am 12 THE BARBIE EXAMINER FREAK ll cynic pany 91an pricolivevyihingandihuvoluo cl namingr up Hum Is that all lwnnm llllln flm mim Ilka Ulln um mm of Um liltln mwuul why umm lnmlllN rIIII ml of Kollnnua 30m Flnkrn thin nmrnllm him any nth mmnl llm IM mm Immmu nvcry lny la Uliu Kollnun Com llnkm Junl naturally lnnln Imi ln mulr mhln Alwnyn hnvn Mill vln Ho nnIurnlly many wmnnn plvk up mm parkhan Kollnun Corn llnkm nvrry Hum llwy buy any mmnl my Hml You on FRESH from May Is that all WE PICKUP ANII DELIVER YOUR PRESCRIPTION Your Friendly IDA Drug Store r1 RAY VLIVINGSION DRUG STORE 56 Hayï¬eld Next to Loblnws The Realm nursing divleon placed nm with 26° 1701an out of possible 3M with Kingston plac Ing sccnndwlh 259 palms and Port Arlhur plncing third wkh 24 points only twn poms ahead Barrie Everything Wmi taken Ink nomldcmllon by Ike judges In cludtng ncalncss the person Plcluru by Flvcm Exnmlnlr mmphulngnphu um IP mar In hls newwnpu lvlllahl In louy ï¬rlnLI Fur lull Inlormnflnn Ihoul the plclurc yvu WI NOTE Dial 3537 Phone 2414 The Bunie Examiner MR AND MRS GEORGE EARNEST PROCTOR whose June wedding took place In Essa Road Presbyterlnn Church The bride is the former Mary Elizabeth Somers daughter of Mr and Mrs Morley Sumers of Barrie and the groom 15 the son of Mr and Mrs Proctor oI Eugenia They are making their hume 1n Cuban cm 9m knowledge 01 nursing cxl hock knowledge and apmudc In handling Ihn patlan The local home nurses wnn their high plac ing an lhnlr awn lnitlnuvc with no nursing olficcr ln lhc dlvlslun hm Ernest Lackle was captain lhnlmm which was made up 01 Mrs Ernest Bowdury Mm Muricl PIMmmvr Mrs Mania Lu gan and Mm PIarl Sheppard who made an cxccllcnl patient The conlcsl was based on the case an elderly nrthrhlc pallenl In bcd in he can her daugmcr who calm down wgh he Hu The home nursns Werc culled on lack am both pallcntsn dauhle prublcm am Vcry proud them marks Mrs Huud 01 her vulunmr wnrkc th Ambassador mldnc slrdcll 1m nvnrly lwo mllcs from Wind sar to Detroit wns upcncd in 1079 yrurmldu nclml WINK Dok prim ill the Drltlsh Cnlumbll Speech AIL Fodcratlon Icsflval Llltlr llumn Cox wun srcund mm In lhv claw or glrlrundcr ï¬ve and was the ynungmt com pelltorin the group Married inDppbleRing Ceremony STARTING YOUNG VANCOUVER CHA lhrcc ramiuyï¬em Area bargain in good reading Nninml Yum MilIn NOW AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL smnu DEALEIII InmIIn munlna lair Clnllllfll ram coIIHu out WeekIyStar GREAT RIDGE THREE mom 6an mm FRIDAY SATURDAY mommv TNDDSANDS AND TNDDSANDS DE DDLLADS IN HIGH GAADE MERCHANDISE DEFEAED AT AMAZINGLY LDW PDlEES DDDINE DDD DAEAT 25111 ANNIVEASADY SALE Barrie Man Wins Reunion Prize Ar Ypungstown NY The Wilsonflihson rnuniun was held on Saturday June 12 at the home Mr and Mrs Richard Ulrich Youngstown N1 whh an attendance 75 very bounlllul supper was served ln um gnrdnn which was mclurc wllh roses poppies Kris And other curlysummer lowers In Iull bloom Lhc short business mccung during the day Eddie wnmn was rcclcclcd prnsldcnt whllo Harold Wilson was rcnmncd me nlflcc vicevprosldcnl and Mm Haze Dcvlln secretary Imd Igslle WH son lrcnsurcr were bum rclurncd to olllcc Pmcs or spans and may num ber prim were glvcn out with Spcclnl awards going ll Mrs Flora Wllsun Youngstown us he old as Indy prescM Charles wmon