it TIIE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE IPSI Mr and Mrs Jphn Marshall DEM COUNTRY AklIvik In the NorthWest Ter ritories we named roman Esk imo word meaning Where There Are BeIrev llnd childrenloronto MrI Dun ney Ind rhodium Mary Muilyn and June Baxter Mri Ind Mn George Mendelian EverelL Miss Isobel File Alliston spent the weekend with her lrlend Miss Sally Switzer Mus hon Hutchlran Ferguswes the guest or Mr and Mrs borne Buyers on Sunday Mr Ind Mrs Melvin Becker and lomlly and Mrs Shelbyllose Jille spent Sunday It the home of Mr and Mrs Elmer Stouz Mr and Mrs Marvin Hand Dur tthy and Douglas spcnt Sunday with friends at Kitchener Cpl rlnrl Mr Swilzer and sacs Camp Borden were guests or Solidsnd Mrs Gordon on cal4 add lemma Mrs Henderson accom panied her sisters Mrs itud lick and Mrs Edzar at Baxter lu ibmnto this week IHAI it can arrange for service at it cost in leap with its needs or wislles SAY will You MEAN trim tile lribulo will bit one of rhemereble distinc Thc art at writing llnd spullklng clearly is not It universal glttx good numberJ of factors are oil con tributing to the current mud in mlxlddygfthinking Thq evident low or nz standards in the uchuols the lnltucnce oi propaganda or db°=iy 9342 oi its price THAI our rilleudlincoy upon its needs will be truly pevsenhl tenice thet eepebly eerosior all do IONS WMS Meeting or June The June meeting or Euros st was held at Mn Russell DowneyI on Thursday aiternonn With Mn Ii MtCllgue presiding the meeting opened with the prayer ltyrnni Lordis Frayerln unison the opening llymnnnd prayer by Mrs McCague brict business session wesconducted rind it was decided net to have the regular Teetiru in Jilly lloli cell was rc ind with Bible Verse con idininz Light Mrs ch Small presewed very impressive papcr on the lhexm The Light oi the War during the worship ser vice Mrs Fergus Kerr presented the Scripture lesson and Mrs Sloltz contributed solo allowed with prayer byMrs Small Mrs EOE Williams very ably presented the concluding chapters oi the study book and Mrs Shiiluil aller ad the closing benediction so cial hour iollawcd The Late Samuel Gamble The doath occurred lit the home 0i Mr and Mrs Roland Munroe early Friday morning at Mrs Mun roes gun lather Samuel Gamble in his 93nd year The deceased who hadmalie his hcmc with his glanddaughtcr Jr the szt several years hind been in poor health sincelebruary Funeral services were held Vcnlry near Dun daik on Monday oitcrncoll COUpIe Sign Register AllergWedding We are glazed to Ice Mrs Prid dle born again utter spending the past seven months with her daugh lerMrs Howartll It Purl Frances hire lover glare Bilslnas We weiobmc Mr and Mrs Frank Hurrilon and lumliy Toronto who have taken over ihe general store businaowned by stone and eon co the to at his rather Art continued he business until ill health hils lorced himiromue tlve work Mrs Harrison is wcll known bcing the former Violn Stone Mr and Mrs Ned Eoullhec and lamily and Mr McDougali all of Toronto were visitors with Mr and Mrs Jack Pugsieyi Mr and Mrs Frank McDonnell and sons Russell and Raymond nt tended Mrs McDonnells sisters wedding in Toronto over the wetk cnd Mr Croft Oriilla is holidaying iJi weak wr to Meet June 23 The ncxt meetsng at the Wu mens lriut will lie at the heme ul Mrs endaii Wednesday cvun ing June 23 anlo all the things you