TIlE BARBIE ENAMINER MONDAY JUNE 21 1954 HELP WANTED RESTAURANT HELP Shart nrder Cooks waitresses Kitchen help for new restaurant 400 Highway at Cookstown APPLY BOX BARBIE EXAMINER or in person June 2125 at restaurant atternuons 17072 EXPERIENCED Presser tor Pant Presser Bill Hall RC Camp Burden 10971 GENERAL Housekeeper to look utter couple wile invalid Phone 4527 17 Florence St 10971 GIRL OIL young Woman to assist in general dutius Phone 3097 or write BOX 34 Barrie Post Oiilce iEMI MiDDLEAfled lady or pensioner ior company for young mother Light housekeeping Phone Ecetun Accommodation Wanted SMALL Bungalow or no less than roomed apartment with bath wanted No children Apply Box Barrie Examiner IiTITz mu SEED FEED oUCKwnEAT for sale Apply Thomas iiarrlsun Lot 21 Con Io Vespra mile north of Highway 00 107071 RED CLOVER Ilay shinning Ilea sonable iienry Rants and Sells rhnlpeian Phone Elmvaie 51r14 iolI72 15 ACRES Standing mlxedlclover hay tor sale Will divide in any quantity lWiiliam Wallace 12th Line Innislii Phone Stroud 21TH 107172 PROPERTY FOR SALE LACEY REALTOR 18 Bayiield SL Ph 5208 FOR SALE GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL TRACTOR LOADING Septic Tanks mimosa DENNIS MORAN BARBIE Ttaii PHONE 2907 LOADING JGRADING BACKFILLING EXCAVATING DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS TOP SOIL 0R FILL STEWART phone 50112 THREE AIDS TO HAPPY HOME Barrie 767tt FORSALE Hardvvare AI9Rifice smith on COOP Or Phone 2429 you TRADE IN VALUES Grahamoire heavyvduty Burner ELECTRIC RANGE Exceptional they at $4500 Dinner table top modern Mnitat ELECTRIC RANGE LOST FOUND LOSTBlackwhiteiandtanhouiid tn townshi oi Om Phone Gordon Caldwell To 323 177071 LOSTLadyl biack velvet purse between Dominion Store Vitl Clap perton to McDonald St about pm Friday Reward Phonelitoagil SUMMER COTTAGES COTTAGE Iumiehed good tishing and bathing In Eala district Phone 3833 07 Eruck St 5ROOM Furnished Cottage or sale Lake Simeoeliawkestone large Iakeiront iothpriced reason ably John Watson 80 Martha St Burlington Ont Cottage weekends COTTAGE for rent at AIConoBeaCh or July and August Sleeps inside conveniences screened porch close to sate peach and playground boat Phone 4825 WINE Cottages Barrie talks will enjoy their holidays at our heautitul cottage resort Edge woler Cottages on Orr Lake High way 93i1nside conveniences sports saie beaich noted ior ï¬shing boats or July and August oat hydro and water TENDERS 1ENDEIIS Invited tnr the con struction at one room addition tothe Wasag Beach Public School Jo to mplcted tor the Fall term Plans or speciï¬cations may be obtalncd at the municipal oil Ces Wasaga Beach on deposit at $25 Tenders to be received up Aun til 5pm June 30 1951 2071 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS No collection No Charge Credit Bureau or Simcoe County Box 60 Orilllii Phone 4752 568 CONCRETE WORK LANDSCAPING Small Buildings Moved MURPHY BAXTER Phone 41r2 Allistnn 54075 CUSTOM CUEBOARDS PONY weeks HARDWOOD Saitwood SID lVdm WOOD FOR SALE Hardwood Slabs sawed Dad deliv ered Dennis Moran phone 1901 61191 William Miller LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PUREDRED