llllllsrll lllllrs Stroud Emigrants To Canada This heading appeared on the front page of twocolurnn story of the Stroud News Gloucester England which reached us this week The story told of at least six families who were either on the way had left or were leav ing soon in the space of News representative found all fewer than six families who will almost certainly be on their way within the next three months Mention was made of their form or reporter Adrianlemon who had landed in Toronto on his own andeithina space of two days had started on job for the daily press in Timmins Jlhis reporter was the person who interviewedus on our visit in Stroud during the coronation trip IWethc he is enjoying his work in Timmins and would wel come visit from him if he is passing this way The News storygocspn to give several reasons why there are so many iring to come to Canada The on squeeze is first in sufficient openings for employ ment better place for raising family in Canada desire to own their home an other reasons new Canadian government immigration hcntre has recently been opened in Bristol which is tlle nearest city to Stroud Ac cording to the News many from that area are flocking to this Dif ficulty in getting transportation seems to be delaying some The spring sailings to Montreal are nearly all booked Officials of organiaatlons in this part of the province might be of great help if they would offer to assist with the establishment of pcrsons from their namesake towns and cities of England We would appreciate hearing of any one who feels inclined to offer such help and would see that the story reached the Strand Eng land or other namesake local papers ibhitumg Iln Declining Health Mrs Zeeman Rupert EdenvalePioneer Dies The death of liirs Zeeman Rupert on March 1957 at her home 16 Florence Street harrie after several years of declining health marked the passing pf oné oi the few remaining pioneers of the Edenvale district and also the close of long and useful life Formerly Emma ll Richardson she was born on Nov 17 1371 at Lucan Middlesex County eldest daughter of Edward Richardson and the former Maria Shouldiee in 1873 she moved with her par ents to the third line of Plus at time when living conditions call ed for sturdy endurance and cheerful optimism With such background she gained great understanding of the needs of others and was always ready with ahelpihghand Following her marriage to IZee man Rupert on Nov 19 1891 she lived atEdenvale until they re tired to Barrie inr1922 Her husband predeceased her in 1946 and she is survived by her son Ray also fourgrandchildreo and 10 greatgrandchildren There are two sisters Mrs Shaw Lilian of Detroit=and Mrs Fetch Annie of Thomhury truly Christian mother her home and family wererhcr chief care and pride but she found time for outside interests espec ially the church She was faithful member of the former Methodist Church at Edenvale later United and Collier Street United Barrie Mrs Rupert was Sunday Sidlool teacher at Edenvale for many years was great lover of flchls and skilled in all house hold crafts The funeral was held from the IPethiclc Funeral Chapel on Thurs day March and was conducted by Rev El Lewis assisted by Rev SVeals She was laid to rest in Minesiog Cemetery Pailbearers were Eldon Adam Joseph Maw Douglas McNab Cecil ietch Earl Richardson and Russell Sage The floral offerings were beau tiful andnincluded those from Macotta Steel Co Weston Eden vale WA and WI employees of Macotta neighborsrclatives and frlé fihose attendihg from distan wereI Mr and Mr Harry lingwn Sc bore Brown Tore MIDBIPQMH Lo Rupert Westo one day the Steel Ca and fro lifts Lloyd By RE sure the members will join us In Need Permit To Excavate Under an act pasScd in the on tario legislature persons who are digging trench deeper than four feet must obtain permit and have the operations inspected by tllerlnspcctor Gordon Mason who wag appointed to supervise the ac Mr Mason had never heardof the act until the motion was read making him the ofï¬cial inspector Thevcopypf the act lays down certain regulations lsto proper aupport of the walls of the trench Asks about Township Hydro ancis Cmne trustee forArea had any detiniteInformation as to what the possibilities costs would be for innisfil have its own hydro powercomnlission er rates we cannot expect to com pete with other locations in getr ting industry to establish here We cannot buck the Barrie annexation unless wé have some thing to offer lndustry he said Congratulations To Alliston Herald The special agricultural issue of The Alliston Herald which was sent to all members of the Crop Improvement Association is splendid uample of local joum alism The issue contains several splendid articles The front page has the story of Warwicks conducted tour through Russia Mr Warwick who is one of the leading capitalists of his part of Ontario tells of his remarkable tour of Communist Russia and his feelings regarding this Another story tells of the talk given by livestock cmnmissioner Watson of the department of agri culture of Ontario who gavein this talk the opportunity to gaze into agriculture 25years hence Also on the front page isa story telling of ngw varieties of seeds which will