wear your expression is the most important and costs you nothing Roll call beauty epot in Simcoc Cuunty Mrs Harry Sicssor isin chargc 0i lhe prcgzuln Miss Eielie Pruphul oi Oriiliil will shuw mm and be the waiter Mrs lugsicy Mm OBrien Mrs Prophet and Mrs Shclswnll had cenvzncrs Visitors always welcome LAC AND MRS DOUGLAS MCBRIDE Sign the register following their wedding in St Andrews Anglican Church Alliston Thc bride isthe former Mary Fern Louise Ludlow daughter or Mr and Mrs Emerald Ludiow and the groilm is the son or Mr and Mrs Edward McBride oi Viceroy Saskatchewan Illey will be making their home in Moose Jaw YOUR WCAL 11mm New Lactum IIZ Dunlap Si Phone 2632 Itepeirlt Remodelling Bwrllge and Cleaning Reiining small rewn while you WI Yisliiï¬i calchwords and other actors have narrowly limited the number or pedde who communicate in dE ï¬nite precise language Rnuyn Noranda Que Press NEEDS COUMGE VISION The hungry mnw oi the North American industrial machine has It be led and the North in EC is no longer wholly olil ul transporta tion reach Its development will take time rind Immense amount ot cauilali More than that it will call for courage and generous helping oi wisdom Killmat BC Northern Sentinel RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRSi Cantus highly trained technicians are fully qnnllilcd Io scrvlcu llny radio or television set guaranteed to give you satlslaction and save you money Leave or Europe Mr and Mrs Ji MtCMue tell on Monday evening to Join their vgurly 25 onlan urgamzed tour to Drum The party will visit point oi agricultural Initorcsi in both ï¬rtat Britain and on the continent At the close oi the Sunday School session on Sunday Wood in cw wall chosen words cxu Ed the apiprcciallon the faithful scrvlccol bolh Mr and Mrs McCaguL In the various activities at Burns Church durinl the past 20 years and wished or them most pleasant holiday and JIL return early in August Anglican Servlcé iicv Leslie Rowe was the speak or at St Aidilns Churcll last Slin day evening Mrs Keith McCulloch and son Peter Toronto Visited Mrs ii Kendall tor few days Mr and Mrs Murray Hutchinson and tunilly Torcnuspent cw days with their parents Mr and Mrs Ed Juhnsione Mrs liovwrd Prophct son HIII and GrrryCrIJil visited in Toronto With Mr and Mrs Douglas Wilson and Sons Bryan and Bruce Allan recent Visitor llccent visttire with Mr and Mrs cawprr etudln MR AND MRS JOIIN It MARSHALL whose June nuptials were held in St Marys Church The bride is the tumor Pat ricin Elizabeth McDougoll daughter of Mn and Mrs Angus McDougail or Barrie and the groom is the son of Mrs Mar shall and the late Archibald Ti Marshall of Barrie Alter nuth spent the wcekchd with Tow ronto lriends Circuit WAs Iooverlie Mincsing circuit parsonage com mittee had their first cooperativc adventure when the tour appoint ments Anton Mills Mincsing Pinafore Sundress Fire Deslrnys llarn ihc pimple ul this conununlty were sorry to hear the mislorlonc oi the Fred Bellamy iamily ncor Everett in the loss oi their Illrn wedding trip to Pittsburgh Cleveland and points south they will be making their home in Mimieu II Crawlord were Dr and Mrs Norman McLeod and Mary Eliza 8mlth BtudloPhctu both Tillsonburg Mrs McCul CRIMECOMICS This sort oi problem is very diiiiluit to deal with The curl lul parcnts have their powers of cause or tile carelessness or nth