Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1954, p. 7

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mum un nuuu LEAVING SCIlflflh 1611 BARBIE EXAMINER MAY JUNE 18 1951 WI Tn Meet June 20 The Womens insiiluie will meet at Mn Ari Blackl on Thursday evening June 24 Roll call name vcguabie beginning with he same letter as your sur name or Wednesday aflcmuon June lhe WMS of Trinity United Church had very pleasant anor noon at the home Mrs W11 son and had as lhcir guests the Evening Auxiliary and some 01 the members of the Missinn Bund The childrencnjoycd playing on Dunlnp SI SA RATHBUN STORE EQUIPMENT gm Entfmlnfiuidlinry IICUIP SCALE BUTCHER SCALE BULK SCALE MEAT SLICER COFFEE MILL FREEZER UNIT WALKIN IIUTCIIEII BOX PLATFORM SCALE REFIHGEILIIED MEAT COUNTER FIIIGIDAIIIE COMMERCIAL IJEEIFREEZE 10 Cu FL lec New GHOCEIIIIUA NATIONAL CASII REGISTER Like New LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE McEULLOUGH 49 mm SI SUN LIFE ASSURANCE C0 Lets look into mm lmr mm lllnlvilululiuu aluiulml ml mm mm mum Mumuh am mm rr mum rllluuivm glulw quali News of mm YOUR FUTURE Fdr Cumplclc Details 10 mt FOR SALE Phone 6451 MIME ONTARIO Ull ARMY INIUIKMAIION lllli ARMOUIIIIIH llAlllllli MONDAY JUNI WIN 1000 IIJII 600 III NI 15 AT thc iawnwhllc the meeting was in progress Earl Lennox Mix llun Band member piaycd piano solo The Scripture lesson was taken by Mm Campme Mrs Marlin led in prayer Some time was spent discussing the medicai mission work that is hp ing carried on in Canada Mrsi McQuayi nn behau at the Even ing Auxiliary thanked the ladies Ilan Allemoon rlea The Afternoon Auxiliary ed Io hold an afternoon tea parsonage on July 14 Sunday School anmvcrsary 1n TrInHy United Church nan Sun day morning wllh Rev Kel logg as specm speaker Musichy the lunhm choir In unspuax Al Trenton Mrs Hughes has returned home and Is preparing Io muve this week In Trcmnn whore REV Hughes is confined lo hospit nulldlng Boom building boom has apparently slruck Thornton Gordon Fergu son and Lester Reid arebusy canslrucung housus and Peter Ccmcn has purchased lot ram Mcrvyn Corbett and Is busy pru pnring to hulld All three houses are on the east side 01 Smddan Hub Mnrrisnn Sudbury is Mm hls brother Mun150m and Mrs Morrisun Mr and Mrs Norman Thompson spent the weekend with relauvu In Mhlonc CLEANER SEED SASKATOON cmGus mu federal agrxnunum dcnarlmcnl omcinl said Saskatchewan farmers now an planlIng better and clean cr send than in arms yum mm 155 Ann1vemry dccld at the Wedding Anniversari We would llkc My aim congrat ulallam to Mr Ind Mrs Watson who will cclebyalc heir 58m wed ding anniversary Thursday June 17 Also to Mr and Mrs Harvty Ramon who were my years mur dcd Thursday June 10 lleld North Bay vlslling her mnlhcr Mrs Walter Allan and Kathleen Juua Bell King has Men mm lnghcr grandialncr Allanll Annlversary Vlslion Annivnrsary visitors with rela tivesand lricndswcrc Sal and Mrs Llltlc Barrienwlih their parents Mr and Mrs Jack Fey ricr ML and Mm Creighton chc and lamily Fenclang withMr and Mrs GIDSB Fnrls and Keith Sinclair Churchill Mr and Mrs Hipdlc and Francis of Cauluiown wilh Mr and Mrs Maurice Reid Mrf and Mrs Mal Slcwarz Churchill Wilfrid Siewan Mr and Mrs Hunlcr and Stephen 01 Cuakavillc span 1111 weekend wilh the latters parents Mr and Mrs MEX Hotland Purchase Oxford Home Mr and Mrs Grimm hlVD purchased the house Jlm Oxlolrl and will move In snnxlly Reaches Efilh mummy We would llkc to congratulatc Mrs Held on nllalnlng her sum birthday Monday Junc 14 lrlends Enlcrlaln Mn Bold Mrs Susan Paul untcrlalned number friends Manday cvcnlng June 14 to honor