ilolsteln IIelier not registered Due Juno izria ivy voaitsmno young Saw dueJuIy Stanioy Cameron Cooksiawn lies wet or Newton Robinson Moss Scheiiie Beeton phone 551 phone 97071 YOUNG Yorkshire Sows bred Phone Waiter Weatherali Creemore tbflrla 96971 AUTOMOBII LES ti TI $$ HONESTJOE WILLPAY Phone MOUNT ST LOUIs itev Mr Moore Hiflidaiévislt ed on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Mt Maurice Fitzgerhld has returned home atter wending three weeks in Toronto General Hospital Donna Miller grade III pupili or Cnioait High School is home or the summer holidays Nlee work Donna Mi Twoiney pupils ot the School enjoyed bus trip to Toronto where they visited the museum Riverdale zoo and other places at interest Franco and iielen Berthelotte Barrie spent the weekend at their home here Mr and Mrs Frawley Visit ed on Monday with Mrs Pond and the Senior ergasi Mono Road Jane Miller and Shirley King grade opuplis are busy writing entrance exams Clara and Jim Amos attended the Wiener roast sponsored by the Pres bylerian Young People at Hills dale on lridLiy evening Ralph Twomey spent the wcek end at his home at Ennismore Available at one address lIiLTER QUEEN HEALTH UNIT Tile ilnost Home Sanitation System JUNO FLOOR POLISIEE OKLNA 55TH 10971 PIIACTICAL nurse or housekeep er Must be good with Children Start July l9 Phone 9128 Mrs Masters 17071 BASEBALL Home Sewers needed or Lannon and Wellinger Ltd 100 Victoria St Barrie Phone 53 ior iniormtttion ieoti SERVICE Station attendant eit perience preiorrod not essential Ap ly Sun Valley rem Service Station CroWnIIiIl lIDll DOOKKEEPEIL capable otgiving monthly statement Permanent position Reply giving experience and salary required Box Bar rie Examiner i7iv72 SALESMAN wanted for tart grow ing Canadianconlpany The man we want should be able tohire and train other salesmen Plenty oi opportunity or advancement Phone or appointment 3482 Roy Tracy 17071 MARRIED Couple to take charge or ianl tor the raising and processing oi broilers Must he ex perienced six rouin apartment provided with all conveniences Please reply stating experiCn pile IinLi other qualiï¬cations ply linx Harrie lixaminer 171 Sherman Brown Toronto visit ed recently with Mrs Brown and Boyd iPLUMIilNCSURPLIES Accommodate or more Conveni ent driving on good highway Rea sonablc rates $35$65 wekly Gar don Jones 73 Olenvale Blvd Tor nntLl l7 Ont Io 287072 == PROPERTY FOR RENT CAMPING EQUIPM Tents iro wk Camp Stoves $200 wk Portable Refrigerators $200 wk Camp Beds $100 wk Barrie Tent Awning CO Bayiieid St Phone 4314 156975 TRIMWORK Modern builtin cupboards speci alty Call in an estimate 3BRUCE CANERON PHONE 6382 ii am9 pm MondaySaturday Reps Carson A1 Rose SALES LISTINGS APPRAISAIS Good Condition $10000 Highest Prices FOR CLEAN AUTOMOBILES Liens paidioiii and we will trade down CROSSTOWN MOTORS maradtord sic Phone 5420 151510 Cottages Cabins Motels IMO FORDCaach citcellent Con Homes Armstrongs Floor Covering ditton $200 or best otter Phone Linoleums in 13 Rubber and Asphalt Tod 51dï¬TEOHEDMIhqufllfllmppggd per LT Turin Ilg LOll Oil Plasticwail Tile mm Tm alum Asp Sump pumps