ore as well at hccause tile dc mulld or the books makes their production ond sale profildhic and big business iough Mrs Currie and Mrs Pur vis onltln Mr and Mrs Crawlord man and larnlly Toronto Mï¬luhsri Cochmne supervision seriously curtailed bo Ont Northlnnd Post Spring Summer needs IIIIIISEIIII 18 Dunlop SLWuI Iuen BARRIE ONI mule IIINut Is Mluil ll in 24 months to reply Phone come In today too inn friendly wviccl Sell Penn In Second Mr and Mrs Slanlcy Wult have sold their term on thc second con ccssion of Vuspra in II Howard at Barrie and will be moving to the village ul Dnlston by July Tiny have purchascd Iloss illrt rams house Our best wishes go with Mri and Mrs Wait and lam ily Weekend Al Thunder my Mr and Mrs Walter Craig Bill and Terry spent the Weekend at Shady Nnuk lliundir Day Dcacil Vacation expenses Seasonal needs GI or home repair Medical expenses 550 lo 51000 on IltnululII wt or lulltllluu Oneday Invite Ne bonkable security nerd Sell In Community Home June in chp Wednesday June 30 tor the community picnic In Spring watcr Park Everyone in Mill hurst is cordially invited to lllcnli Suppcr will be served at 530 The supper committee risk each family it include pic llUIaiD Salad anti lllcal course and whatever else you care to bring Ii Ircnt ui itl mum will he givcn to the cllil drtn by Home and School The teachch on running oil it well III IINIIIIBE our phone 5529 no Incll our sun am llrganilcd spurts pmgrdln Ctan and bring your lalniiy llr amt Mrs Irtti Cookn anti 1eonFIDENTIALLYTYOURS fby flotillaJolie 541mb MUNiltiitiySrilrnrn lute ilrnvttl lltlllll wllllltn fill nun ilnnlil nt run lw dillnut liy llltli ilillln itlr ilisliihiu IIUW lung is it hilttt lll th iitillltiry hint It IIII IIIIIIE Hint IIIIIIIII lnlislnit nillin itllI lnuirn ry IIIIII nnttu yllur will ntliy lIiiil it you have Illtli wil Iiinlltltlll ul ullls inul Lullllliry Ii1 Iltlll tun lillls in Illl llllllt wIiiil unlit IiIJCItIIirl Illillii or iiiiiuiVH IiIi712 nnll lulii llntt fun In IiIltl tli nutlr lililll WIIIII lnltlulry Iilnu Hull KIDNEYACIDS Rob yourResr hllny pnpil new Irrrn to get pod nlylill mt Tth tum Ind IanHum it on nrnuiIinn it my their low lluldr kidneys ï¬llu point mi mm Itidt inm the blood Il they Ind Impuliiiel my in the lylitmdiltullnd ml oitm Ioiioul it ycu tlull lul well El Ind nu Doddl Kidney PillI We the him ll IIIt you rIn ml betterInd Iee lull rliltiltr IIitll liltll lIIlt rrtll tlllllill the amount oi VtIiiIt rim in tin rig in your wueitl litltlt Mllllillilllg In nrni lltllrï¬lnin lniu iiIlI tilli tllxcllillg Iiillllillly lthn Ill your Illml tlninnwhly itll lnr nliiltlr mun ltlly zmnlnnu Itlilrllllltllcr nut nnk th Edcnvnlc and Midhurst WAs cat ered to Warden Smith Cemplleiis are going Into the parsonage lurid It IS the ambition of the ladies by tnvopcraling together to have some time in thc iuture uneoi tile hcst turnishod parsondgcs in the Presbytery Newreach Apoolnled Mrs Scott Mllir who has been supplying In 55 No Vesora is leaving in June amt Miss Eleanor Owrns tit Barrio has been on gflKCIi as teacher for the coming your Swimming Itegllirliinn Have your cilildrcn régislered for the swimming classes pioasc rcgislcr with the teacher in either school We Ilavc to know the enrolment melon the teachers are enraged Registration lot 25 IIdtc Willow Creek Church Service ltcgllinr church scrvlcle litxi