By Loans Liamailer Well rancher supper and program held in connection with the United Church anniversary was patron iced by 170 local and district residents The dinner was planned and served by committee including Arthur Comeli WillianIPheas ant Norman Durnford audioWill Walker On behalf of the new ards Elmer Gntrix welcomed senior members of the church who were invited as gucsts Although unable to attend Mrs Ambrose Robinson who is 92 was specially mentioned for being the oldest mcmber and Mrs Phoebe Quantrell was recog nized for making the greatest ef fort to attend services Chairman for theprogram wa Millard One of the noteworthy number on the program was combin ation vocal and instrumental pres cntation by two teams of sisters Sisters Berneice and Wilma Walk er sang accompanied by their cousins Grace Walker at the or gan and her sister Beth Walker playing the piano Jack Levering and his sister Ann provided vocal solos with MrsShirley Eplett accompanist Charles Woodrow played an or gan solo and Susanne Danbysang solo with Charles Woodrow ac companying her on the piano Best Actor Robin Russell son of Mri and Mrs iostcr Russell Cobourg formerly of Coldwater won the paward for the best actor in drama festival for 14 schools held at Queens University Robins are More number of residents report ed seeing robing for the first time on Wednesday March 13 Personals Mr and Mrs Eldred Clarke were in Toronto during the week Mr and Mrs Ernie Godfrey at tended the llairdressers conven tion and the Sportsmens Show in Toronto Mrs MorleyYon of Toronto is visiting her mother Mrs John Lethelby Womens Auxiliary of St Mat thias Anglican Church are holdv ing St Patricks tea in the Far ish Hall Saturday afternoon March 16 Ready for Finale Rinks skipped by Harry Cow an Dr Hall and Dr Hughes all of Coldwater are ready to engage in the final matches in series play at Orillia curling rink First Open iiouse Firstopen house as part of Education Week held in Cold watcrs new public school was well attended in spite of adverse weather Work of the pupils wagun dis play and the teaching staff Prin cipal Robert Legaie Mrs Brod cur Mrs Pheasant Mrs Robinson and Mrs Gleadall met parents and others Lunch ms served by the Home and School Association Safety First Talk Members of the Lions Club ex pressed the opinion that this weeks meeting at which Cpl Blake Ball of the Ontario Provin cial police detachment Victorin Harbor spoke on safety was one of the most instructive so far held Introduced by iierb Stevens Cp1v Ball explaincdrsomc of the problems met in enforcement and stated that tmffie hazards and inï¬actions constituted the great est safety problemyfor provincial police At the meeting with Jack Dunlop presidingit was announc ed that illuminated tape had at rived and Would be made ayail able soon to school children of the district for use on bicycles to make them more visible at night reducing thedanger of accidents Jolna Ship Bruce Pipher left last Weekend for another season onthe Great Lakes ship the Donnaeonna which wintered nt Windsorf lie is fourth engineerenih vessel Bruce was accompanie as far as Toronto by his wifca Mrs Ernie Beac thread which was tied up at Goderlcb Years Operation statement of the past years operations will be presented to the subscribers of the Medonte Hunldpal Telephone System when the annual meeting held at Moonstone Community Hall on March 20 at pm Date Postponed only few members turned up for the Annual meeting of the Agricultural Society it was past poned to islerdnte Full Calendar So numerous arelocal meetings that Goldwater citizens find there are often several they should at tend all on the same night Some of the current activities hcdul ed were March ll counei meet ing open house at the school Lions club hockey March 12 United Church supper and pro gram larmers Union meeting Sr Wornens institute meeting community Lenten service for North River at Mrs Walkers home hockey games March 13 community Lenten service publt llc school board meeting hockey March it meeting of the Tele phone Commission Jaycecs ment Ing School lair committee meet ing hockey in addition there were meet ings in the same period of time as the above or church groups card parties and other functions Matter of Assessment Previous to going to Barrie on March it for meeting of asses sors Coldwater assessor Henry Worrcll Sr met with council to discuss the present system in op ervatlon in the village and the of feet adoption of the provincial assessment rnnnual might have on Goldwater Rceve Lawrence Devine said that there appeared to be about four different methods of assess ment in use in various parts of SimcoeCounty using the pmvlnlt eial or county systems or varia tions of these Assessor Worrell contended that in the past five years Cold water had placed assessments in line with the rest of the county and that local valuations were on very fair basis llc was of the opinion move for change now wa an effort to bring values into line with pres ent real estate figures The coun ty manual was based on 1949 fig ures Clerk Chester Martin informed council that tworepresentativcs of thedepartment of municipal affairs