Three Car Accident Preliminary Healing Evidence 01 LAC Edward Lowe Edgar was that he had seen Mclnntï¬ and Barn in the can ecn where he was on duly mat night and um theyyem with pany Na llquor Is served more and they had beer but were per chtly normal when last seen by him Zpxq FL Mallam medical ofï¬cer wiLh the RCAE gave evidence mat 305 on he morning at May 19 he had rccclv ed call his hnmc regarding an accldcnl and had cnllcd the am bulancu and gone in lhc scunc Mclnnm was unconscinus and bleedmg mm hmrminn over the let cynhnd was hospitalized Ea rcu was lying she bank pas and with no slghmoflifc and with no response to the usual tests but had no lndlcaflon ol injury IGm BARE mums The prtllminary hearing the charge against Gregory David Mc lnnu that he didon MIyJD In Om Townshlp unlawfully Idll and slay Roy Banell was hcarddn part and again held over unlll he mernunn nnd then adjourned to June 231 In response In crossexaminaflnn by defence counsel MncLarcn QC the doctor slated lhal this may have been an amnesia and thal he was in the same condillun ï¬ve hours lam Dow another mem ber 01 Ihc paHy was walking about but sccmcd very uncertain Xn his mind Nu furlhcr cvldcncc was taken at that umm Mngislmie Gordon Foslnrvre sldcd with both Crown Attorney Thomson and assmant Livingstun vclcran John liltkcy pleaded guilty lo charge care cs driving on June 12 on High way 90 laid by PC II Chaplin whose evidence was that Hickey had been proceeding cast on thv hlghway and In some way had pulled loo sharply Io pass and Slruck another vehicle Hi5 car had then skidded lo the 1M and we proceeding 52 paces slruck still anclhcr vnhlclc bcturc going In the dilchl was raining In WEDNESDAY JUNE 56 ELLEN STREET BEAVER UMBER CO LTD ML Livingston did not take serious View of the case as me man had no prwibus records and won away mm home but His Worship Keantied that hey would give wmng impresiun la the public and their action was not fair in the others inHm forces They in their officers down and also he townspeople he claimed and ipvd ouch $15 with oasis of 310 Another Similar Casc Chifed Disturbancé qugranl Case Thrce oldlers need change causlng disturhancn ln local hotel rcccmly by shoullng lald by he holel execuclve two at whom gave evidence as did PC Mc Clure who heard the trnublc from across the street and was called by he praprietor The soldlors all ynunz men from the east c0351 and In tmlnlng here wnre Panlgl Cole and Al Bouv dreau Through charge laid by PC Hmmcr OPP nn June 11 Wil Ham C9 Cmss faced similar 5H nation an the Same kind 01 fcnce but by being drunk and shoutlng and pleaded guilty 110 Inc was in the same area in down town Barrie was convicted and fined $10 with COSIS $5 Delendinz the ydenn MELten QC prdlextcd that he hid bun Ilrld ln jall tom the time lhc nccldent on Samrday unUl ï¬ddly Ind asked 0131 considered It lcmence wu Im wxed Hickey 29 singln owned the car 11152 made and had no previoux canvlcflum He was can victcd and ï¬ned 15 plus cosh $2 or 10 days Giving evidence in charge agaInst l7vyearuld Harm boy Hnruld Doughcny PC Murray nmblyn OPP stated hm he had been proceeding wilh PC Si Mn Ciun em on Highway 21 on Sun day evening May 23 WW the hmvy tram mat way whcn they heard the roar of car going the same way but on the norih lane wiih another yuung man in in back seal waving the whim to hurry up They cut back In lime to avoid he car lime Ind some had parklnx ilghu Tram cpuld no go nvcr 55 lo the bridge 400 and