Sunday at 730 Sundoy schqu at will large congregation cnioycd the service by iht llcv ltuss Cum nlintz Ii Cbidwtilcr on Sunday ov ciiinit llc gave on inspiring lnlsfilgc iIlL liloan ncing Cum prlssiurl The Senior choir renti olcli lovely llrliiltlll which was mtlLIILllitlytli Trip To Thc wm Mr and Mrs Mnyus are on holiday trip to Western Canada Iinlirr Ilortoril Care Sorry In iupnyt tlrr Veal still under the doctors cilro Sill is cullVilItSLillK ill lullllu llnlil Illa is able to tilt tn Turultll to have cullsuililliull wllil Speciallle erlrtt Only One leprr Congratulations to Gordon Wnii intnunss N0 pllilil who only hurt in wrltc nut linni paper hnvlny ucurrd lllc mt on till ytlilrs work in Toronto IloInliII Mrs Tlllllllile Stilton llarric II In Toronto Ilttlliiial tllltitrgoillg tnulniiut licr ninny illtlltls in this lllstricl wish Ilcr rnccdy picnic onounu 10 The proceeds SIZES zlq EASY plnolore ur sllntirvss shell wrilrlur play in inrtlls Frost it with tnlbruitIlry ryllct lrnsyi Nn tlttlni wurrlls iltlw cillcllcs wnisl OptIts liat to Iron ruty pullcrn 72m Cillllls Sins to lallurn Div unr hrtiltilry irnnrlcr Stalc in Scull TWENTYFIVE CENTS In cntnr ltir this mi isldlllps not he tlctotllld it The llilrrt runnilnrr lluuuhdht Arts litu It Front St WIKI Turtlnlu Print llllllllly NAME ADDRESS lAIlilltN NUltiillill TliN COMPLETE lltlillllNS to row llllilrnlticr crtlclltt prIIlittl rittlii In Ihc ltllcc Ilruliks Nrcdiu crtllt Hook Plus many more ini ttnu in mi lor Illcllltiillu gill lllclls lilnuilr nlolltytiltlkcre toys lhraugh in us result of Satur iny nights sionn his Tcsclrm redemtlon Miss Bayd and Mr Melville attended the regular motling or the Esa Township Toachels Icd erulion on Thursday arturnnon which look the form at it picnic lneoling ncnr Midland Blrlhllay Iilriy Mrs Elmer Sloltz entertained the occasion n1 her son Allans ï¬fth birthday tSundey Visitors Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Iicndtrstln inclutlctl Mr and Mrs Stove Muglurd and son imilly and Mn and Mrs Evtrron lcw Iillio folk last Wednesday on COOP Hollie Television Experts 259 INNISIil Si PHONE 2429 illorc and more people are making Dutch Pantry their centre for Home Baked Specialties 4rM Dont lorget that Illher likes to eat Iae and he would really enjoy one olour decanted latherl day ll es Corne In now and place your order hnil give dad treat and while youre in lake home home line wholesome llolne ballrti bread and pastries as rectal tor the whole tnrnlly IRS We think some Dutch Ilnn lions would go ovrr In big way as an extra Fulllerls Day Special 5l rillln Illlilllll slitsw hark grren llnlsh Air con ditionlng Ilealtr One owner lint new DUTCII IASTIIIES CUI CAKES CAKES DUNS DINNER ROM IlAISIN IlIlIIAD HOME MADE Dill3M COOKIES IIIiS FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ORDENS IN BY PM DELIVERED THE SAME DAY lluy WIIII Corllidenge lit Dangerï¬eld Motors IIIMIIIII ulmcnc Counlyd Largest Car Dealer USED CAI DIVISION 211 IIIIAIIFOIII ST Ilill IBII IIII Dllnlop St ll ltpnuslle Queens Hotel Phone 2091 Dutch Ianiry Iloultllold IllnLe are hroldrull lueldlyl tend Thun IIIyI over CKDII Dodds KidnevPiIls FUEL PROBLEMS SOLVED TNOIISANIISJO ENJOY 22halumthatn1 PAIILIJP HEAT WINTE unn lvnl ltnvl ItlltI ulilllwr no tll ii NulllllrollIIlltonccIllclllilltltopily enjoy it worryioml Willie WI if Nil llllllll worry about