Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1957, p. 2

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Emergech Eund HasBeen Started Lefroy Legiont An emergency committee was immediately iornled to assist the Burke family whose home was de mulislleti by fire Wednesday even ing ill chroy Every possible assistance will be given by this Canadian Legion sponsored committee Any mem ber of the following committee should be contacted or contrlhu tinns of clothing furniture hed lling kitchen equipment or house hold necessities cash contribu tions to Gordon Seldon Lefroy Legion treasurer Committeemcmhers are Pres ident Garnet Ferrier treasurer Gordon Seldon secretary Reg lluhbs Haugh Ken Baxter Clary Farrier Canadian Legion LadiesAlxil iary committee President Mrs lred Reid Mrs Norman Brown Mrs Everett Cooke andMrs linugll may also bebdhtaélédl The LefroyBclle Ewart Branch Canadian Legion has lilillliallia altars LIMITED WASH Hum WOOLLEIS SAFE wan iii Specially developed for nothing to woollean With your sweeten baby woollenrmnd blanken will wash wonderfully rim and roll No shrinkingNo mulling Ecohomltol tool like svr Hm olo igvna tar not so good to nonangn min ESSA RD no one you investAndfremernber already Furzeeott Mr made an immediate contribution from their Poppy Fund All con tributions of cash will be greatly appreciated and should be made to Burke Family Fund co Gor don Sheldon chroy Ont Canvassers For Red CrossFund Continued from page one Hospital Miss Macrienzie Mrs Gundry Capt Mrs Young Mrs Price Mrs Long statie MrsC Saso Mrs Wall win Mrs HMcCaw RNettleton Capt Mrs Crowe Mrs Robinson Mrs Houghton Mrs Boryaluk Finlayson Capt MrsnLogan Mrs Owens Miss Haifyard Ward West Chairman Mrs ilazelynatcs Mrs Lloyd Partridge Capt Mrs William nird Mrs Trcw Mrs Brown Mrs MIMll lerMrs Carriere Mrs Me Cow Mrs Couitcr Miss Agnestlavcrycapt Mrs Roweil Mrs LJones Mrs Lola Sawyer Miss Florence lilac Dougall Mrs Mrs Arla Davis Mrs William Hinton Capt Mrs Howard Dyment Mrs Harrison Mrs Forth Mrs Miles Mrs Cochrane Mrs Henry Van dcrbeek Mrs 1ijTomlinson Ward IChairman Mrs Church Mrs Bert Young Capt Mrs it Aikens Mrs Feltis MrsH McKenzie Mrs Kissock Miss J0wens gt Mrs Herb Noble Capt Mrs Betta Mrsv McKathrs Scott Mrs Anderson Miss Helen Webb Capt Mrs GreenMrsHilliard Webb Mrs Wingrove Mrs Block Capt Mrs Dennie Mrs JHanisiilrs HoweMrs Hoe Mrs Mary Reynolds Capt Mrs AppletbnMrsIA Babb ilickling Miss in Kightley Mrs Liberty Ward Anglican ChurchMrsH Lamb Capt Mrs Gregory Miss Noe mo Bayiiss Mrs WardleMrs Knicely Mrs Ferry Mrs Parr Mrs Le rs Burdette Mrs Belts ers Crooks Unite hurcn Mrs Rent ner Capt Mrs Campb Spearn Mrs Lloyd Foster Mrs William Nels Magee Mrs Doug Homer Mrs Gilhooly Capt Mrs your EEVES dianiondLalvVays hasa permn nt tradein Dorothy Fadden Lois Brilcc nmi nooertv ALDERMEN VERN HAMBLY right above and ROBERT GOLDSnre two married men who are experienced inmunigipai politics Mr Hamny tirth entered councilabout IQ years ago and came back in 1956 1naddi tion to representing the ratepayers ofWnrci Alderman Hninbly isthe cnuncil reprew sentattve on the committee or the Barrie Citizens Band thelinemployment Insur ance Committeeand theHnrhor Cominis slon He is retiredhotelproprietor The Sim ode and atone timewas government ho unnzolit Royal victon Hospital Barrie on Much it than to Mr and Mrs Simon lairlo nn Now Lowell daemon nowsNAt the orhnwn General ilos pitnl on Much B1957 to Mr nnd Mu Verne Bowen0hnwn twin daughters Catherine Glil om Christinexfllah nsritnAt Royal Victoria Hospital Jamie on March it 195740 LAC and Mrs anaDetkn tax Depot Angus dluflhtnr DmGLEAC Royl Vlttnfll Hospital Barrto on March IS 1951 to pie and tin AlbertJ Dingle an iiirs St Ion BCKIIAKDTA Rayfll Victoria Koa ltu Barrie on March is 1957 and Mn Roll Etkhlldl Midhurst dlulhter llANNAflAtitoyel Victoria Hflapllli Barrie on March it 1951 to Mr andMra Charles ii nonnnh loll Coannzton aldau tor PRIESTfit noyol Vlctort Hospitni some onth lss7io Mr den Anten noumclnl tonne own or door non and brothnr Ailen who died Mnrcil 1955 Nothing an ever Lake own The love heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keepa him rlcar Ever remembered by Moln org hisNNtixin loving memory or dear husband Lennox who passed away March 161252 Like oliingleaven tho yearn poor by our memories or you wiil never die Inour