MONDAY MARCH 18 19537 High TaxesIiiigh Prices Canadians are fed up with Ottawaspont iiicatlon about the need toiretain high taxes to combat inflation says dn editorial in The Vancouver Province It claims that there is an equally good argument that high taxes contribute moieducko to high prices than any other factor in the economy The Provincedraws attention to the ex planation offered byA JLittlepresident of the TorontofBoard of Trade It gOcs this way The governmnt 1m tains that high taxes prevent taxpayer romvspendlng too much moneygzcreotinjg ashurtoge of con sumer goods and inflating prices Ottowas application of this theory Mr Little or gues is sheer farce High taxes retard inflation oniy ii the tux moneyls setasidegandsnot spent In stead Finance Minister Harris estimates of government spending foruthe next fiscal year total $5220000000a peacetime record and almost an alljtlme record If the government instead of the tax payers Spends the moneythe net effect on the economy is the someinflationary It could he even mere inflationary for the taxpayer may he littlemcre careful with his spending After all it is his own money not somebody elses The second inflationary influence of high taxation percolates through every level of the economy When wage earner has to pay high in come toxeshéhasless takehome pay Be cause his real enrnings have been sapped by taxationhe seeks higher wages from his employer Hiseinployer has no place to recoup himsellexcept through the price of his product The net result of this chain is higher prices In the field of corporation taxes the result isthe same When husineSs isntaxed heav ily on itsprofits there is only one place to meet those taxes from the price ofthe goods being sold by that company High corpora tion taxes find their way into the general price structureiand they are highly infla tlonary The governme vof Canadais the biggest business we have is long as it continues to take large sums of our earnings 1wa from us and spends them for us the logic of its Minister St minim meets nadir Prime Minister Macmillan March 25 Weekly newspapers although not mem bers of The Canadian Press benefit from its nationwide service Many weeklynewspapérs subscribe to speciallyprepared GP serviceof news and mats This service in addition to news and feature items of special interest to the Week ly papers inciudesuroimdupof the high lights of Canadian and worldnews 11 polit ical roundup drum Ottawa dnd Sport and womensinterest columns The weekly papers too hnve contributed to the strength of Cinotonlyin supplying news but in the fact thotininy of the 98 daily papers that make upcifsmehibership originally were weekly publlcnuons Ten per cent ofthe presentmembership in fact consists of papers thatwerre in the weekly fleid at the end of the Second World War The magic of the tongue lstheinostdnn gerohs of all spells éLYHON 02 ihions 0f Others CiVil Servants Kingston WhigStandard This idea thatcivil servants cannot be dismissed is one which is parilculnrly prevalent among civil servants themselves and it is generally true that governments very seldom lire people except for outright misconduct or absolute incompetence But there is no reason that we can see why this condition should prevail The idea that once em ployed by the government one need never worry about dismissal under anycondiiions is likely to encourage slackncss The best spur for good work is the knowledge that loyalty will be repaid by security Replacing Sunday Plan Port Arthur NewsChronicle All day closing ofrctail stores on Mondays in Ontario was predicted by speaker at Kitchener He is probably correct Ontarlo cities will then be something like Duluth and other American centres The tendencyis seen in the extended use of Sunday we day for commercialsports Itis com mon knowledge thattwoand probablyall three of thevToronto newspapers are planning Sunday editions It is also intimated ihatSuriday after noon concerts for charge will be permitted That will be the forerunner of Sunday theatres helpusvflghtlnfldtion plea has as much and on the general open Sundny force as rifeatherin awindstorm The goveminEnt not only declines to re duce its own peacetime spending and set good example to the countrybut insists on extortlgnqtegtaxation that in itself is one of thefbiggest inflationary influences The Canadian Press Canadas daily newspapers are observing this year the doth anniversaryrof the found ing of The Comedian Press the cooperotlve agency through which they receive their news from Canada the United States and abroad making organization is the newsgothering and distributing agency omecf thehéwsdt gathers itself of tcomesgt from he outsideby exchangearrangements but most of the neWsit ws directlyfrom the news papers Anetwork le ed telegraph silinks the papers to coast Within minutes th aiorhappening in Newfoundland chnhe transmitted to papers in Victoria Nona onon Vancouver Island In additio newsgcldistrihutespic tures by me wirephoto Itoperates service iiiFranc fo Canadas Frenchlang ruage dailies more than nd to vision stations in CP is partieui ly proud oflts moans eral elections service expected toli testedagain this spring or summer no use it was claimed CP electionr ports fr the East influenced elate voting nthefsi West federal law in 1935 prohi ted publication of election re sults before thevclose of local polls CPis anodian ser ice and to silt and interpret the arid ture for Canadian readers maintains staffynieninimnd theUriited Nations and in Washingt man with the Can