all stayed in their own lane while th omcers Iorccd the Dflcnder to pull nvcr lhc bridge He was driving 34 model car WEDNESDAY JUNE 23 1954 Nationally known Blonds Quality Pmduch Economy Pvltu than faciou plu courteouu and valiabla mice have combluud to make Boavor Lumber Company Conadol largo Lumbov mtallar We look lovwavdvla the opportun ity of Igvvlng you He pleaded guilty charge SIMCOE LUMBER Cl lIHI PUNCHHm THE IIUUINIZSH IDHMITIHN KNOWN All CANADAS LARGEST LUMBER RETAILERS Wish UUILD umtn uv BEAVER Suspended Senechce Hit With Bottle Robbed With Violence His slnry WM MI in lhc early morning June he was 3le In his lwnrnomod cabin had been Working in 1hc garden and all Directihg Traffic Giving evidence rcgardlng an accident on June mi Highway 27 PC Boyd stated 13 When 21 arrived at Ihe scene he thund Dan ald Scan dircmlng tratï¬c after he had collldnd with Inofllcr vehlclc drlven by George MHu and the 0111ch had laid charge of ability impnimd against Scott who was mad $50 plus mm 311 The crash occurred Bl he up of Lilflcs Hill on curve and In Lhc mum at the road He was délcndcd by Gordon Mclurk Michael Laracy pleaded Ml gumy lo charge assaulting Duncan Woodrow Jun at the place where both have mums and work together Woodrow smed um he had come home tired and had asked Laracy to turn dnwn his radio and In return was hilan the head with home jrhe InJury was drcsscd but was nnl healing Waudmw claimed Laracy xcqucn ed lime to secure wunus and the cascwas adjourned to junc 23 Two young men Slayncr dls lricl pleadcd not guilty to scrivus charge entering the home Human Jarcï¬nc 1n Cracmnrc and robbing Mm by mum at sum which was thought at first In be $70 but lalcr was slated to be $38 Jardinn who is 77 but quuc ac tive gave clear evidence which ms shakun but 111119 by hnnvy croscxaminullun bolh rum drv Icncc counsel Gordon McTurk but also mm the accused Elmer Coul tcr and Jack Bates Suspended sentence wnx allowed In Judgment against wuuam Day and Peter Illmmcr through Ear Inus charge laid by PC Downer of Siayner Cnsls $30 in all 3mm be paid and rmitulion had been made the omccrstahd Ildmllon or other using the highwly Mr Uvï¬ngsmna com mcm um that momma driving lIcznse 15 not In lmllcnable rlzhx which cannot be laktn away Mn mm Foslcr dcscrlbed that up driving not aniy danzcrnug to the dnvzr but endangers the live when on the road line of $25 with c051 of 51430 resulted and hr driverl license was nu pcndcd tar six mum5 dflvluq wigwut fanning co BARBIE Charged Under LCA They grabbed him and Batu scarcth his make getting In plunge and than Batu went to the room where VIIdine kznp hh tunk and secured $28 Ifler tind lng Ihe trunk key by nnsacklng other places Couller who is htavier build than Bates had the old man In anwhllc with the ad chc added Your life mny mean mmelhlng you but nothing only lqund mm the eye wal pun Pd nut 1n opening the screen door and here was deep imprintot 004 evidently caused when the door gave way and let the in lrudcr mu back suddenly Downer had secured complete slMcmenl rum both young men at he Slayncr police 0mm and both were allowed as admissible by HIS Warship Both men brought up cvcrylhing possible In dclencc wnly claims against Jardlnc of having Inn and Dimer nmusaliuns hut his dclcncc was 51111 unshakem almnugh he was very tired at the end the ems qucstlnning mlUflSDAY JUNE Magistrmc Gordon 11 Foster pro sidcd wth 5m Marley Wright and Op Bonnycasuc for the prosecution For havan bccr In