Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1954, p. 9

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H5 ANS51 mn mum mmnan M61111 The manust Union Cemetery will hnld the unnunl hunon Wed ncsday June 23 Ipm 71 Lnngman Picnln BrIng your stake and come to the Langmnn Picnic al Springwatbrrlark Mid hum Wednesdnx June 23 at oclock 7071 Come one Come All to the County Fair spammed by St Jnmcs Anglican Church Crown Hill to be heldat Gladhlll Farm miles north Crown Hill 10 verleaf un nghwny 93mm Wed ncsdny alternonn June 23 110 pm Games horseshoe pitching arm1 noon on apron and cookie bar mflune mum and 19 cup reading Also rolresfiments nnd prlzns ml orc 1971 Cantlnued from gage one May be honored in my caning Take prjde in the permuon my Cppnfy Council Tour Simcoe work Be diligent and walchiui guardian of the sail And hnld personal affection For the ways the land STEWART PAGE ExWarden and former Member at Commons Sirgipsan smlnd that mm is Iraiamiiy among municipal men which is common in other than mu cipul aliairs can remem er vhnn had just main street and law scanned homes back on the hill 0n way up have heard 5am among lhe vlsts um they might not wan to me up this way but 001 that now they have seen this ownlihcy have changed their minds he added Burns Wales Reeve of Tossor unllo tald the members they should get into mm to up In their Ln areas 11 you need any help can on Waxes he added The puny then mok their buses and after driving through the lakeside park they visited the museum shoe Iaclory and he wanNan Then nearly an hour lalc they headed 10 rillin Th he Ontana Hospital Ihcy were me My Mlyorrlnhn Maelsnac and uuidals of the town Lind nllcr llliLI tour 01 the highlights Orillln proceeded to Owalssa Lodge Lodge LnkcCnuchlchIng evening dinner liner 10 weeks nnu six days the What Derby ut Barrie bnnn supply was brought to con clusion on Thursduy June i7 ut 145 him when puiie number nine produced Krude Inrw em weighing onncm iwclvc liyLine puilcts were entered in the contest and the public were lliVllLll to guess which nuiiet would he the first to iny nud when Mrs Edith Irunx rm NIL Angus wus the contest winner by Choosing number nine on June ht Ii nyn niul it unk Iihmiuxnll nisu ni til N0 Angus won second prize Mrs iiimzinxuu an the left munrletur iir Bmwn mul Mrs Truux um shown above leng the lurlnn Fcctllnu Irx proof thle Iurlnn ucls rrfiullz wllh Gum and nlwlln hln bmullml dauumrm who wll nvpcnr In the nhow PURINA FEEDING PROGRAMGETS RESULTS WILF CARTER ll Confirmed from pigeons everai weeim no wns struck by one inch in mavlng from one position to nnniher the cadets gn on the double Bu huw do the niiicelja move None this running for them They ssnutxter at restrained pncc set by ub Lieuts McBride and Taylori This is no diliereni 1mm thenrmy where understand the other ranks waikand the oflicers run The Fifs Column Hs happened belnre Saturday cm of our starlers repelled mun bnrsed mm The Examiner office looked around and then walked but again saying Crlpcs thuught HHS was he beerjoint Ho wag exactly nnc block at bnar mgg Ills Worship Warden George Mannhmw Grey Counly wasa guest at hé Simeon County War dcna Outing one day last week at Midhurst Edltor George Cadogan of The Durham Chronicle recalled an incigem mm Warden Man ncruwmhen he was sghoul buy Apparently hem wad mishap In climbing nnclz and the shy lad was Embarrassed abnut his trous ers unm teacher look needle and lhrcad and closed lhe gap Said Ihl boy Thunk fyou M15 hope Ill be