Copperea Galvan Materials Supplied and Installed Essa Garage Angus 134172 Ized Pipe and Fittimis Etc Free Estimates 47 GMC STON Truck motor WOLFENDEN tires and box in excellent condi tion $450 or exchange or fill 90 Cumberland 5t Phone alas 5174 Kliiice Little Lake Cedar Park FLOOR SANDERS 137071 1050CIIEV 2aoor sedan radio TO RENT Are our floors shabbyi Rent heater Saerilice ior ouick sale Owner leaving ior USA 5950 or our gn Speed Floor Sande and refinish like new Reasonable rates best oiier Box 75 Barrie Exam AII types or iloor ï¬nishes avaiiahll lner 136971 REEMANUFACTURED automobile BOYDS PAINT AND WALLPAPER engines exchanges New en lne I9 Clopperion Si Ph 5206 Door Universal ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR real buy IIDI supmncr cot tage or small store $7500 The Sewing Machine ottheeeatury PHONE BARRIE 3482 For lniormatior dig demonstra DU ROY TRACY 57 Maple Avenue 10201 567105 Charles Rogers REAL ESTATE Specializing in the Sale at Barrie homes and nearby Summer Prop erties We invite you to list your property for sale with us Sterling Trusts Bldg Dunlop St East PHONE 6387 55896 GORDON STOUTI LTD Real Estate Brokers Aurora Barrie Oakvillc BARRIE Sr DISTRICT REP GEORGE WRIGHT Phone Home 4800 150 Dunlop St East Member Iiarrie District lieai Estate Board iii45 POSITIONS WANTED MIDDLEAged man wishes light CLIFF BROWN employment to years previous employer Apply to Box 70 ilar REALTOR Over SierlinllTillstl rie Examiner 20071 Phone 2670 WANTED it you are looking for home Live on DRESSED hit to hand on summer eeitage POULTRY or businessgive us call HIGHEST PRICES PAID mugs Immud OUR iitUCK WILL CALL CLIFF BROWN MeLAUGItLiN Ilione 77W Alliston REAL FSTATF 1647 Toilets Basins Bathtubs Showers Sinks Pressure Systems 713 NECCHI The Worldh Finest and most versatile SEWING MACHINE Demonstrated In your home or at tile BARRIE TENT to AWNING co 34 Boyneld St Phone4314 It sews On buttons make but ten holes docs hundreds oi stylts ot cmbmidcry pll with Li standard equipment NO ATTACHMENTS TO BUY Models from $12400 Desk Causal Portable Types 29 14M nllIstlISt WINE Colored Studio Couch very guild condition liaasanahla Pilonell rOiI SALE Young Geese Cos 61159 77071 LAiIGll Furniture 130x thlck ilngl Breeders electric incubator boards ilze iixtix OHM3 oil broader 10 iaylnf pullets All 771 cheap ioCIcar quick Moving to town Dan Jenkins Cralghursi Phone 6011 RYAN Sud CutIinI Machine Philne Barrie Mira BURNER RANGEITE witn Oven Thermometer $2000 QUEBEC HEATERS at $1000 at $1500 lol those cold cottage nights You pay in irelght FURNISHED ROOMS PHONE 00 1570 FURNISHED housekeeping ruom central Phone 50M 157041 ROOM Central Gentleman prc Ierred Phone Ctltih 1571 FULLY Furnished new bungalow trorn July to Aug ll Phone tnzs otter il prn I5li OFFICES or sample room near bus station and new Post Diilce at 53 Collier St 1546 LARGE Housekeeping room mm ished Single room iurgeniiomon on Maple Ave 157071 MEDIUM Size Bedroom Centrally located Lady only Apply Smith In Colller St i57l it UNFUIINISIIED rooms upstairs share bathroom Phone 2327 or call at 121 Burton Ave 150873 SMALL Furnished apartment pri vote