ilollrclllpty colli tlII lllI or null your Ililllll opt on rgt um him wt lilllo Cliili Iilltigot llllll Lolly lllltl IlClIItIIIlII Wllll Iilllo or turn IIiIIlI wir IIIIIIK IrlllttIInlntIIlllIlisullgttlllrlimlt litlll itll no carry no Cltllvtlllcllt tll Ltltl tile worilltt IlllCtlt ltlllilrllcltu Ilm laytint in lulllrllnn tr tin lltlil mlll lrlnln Illy lililltllth with Mull In Ilitl ltnt ci inninllily nut in unit nrlllty ltlillllAII LI tlcliglit In lllI Weu Fairly Wuhan Imm to llwl innumlnrin Inuit nl in lulu my niutInr tn nulll Ilill nlmit rilll tin All In luu ul ml inn tltrnlr ttni IIniIIIr lit rnllnig Ilm wItile llllttI hum thanks in Illitlll IlIiINIilt In It It till Iirlulte llitin llilt IIIIIII will In mm llllltlllrt ttl th nullint ll pill on In tlln nth it mrllmv rIlnlllr tIlrun Is gnlrlll lit triumtltl int rprriill IIlIlllllh Ing mute lltili it rut lm IIiIn llvu Mil it mvinel iIIIHIHIII Hut Ill the rhr Mrlil It lcmntlnr Icllrlil it how In it mlillt lit nulmrnt ylill Itl Itlllllill tIllyI ltCttVlIy lhnt Iillhlll hnnny writs ninth ulnn not tililfllll my Illlllily mill wnllil wrtIIur IlllilIl itllltliillit hi It IIlll NIAI IlllllNllNii IIIitl Ililtt we llnnwlnnlm itvl lilit til tluntn iillIIIIinl Stlltl 13 collie IWI Tip Im Imu IllilIrI inllll IIII ltiIiIIllg in lrll IIltllilII nillnw 4n nn Mr utilin ru in my iinn your dun III lmliwutulmmrin unitl Irma nll nilh innnln tilvlto IIvt Illlll tutii Hut littlll nnnl llny tlllllitlll in nudnr tnin lnlIrtI Ilnuylnnn llinl um riilllt IIIIMI mull lmlr tntn rind Itnlils tinIi nnl lnnn mammoth lilv IIIIL nnIy lu lunliliitinll lur rlltu ItlllI IllIlIlII lll llhl niriily ytnul In nltunl litr llnnylilun wlll Ill Intuit lli inlllf nlnl HIIUII lriut nnnc Nit Iy tlnnt tlllrr ll ntllllt Illllltilt it Iilm till you IlniIV Inuitt lull nl illinulnu MliII linntinnn ll ynur illtltllllt lluiit within to day Inlay PaidUp eat with our blln toal Budget Plan Nu nllnttmru IIIIII Iliy for your llIlIt mill tut you my ylillr IIlnllo Ilill IIlIII rl lllr llltlllllliy nllllle No nlllirttlglm Yltlll WIIIIII ltllppiy lti Ililllllilllf lllvtllrtvtl mill punt or littum wltlllr tuylnc Ntl wtlrrlnu Your liollwillilti Iitltlgtll rtlitn Ihiilrlliliflr ellnllllflll liru Illllrtlltlllliy llltt Ark ulmui our II the handyman in your homoiyeo on Iron Panelyto In your home loo hcoulllul Punlon tlnlt and counter lentdinette and vonin topl bolltroom anti llltllut wnlll Paneiylo oddl Immedlolu benuty uml pumanml beautymo Ilolnino or watching no more pulnllnq painting or plultelllig onil Ionnlytv it to only to hop oienmlnuly Icon ll youll not lntllnvll to do it yetnull 10w tarpon comrade will do the oil In lilIy Find IlI IImnm la hill inl mnntlwir wIluIl lwu bluecoal III ler to runny lirtqvln It BUDGET PLAN Title In inlnrw the III rmy rtrywlty Illnillt ut mt mining Irrl Envy lmn ill lie Ill MARY ST IIIIIII at it And wilt Ii SARIEANT 66 in unit It in nut Min llwnt Illy in will Irfit alum in in run in And tiny nil Iillll rm llrtlwn in Iilnl to sum Itlnll l1lmllit nhy uni 7iycllr um in mm rmin Fmllllnll AIlunllimi In all unit mm In It lnnkunring nu nnintadMJimnl nnnnymns Ilri vrly nullity Aulllltll II III IIAIl RIE PHONE 246i tliIti We rrltIIlity rm llitlyl IINI MEI iv My Vllll on building normal main lull ynm 1m mud ml Ilmlylol lainid IlmIlltn nllllvtl ulmlou mm um count lcmloilllullln St JvIlnI Quebec