Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1957, p. 8

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HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST BARRIE EINAL Two oavs Friday Saturday EVENIHe mom on FRIDAY 650 pan mu Continuous Saturday 230 pm TO THOSE WHO HAVE NOT SEEN THlS PICTURE MAKE DATE NOW ORYOU AdolpheMeIIjou RImoNoonan WiLl BE MISSING ONE OF THE GRANDEST MUSICAL TREATS ENTIRE WEEK COMMENCING MON no mOSL amorlno compiraoy INGRID the world has BERGMrANzamcm For °ANASTASIA BRTNLNER aw was CINEMASth COLOR by LUXE AKIM unman nAnrlTA Hum SAT THEIR FIRST MOVIE TOGETH anew News Cartoon 3o Minutes or Other Treats DAY HAYESa EVENING SHows AT650 pnl MATINIZE wooszso pm 15 ALSO AMUSICAL LAWRENCE WELK QRCHESTITA AND ALL THIS ATIREGULAR PRIcssl AIIERE IS ANOTHERGREAT MASTERPIECE ENTIRE WHEN STARTING MONDAY Mlillilll 25 fwIIIIIEII or 10 BEST PICTURE BEST ACTORS rock IIIIosoII nuts ITEM Aginng AWARII BESI IIIIIIchII am am NOMINATIONS ligation 555 STEVEVS mum mm fffififl mm wmu Blot wmucmoa room ELIZABETH ROCK JAMES TAYLOR HUDSON DEAN wmmn FROM THE NOVEL BY EDNA EERaER COMES AGREAT MOTION PICTURE LENGTH Titans wlmi scour Snowmo EACH svnsmq STARTING AT 330 p51 sox omcE OPENS 745 an ADMISSION PRICES EVENINGS ADULTssIoo MATIN EE ADULTS 75c CHILDREN ALLTIMES 25 ALL TATEES INCLUDED IN ABOVE PRICES ROXY FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE EDENVAIE Crlisadé or Christ number from here are tak ting part in the Crusadeior Christ meetings in Barrie this week ALFoik School Mrs Dougald McNabb and Mrs Cecil Ward attended the folk school held at Kells at Churchill last week Sympathy to Family We extend sympathy to the lNSUNANC AGENCY IIQLIANHA Harm 76 pA84427s5 o5l5rlRECL iamilyloi Mrs Zeeman Rupert who passed away in Barrie last Monday Golden Wedding number from here attended the golden wedding of Mr and Mrs Grigg at Allenwood last Wednesday WA News The Womans Association held their March meeting last Wed nesday at Mrs Gordon Giilcns The program was incharge of the missionary convener Mrs Harry Giffen Anniversary services will be held in Edenvale United Church on June Visit Aunt Jaek Robinson Ottawa and Mrs Peter Addison Richmpnd Hill visited their aunt Mrs Srrllrlllclrs allots PINE CREST SATURDAY Manon 16 commons Ward on Thursday Mrs Ward went with them to Richmond Hill for couple of days At Grandlatbers Funeral Mr and Mrs Allan McNabb at tended the funeral pi Mrs Mc Nabbs grandfather the late Lennox at Ivy lastWednes day Farm Forum The Farm Forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs Maw on Monday night The subject dis cussed was Never the twain shall meet Next Monday night the closing meeting for the year will be held at Mr Wards The slibject will be Man and His Neighbor Every one isinvitcdto attend Gettlng Better We are glad to report that Mrs Ken Gillies nccAudroy Bow scr is progressing favorably af ter serious operation in Toronto General Hosp al lvo mortal BUTweaning ceritto his name althoughhe was the wealthiest man of his time During his reignln the 10th century Bcfcoined money had not appeared in Palestine community ANNUAL VISION Ollie CDMMU WEDM MISS nLliAonTlr Red Cross hospital visito and Mrs Cécil King Solomon didnt have COertdpvflei candidate PERCY NOBLE veteran mink Tamer iat Shallow lake near Owen Sound has been chosen Progressive Conservative cand dale or Grcy North lie was prcsentat the recent convention held at Barrie by the Simcoc Noth Progressive Conservative Association when llolwr smith QC was chosen to represent the party or this riding at the fortb coming elections Red Cross Big Help to Veterans This is Red Cross month it is the time of the year when we are asked to give our support to the Canadian Red Cross For some reason or other we are in clined to forget the peacetime operations of the Red Cross be cause most of us usually associate it with war So when war is over we forget about the lied Cross Perhaps we do the some thing about the men and women who are victims of war The people who are forced to spend the rest of their days and nights in the confined areas of hospital How oltcn do we remember those 17115 and buddies of other dayswho Were notso fortunate Its likely that most of us do viorget the pfialitedfétfinr by the Red Cross There ar iyhorecall the mud and the trenchcsyot Europ Beside them are younger men who wore wings to fight and those who bombed the enemy into submission There are those who fought ontbe seas and have little other than to tell the tales of the men