able 10 d9 Ihe same or you name day Iruurnm Icmllnu costs were only $101 per blrtl lL lower fond costs menu blmzcr pmlle The speakers at the Wardens Oullng weft full stories War den Campbell himself led the par ndc and scan the alt wasspzlrk ling with repartcc One guns told abnut an elderly man obviously viuilnr lo the park who ap proached Mm and wanted to know what he large gathering was da ing around lhc pavilion Informed ll was the County Council having picnic he Said thought as much They look as 11 they dont have in work ton hard Then the was the man at rub1 vluus anccstry who mm about hc burly 5cm who appuud re cruiling who during lhe war The omccr said had 100mm like you mum hem the whole German army The 250pnund highlander stated he would get them Later he rclurnvd Menu and the ofllccr asked when were his Scomsh rccruiIS oh he re plied theyre dawn the mad but heres lllllc mm of an Irishman on guard who wanl let them pass Then were lot more slurlcs 01d Al the Wardens Outing One speaker announced that there were nnly two kinds of peoplePresby lexians and those whn wished they Well of courst that one has whlskLrs but Sher Drury ln recalling the hljlory of On Township he Wardens home lold the unrly setllemunt In tho tnwmhlp of Negro Alum 1mm he Scum Later ha nld 1h Pru bylerhru um and therNegmu 30 cu mm announceman Ire obulm cd from the hnsplul for en edi uun Recently our girl on that phone duty WIS mlldly fluxled Io have he Iddren of the parent given General DeILVery nuduna Fergus NamRecoré TAX mus SH9K To Whig many hplé anv to get back ncram the anllc to Londnm reported in the last Issue having wltnmsed from dlsmnce pano care monial which have nnw learned was nune other than the Mounting 01 the Guard the Horse Guards building 9n the west sflde otvwhllc hall Th5 takeg phcednily ill11 um and on Sundays at 10 mm is at great interns andslgnflcance lo Lundonors and vallors alike Incidenlullylhe traditihnal cere muny otflch pagcamry Trbumng Is scheduled TV 1ofimnaw evening mesdayr vla BBC at 330 ny George Johnston MP for Simcoc Centre saladFriday that wnrd had come through that the departmental lmnstcr sending Adamson to 51 Williams had been cancnlled Mr Adamson who had been 27 years at Mldhursl and hurl watched Ihe grnwlh ol the 101151 simian here mm the start has become much part of nu whole plan lhal friends mm pa hnd npcnly uxprcssedlhclr regret me transler Methven Adamspn Will Remain at Midhurst Forestry desk to cxpres nur cun grqlulatiom that the Adumsons are In emain at Midhurs Montreal Worker Falls from Tahk Dies at Penelang AlIrcd Gnudrcault 23 Montreal working nn lnsmllnuun of new water tank at the Ontario Hnspilal Penelangulshcne was Instantly klllcd Friday when cable lup pvrling the 01d ank bottom nu wflich he was standing broke the In his body 125 feet lhe Milne Asnow nur STEDY Though waterlivlnz nnlmal U10 binvnr slow swimmer thin arerlr wnuih can saynmt again fcaturing SPONSORED BY NORTH SIMCOE JUNIOR FARIVIERSI ASSOCIATION THURSDAY JUNE 24 ul pm further ATKINSONM the Royal Victoria Hos ml Barrieon June 20 1931 nndMn Gordan kan son RE No Ban1 daughter BROWNAt he Rnyal Vlclam Hospital Barrie on June l9 1954 to Mr and Mrs Clarence MS 51 SOXII CABS llolpllal Barrle yon June 19 1954 to Mr and Mn Clarence Carson iclpslan daughter anorle Bertha EDGERTONAfi the Royal Vic mm HmpllalBarrle on June 1954 In Mr and Mrs Leon Edgenon RE No Enrrlc daughter GARTNERAI St Josephs Hos plml Pelerhoraugh on June lfl 1954 In Mr and Mrs Allrcd Gnrlncr dnughtor