adians Pcculiarly however found that people siill need one day week off and that is why they are closing up shop on Mondays The not result is that Sunday as it has been known for generations i5 gone with nothing to take its place except Monday whichcan onlybc described as neutral noncntiiy Oyer 65 NewOpportunity Owen Sound SunTimcS Wbeihcr modern ways of living are less trying on the physical system or whether the fatal power of more and rhorodiseases is beingdestroyed or whether something else is ï¬rcsponsible for some reason more and more men and Women are living effective lives long after their 65th birthday According tothcg 1951census returns there are over 1109000 persons of 65 years of age and over in Canada almost GDpeimentofwhom are 70 and overand their percentage of the popula lio steadilyiucre ng Physically and men tally many of them are at the height of their like waste of good manpower As mattergof fact many persons at that Hage refuse to bee me inactive They seem to say Brownln Grow old along with nie the is yet to be not permitted to carry on theirjormer work they change to something else while with othersit is only in theselater years gibat they seem to find themselves recent Ottawa despatch reported that man who had ccouutant all bislife has at the ordained to the Anglican priest hood and appointed second assistant to the dean of Ottawa professor of biochemistry for many years in the East is now at over 60 avoluntcer for mlssionaryrsérvice in India There are some whowill remember Sir William Mulock once Chief Justiceof Canada whose mind aLEO was as clear and incisiveas at any time he sat on the bench Tocoaverse with him in his late eighties was to be put sharply oii onefs mettle as one Gwen Sounderrueiully remember Rev DsnMelvor dean of Itheliouse of Commons has recently passed his 841b birthday Primelidinist St Laurent says at 75vhefeels no resent need or givin his strenuous activities Whi there aresoiiie wh year or twopast 80 me local citizen are others looking theycould go back By LEWIS maroon United Nations is good namebut it is misnomer From its vcry beginning ihc component nations were dividedépolitically into at least two irreconcilable ideologies with Communist Rus sis and her satellites on ibeqno hand and the Free Nations on the other Both parties however agreed to disagree on national politics but they wereunlted in their desire for world peace after having suffered theihorrorsand privailons of wt world wirs They verbally decided that it must never happen again As token oi sincerity Britaiuyand the Uni icd States demobilich hair light ing forces and scrapped theirarni amenis on the assumption that Russia would do the same But Stalin and his associates had their own idea of world peace it was to be Communistworld planned and governed by them and their successors at Moscow Had they not planned and gov erned such world in the vast do main of the United Soviet Social ist Republicsivitb their200 mill ions of submissive peoples lf they could do that innussis why notextend their Utopia overrtho whole world Eastern Europe was alrea dy cammunized and China was rottenvripe for picking Britain was prepxriug to pull fout onndla and Egyptchiti 1y at the behest of the United States4nd the Far and Mid dle Easts were as good as in the bag with the West ern World disamediiiid Rus sian military forces intact ho or what could stop them Sure they would the UniV ted Nationsto disuniie them which they proceeded to do It provided them with worldplat Mr and Mrs Art Lesperance and family of Hillsdsie and Mr and MrsPaul Shanahan of Barrie spent Sunday With Mr and Mrs Marchildon Mr and Mrs Micros Shells Well and family of Hawkestone lpowms so that toretire mnnrat 65 often seems Visflï¬d lsmday WM MY 13 Mrs Alf Perkin Carol of Buffalo spent the week cndrwith Mr and Mr ickeru Attended Funeral Mr and Mrs yï¬eardsall ac companied Mr andMrs DSojn mers of Craighurst and Lorrie Soinrners of Crown Hill to the funeral of their cousin Mrs Quinn at Toronto Miss Eleanor lBeardsall and Ray Torrie of Barrievlsited on Sunday in Orillia Mr andMrs Bidwell and boys visited Mr and Mrs Gebrge Vivian at Jarrett on Sunday Toronto Visit in Toronto for afew days this week Bert McAllister Carson spent the weekend with Mrand Mrs pturnedliome Home From ildrldi returned home after intros tobliiy in fivbsts lwnlixf for lntemltioool intrigue All they asked mupermisnion to veto any vdeclsionthey did not like That permission rendered tbepro majoritywhich was keeping with the Communist ver inskyihe clever and crooked law tviih Britainswitbdrawal lfrom mile and Egypt for whichlhc nited States was largely respon form and soundingboard for Comm instigated by and intrigue Churchill foresaw Mr and Mrs Dymond nud Mr and Mrs Dyball visited Partridge Mrs McAllister ie Mr and until Dick am Village district Lefroy is all im mahiltpropa uda land free scope seeding afï¬ne Urilicd muons futile and farcical forno nutter what was decided the minority could overruleethe will of the quite in non of democracy Andrei Vish yer who sent hundreds of hishs sociates to the tiring squad in the Grand Purge of Imp was ap pointed chief spokesman for the Soviet mind For yenrshis tir adca were published by the world wide news services Hormone so rplesiweie operating taro consular offices in conï¬de and jaw United Staten Moscowharne ed€cmmunist parties were organised sn enteringinto local and notional politics dominatiï¬x tnde unions BMW WWII hellprops studs flirough politicnicot Bed unions mu