oi Barrie the nldcsl gcnllnmnn present Mrs Scull Anlcn Mllln the lmvcllcr coman mm the fmhcst pnlnl Mm Flor WH wn Ibo clan member th the largest lumlly and Chbryl Cnrru mm 01 Quccnsway 13 me yuung mt baby The xcunion will be held next ym Sprlngwulu mm In Midn hursL CHICKS MASTER FEEDS FROST FENCE FERTILIZER GRAHAM JIIISIII ILOUGIIS IOUIIIIW EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES AND ALUMINUM ROOFING IN STOCK FROM EASTERN PRODUCTS DEKALIX 70llN XL ll HUNTEHS PUULTRY FARM Phono 53R5 Your Farm Needs ma ANI nmnm lWI Dunedih Church Is Setting FOr Uune Nuptials While rum lonned In eflectlve mung ln Dunedin Pmbytemn Church on Saturday June 1954 the wedding Miss Jewel Georgina Rose Arnold and Km nelh Elwoodflilpln The mid the only daughter of Mr Ind Mm lemok ArnoldGlem Huron and the groom the elder Ion at Mr and Mrs Horace Qflpln New Low The cercmony was parlormcd by ev Thomas Mulhulland Mrl Orland Arnold played the wed lug music and Ms Mary Mlllslp mu soloist Thmbrlde who was given In1 man by her lather looked 312mm In slraplcss gown of lace and net over saUn with lace bolero Her nppllqued vell mind by her nephew Bllly Ar itald Icll from ualln headdrcg rimmed wllh lily of the valley he carried white Bible with orchld The bridal attendants were the groom sister MU Audgey Gil pln as bridexmnld and the brides niccu Mus Judy Arnold an jun Inr brldcsmnld and Min Ann Arn am as flower 3111 They wore gown net ovnr mum with matching headdreslu lhe brides maXd choosing yellow while the junlarbrldcsmaid and lower girl chose row The bridesmaids car rled colonlal bouquel cama Hons and mum and the Han girl carried daingy mun bask oI roses and swecgpcgs The groom was nude by nnlh Thompson of Woodstock Th ushers were Wilbur Arnnld hm thats the bride and Gldn Gflpln hrolhcrot HIV gruq the reception In the Sunday School room the brlrlns mnlhcr received Kn drm sky blue crepe and lace wllh navy scams orgns and corsagc pink msc buds The groums mnlhcr 355m cd wearing aqua tauda with white acccsmriu and carsagc bronze macs For weddlnz lrlp to he Unltcd States he bride chose powder blue sun with white accessories and an orchid corsngc On their return Mruand Mrs Gllpin will rshï¬ on the rooms arm at New Lowell Patricia McDougall Becomes Bride Of John Marshall mm Pamela flimhcth Mchu Lall daughter at Mr and Mrs Angus McDauaIllol Barrle was mmicd on Saturday Juno 5m 1951 wnudï¬ldskh the nth noon in St Marys Roman Cathollc Church hm madman IL MInhIlL sun of Mrs Marshall Ind he lute ArchlbaldT Mlflhlll Barrie The marriage ceremony was per argued by RevDllvrr 14 mm Given In mnmnc er the bride was warm gown nylun ncl ovinr whlc salln wllh emhmï¬dmd nylon lace in 5crlsllcr mulching bolero was edged Iruund lhc collar wllh rhlncslunua and pearls Qnd cmwn 0t pcnrls and rhlnesmms hcld her flnlurup Vell 01 nylon ncL She was carrying muonth huuquct lth valley mu Her nflcndam was Miss Audrey ansun of North Bay who wma wcnrlng ballnrlnn 1mm gown in blue nylon nc over mum with malchlnz bulcro Jacket Her xuwn was lrlmmcd wllh rhine lmnc and fled pearls and she was wearing hundcnu huddrmï¬ matching luflcln with rhlnc or red man Ian 1111 at WEDDINES McBridéLudlqw Nuptials are Held In Alliston ChurCh St Andrew Angllun Church Alumn wan the scltlnl or the marries Miss Mary Fem Louise Ludluw