car on June Ora Townshlp thip Lammanl was convicted and fined 25 plus cash $5 part mm was lhmwn nul 01 he car win dow and neither ha accused nr one PC Downer stated that he had gone to Jnrdlnus home on the morning of June oclock and look wsmon about 150 ard was of the cab He had red truck came dawn the bad with we two and 3MB went to the door and when anmr amvcd had just handed back some money to laxdine which lhu latter claimed as $2 bu may have been Just Bates was also charged wllh driving Iruck owned by another party on Junul In Nnnnwasagn while his license wassflll under smpcnslnn nlzep but was watched by In mmMmlnrcedï¬nncreenioorby pullan the ample out Ind enter ed knew Baku Ilnc childhood and nluwugh in bid pmuhhu draped over head he recogniz edhlm at once but did not know Conner Crown Allorncy Thmnpéans rc acllon was Na qucsllnm He was robbpd and just told hluwryx BuHI men were remanded In cus tody unIII June 23 im sentence JIM BHIRD Manager PHONE 2517 In Place Other Driving Ioa Fast careless driving charm was lzld by PC Tnmhlmn agalm Richard Carpenter nn May 31 who he was allowed by mm In mflcs an hour and stopped He was tom Niagara Falls NY and had paid ball band 015 nlus costs 01 5250 Following Invesumliun by PC Tamblyn on June on the Bay nqd 51mm approach 10 400 charm careless driving was laed against Jack SmlllcloV Toronto Whn had been going hqnc an 21 at so miles an hour and burning in 400 had gone across to 1hc shoulder mum on and lhrough several guard rails 26 Ice across the shoul dcr and 70 Jam down the bank Why not slap asked His Wor ship and explanation was um there was loose sand an high way at the urn which mused the vehicle lo skid auxgm by bhappen with lnlnxlcnflon In public pllcc Norman Hoypcr Orlllla was ï¬ned $20 plus cash $5 He was pa mngcr In car but the ddvcr was sobflr Thxcc nthcrslwerc convicted on lheJnlnxicallan charge Ind flncd 1mm $I5 to $20 with costs averag Ing $5 Ivan Badlncau also ms ï¬ned for havmgn bank at liqunr In place nxhcr than the residence or the purchaser on June and charge was Laid hy PC Hedrlch He paid $25 plus sum Cpll Bonnycasllc however rc nallcd PC Tamblyn and asked when was Lhc loose gravel men Mancd by the witness and when did ll begin and the afliccr rc pllcd lhal here was Indication of the lruck going Ihrough gravel at all The small amount visible was no doubt scattered by lmcks and no vehicle had Rouble wth it Tamblyn told Maglshalc Fos tor who had also qucslwncd him Counsel for smllcm claimed uml wllhuut due care and ntlcntinn was nol shown but slmnlylack of Judgment llis Worshlp rululud Ihls judging by lhc distance lravclA led In 30milc mnc aflcr Icavlng the road Moreover the accused was thoroughly laminar will the mad and he lmposcd line of $70 plus costs of $450 puma would Admit ovum Mid PC KGuml Anoum use war that at nmmu mum whose ur wu check ed by PC Craflcr OPP on May 30 in chm and plm bolllcwu loufld under at Ineol Ma 2683an 50 nsukéd bhpgpexx 1mm Womens Inslltutl June meeting of Giliord Womens insulate was held the harm Mrs John Hughes on June in Mrs George Nesbiii 15 viewprnsidcnl was in the chair Minuics were read and dopicd Roll call wa answered the showing at some lovely old icw my Miss Ralhwcii had 11 ccc of her moth ers wedding dress showing heauii lul sewing and lace rim Mrs Gibbons passed around handker chic with Baticnburg lace edge which was given to by by Nun who was Du years old when me made the lace MfsErncslmll and Mrs Slurxeon gay