Rebeca Madellpc KlDDAl he Royal Vlclurla llos pllal Barrie on June 19 15 to Cpl and Mrs Kldd Angus daughter Mlchule MARSHALLM the Royal Vic toria Hmpllnl Barrie on lune 1954 10 Mr and Mrs Hurry Marshall RIP ND Dame eon HDBITAILLEM lhc Royal Vlc loria Hnspllnl Battle nnJunc 19 354 la Mrnnd Mrs Homer Rubltalllc Mldhurst son STEADflM the Royal Vlclorla Hospllfll Barrle on June 1951 to Cpl and Mrs Douglas Slcad Mlncls Polm sun WlLCOXMr and Mrs Doug las Wilcox nee Barbara Hnw ard Breton proudly announce the nrrlvnl son Barry Daug las llnward at York Conny Ha Hal Newmarkcl on ed no ay June lfl l954 ll WIGGINSLawrence and Joyce Wigglns nLc Matchem arc hap py tofinnounce he blth atlhclr daughter Joy Lynn on Saturday Jpne 12 1954 at Wmnrkcl Hog GOODWlNM St Michaels uns ilal Toronto on Fridnnyunc 1954 Edith Hill McKenzie formcriy at Barrie bnlnvnd wife 02 he lalc Frank Goodwin and dear mother Mrs Charlton Pay Turomu her 68m year Rcsxing at the Jenna Funeral Home Barrie Funeral service Monday June In pm Interment Barm Unlnn Cemetery HAYDENSuddenly an Saturday June 19 1951 KarlW Hayden formerly of Picluu NS beloved son 01 James Henry Hayden and me late Maggie Jullymurc be loved bmlhnr of Mrs Guire Dorothy Russell and Jlm in his 36m your llljllng al the Jenneu Funeral Home Earrlu Funeral service private Monday June 21 ill pm Interment SL Pauls Cemetery lnnlsm lPomERm he Royal Vlclorla Hospital Barrie on Frlday June 18 1954 George Cnldor Porter beloved husband of Florence Kennedy In 7Dlh year Rm mg the Lloyd and Slccklcy Funcral Home Barrio Ior scr Vlcc un Monday June at pm InlcrmLm Barrio Union Cemetery RONALD1 her llomc ln Mine slnu Monday June 21 1954 An nie MnLean bLlnvcd wilu at the Jan Andrew llunnld dour momur 01 Douglas Grace and the late Murray Rnnuld llLsling nl her home Mlncsing Funeral sur vice on Vcdncuday Jun 23 al 230 pm lnlcrmcnl Miucsing Cemclcry SINCLAIR Al the Queen Eliza beth losmlzll Turonlu Friday June 18 IBM Ruburln Handy luluvcd VllL th lnh Thuan Sinclair of Hmrrlc ln 111 73rd ycnr llcsllllu at ll lclhlck Funeral Home 117 Hayfield Sl Scrvlu ln the chapel Munday June 21 230 an Inlcrmunl Barrie Union Cemetery STARRH lln lluyul Vlclurln lluipllal Harrie on Sunday Jum 20 103 Mnlllll Minimum cry bcluvm wllu bl Jacob Starr Icnr mother Ma AnscmnbL Murlclh Mm Cuwnl Car mnm Iloulnnld Alwnnl Thum nx Harold and Juwph In her HUI yuflr Rmtlllx at UN Jun nvltvkuncrul Hume Hnrrlo Fur Mn svlvlcu lutvulzly pm Interment Ind Lunc plkal NAIIEHThu lumlly nm 1m Slnnlcy mum why In nmnk an lhulr mluhhnm and Month In Camp 11mm xlrlnrhmvnl um Cnnndlnn Corp 41 Comm nlru mx Angus nml In mm inV IUr lht lllnny unfillqu mm Iy nnd bmumm llnrnl 11 mm Our mullIn Ihnnks 1m ML HIIKIVN Ihnh nur up rvnvimrm am anm nml lnlnlly CARD OF THANKS Thr vlllnnc v1 Alnlxk H0 lnlllS qulhrnfl nl Hllmulllun will nnmml mm It Cnc Ilullallwnnl lur htnvcr ncry BORN WILF CARTER CAROL SHEILA WARD ALLEN RED GARRETT DANCING DIED JunidrflFarmers Sponsor Wilf Carter Show Baryie Arenu wm Cum and Ma dauiiitera are coming Kn perxon to Barrie Arena on TfhursdayJune 24 It This shnw ls Ibclalmed by plug and radio as the fines Emily ni traction on tour in Camda fix presented in Barrierb the Ken Reynolds Agency of Ollawn and sponsored by The North 51mm Junior Farmers Asoclatlon The wnrids greatest and most widely known cuwhox vocalist Wilt Carter living legend known to milliuns Manama 51m has an cnvhhxe unbenlen record 22 years Mmding or Bluebird and RCA Victor Over 25030115an ballads have bnostcd his