tlielinlted Nae ticks So so fuele gates ambition ré ue with contnctsfor bhtnlulng insole lnfotmiï¬onihich Mulroï¬w lllly transmitted Questioner leis Thus the privileges of the democrauccauutrlea were used tonndtmlue th so priv tnddisunlte thegiree nations But that disunily really began ible Egypt Was the last eastern outpost of influence and defentc for the WéstcrjnWorld and its evacuation left ihe Middle East wide open to Russian penetration the uprising in Cyprus the revol tho isolation oflsrael were all ovlet propaganda what has happened and warned against it Washington was wise after the event but the change came too late nailwasfrustrated by thezdilatory politics ofDulles If Washington had been fore and that even the building could iieses to whim Theclosing of tbeVSuez Canal in units By RC iors Mothe Dies In The blackened ruins of home with the brick chimney preaching fromihe remains of what was one of the better homes in the Carson that remains of soldiers home mu ils mother died in the ilaines his son lies with burned hands and body Oihor members of the iamily are also suffering from burns when flash the burst through the home while the lam ily were geiiingrcady for he evclt ningjncsl lnvcstigauons underway may disclose just how the fire started The fact remains that by the time the tire equipment arrived from Siroud little could be done except dampen down the remains of ihel lire Death had already struck The township pollce cruiser mode record trip with the bad ly burned boy The driver Con stableCrowne got call from Constable Farrier who had been having hissuppcr at Eilasfcr riers nearby He ran out to see Bio aboy crossing ihc grass with his cloihing on ï¬re Hc got in touch with the trulser and in less than halian hour the boy was in hospital He1mct the ï¬re ï¬ghting equipment nesrCliurcbill on the way to the fire There is some rumor that second call had come to the Stroud ï¬remen saying that the fire did not require the tire truck This has not been conï¬rmed scene of the tire mother was dead our ciliiene these lines He went Tboneecf of vision which lends bcyondlthc linefehc the brick concessions theinee open and aboveboard addian tion and the realization thatwc are not living in small ruraldis irict and that wcmustcollectlve ly provide every means ofprotec lion to the lives andprop rty 01 than simply ignoring lions that are put rvvard nlo shal made his report what should be done We pemonaliywereon that committees Theswhole posal stopped when the purchu of one small unit vas madet geihcrwith iarik track If ilie prose ï¬re truck should be at lefroy nnda larger one with heavier engine purchased for the nonhsod west sideiminedinte Proper water sionflo basins new be made so that inter in all the inhibited erus is close That this he done at once is in Let us nothnveilnore such tragic death itthoy canbe avoided We recommended this after the Pearce are Pie Burke when he got toiho after being called from Camp Borden did not know where his tumin was to neighbors first then attempt cd to turn his ur and grit stuck in the mud He had belold that most of them werefhelng treated for burns and Thats enough ahop ingfor one day Dyou th ilk Im MADE of bllClts not birthday of funds that is re that there is some petty jealousy involved riiérEwiii be an inquest or 1m VWiiilamLiitle madea prelimiiitry cxaminaiibn artho scene ofthv lire beforejhc body was removed some recommendations may come outoftbis enquiry ex Assistance to Get To Crusade Persons desiringto hand the Leighton ord Crusadevior Ch TORY ifthc willcalljany ofilie Induce on clergy throughout the area Some of iheyoungladies of tho arca are also avallableifor baby sitting for parents whoare unable to leave their children alouci Everyonevls very willing to that1hose who or strangers to church membership can hear at leastonemf these services We do not want to say we told them so but it is now realized that there shouldjbc unit of fire equipment in the south end If this had been the case it could have got on the job within very few minutes of the start The tag noule type at flre extinguish cr might have smothered the fire down It could have been that no loss of life would have occurred have bccn pariiiilly saved Who knows It has been proven that this fogequipment will smathcr bad ï¬res very last However the chance ofvthls ispast when the ï¬re has spread out of the roof The saving allowed by insur nncccohlpanies or the two mile rangeof properly approvedlire truck is sufficient proof that the close jproximiiy of the proof magnum Jihoif would be over ihcusiind homes and cottages affected by the re duction located at Lefroy utionsin Syriarand Algeria and sighted nriuinjanii France would not have been alone in the reoc cupation ofï¬cer nAinv FARMERS oEcnmuun 409 Huron Street Toronto 9n Yeuthav normoot Ill c3130 swimrm WHENï¬lm The Wilson ONE PA 640 FreelsMarie Freseflsv new Butter reelpe Would love irks Royal Lei skinnerOUR mp Times Square Piccadilly Charnps Elysées is spot you some do With moderntraveILï¬me is no longernbig problem And by starting now to build up travel fund Bank savings account ynucau solVe the money problem too Ittdléosï¬meï¬and determination Bui thousandsof our savings spohslhlojbut it might be thought oil mg customers Have proved it can be done Decide that we day is going to be some day soonyThofriendly peoplestyaur nearest Royal Bank branch will be glad to help youtake thia big ï¬mtstep in your journey inonth of Feb dry Hertz heathCar AirlineTlckeIs Swansontailoring Average Months