Mrs Reid on her Efilh blxthdayl Mrsl Reid rccelved sumo lovely gllls and cvcryunc lnlncd in slnglng Happy Eirllldny To Yuul Two tables 01 Euchre with Mrs Walter Allan holding hlgh scurc pruved mnél cn ioyablc lqvely plnk angcllcake wllh CflndILs was cut by Mrs field and dainty lunch was served by lhc hostess With Hugh Donnelly and Luella were Mr and Mrs McDonald Grace and Gordon 01 Bradlord and Mr Maurice Reld Uniiei Church wnxs Mrs erc entertained the WMS the United Church her home on Tuesday The president presided The invncation was iuii owed by he Lords Prayer in uni cn Mrs Ruiictt read the Strip lure passage and Miss Smilh of Darrin sang beauiitui wit Since Christ my soul rum sin set free lhc minutes of May meeting were road by the secretary and appmv Ni and roll call answered by qiicialion or verse of Scripture Mrs Watson Barrie addrcscd the gathering an The Precious presence of Jesus and all united in singing Lint Wondcrui Mrs Frank Channel as tempera anc secrciaryprcad paragraphj on My Duty to Him and Miss Smith again sang invuiy 50101 lhc mceiing was ciusnd wiih prayur by the Rev Miss Toliu nuw Baptist minrslcr of Brill Ew ari Mm GIDSC was assisicd in Trying atternugn Inn by Mm Frank Chavpli and Mrs Wiliiam Noble Next meeting ill Mrs N0 bic Unllcd Annivnmry anulflul weather greeted lhe mumbch ur Lelroy Unucd Church Iur mm 51an anniversary on Sun dny mm Elmore Brampton Thnmbury was he spcclnl sneaker tukmg or inplc wm bulld lEFROY mm wmlily and xpiemiifi untinyl held the large mendnee throulhout the service The qumtte com posed Blnke consume Keith and Fxrix Sincilir Churchill Ind Lathie Jack ram betray with Miss Shirley Kali Iccompanixt Will greatly Ippreciated Lachiei Aha Ian 5010 At the evening service Rev Ynhn Morris was proi sent Ind nuisth ML Brampton Mr Brampton took or his even ing theme Twu men and Two Choices The lervicc of make Wu taken by Cookslown United Church choir who sang two hnau titui nnthcms The members 01 the church pre vcry grgtetui to 31 ha assisted in making the anniversary succmlul Mu nghl had arranged Ihc floral oil erlngs and nll Im thankful to her Inr the heaukilul baskem flow ers that zraced the chancel bcnuu drape of wine vclvnk and gold ulnar having the crass and crown sign hung 1mm hc pul Ihc gill of Mrs Hunter of Big Cedar Point Mr and Mrs gewan o1 mummy 3¢ach and KIxe Begum Burdensome What ls that lmlble walllng n1 wuc heard throughout our village and communlty and so densely deep ln our midst taking away the Charm our beautllul June wcnlner and the conllnual talk ln every household and street cnrner Why in laxm axes and more taxes Has ll become racket amnng our township farmers or just an man to keep up wlm the Jones ln our high cost llvlngl Some folk find the cost olllving problem enough without the ln creased tnxatlom Mn Srep cns Tim céngm gallon are very thankful or his preclnus gm in their church Bulldln Operatlnns Building npcrallnns an gulng an In our vlllagc Gcorgc Unclm Just west of the sIdmoad ls beginning permanent home and lwn huuscs are being erected on Corner Blvd United WA and WMS Unlicd Church WA and WMS held their June mccilnz al lhv home of Mrs Parr with 15 pres cnl Mrs Scull presidcd The meeting opened wiih hymn 399 allowed by lcrlplurc reading by Mrs IL Harris Mrs Harris gave UN mission study Hymn 390 followed by pmym closed the WMS mcciinz Mrs McMasior look the business scsslon Plans were made for bake sale and bazaar in be held ihc markcl building Barrio Particulars later ll was also decided to hold the WA and Sunday School pimin Sal urday July 24 at Queens Park Barrie number 01 thank