excellent rcporls oi Ihc 52nd South Simcoe annual convention held Aliiston The Red Cros sent loner asking for donations ro clean canton or dressings to be la lhcir Bar rie slalioni Leonid Gibbons sent 1mm 01 appreciation fromU1 hall board thanking the ladies inr their donation 512 Mrs Robbri Mrle Appldon and Ion Gcérze 01 Aurora called an several of mg frlgmjlsln qlllgrdoq Sunday Vlfllan It 1110mm Mr and Mr Ron Nduv Bobby Ind Yudkh Immt Sundzy In Thorn hill with Mr and Mm MacKay an thershoqldlge Eula Mm Kéren flukes Toronto is gun Miss Eolhwcll lhlx week MB Isabelle Nelly hnmfl on weeks holiday wth her wrcnu Mr mi Mr Lou Neilly 9HYOUR HOLIDAY CONIEST ENTRY FORM FROM 29 Maple Ave Via7237 WIWEXSMMflWEWSPEIM BATSTONES GIlFORD fur ynqr url While yourc getting fru nlcly Ilcck nn your llm you can ï¬ll out Illc tomes entry formand ivc your tulmalc ulIlIc number of hours and mlnum ullmghl lunlllinc rum midnigh pprcmbcr 31l955 midnlghl July 3m 1054 In luronm Thu ullnmlllng lo buyno ohllgallon wluuocvcrl So why dcla fur safuy sake gcl ybur Ilrc clmkup mm your unlop Dealer wonAnd uxl for fun try or the hl $500 prize ln Illc llappy lulillay ConchI And rcnlcm lllc comm CLOSES July 2511 mm How would you like to win 3500 prim in the Ila py Holldny Comm an luring sponsored by he Dun op DcIIm in your communily All ynu but to do to emit his uniting comm is simgly 53k your Du calcr ur E15 HRH llySlEfJly DInnn Iru will JamInn km 14mm MW IIIIINHI will IN IfMilan mu nupl 4mm mz 1m TIRE SERVICE Enter thiscontest at an Phone 3922 Eon in entering three quilt in flu Ilr Orillll The allowing iadigs oMcred heir unilch to un vas or the Saivniinn Army Mr Bell capiainnlso canvmcr im in llna Mn Baker Glliord Mu Hugh Fenneih Miss WW9 Jownllne Mrs Frank Zn ne Mrs ohn Hughm read leLLer irorn leardl Penn WI England asking to wrila their secretary Mia Haynes on irlcas and highlile oi the WI Mm E4 Dales was appointed cor rlspondem for sinner Mrsi Frank Kdl read an article onlï¬idln Sur vey asking the members ilsten in childrens programs good music elm and to bring report to we September aniini mlling which program you liked ban and wiiyi ll was decided not lo have nshorli course nor bake saiu thisycari Imlcad Mrsi Archer asde glue ladies in GIMP at Gllfcrd hall Sept iii for her daughiu weddlm Mr Hall and Mrs Siurgcnn arr lo Se canvcners or same Mrs Bell gave shan lalk lb mul lO The Ecsi is he Only Guide ta jhc Future She aim read the mcmnic Bridge Builder miei mauling was turned over in Mrs Bayes hislarical research conven er It would be impossible to give credit to Mrs Boycs wonderful izilk without noim nn ancian jewellery ininiand Shq laid at book milieu by Marian say lng more were Iflur things every one should see Who vIsli Ireland The Challis the CID55 Knll Book and the Tara Broom Mrs Bayes told the sinry oi the necklaces and brooches or old and haw the ladies FOUND 0f IMF PNEUMMIC IIRE INDUSIIY 65 Collior St DANGERFIELD MOTORS LTD ANCIENT COLLEGE The Unlvcrsfly Uma Pew was nundcd by he Spnnllrd in 4551 mu love these muan Mars She passed around Iruclu old lane ring made om ht huh banda pin white nun worn by Mn Boyer zra other Ind many other nuclu MIL Ernest Bell thanked Mn oyefl Mu Dale and Mrs Gibbons conducted two contamwhlch were won by MKS thcll and Mrs Stanton Meeting closed wflh he Ilnglnz God Save 12 Quean and the 1m Lesses served lunch BERRY BOXES BROWN 10 Get Your Sumfly Now BERRY CHHTES mm QUARTS NOW IN STOCK Phone 5000 LIMITED Phone 2487