entrance ior July and Aug usi Phone 5437 atier 130 1571 good PROPERTY WANTED ROOMED furnished apartment Adults July and August Reicren condition Apply ilarhy Sun Valley Motel Iligllway 11 Phone MODERN House or Bungalow in aesApply box 72 Barrie Examiner llarril or Allandaie wanted to buy IstioTI 012H 77i ADDING Machines and Typewrit $3500 down payment 1th nan Examiner 337072 WOOD or Ctlltl yard Could be urnti itlr vitliilite Apply Write inr tree catalogue SVJOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES =2 Streetsville Phone 352 Open Wed rri Evenings tiii Ml pm 1951 illETiioit colicii Air conditioning heater New None at these values will last so call early rind save money Plymouth to 53 $189 nstaiied Chevrolet to 52 SIIBJnstaIIed Blacko Itegcnt Garage Angus 137173 AUCTION SALE Every Thursday at 110 pm Eimvale Communiiy Sales Arena Phone Wbittnn 102 Wednesday June so ltuctltln sale at tnrm stuck implements hay rain and household ttiecis or Gordon Campbell Lat Ii Con 10 rim Township mlle south ut the Ephert Sideruad miles stralIIht north nt Iilthay as Terms piI sums ui Sin and under will be cash over the six monihs Credit will he ptven Sale at pm sharp DST Jerry Caliphlin tuc guardnlce iord Vti to 53 Do ge 518 FERGUSONREID Floor Service TILE Vinyl Asbestos Asphalt Rubber Styro Plastic Wall YAIID GOODS Uiiderlay IIywuud Counter Tops HARDWOOD Laid Finished CAIIIET SERVICE Material Supplied ilislalled liru line owner since new vale buy with Conï¬dence AI Dangerï¬eld Motors LIMITED Hirach Countys Largestlnlir man can Divilltm 231 liradinril St Dial IEIII Lina crs Salm rentals repairs Slmcoo Business Machines 60 Toronto St phone 1824 71302 ELIZCTIIOLUX lteiriuerattlr We will pay tor the phone call when we buy your poultry 3311139 1N1 Smith 15 Collier St iitlifii Pli 6331 Ill 6487 HIGHEST PRICES FOR SCRAP IRON METAL WI also sell pipes brains tlilizies rhinuud and nlniamlnp mils Industrial Iron Metal lluhinp St West iornliuio Phones Gitfli or Mil 370 It Barrie Metal Fr Salvage DEALER IN SCRAP IRON METALS was alone RAGE oAIIEItIEB FEATHERB LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call iilgimt prices paid Etprriai prices paid Iolivtrorl Phone Dmla lityour UdflDM Wit MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Oiiico 150 Iliiln Ht sisti USEP Iiilnlliiie We buy or roll nllyt unit at iair nlee iilllillnunl lit the Ilitit ui Nurth siiinrhn lilllivllit ihunr iIi Miliilllill il lit ROOM BOARD HUM and Mimi IiViIililllIe lotui liilall Itliiinlly Ilrlditli Apply 70 CAUINS ON Lot unxloo cart at Gamebridilv iiear liuiruvur Phone 6314 aitvr pin 1017012 itooM IIOU Iipiece hath Ileavy wirlnp on liver nans hi land VLA mortgage ihone 106971 CHOICE iiundlINO LIlLt 120 rhep close tn park public and hulldratt Lellrmls maul IV aicil Excellent Still US Newtllil ilerezy StHarrie lhunt mu 156074 2YiiAltllli Hilltillil ranch htyle bulluliluw Inrizo routiis Ililti lliKCL Iiitii titlitlrililiil Iliuuililllill swims itliii saltOils brick liztrnpv hilly Iulltiwtilwli new school dis trict Low titlwlt payiliilit and bat iiiilL int reili itillili 4921 lrtvn 10 till litltlhi liOU uil nor hat to Camp llilrtivn