improve the crops of the farms of the county The issue is not filled with paid William George Stofl Of Pioneer Parentage Interment at Wyevale The death of William George Stott Tiny Township resident occurred on Sunday March 195 at St Andrews Hospital Midland following stroke of nine days previously The late Mr Stott was born in Innisfil on the farm ofhis par ents Mr and Mrs Georgc Stott concession 10 on July 28 1870 and by coincidence was the only baby ever born on that farm He had spent 12 years at StroudI lived on concession Tiny for three years and the rest of his life onconcession lot 13 of that township During that time heghad runIa sawmill for 31 years and had farmed after that until retire ment from heavy work 41ie had played baseball in his younger days was member ofWyevale Orange Lodge for few years and had also been aschool trus tee for Wyevale publicsehool for number of years litrStott was Presbyterian and member of the board of managers of the church he attended Survivingmember of hisfam ily arehis widowï¬ the former ElizaReid one sister Mrs Wil liam RitchiétAnniea brother Leonard Stott Rev Dr Glazer was in charge of the funeral service on March at the homestead when members of the family and con nection were present with friends and neighbors from the district and others including relatives from Toronto St Cotharines Mid land Stroud and Barrie Flowers in remembrance were from theLOBA Wyevale Unit ed ChuroilgWyevale relativesand friends Intermentqu in Wyevale Cemetery and pallbearers were Victor IStott Ceilil Blow John Whitton Cecil Marcellus Wallace MacDonald and Albert Bell one picture we did not haverthe asked council if gttheyhsd ever Until we can offer lower pow ill eight pages one interefl ed lag We are sorry that outside of opportunity of assisting to gs er the materials needed As munher of the pmvelnentv Association Crop lol we feel offering our congratulations to the editor for real agricultural supplement II Boundaries Changed The firm of adviser engaged hy the town of Barrie torcport on the annexation plans under con sideration by the town have sug gested that the claiming of 150 feet beyond the roads that border on the outside of the limits taken in be changed They have suggested and the town committee has agreed that the line for the limits be taken at the centre line of the lot near est to the present proposed an nexation plans That would leave the othtr half of the lot on the outside of the new town limits not nt the roadways as formerly suggested At St Pallls whereanew school is proposed thiswill leave new prospective area to be con sideredfor seating accommoda tion there We are progressing very fav orably with our planningvand will soonhc in position to submit proposal that will be I50ltyear plan and will allow for city of 50009 people Mayor Kinch told the writer as be welcomed as back to the district Warbla Fl Spraying osts Last year it is estimated that the amount paid by theeatlc Owners did not meet the cost of the spraying by over $1000 This deficit was charged to the gen eral levy Councillor Cochrane estimated thatif the totalcosts of the spraying were to he met by the stock owners the charges per animal would be at least 3118l cents 0le Calscaddcn has been on gaged to pcrformI the duties ofln specter nt the rate of $150 per hour plus mileage Earle Max well has been engaged to do the spraying for the north end of the township gt The sprayer owned by the roads department will be taking care of the south end lhcrate set to be charged the owners of the cattle Ircqufrlngrto bespray ed hasbeen plated at 25c pcr helde The act Jallows for the exclus ion ot any cattle over three years not showing signs ofthe warble dumps also calves months Most owners feel that the spfly ilig isa good treatment for any type or parasite that may have developed on the beasts during the winter and arrange to have the whole herd treated More Attention From Police Asked by Councillor Torrens what percentage of the police time was taken in the Belle Ewart area Chief Blogg stated that he felt it was at leastï¬tl per cent Councillor Torrens did not agree He also commented on the fact that so faxas he was aware there were very few followups on cas es which haderequired police at tention He asked the chief whyIaction wasnot taken soIthat the trouble makers would realize that they under Islit Sponsgred by the Ba ChurchesCoapera unanimously tnlnedflhemattgrwasdeut Most of theIcaIscstcre and theretonyerc nottpu nitration He stated that the difï¬culty was that parents did not cooperatewhen the officers were endeavoring to silhout these of fenders have only knowno two can egilrhere the father administered punishment when childwaadc finitely caught in misdemean or the chief told theipouncillor Mr Torrens Ifclt thatIunlestl there was some punishable action taken thetroubles would not be curtailed district was worse than anyother part of the township He felt sure that the thefliectjfllghts pro charge moratorium Wbanvthc mrace1vedamouhthu to 45 ior the Nreplscin of lulutin thervlzfrnyeBcueEEwnIrt area Councillor lbrrens asked tarragon for December January and Eehmary and In folreplacing Warmth chumps and the halancerfor the than required to perform this