sales to over lwn and onehull mHHnn re cords Throughout the your wux has maintained his reputation satisfy andplease every nudtencé and still leaves them looklng tor wairl to hhz return For the lam three éonsecuuve years he has re nclved the greutcit number vole for Ms popularlty throughnut Aus trana and NW Zeatnnd He Is scheduled 60 appear here on CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 mu mumm Cum maul Gill 31th laud 100 Hurhuu ln soon 05 Inklhlfll 15 11 Bum Ind Bin 30 Km Eklllnn haw Mod 11m III Ill In the kl Infill BJII Nolhlfll 900 llndllnu 90 bl Jumbo 830 flufll In an mumm oo um um npnm 30 Tm Hnllhlnl Me 1100 NEIL 590 mm wmm og no tie mm TzIIn all 1015 11 Bhnunlnl nun mrm 11in 332mm mm IL Ntilhlml 30 lxnund Ull 11m Trldlnl Poll ma alellnn mm Mid Marnlnl aneuu ASH 15323 BARRIE 15 nynna Slr 1nd rluv Phenu sou DRILLIAJZ Mlulmu II II mt 1nd floor Phunol 1505 mm vmmoa Iv AnoINmtmmpul ll myluo liquq Wm MONDAY ml an no as 15417 52059 EXAMPLES OF LOANS the worldn HINIUSL nml most widely known Cowlm VUIXIHM rccordlnx ulnr mr nhwhlrd um RCA Vlcfiur In pvrmn comonion ownswhich ll noarul you THEIR null his lHNNlfiIUICY HONlflIRU 151 Innmllnn Illnmplml 01d Tlmn dill Mm the nhuw highly lulvnlrd lnuuhltm 1hr nlnr at the nhnw Tuna use Nun Immune no LI hem mu mo mil nmnwm 1110 Inn 100 Bullalln Mud Ln hm runm ms lie1mm wmnr LII Pun Btporlu 139 he cgummaaum Na 115 nm out conllnuzLll no Ynu LII 300 emu In mm mm my lien To Th0 mue oo cm 30 mu mum 2503 nomzn spam IDJD NIII Ind lbolll 30 Th llnhhlnl Touch ILW NI Boon acom um mum 51 77 mm mum you Him In wuna 515 Pnlud lo Dmnu nun aw Ne lumunu om county mm unul 15 spam on AW Build NAM 100 llurlhuh am 705 Interlude 71 Time 8am Ind 130 mu sunm Bholl nm Munm n5 mumu In mm mm nmu new In Th mm Inn 30 Nun uuaunu macemu wumunpv ALI an nun an no 755 flvemnnthrtour allowing this sea een visit to Eastern Canudel He Alan widely knawn in England France and even Alflca with Wllf or theh thlrd year entertelnlnl In Canadnfilre his beau tiful and highly talknied daughter Carol and sheila Carol 11 now elzht and She Is elevenr They hnvc proven lhemselvm to he or rmc entertainers winntng the hemLt of thousand trepcatedly stealing the uhow end surprfsing everyone with thctr nhillly tn slnz and yodel In harmnny wlth their tnmuua daddy Also In melntafln the show as the best in qmuy entertainment they sklp on the stage after their vocal number and return In thelrdnnclng clothes mxlnud mm 11 Cum Ind cuuomvnmn toms Loan fiucd Ia nerd and ntnme Ink or Step cum in rcdudnz mumth paymenu mm la tmploycd people smeltVim lOAN lhnno run mm mm In Iodnyl No bunknbla lecuvily vequlud hum no mob Bf Jl VIINAVIONWlnl nun camp and continue tn pleas nudi cnce wllh Dana and up dnnclng Aster pramsmg four nights per week or five yam me girl are credited ry expert dancing leach rfl as perlect to the smallest do Sharing the spotlight with Win and his daughters will be Red Garrett and his Tennossee Pioneers who are truly rated as me best in their categnry avallnblc They appeared with Wiliior Inst sca anns recordbreaking twelvuweek tnur thrnughout the Western pro vinces They come direct mm the hnmc vnl hillbilly musicWSM Grnnd Ole Opry Nashville Ten noiscc Red is noied onhis many fine impersonations or twelve mp singers Hi5 trnup consists of our musicians and hilarious named in Red Garrett is now recording nr RCA Vicinr This makes total of eight pcr farmers who very ably provide full two hours of wholesome west ern variety Inmny entertainment SPARSELY