Mr and Mrs Pilmar and Mrs Spence spent Sunday with Hamilton relatives CunpbellPencock Congratulation to Muriel Peacock daughter 01 Mr and Mn mu Peacock 01 Stroud and Gor al son the late Campbellv whn were mnrrled in St James United Church Stroud on June 19 by Rev Paisley Chatsworth Thank Ynll Cnngratulaflnm to the eduor and stat of The Battle Examiner who have been honored by re calving two awards put up for the Mn and Mn Fred Money nl Vexpra were Sunday mum at the hem of theirdaughter Mn Walton Hams SIMCOE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD llclnres by Fluxo Examiner mu photographer um pp prar In lhls ntwspnper mum 111st prlnu For all lnIurmnllon nlmnl lhe plclure you want mun Poms 145 BRADFORD ST GTE for every DOllAR youihyé$tPontiac gives you wealth of truly tgytlinngalues Take FOR instance Pontiacs unmatched ¢hoice of 31 models in six greatseries Think too of the stfefdhingtr0ublefyee performance of Pontiacs famoUs highcompreséion engines And whenYOU consifleffeaturesfbotmandard Phone 2414 The Barrie Examiner WEE Activities and optional it is fact that you CANTtind another car in any price range anywhere that can BEATwhat Pontiac gives you With Power Steering for instance Power Brakes Automatic Window and Seat Controls PONTIAC offers luxury car features at thrifty prices DRIVE IT and youll want itPRICE IT and youll buy it flrsl time In campeution In the Ontario Division the Canadian Weekiy Newspaper Alwclquan am for excellence in ndvcrllslnz add one for excellence in photo journalhm Best 1y Crap In Yuan Forage harvulcrs have been busy this past week flnlng suns wnh grass and clown Farmers re port the hay mm mm year the best In years Mulholland Famfly Ilcnlo The third annual Mulhnllund anrly Reunion was held on June 20 at the summer hamé at Mr and Mrs Frank Mulhullandr Sandy Cave There was good attend nncc coming from Toronto Un Icnvlllc Barrie Markham Grim by Aurora Woudhridgc and Struud community All wer plcascd to have Miss Mnbcl lhnlland at Toronto the uldesl member 01 the group present again his year also all Frank huHamls children and lhek lam cs George Fréd Burl nnd Joan Mrs Roland Dab son Tnmnlu The time was very pIEflsaMly spun togethern newing acquaintance boating swimming playing horseshoe clc ï¬nishing up wllh the danluux pl nlc supper United WA uni WMS United WA and WMS W111 meet In the church lchaolrunm ncx Wednmday June 30 two oclock Memban please note the chnngn at dale one week earlier Reglsur For Swlmmln Dont forget the swimmlng class 01 chlldren mm nne year school on to star July 11 mm fll Park Girls are requcslcd went whllc swim caps Please ruglsler as soon as possible by contacting Mm md Dalllmore phone 25r3Sroud BUICK Inï¬nite In AW Wilfrid Sulhafllnd vhiledhk who and olhar relauvm on Wednuday evcninz Ind Thundny allcr mending me zrzdunflano hLl son Robert Suchlrland in Law from he Univnrmy ol Turonlo on Wednesday Mtdlul indul Alsu canzmlulntlonl go out to Grnydnn Knupp formerly Bar rie and husband of the Iormer Sarah Euwmnn from here who graduated In Medlclna nn Wednes dayv Dr and Mrs Knupp have been spendan In low days wIth theh mothers Mrs Bowman here and Mrs Knupp In Barth before Grnydon slnfls Internlng In Toronto General llospltnl Summu Sumhlne Summer was luhered In wlth sunshine and Wm lovely balmy day Monday June 21 although rnln was prndlclcd Preshylerim Services The church services for the sum mer months at the Prmbyterlan Church begin at 930 am on Sun day June 27 with the Decornuon Day serviceval Glh Hm Cemetery at 4pm on Sunday June 2n when he nilnlï¬lnrs In the dlslrlct takc part lnsmute nu Ten The Insmule bus trip lo Hnmll Inn District which IncludEd Bellan Ialne nnd Stoney Creek was on nncsdny June 22 Juvgnue Baseball Stroud Juveniles wan nver Bec gnn on Jgnc It Conthown played hareonjunczz Mrs Runald Death and sun of Whitby spent he weekend wth her grandmother Mrs CL Small Mr Boyd Bencvlllc SpEnl wu days las week with his son and naughterInlnw Mr and Mrs Hurry Dayd and chlldrcn Mr and Mrs Sutherland Donnie and Mr and Mrs Robert Sulhurhnd and Bobbie and Miss BARRIE 6MB TRUCK DEALER PHONE Mn nndiéif i131 Suchcmnd entanalmd family party Dork Palmer Otllwl all on sulhmmd on Silurdu it the Red Cross iilond ï¬ancn cunk good repycscniaiinn from in nisni Chapter DES ï¬ltendnd the districi meeting it Bayview chap ter Barrie on Friday night for Ihl election 01 District Deputy Grand Matrnn mnsseau Tn For Air llnaieu Beautiful spring weather and the home lnsiily dncnrnued with spring flowers made lovely selling hr the mnny pretty and useiul gnu us well as useful articles and cloihing gathered from many 1mm of the world While air mules when Mrs Fred Fennuck enter tained at lroussnau lea in thor in her daughter Muriei on Wed nesday June 10 Ail cnlnycd lrinnrny cupm lea sandwiches and cookies alter seeing the gins and Md Crass Blood Donor number from here Win to name on chnesdnnng 551521 Més 2qu Mm Jamey Midland visited durlfll the week end with their sister Mrs Bunk mg Mr Ind Mrs Harry Bnyd and children 1m Sunday to spend couple ol days Wives In Ballevllle nolhhy mi Wen Mb Mae Ferguson leuvu ghls wgck or hnuday Mp through western Canada and In Vancouver islhnd Dad chhum one of the best knawn n1d4imm in mu pulp and paper industry died at as He retired in 1940 After 28 years as groundwnad superimcndcm PULP PIONEER lvm CF Ernest ovum umll nun 053 mum Mung Vigil MUGGS AND SKEETER POGO rr DONT 6EEMFNRPobo we A5 Wt 601 THE pumaam cam 60 Wimuf wmnoaow CLAW6 Til5 Pm ILL 114mm 10 uxz vou 5w BLONDIE Vwm Mr mow AT mu Dome TIQH pouo rwom wmc sign ELSWORTH The Minnie lubric ï¬nish Bosls you nothing exhn nl WHICH ONE DOICXJ LlK Irilri WHl WLL MY DADUILL GET THE FIGHT NIFSEIWICE mi nmnm mmm szsng JUNE 23 Ian15 GUESS WAS GOING DOWN TO THE KTCHEN lr mmx WW Fl POL For Plnknp Dial 2471 £2 Dellvzry By Chick Young Wally mm Walt Kelli MYOSANINO By Song