you cards were read Mrs ll Parr gave lhu WA Prcshylcrial ropmi which was held Central Unlicd Church Barrie Mrs Wilbur Wai lun gave lhclparannafle report Then will be no WA mcciings dur lnz July and Augusi Al the conclusion lunch was served by ihc husicss Allend llall Reunlon Mr and Mrs Dobsnn and Raymond uchdvd he Hall nu union last Saturday at Hornby and spcnl Sunday at Eranuard with Mr and Mrs Ken Dinsmoru Mom mp Tn west Mr and Mrs McMnslcr nnr Mr and Mrs Ford In Saturday morning or mour lrlp lo the wcslcm pravlncrs Funeral Viltntla Mr and Mr Harris sun chmc Mrs William grown and Maurice Drown nucndcd the un cm of Thomas Chamber at Vill cuti on Salunlay No you cnuld lnkv pnrl 1n Ihrcllrly munc of he Mlcmul Indlan unlll he had slain in mouse or bear Growing Mash hum Blatchlordé Nown Ihu llmu Io give your pul lull Blulzlllordl Growlng Mmh Pollen rmm now on my need III glam loniflnd muL mm up you pvoflll by human Ilmng lmmu Ind Ilwdy hodln In your pvllqll or Mun ouq prodvtllou And my mlvully mwlm Inn luml whan led on Nukhloldn Cluwnq Mmll or IuIIML Cull In ml loum mov nbovl IN nnl nmnnymuhn ll EXIRA PROHIS you wan IRA WILSON Youll smile foo BELL All T0 QUALIFY GRENFEL 700K HTUWN UTOIIA Mn Mommy spent Smir gaxnwllh Mr Ind Mrs Harry Mr Ind Mn Slanehum Ear rle vlslled Mr and Mn Brolcy Last weck Mrand Mrs William ElllulL Harriet and Wlnsmn of Allenwuod rpm Sunday wllh Esme and Watson Downer Vlsflon on Sunday with Mr Ind Mm £11m Newton were Mx and Mrs Lemon and Kids at Canzi qudcn Mr flrncy andr Frances Marlo and Mrs Toronto Spent day Inst Mrs Wren ox Alllstnn span lewdays 1359 week with hu dupzhtcrMrs Alvin Miles Mrslwmred Brnloy is vlsitlnz Mr and Mrs Arnold Rogers In my qa Jamei FRle spenamg few days whh Mr and Mrs Lo In CDmlng Evenls for par Uculars ol Egbert Unhed Church garden pariy on June 23 URGE SCOTHS MONTH ANTIGONISH NS CP An ngmcmnnl to consider promoting an annua Scottish mnmh in he province was rnached he an nual maulan of the Nova Scum Associaflon Scnflish Sade The meeting alsa urged memor ial for lhc 11m Prcmlrr Angus Macdonnld and rcsanrchnn the early highland sealers BARBIE cgcxsnmjr TRACTORS sum nuuvmy mums mowans mums EQUIPMENT srnsAnEns nALE LOADEIIS ELEVATORS WOODS UEEPFIH IRS CAMPBELL Sales and Service Still the Same High1 Premium Quality BlllE SUNOCO Phone 2146 Canadas Greatest Gasoline Value Premium Quality At 15 Saving 0f Gallon EGBERT Kw nn mwrny Ilmiml dmunnlnvm mIuv 4m Sunom mum mum hmy plnu um um runmm ummnm In mum numbn Iltlkll In plrmmnl um lllu Sunmonnw Idling mm Sunnu dukn cvcrmm upon mmcm Ilum mwa In um mvu lllzl lluc Bunmu II nmn um um unlylupKflumlhil Mlll In umlmc Iclhnfi II ll Illun ku Ihln nhu Nmuum lmmh 11m mumMa uvlupwim mmrnr on hum premium umluy1 nude pmuIVIr nmlliyIllumnpkllmmf nmw mlan 5mm um um Hlmhnu 01mm hum Harnumhmmthmulmnhmmv ummmmu flu an mm mm clam nudu III Nuumu lo dukn mm all cncnsuun Wo pan on suvlngl mado poulblu by polky ONE GRADEONE PRICE WM Oll COMIANY MIND IOQ NADlfiN MADE ER slsler Blnlr week ThouSands switching to WA MOTORS SAVE WISAV SAVE ON IANKS ON IRUCKS ON PUMPS IQ lav try mih you dlln will Nun Sunom 17 GOWAN STREET BARRIE YOU CANT 0n the stock car trucks worlds toughest public proving ground Hudsons stamina safety and that ability are demonstramd by more victories than all other makes combined proof aplenty that Hudson is your smartest buy Storkcur records prove ii on the worldgdnly public proving grounds Mm TODAY on Hudson Hornets Wasps Jets SEE YOUR FIND FINER CAR GETA BETTER DEAL WWWAGMWW vnuu lllll WWW IDNUI ANYWHERE EYWWN Tesi 4M

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