daughter 91 Mr and Mrs Emerald Ludiaw Ind LAC Doug lu McBride Moose Jaw Suk Ilchéwnn Ian at Mr Ind Mrs Ed ward McBride Viceroy Sask atchewan Rev lumen per lormed the doublering ceremony The wedding male was played by Miss Miriam Mtan and the soloist wm M15 will Jean Som mervlllc lecn ln marrlnzc by her Ialhcr the bride were waltz length gown at whllc nylon tulle and French lace over satanA crown Lrlmmcd wllh seed pearLs hald her ï¬ngertip yell cmbroldcred tulle llluslon and she curled In lï¬vry prayer book wlth streamer ol rwccthcnrl roses and em Mm Gerald Junklni who was matron honur tar her sister wore gown of orchid lnce Ind nylnn no nvcr latlcta MLii VLla Ludluw cnusln ot the bride and M13 Deny Pcnelelon as brida nalds Ware slmnar gown ox tur quobc lace and nylan net over Iattcla and carried noscgays at alisman roses blending xhadzs Mk Faulasmphcns cousin he bride as lower Elrl looked vexcharming In pale yullnw ny lun nut and lace aver mama and arflcd noscnay baby msu Brian Galdcn cumin the ride dressed in lormnl suit 01 mils cflnlcd flue ring on white snun cushion William Ludlqw bmlhcr of the andcr was groomsman and run stem and yamls she ascadc bouquet at pink 11 Marshall Earth was lroomsmnn tur his brother and the ushch were Davis Arnold Barrio and John McDougall Barrio bmlhcr oi lhf bride allowed at Bayrlarr Lodge Mlnnls Pulnl when he mmhnr of thc bride rnccivcd in lwoplccc dress of navy crepe trimmed wllh navy velvct Her accessories were navy and she was wearing Corsage pflnk cnrna lions The grooms mother who am rccclved was In navy and while checked crept and was wearinl navy accessories and cnrsagc plnk cnrnnnum bride and groom Ian on wedding lrip to Pittsburgh Clcvc land Ind pnlnu soulh the brldr Unveiling In an azure blue sull or wool gnbardlnc with match in km and navy blue accmsorlcs Her corsage was red réses On their return Mr and Mrs Mar mu will be making um hnmn HI Mlmlco OulaIlown guests at the wcd dmu were rum North Bay Tur imun Mimlcm Windsor and Osh lilHAl McNAIIII ox GR Cï¬bwn LIFE lllllltulfl 00 INSURANCE COMPANY carfled roses and when wan ulnar Imkhu And nga Wnlel rollnwxn ua rjecepuon my nun Lodge Barrie the hi coupie let on 111011 molar up coupie let on 111011 molar qu Inex which they lnvclled on their new home In Moms le Suknt mew1 11 mm mikan nature 1h repelIx various budget tram Alberta tnwm was the act lhll at he nverage mlll me Increase 01 412 mill In avznle Innem bf 333 mlllsÂ¥wu requlrcd or xchoolyumum Ind onelhlrd mlll was required or hospital puypouu Lw mun hullam Increase wu budgcted or Iuwn work such in area aidewnikn and ether own projects mmhcy Alla Rfcnrd BumzN OF EDUCATION Light and Flexihle Moore Shoes 01m Posl Ofï¬ce BARBIE Phone 5375 BLUE TAN CAMEL BROWN WHEAT AAAAAAAAABC JACK NIXON llnrrlr magnum Both am becoming madam by one has pqnonul ouch flu but enlunccs your individual chum Jla In way with life insurance loo Inr but results you need anvjng lnllllmtcli0n plln lhll ll tailored to your personl needs Your friendly men Life cmlmellnr clprrinlly lrnilml In IuIp you draft lmrmnnliwl pmgmm for achieving Iccurily CunauIl him ludly willl mnflxlwco Phone 59111 Véctflish Have M1er leeonlhrcl lmtrumahlalim ynur ApIuy mide Dlal 41241 Nights 8539 COMPLETE WEDDING CEREMONY RECORD llEEfllllllllES MIAD ENIGII lemme NADA HANK HOWml