had made aboutdo spot ebccksin Goldwater recently and according to their estimates has ed on the provincial manual this village was underassessed 23 per cent Mr Worrell took several ex amples of assessments now pree veiling in Coldwater and figured what the change would be if the provincial method were adopted in each case the assessment would be double or more He pointed out that the provin cial prannnl was based on rental value and made no allowance for replacement costs depreciation or obsolescence eeve Devineksaid matter of ï¬at importance was the effect option of the provincial system would have on school grants Uri less grants were worked out un der new arrangement under the provincial manual Goldwater would suï¬er drastically by re duced school grants as when as sessment rose the grants were less The assessor said Goldwater was classed among such municipal ities as Benton Creemore Tottcn ham Victoria Harbor and Port MeNieoll He stated that in Cold water Lherc were now 275 names on the assessment mil with 50 of these paying $100 or less Consensus of the special enun cil meeting was that unless new information was presented at the Barrie meeting where the adop tionrof the provincial manual might be recommended such change would operate unfairly againstv Coldwator Mr Worrell thought oldwaters present as sessment ssystem should be is load However counei and the ssor awaited furthe inform stroke but is improving Chamber of Commerce NEW HOS Weekend in in and Minnelli Satin nnth and Donald spent recent Mend in Tomato with ligand In Atter Scadding and Joanne nanny sumww Ross Kirkpatrick and Mr and Mn Clarence Atkinson were among those who attended the turkey supper put on by the For mersCoop in Stayner Working At Blind River llmrny Mlliigln has gone to work at Blind River flu Stroke Mrs Robert MurphyASr suffered Golden Wedding Mrs Shaw and Mr and Mrs Harold Smith called on Mr and Mrs Charles Grlgg of Allcnwood on the occasion of their 50th wed ding anniversary Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs lily Hall of Acton visited on Sunday at Walter Hans Mr and Mrs Cline ilarvn Larry and Anne visited Sunday at Hawkcslone with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bartholomew Sunday visitors with ltlrs Huth and family included Mr and Mrs Robert Gifted and Joyce oi Stayner Mrs George lluth of To ronto Mr and Mrs Lambert Len nox of Barrie and Gordon Huth of Camp Borden Mn and Mrs ilairy Hawkins and Sylvia and Willard Sage were Sunday visitors with MrsKlrk patriek and iioss Mr and Mrs Steve Rawn are spending few days holiday at Schomberg with their daughter and soninviaw Mr and Mrs John Wilson Miss June lluth is spending three weeks holiday at her home here Goldwater council and its asses 501 Objects to Paying At this weeks special council meeting Cecil Robinson was pres cut and objected to paying rural hydro rates Mr Robinson point ed out that he owned the hydro ltnc crossing his Medonte farm on Coldwater outskirts and con tended that an agreement made many years ago allowed him vil lagc rates Council said they were allowed to continue to bill few consum ers outside the village who had received power from Goldwater for many years but starting last summer were obliged to charge them all rural rates Councillors ltay Mills and Ralph Aitchlson were appointed to visit Mr Robinsons farm to arrange for having shutoff pipes of the village main placed below ground level Jaycecs included Council passed motion to in clude Goldwater Junior Chamber of Commerce in the representa tion on the Community Centre enuncili Charles Wadge was ap pointed as iaycees representa tive other groups which had already named 1957 representatives were the Lions Club and Legion Auxil iary Yet to be heard from for appointments for this year were the firemen Legion Womens Institute and Agricultural Society Completion of the centre council was urged so that plans could be advanced regarding new com munity building Councillor Victor Turner pro posed formation of committee which could help promote new in dustries and make recommendnT tions to the Georgian Bay Devel opment Association It was felt by othersbn council that such promotional workwas being satis factorily dealt with by the indus trial committee of the Junior BC AUTO INCREASE Motor vehicles on Vancouver island have more than doubled since 1946 79402 vehicles were registered on the island in 1956 compared With 31915 in 1946 All vet British Columbia the num of registrations rose from 147196 in 194810 447981 in 1956 wm now you feel You know it cannot be to grow all they like but allowed to sell only what the kind of conirolin tobacco in these parts before insane unsure sunriusss 1m 1535 thaf$eheme committee said If surplus remained unsold he sai soqsto control the market Is that bitrgtion or anything else under thé Scheme take up all or any port of any years crop in Contrast they did not dlwoys need ill every year since l939 couinlclihostcolliilsmn RESULT Avon or nu schema Its legolity would be immediately challenged in is not competent in low to take over tobaccmWhyL Court Held that provinces had the right to provide Wont vars ill