on reality rnitlhydm Watt pressure pyr tent in ltltrllcn parole Mitt water ehiern pupil and hiph rehnoi illiSI than mek on property iilrl lIl It in llllliia irlt Sept Ilariles int ior ilirthrir particulars iti0Jli MiNIiS ttliNi Cititattf williir ilrli ill gtIIlIi LIllltlttltlll tilehll into park lilttt lieiirtrtlnll lame Ivillt rolliil with ilrliil ljarnllt Ilewn nyiniiii 33000 IInlllIIliille lllmwu III illrr ttiliiluwi ilVliIilliHl lip lly Marshall litlittllllliliivt It Tllliltl lilflitOI fl Iwrn Dial 77 072 smittva iiillil illtiCK tltlura mill Itiiinili iiMrlllllll rululiltnhrd willl irll hurting Kiwani iiig nuk illIn iiinah lllinlh lunl electrical axiilrrr thruuKhoiii At luclIrIl gar The burner ihii is larite mllily lliillli IIr tllliiti ire rnnvrltrd rnitly to Income pru riiitrr Iiilille util in nhpninllnehi I07r7075 itet ennditioh lxcoilint tor cabin trailer or summer rutinge 1litlne 77t New rugs inutie lrtnn old rups enrpeLT woolleni etc Dominion Itug Wcav 74011 USED lllrnlturt We buy or soli aiiytlilni iii lilir price Slitlimans iii the eenim oi Nuith Simcou Him to Midland 5751 Ttnti Elen Ilir ice box kitchen chair litiï¬ utter LnL HUGS iirtlatllomn save 50 hip ch phone 2706 Vult iiilinL liHZAI Cilitaile Furniture lrlc llIti illltiiii clieAieriltIii nnii illtlue Slit buiwcii 67 urn 770 kitchen Cillllnct and chitin iiisit tillilt llii idiflcr tIliiiiier range ports and other lluliselillid 77i Loyalist Ilirletic Sliiil anti double colltlileii tnl tictl with box springs Illlii mal Phone 4315 nutr 77i FUMIID Odk ililiilm Noni illlllc uliiltl tlilliiitiltll ciiiilis with re Inuvnllic ilathvr rents iniilr tilti Plus Phone 297 iiiII hItlLIZ Imperial in lliilntt new 70 Vitliii lit IllIllnIIIlilllil no main tilriitrli Caldwell ru 321 iiNIN WtlI ler llti WliliIY niw iIIIH itlrillitl it SIIIIIIIL 700 till your Mailer Frllil IrrIM Fltllt Hitler and itin IlLr IwlnI litikillll Corn and Farm liralliull LIIlLul titlwn lilr tiail leu liIIliIrr iiirilliil phone 5315 liuntrrl lnlil 7AM IUli EHIIVICI supplho on null loin iiy iiii lii itiliit llllli iillllllitfl urnwin In he told lnu tnuyht lay or nlitlit Arninuln and Sana phuno Nil Ollitinnrtl Mlllllr ilnnl ltlillt itiill FARM EQUIPMENT DEERING cut mower Rand Condition knives 325 item lnund ivy Iara 39707i ilUIIIlEii itreii Wagon on roller bearinw Zttln truck with bark rake illone iIllnvale 75r43 307071 MASSEYIiiirris llay Loader with iirup irilnt in ilrst pints cuuililiun Apply Willltinl lileNtvrn lllt 0m Station ID7 ilUCK liAkI oomphtr ready tor linytilu Apply linrry Squibb Lot in Corn lnnlsili illtme Corlkltttlwli 7li iiiTl ROTAIIY llue iruiil hy It Pell Uws and Cu in new enndiilnu wheeled wnpnn colnpleti wlili iiiti iltoei wilteh and hay nick In ialr ciliitlltloll Scott Muir phone 2n Minislim tinTm 91 71 1571 JULY and Aupnsi Owners turn Inhed home rooms all conveni cnees Apply Terrys Garage Shan ly Day 157172 FURNISHED lliIirINlin with kli Chen prlvtllllgm Uliitillfl Close to bus anti School i7U Ciiiirlnutrili Si IllIrlle 5107 darn72 FURNISHED nccumlntltlatlun tur couple wltll or Wilhqu baby in Angus New home all ClllthlliDll ces Phone 5107 evenings 