hearts you are there to my Loved and remembered every day lovlng wif RICHARDSON loving memory at Murray Richardson who died March 15 1954 In the morning and at the going down at tho sunwe will remember lilother and family 41 Samsonlolovlng memory of dear notions and rather Emil Snmsel who nostril may March 17 less Just when your life was brightest Just when your years were best You were called from this world at sorrow To home or eternal rest Remembored by his wife daughters Jean and Margaret and as arsenicin loving memory or our dear mothor Mrs Annle nitchie who pnased Iwnijnrch 1947 er memory isn daily thought The Family as webh Mrs Charles Stuart Mrs Earle Williams Mrs Coulson Johnston Vll Ll PROFESSION It may be oralltyto our syn tern thatwc can choosefreely the careers which we will pursue but if we are to survive and progress we must make the career of teach ing as attractive asvany other andperhaps even mores Hsm tend ourriaL Mrs Jim McBride Mrs William tel inspector grounds DIED SllANAIIANAt Royi Victor or Pitai oanhundIY Much 1957 In Ann Shmlhln dl ter or the nhnn ill of Orv wnship in er Dear llllcr at Nellio Elkbells and Hunter of Rutllll uodend Stub icy hinanl Horn Barrie Minerl mus at Ma Church Bunta It 10 mm lnieh Cemetery ell thanks and 1th land hcauti also lor baking rived lroin our many rrlntivu lrlendl Ind oelghoori during our rad bereavement of mm mother and moonlotth ho hell Family nmrvretn themldtt row we wish to nxnrumur hwtlelt thanks and Uppmillnn 10 our mny relativcl friends mu neighoom tor Ii kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss at beloved hulhand Ind Bruce Blnnie We Especlllly wish to Bank the wuunm New man toniflsconsolint donor or the Join nitltu norai altering brother orn otterlngi the pallbeniers lindPethch managemcnt of the nervlcrt Anni mnnln anusainnln mnin KNAPPWe wish to extend ncere thank and appreciation ror Filmy itlml ncssex mmauvor love and under stnnulng and beautiful tlornl otter ingn irom our malty rrlotiver lrlcnds nnu neighbo We es eclnllywish to thank Re rhnoin Jennett Funeral ltomcior their kind eltlellwent Andrew and inmil wish t0 convey their lin 32 cm thnn and appreciation to all who havebecn so kinddnrlng their recent bereavement or twin hur hand and father s2 WlnLESln the midst ot oursor rowwe wish to express our brintnlt thanks and opprechtinnto our mny relatives friendl nna nolzhhorn tor their kindness and nympotny shotan in the lots or our beloved mother we especially wish tthank the Ilev Nullrncyartor his consoling all the donors at thetmany beautiful ammo and pillor and Lie rid Stccltiey mineral Home fly at the int moonslg aton FOR this Pipe and facilities will be ready and Waiting for th turningon at gas in communities such as Coch rane in advance of the arrival of the pipeline the arinualmeeting otthe CochraneBoard of Trade Alderman Golds is new year immune and is chainth andlight committee He also serve traffic committee thegenemlgover merit committee and represents council on the arena commission He came to Barrie in 1940 and boughtouthis brother theshoe repair business in 1947 MrsandMrs Golds have four sons our sori 219 Ger eWoodmw 191 tr Rummage sale on Snturday Much 30 L111 MLHM Street Auspicer oi Canadian Lady Foru terz Doors open at 10 mm 3248 CGll Stlalrlcks Tea at Ccn tnl United Church Saturday March 18 tom prn to pm Admission so Fen 32 Dance to thevmtlau or Andrews Orchutrl Guthrie Community Ha Saturday 912 Admission 75c Lunch counter 13ml Rummage Sale Friday March 22 130 DJIL to pm in St Georges Parish Hall Burton Ave Auspices oi the Evening Guild32 The directors of Guthrie Corn inuan Hill are holding an open crested please attend to He also holds the distinction oibeing one or the original group concerned with the building the present Barrleiair he iouitn BONDHEAD Mr and MrsJulie Cummings and family at Toronto spent Sun day with friends int wn Weekend Visit Mr and Mrs Ted Hipweilmo torcd to Owcli Soundover the waeitend fleachcr 11 Coll Toronto hospital it Culbert is supplying dur ing hisabsence my Prayer The womens world Day of meeriservice was held loathe Adgllean Church on Friday lifter Early League three Edith Young 180 acltie Harvey pleJaclrie Harvey 44 itth 178 triple on standing sinkn 35 Slipperyrstlclts adles threehigh tit 21 ElsieReynolds Ce Smi 55 Gems three ers 31 Slippers