service It was stated that there we about 30 linearrounduth and another to used in themauner season It was birth the mat tcrshould be enquired into and 111on to be as big as the count would indicate should be Iopénedffor tender The Icostso the area served cwnciLI CanyontionAttanded when the question at the town ship becoming member of the Association of the Urban and Rural Municipalities came up in the correspondencemcntlon was made by thereeve that he and the deputy Ircevr had attended convention of rural municipalities recently No report was read into the records of what if anything had been learned from the delegates to the convention Membership in the urbanaod rural was left in nheyance at the meeting la to be tabled with the somlsr liomer James outstanding yollng cm adlan tenor soloist from Ottawa will be accompanied by his wife lva the crusade pianist Homer James turned down professional enter Christian servic pcra career to IN THE ng lelliate wrought have to in creasevitr levy this 3min final year owini to the bet that the last years estimates fweretoo low owingtoan expected num berpf pupil from Camp Borden not materialixing to the extent allowedvfnr in thevbudget Also the hoardlud mke increases in salaries Ahrief outline of their filt anelnl allowsthat they have de bcnture of $48350 maintenance $185000 supplies 55000 admin istratinnndllï¬ï¬‚tl plant operation 514009 plant overhead $8000 transportation $6500 capital in ent 32900 making an as mated mill OLSHEWOO they anticipate grants of against $15733 and an allowance from national defence of $9M lnolslila share of this require levy of the follow arms in the are toured 135 for dobentureandldls for operation flhc perday costs of pupillis estimated ct $273 and the aver age attendance at of total of enrolment CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Scrvlccs Sunday School SUNDAY MARCH 10 £951 1100 unsrancr rlm I00P 1mm 41 Collier St Barrie nu ammonia Hz may Lemmas roan aann Canadian horn Rev Leighton Ford now resides in North Carolina An honour graduate of whentoti Collegeand ColumbiaThcological Seminary he has at 25 preached to thousands in overflowing crowds except saunas prm suNoAysI 1730 chollierzgst llllitedj Ghllrcll until March 24 ff1 BURTON UNlrrocuuncu Minister Remit Trimble BA no llistlnctweServlce unit Economy IvOur services are designed and priced to meet every need and financial situation but highest standards are al ways assured Affiliations an internation al Organizations enable us to servepromptly at nearby or distant places lloyd Steckley FnneraI Rome so Worsley room 315553 Iltfr Daniels Organist 945 imsUNlmv school 11 rumBeginners Department 11 ramlimiting Worship pmnolly United goonsS COLLIER sr unlrro rm Lewls MA on Mlnister um whitonn organist and Choumaster 11 sinmonuma SERVICE The Church School 945 unJurlior Intermediate and Seniors Departments 11 znhPrunulscry baby sit tins NuSerwaipdcrgarteand Primary Deparhncnts =l FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IClappertcn St at Worsley ltnv LUCK BA an unison MISS Egcsouormzr Organist and fChoir Leader Also an SUNDAYISClloot Classes for all ages 11 In FOUR NECESSITIRS Free Methodist Church 200Bjyfield Street freon IGDlleEn Minister 11 lllam ran FAMILY mom scrlooa ll am MORNING WORSan rrie andIDistrict Ministerial Associatianvwith thafollowing CHURCH The Christian and MissionaryIAiliance Cornerllerczy Dunlop St East Rev Paul Valentine Pastor pan MID WEEK SERVICE Wednesday pm Evreryoile Welcome Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists Pastor 945 amBIBLE scnoor III am tJ We inak deans neatcull Hm bil tombvs only A=IIf COnSotciéfe Bils Hairline taco mournIs it SAINT arouses Anglican Churclr Allandato vnector Rev WINcwtonSmlthJA Iorganist fa snowingl Choir1oadIer Mrs Smethurst lull no colllntmtoN masALVATlou RMY CITADEL 80 Collier Streeb at mmhohrt to IlOJS aim orally Am alumni1 DAtSTON room lGHynsr nouns sswmrmo sri ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Owenand Worsiey Sta RE JAMES FERGUSON Minister CLARKE Mus Bath FTCL The Church School and Primary Class soer tar sensorTH REV ANGUS UNiTED CALVARY rrLLoWSHlp IIEMMANUEL BAPTIST REV ERNEST NULLMEYElIt in molar for run wonm to ammonia Senior Classes 11 armBeginners Kindergarten stamina 3f Milli gs TELEVISION RaHAMIIN MRjaiTEXAS CKVRTYCHANNEILB MAiIlfciiIfla€ llama prolongsrs Montana FRI94 gll3ll Iln CKBB ESSA noAo PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MINISTER REVA mum BA ORGANIST MR FRANKI DUTCHEK 945 antcomma SCHOOL Agesiti and up ll armNursery Kinderan 111 am DONT BE LATE 21 stories MlsleN 9ao anMonulnornAiti MR JOHN Manolorr 1045 tomsenior Sunday rl BAY anotlcanl LICIITBURN onNToN UNITIED BARNAlto GRENFEL UTOPIA IUNITED Anglican or Cubist ago annealing sunny School CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Dunlap andxloronto Streets REV CECIL BRENN an MR CHURCHILL Organist ll am Member oftheI Leighton Fo Crusade Team JuniorhCongregstion Church School 945 mJunior Intermediate and senior 11 ansBeginners and RINITY CHURCHI 24 Collier EHOLXLCOMMUVNI aimnon commum 00 aimMORNING PRAYER Sermon Church Nursery unior Sunday School pmIEvensong Sermon IMR ION PARKER REV ti WANLES oun rnrsawrnlAN MU