who go down to therseas In ships There are nurslilg si ters whose missions oi mercy came to Van end when bomb dropped into hospital overseas Those people are not forgotten by the Canadian Red Cross The veteran is one at its prime in tercsts Ask the man or woman in our DVA hospitals and they will tell you what the Redcross name means to them There are regular visi loyal band of volunteets dstributions of sniall comforts such as cigarettes tobacco match es stationery cards games mag azines an dother item so neces sary to those who liverestricted lives The hospitalizedv veteran will also tell of his lntcres the arts andcraitsprogram nd the pursuit of happiness only hobby can bring Hell tellyou tooo£ the extramoney his leather work or wood carving brings in and thetherapeutic value is exlt pressed by the twinkle in his eye The veteran will tell you oi the Canadian Red Cross Corps and the way they make life bit hay pier the summer tilIi eir special events and those tripshtn hockey and football games Andwben medical treatment is required the veteran in the DVA hospital knows that Red Cross blood will be available if it is needed EASY ECAUTION person presenting chequeior cashing put his or herthumb print on it It may be purely psy chologica but we have never hadlasingleriorged cheque in the manager NITY HOUSE AR9H2° 11month period said the hotel 8II ngslon ERIDAY interest in life Their automobile iauntsin CALGARY onamnion of the Stampede Hotel here ask that Bylolrnn amour Origin oi the Eplett grist mill In Goldwater built about 12lycars when Gill lol the BriLisb ant to aerv the In an in this area that time topicof usslon at the of the uncle Historic Sites and TouristAssocIonn held InColdtwaler Council Chamber Cramton ol Midland of the Historic Honda gt meats bond otOnurio said dilIi all the Gill ad been encountered In definite information on date of construction at the mill Any who could lurnish on this historic site were todo so in order that historic plaque could be prepared and the sitenlarhed Mr Cransion said Eplclt had oliered corner oi his lawn near the grist mill torlocation of one of 1be original grinding stones from tbemilL as base or historic marker Iteviewing thorbaclrgrliund of the Goldwater mill Mr Cranston aid Coldwatcr was chosen as the min for reserve or Objibway indlans and about 1828 head uarters building was started One the first acts of the Indian agent Capt Anderson who later became head of the Depart ncnt at Indian Affairs lor Canv ads was to engage Jacob Gill to erect grist mill He had already helped construct amill Ilt Pene tanguishene The Goldwater mill eventually passed from govern mtnt hands to private ownership lthad been in tlie posscsiion of Eplctt family or many years riglnally entirely powered by waterthc Coldwatcr mill is now run by electricity but could revert to water power It might be possible to hold an annual ceremony at the monu rnent tobe located at the ml each harvest time Mr Cranston suggested He referred to other district mills run by ater pow er at Marchmount Coulsoo and Tiny Township Lawrence DeVlne Reeve 4o Coldwater stated that mill build rlacob Gill was iarebeal ol nry Gill and George Gray 0th of Coldwntenandflka Gau dauroj 0r ia all whom ob talned world hampionship titles ln sports evine said Cold water was delving for material on great athletes who came from ColdWatcr It was proposed that historic marker be placed atthe Steele Memorial at Fairvaillcy by the Ontario government Monument Board and this will betoken up withVMedonte Township Council President Dldace Grise and others at the meeting expressed Day of Prayer The Worlds Day ol Prayer ser VIce lnthe church here on Friday was very well attended All pres ent enjoyed the address given by Mrs Burgess of rAlliston also duet by Mrs Bruce Edgar and Mrs Gaulcy Jr At the close of the meeting lunch wasscrved by the ladies Bails from Florida Mr andMrs McAfcc and children have returned from two weeks holiday in Florida Mr and Mrs Henderson and Mrs Ellison have returned home after few weeks visit with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Ellis of Lockwond Sask They also visited with Mr and Mrs Stefaniuk in Winnipegontbe way home Weekend Visitors Mr and Mrs Menary and two daughters spenttho weekend with Mr and Mrs SMiskey at Centralia Crusade for Christ Vnumbeljnlmrn here attended lheopcning meeting of the cm sade for Christ held in Barrie on Sunday evening More than 13800 wives and relatives of hospitalized veterans of which go back many