so Gliders so Bowh of Fun entr Rollers nor urer REPAIR worn was told Theamountot local invnaturalgas was hythe unuslially large turnout oimembers Cochrane Post ta nonma st rite WAYS TO BUY to Cash Charge Budget Layaway Aces 32 Ilawk to Bill arethrt meeting at the hall on Thursday March 21 II 830 pm atwhlch time the plans for an addition will be discussed Everyone in 32 roads tables of ouchre and two of croitlnole were played at the Red Cross party on Monday night Euchre prizes were won by Mrs Ken Sewdon Mrs Harry Ham meli Mrs Earl Shaw consolation iiiry Brown wnliam Madili John Ramsay Bill Watt consoi tion Ken westlake Crokinoie MnrilynCulbert and Marian Su thorlandp lsaae King and Walter Lloyd Lucky drawsfliilrs Armstrong Mrs McLean Mrs Lloyd Mrs Elliott Bill Bateman Henry Wan riner Trapped in Car Whiie returning from meet lag in Beeton on Monday night Mrs Davis Webbrlind Janie who wereridlng in car driven by Mrs Copeland of Newton Rob inson were involved in an accl dent The car skidded onthe icy road headed tovthe ditch and turned over The three were trapped in the car until released by passing motorists Luckily none of them were seriously in Sured Mrs Webb sustained badly sprained foot andail re ceived severe bruises andvshock ALREADY ENROLLED WADENAI Soslt oralGlen Richard Squires was less than eight hours old when he was list ed as prospective school stud ent The Adayrjlerwisk born the primary teacher at the puhlic school here found baby Glen noted apreschool pupil in survey being taitenlon fixture school eit pilrisliélf 15 1951 Centre Vcrpra WI Bake Sale March is at the Fumen Mar kit 3142 Rummage sale at True Blue Hall High Street on Saturday March ironi 930 to 12 noon Ausplces Blue Haven Lodge No 1129 3132 Chllli Willi Junior Farmers sponsoring dance on Friday March 22 in Churchill community Hall Good ouhestn Prizea Lunch served Admission 75c and Burton Aye United Chureh Evening Auxiliary are having dessert and coiiee party and ash ion show on Wednesday March 27 at 745 pm 830pm and 915 tun Admission so cents 323a Barrlo Horticultqu Soclety Tour to Sportsmens Show on Wed nesday March 20 Leave Well ington Hotel comer arn stop at Cruikshanks Garden Guild Shop at Eatona and Simpsons until pm then to Sportsmans Show AdmLtslon 50c Bus fare $250 Mata inecsl25 Leave torhome thin For reservation phone PA83749 tNiAPPRECiATtGhiV munn lo Vllfllnl Ill Ilfllal and mu him than who not but my lull mull lhlnh tumoror nnomurnu ot soyl Vie torln till ur rennin one nit or oolvorih and sum malt one the ministers who vnitoa in ourin my moi lunar inbel locnno would lilo to thtnir nll my friend nodmienwa tor the com linen um othrr am or binaries waived durlnl my mun Special iharlhl to on any Smith Ina utur mint nurncl and the noise It to Royal Victoria Hospital or their bloom Bmwnle Gala Voting is compulsory in Ven ezuela between the ages at 21 and 65 Builders contractors or Farmers la one Emma Wu Quit laugh or Delivered II the job hyitneh Write Lion alternator LUMBEII 00 Port hiring Ontario orPA 34543 293132 rolls on Ourgrcat Dacron and pima cotton shirt with new rollup sleeve effect convertible collar new tuck detailing plus all the joys of fabric that needs almost no ironing White pink blue or yellow Sizes 1020 is non Street OPEN FRIDAYS TiLL its success special KiDDiES nsmnrs FIRST ointle 246 oi soft absorbent styled with short sleeves and round neck Easy towash needed in pink yellow white Special low rice MEZZANlNE noon onrcnnanfsiwaa These 100stretch nylons are the tasttword in leg glamour Beéut1tulsheer extremely comforts ABC Subs PRINT turquorse and ltmtf es and No oning MAIN moon saves 9le if 36 INCHWIDE Attractive patterns in stripes and iloials in assorted colours also pialnvcolours Lovely for dresses blouses summer skirts and children wear MAIN FLOOIR stone nouns 315 tun 53a pm Daily znbanlts Linnea so onnlop St to PilONEP $2439 SlieelAL Melts Btousesivx Flnsl Quarry Grand assortment of styles microns Terylenestriped taffeta cot tonsSizes 12to 18 and 38 now at this speciaLlowpale ie in light beige Sizes FRESlltlln bulk and cello ed Salted peanuts alwpys the party favourite Bu no end at this 17 ort sleevr length sleeves in lovely 44 Choose iiith FLooit or he wick apeclal price limit con slur racrroN GUARANTEEII MONEY nnrunNEn

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