil twreutu liaii honu new ltoxn llriulut curtain rod lilclci an fiilltr liliiii IKIlII folkll Mclnllcr how they umi in curry the limit llriivy ltwc mntnuu with Ittlr lirnu rindr nut It tool Irreu In rcrvlru lur only in ylnllt Illlt the rumlune over till hart not two trucks colillsc ihnt WM um 91 yeallt ad and prlilr in Hull Il hmt tiNfl rrll Ine In um um rlllntp or good nli Max Itirxaliiler nvcr rm Tllfill fit or llllrhuuy 00 Used in he the Timon Line and rive anyone Ir nlrilllwr the ill nailil hill tllll tirvnl ilrllilul lt mul next to Ull hide Parlour fillilil It wouldnt grow urn1 Mill in mi II is rilll llrrrc Vinny um Iilii lull will lproul True it hall ilrollrli handle and Alllill ut the lllrtni part welr luielnc but two llutlu will lot Hi Iliumy ill tltolc vinyl and till ikralut rim old liail look It imtk in hu llllin workshop in the pine At the npl hmno Inll thtnuui hl mulllug litilll acquired tlirnuch the your an carpenter lull with pnIl limloalo vuire on the tllt low Kliitl with vlloclpatin their5 unmitrr wont ml in llmildlul it time II lllll in MN tltiitn tin the whole ryrtnn now hy thi push Iliti pull of uric tniihymv erl nwr the division love ililg loclu linii doing Wml milk of all kind at llillrrl nil Iltlnnl with only the hand tonic with him and um mumi wallhie him to out three piellc