years and ISIOIIIIIIS IIIscusS OlDMiil lsslllorcolownolpllour concern over the act Waubau shone did not seem to reallxe theI many benefits available from membership in the Huronla Asso ciation Acommlltee was named to mcet with Waubausbeno Cham ber of Commerce olficials to urge their continued aflilllltlou with the Huronia group Cowdcn Whitfield new presid ent oi Orlllio Chamber at Corn mcrce was introduced to the meeting Ovorcnd and Garnet Smith of Oriliin reported on pro gress made in having the Stephen Leacock established as permanent orlc site The town at Orillia is prepared to buy the property and the Tederal and pro vincial governments may assist in itslpreservation The home oi the Canadian humorist is slated to be open to the public next year Mr Ovendcn said there was an excellent lookout point on the40 acre tract near the Narrows nt Atherley which may be taken over as an OntarioPark for location oi ahistorlc marker Further consideration will be given to possible relocatlon at lcdcraigovcrnmcnt marker on the bridge at theNarrows District papers were commend cd for ossislingto promote inter est in the history of this area and further help was solicited in preserving historic spots where highways are beingsurveyed and also for featuring historic names of streets in municipalities Secretary Conn Hughes of Mid landsaid pamphlet put out for Pcnetanguishene winter carnival entitled Legend of Kitcllikewana hadattracted wido attention and helped promote interest in early history of Huronia Acknowledging the gilt of tile copies of Goldwater weckly pal ers from Andrew MacLean it was agreed that these should be transierred from the Bank of To rpllto where they had been kept temporarily by Hamilton to Goldwater Library Steps tohave thembound were discussed It was understood the Library nd village council would cooperate in preserving thenewspapers some portance of obtaining and preservingearl records was stressed by Walkinsbaw of Midland Mr Ovenden suggested the Onta Historicaiv Society as source of early history of Stur geon Bay about which little in formation wason band Lengthy discussiontook place on obtaining up to date mapsoi Huronia Ontario governmental county and municipal sources are to be canvassed Clarke and Couttsv Bar rie Devihe Dunlop and Lane Cnldwater Rabin son Eimva Cranston and others assisted in this discussion gMeans by which the irritation caused by fluctuations in foreign exchange might be overcome re ceived considerable attention and will be studied further Helpful information on the subject was presented final eport on listing of hours at business in the various rnuni cipalitiesnior convenience of visi tors is to be brought in by Coward Drillia at the next meet ing Held over for showing at the next monthly meeting was film on Huronia Ovenden proposed an elfofl made to havcone of the as sociation membe ppear on Joe McCulleys television program to help publicize the attractions of Huronia Goldwater members served aura ACCIDENT SICKNESS See Mrs Alisonltonsnrd on Steel st Barri Telepho wcre overnight guests at Red Cross Lodges last year PArIrwny 91 BARRIE DISTRI COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE trAuuu II Section TwoPages to 16 soMEWHERE OU New sHowme youve heard PINS AT ooR rmhmelrntmlt EoULAR Fillers THE BIGGEST ROUGHEST TOUGHESI MOST BEAUTIFUL THERE GIRL STILL CAPTIVEHE HAD TO FIND HER HE HAD TO FIND HER IMPERIAL THAT Picture THAT Dance so much about JANE RUSSELL sTlllITs Mining NEXT STEELES CORNERS Sunday Visitors Sunday visitors from Toronto with Mr and Mics ErnestDalea wereMr and Mrs William llun ter and baby son Robin Mrs Emily Gardener of Brad fordwas Sunday guest at the Gardener home Back From Florida Mr and Mrs Wilfred Kneeshalv and Jean returned Wednesday eve ningattcr vacationing or several weeks at Daytona Beach Florida Birthday Party Mrs John humble and Jackie attended birthday party Wedi Rumble Reh nd nor on Trans Mongols nllllclllll synan SATURDAY wan sroh Dances Tom Pattcnden Orchestra lt enormous TEMPLE Oolupr st Barrio aosussmn soc SAVE lDor more All of the es scntial Insurance you need for your bumeis included in one pol icy Call us today and let us ex plain how this new combinatlon policy will give You FULL COV ERAGE INSURANCE and save you moneyto It Stimson leIsuIIIIIIcE See AUSPXGBS 90 hindrance as bunlnpstPL EUN Eooo Social and Educational APROGRAM Engine oULTs FACTS be held at tE YMvwcA copwnN STREET ii Mrs Allan Examiner EII club

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