157071 ACCOMMODATION inr our in iraclurs iIl hauntrt plrlt ln niol enl turninnd ripariumui in Co IIIIKIUH Sctiilnt Iittfl illuiie lltl VIIIIY Lare room lowcr duplex private rtittlnlaineil ieniini Ill lllIClliiiL liiriiliilre ilt itarrlflce It tibltctillil ill children lllnnlrl 15 iIIHIZ ESTIMATES Phone 2613 or Itth Lvy 501103 MIMEOGRAPIHNG AND Public Stcnugrapily Barrie Business COII ege Toronto St Barrie Phone 324 5130 LAWN iiiuwerl Sharpcncd Lit tle 25d Dunlap St West For pickup anti return service phone 1755 50 cans extra 55140 PAINTING cement walk and eavtutrou hing expertly done For turthei niurlnalion Contact Vet eran Contractors phone 0510 oven71 iiiLtiiAN Stallion ready for ur vlet iiniun lie NiLilW rlltistrrvtl NU litlDJ iznrulrnent Nu iiIlIl Griltie il Wlil lie at John titties iles every Wednesday Edward ilullli Dalston 56573 tloncer 1174 RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS Cuups highly trained technicians are iIlIIy qualiï¬ed to service any radio or television set guilranireil in piw you sailaiaeiien and Saw you money 259 iNNiSFII ST COOP Barrie Television Exports PHONE 2429 Maple Ave iIlIVIIVIJ 27 RATES FOR ADIEI COLUMNS Draillliia tor Copy530 tun wrck tiny prerrillng 1min AIIUTIJ MAY iii IIIHJIIONF 10 OFFICE iiitiiii 2t 4C word mInImum 80c Following consecutive iiincrtiuliii an word minimum 6th CASH RATE 3C wont minimum 60C 2c it wont inililinuln 40o itiIIItT nr mm mm Olillm or rrpllu dinctrti Kathi olilce 25o extra IOMINH TINTH LOCALS to it won lllitlinltlm 00 AUCTION EAIII NOTICES to it mini minimum 00 Following Ciliidedtilive Iliiicitiiliiii no it wont minimum Ibo IN ntliiitlltï¬il LAltll oï¬iiANkh IN AIIIIIZCIATION II mini minimum on ENGAGEMENT NOTICES 1100 Rain and type trir rrmldllpily minJ slitlord ilmani The Examiner ennuitog Inputan llwIl trill Illnlltlll tltllltttltiNIll ivlltzlll trtluil 50 lillltil 20 ltlillliiltl wlill mm film Irwhrll intinl lmnl trailer with nhaii wllvrll titrlllllletn mi lrlnnm liiri 17013 IIVIHIIIIIHZ Milton lctnlltlrnugli anti Lake tliiit IIIilIlI IIIW nilri hunt rit inninr repair urrvlrr anlit int Iiriitnrt us or your Molinn vrrptlmnrntn Mnrlinnir lipiirlltm ltmilt tlrpt liux IID Hiwlllfllkpl tliiiniiu lllllilo ilI RoadTest it StreetTest it HillTest it GET PROOF OF CHEVROLET ECONOMY DANGERFIELD MOTORS LTD Your Chevrolet Oldsmobile Cadillac and Chevrolet Truck Dealer iiiliiiiii Nliirr Fririm it til Ii Iilpvr lilillll IItIllia Iltitl IIII inlxvd Illlnll has hllplvm llll Hit or irntllllllltr Irlimrvnllll lid 1th netting ilrvilttLI nglill light iiir safely Iillilltlli interior Atylilll five yfnr glialmilrn ntitl lniilly lliil Inflllllcl lulniniy tIlll erw truly writ iIIIIrilllull limle 1707l lttltliiiil rurhilulr ihiisi tr tui mulltr Vill intrille ur lnl iir Iltul utter early tattle Inp Iin rt It Irhm illlllt and chain WEii III llllclviflv will lnntlilmi Ire bUI bedroom Intel lilldin IfllinIl Illli inritriilns chain illiii onii nonnu Inme ullt mm muntwin nor am in mm mm mun Mm that llii at In have option rln ltvlntï¬m am ronlli at In room Iltlitiiillllt FINN Ill 05 camera lilti12487 on it huhonutuhtun homanatJ on out unit emu and