The answer is Yes Yes Yes And for many reason the courts Legal counsel have said that the FPMA The London Free Press puts it thisywoy The Suprem for compulsory form marketing boards whose operations were limited to provincral tronsocfrons but is produced and processed within provmce and to evince That means tobacco every Fillllllll that the board operdtions were réstrictedto produc tlyevrrrarketing of products intend ed only for consumption within pr grower knows Another reosorr for almost certain chaos is the expected 175 miilon full house acreage ondthe impossibility of any lScheme providing the facilities to handle It With our buyer support in the short time between now and harvest weir war BE Treasuries 0F Fl vino Youhnve seen the names never grown pound of to ponehts of your associatibir They have tried claimszofsupporf from the rank and file of occo inthcir livés Once again an attempt is being made by group of dissidents to destroy your Association which has guided the clo velopment of tobacco growing in this area for the last 20 years They are proposing Scheme under the Ontario Form Product Marketing Act similar to that defeated overwhelmineg fivayeqrs ago The campaign being carried on has featured many false claims false statements and false promises Noivthor vote nppeorsimminent your As sociation feels that it must discharge its reponsibility to bring the real facts to your attention so that you will not be misled into hasty inconsidered action which would bring choosconfusion and ruin to our industry nu Provost11 serene It is Scheme official name under the Farm Products Marketing Act of Ontario to replace the pre sent voluntary Association of Growers and Buyers with compulsory Scheme under control of Gov ernment Board Whatever may be the merits of the for othererops and the record show many failures it is in no way suitable to tobacco which is unique crop with problems very different from those of beans potatoes fruits etc The FPMA is designed to help farmers who are not able to conduct their own marketing under voluntary association not for Ontario tobaccoformers who have the most distinguished record of selfhelp of any Form group anywhere in the world one an THE PROMISES You no BEEN HEARING If you have read the various statements made you know they are full of contradictions One says there will be $750000 fund for warehouses but no government he offered to provide cent fnor is likely to do so The proposed centapound levy would not even pay for marketing costs The promise of on announced price before harvest just wish ful thinking The promise of proper system of dciéage control is false on the authority of th The Federal Government will build warehouses has no foundationof truthfwhntever WHAT WOULD HHPPEH T0 Yllllll GHIIWIHG RIGHTSii The plain answer is that they would disappear Thar can be no rights under an FPMA Schema Even its supportersadmit that Yet your rights are our most valuable asset one oftha firm bases of your bank credit You and your fellow growers have built up these rights overymany years Does it make sense to throw them away for an untried experiment in overnment control Turns as scarier CONTROL lilillElt Till Surrealr5 Thelfanswer is an emphatic No Thechoirmon of he FPMA has admitted thisflhe talk about pro duction control you conjudge for yourself How on anyone control production without acreage con done iri tobacco Produ etion control only means that farmers willbouble eheme permits Weve seen the results of EH THE SCHEME is definitely yes The supporters of the Scheme admrt this The nongrowerrsocretory of Here is the proof from the Sirricoe Reformer report of hisstatomenl the quantity would be deducted from thefollowing years quota lint you wont Remember toofhcrt regardlessof negotiation or there will be no obligation of any kind onthebuyers to the buyers hovepurclrased the entire crop although amass inn Bursnsunnsn TllE saunas They will be opposedgcamps With no In keting board it follows that buyers may no Cpn anyone doubt that prices my be Idepresse lliii sarcomas or THErffscflgM ome of them in the papers ondypu know them Some areeunsuccessful growers crank it before nndthey ore tryrn gt the association have no foundation in truth Youmoygre member thélhugemaiorities these same people claimed otjprotest meetingsfrve years ago Wh ufuérl responsibility for the success ofthre jopero feel required toitake up all or any stored dond surpluses created echairmnn of the FPMA BoanhThe promise thof that fund crop under tion themes orto thecrop Murry of their speakers hove Othersore pérenninlopa again The wild voting day come they were arteryholmed by youond potherilevelheodedr members by teaVtoï¬one which wouldcome from the scussillrreerliilsgfifiggngdfgmg we believe thesamé thingwillhoppen again with this vote Iri the meantime weregretihe inconveniencecoused end gt the necessiiyiforthe Associationto defend itself We stand on record of orderly successful andyprofimlble market ing Which hds beenpraised byivresponsible authorities in oil ports of the wbrld flï¬gï¬chAdBPW TIHEFLUEgURED ASSOC ATlON lineCured ochjco Market Assocro ro of Qatari 3126 ANNE333400 W3