SEmED So sparser setucd are same sec on of Auslmlin mm the Nationa Geographflc Sodelys mnp of this island ennllncm shows number at individual homestead by name as If hey were towns or cities 1000 1005 Tenn an 1015 Tum out wnh wmnm man mdm Pod nm 1105 and um nmdcul 1120 Thl Hymn Cornu Iuo gmmd Up nm 100 New lludmu 12m Lun ngon mu um Encfll Dina l2 uum Report Inn Hell no nunnu and L0 him mm 105 114mm Wumu no nun Imam 110 nm mu numl TImI uuueu cm 715 Km us run he R€l Ill1M munx aJn gun may 565 air on lwnllnuldl You uh 00 am In 9mg Book an Nell 15 non mm no Club an an Nm nounm 30 Club 1210 nomd 51 mu mm Mam mm on nannd Ma Inludu mun wflmnon flu111m Ju nomdl mm mm on Tour CNR Facilitiu The Cmndlln Nullonl Rallwny and th Moniml HO model rallmld club recently phyed hub to more than l1 model n1 ram enthusiasm mm the Nunul eastern Unlled States and Quebec who znthcred here or the annual Iprlnz conventlon of the Nonh engern Mogel Runway Agoclsuon Th smallmale railroad were given the oppnrtunity at augment ing their knuwledze ur railrond in Canadian style4 when the ONE arranged upeciai tour 01 its Turcut Yard lacilitiu The group heavily armed wiih cameras tunkl advantage at the rnllwsys gener osity by taking hundreds photos locomotives and other interest ing equipment highlight at the tnur was trip through the Inn nus Mount Royal tunneiJn xpnnk In new day coachs which not nnly gave the gruup glimpse the cum modernization program but also gave them the honor initiating the car for service New Fish Conlamzr The Canadian Natlonnl Hallways has lntaodueed new flsh eontnln er that will keep seafood at tem perature n12 degrees for 100 hours longer than requlred In in from Halltax to Edmonton or Vancou ver to Montreal Made of alum lnum the contnlner l3 small en ough to be ranslerred Irom ex pres ear to truck or ranld dellv ery on nrrlvnl at lts dmllnatlon It is expected to greatly extend tlae market for Ireshflsh ln Can DRESSED 5113151 chplce grade steer wlll dress out to nbnul 700 pounds meal from 1200 pounds live welght Eplelt Electric your leey TV Dlltrlbnlm ue hum hr menu m1 uhulule ol CELT Program um Hch weekly or Ihe cnn venlcnce ol vlewm In Banle Ind Dlllrch Loo my wmmv ma Advmmn tn Ad Ln fllvhlan mm 100 am 71a anml no Gauly cum nu An cu un 1mm mo um shm lhw LNc on Int WEDN ESDAY 500 Jun nlmuou Nlm am 145147 Dunlap SI Phone Barrie 6442 In rllllu n0 Wu South In Mldllnd II XIII Klnl HIIQCL HIqu CBLT TV Have many Bargains in New and Used TeleVisioh Refrigerators and Washers EPLETTS ELECTRIC Exclusive WESLEY TV Dislrihulors In Barrio Phone 64416442 for Prices Channel Toronto EPLETTS GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY MONDAY JUNE 21 TUESDAY JUNE 22 BARRIE ARENA BIO MEIE MOVEMENT The all Brothtr Movement wn lnnugunled In Toronto In 1912 or returnan drllnquem ban BUY WITH CQNHDENCE AT Iliuigeflield MOIOIS Two Iona maroon and balls Molar ully uvuluulzd Ind plunked Prlcld lax quick nle USED CAI DIVISION 83 BRADFORD ET ll Try alrvlslun an appruvnl II NOTHING DAY no ma en Wu Iell only unmebrmd elevlslon nyeclally nnglnneh n1 mm Am mepum Call 52 ULDSMOBILE SEDAN TVGEORGE Call George Ind hls xchnlclan or my advice an tlevlllun Installallon 1st Advmhn launa nunwwvll mugnu aim omnp bun CnIIvllo Show Colon mm vém on 1115 Dnml nunmu JUNE 23 LIMITED 51mm Cnimlyl LugeI Car Denier ELEVEN IW Mluamv Nydn ScAwaA Plnnemd TV In Slmcoc Cnunly MDNARCH REFRIGERATION C0 11 Dunlop Slrcet PHONE 2059 623 llmuc 1552 éfi

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