Uniidy and Sprawiing Misses Neai British Hedges And Fences Barrie looks bit untidy to young Englishman who arrived in town coupleoi weeks ago The adjective can be applied to the little bit of Canada and the United States that he has seen feels Antbony Walker first male librarian on the staiL of the Barrie Public Library He misses the neat hedges and fences at his native Britain finding our cities sprawling in comparison Not that the zdycarold new comer is dissatisfied with his new home For one thing librarians are happily in demand here the profession is overcrowded in England if anything and they are better paid In addition libraries have more staff He handled oopoobooks year on his own in his last job as librarian in Ludlow Shropshire town of about 6000 people Here as assistant to Librarian Constance Hardy he works with permanent staff of four includ ing two trained librarians and number of page girls Practical Training Mr Walker has been in library work 10 years Like many pro fessional librarians in England he has followed the practice of working and studying for pro fessional examinations at the jsame time Librarians also take university degree and go on to Salvation Army Maior Speaks To Ceniral Jr WA Major Robert White of the Sai vation Army was speaker at the March meeting of the JuniorWo mans Association of Central Un ited Church last week Plans were made at the gathcn ing for an April 12 rummage sale and the groups spring tea which will be held May 15 Mrs Vernon Cameron and her group were in charge of the March program The convene gave reading on Faith and lsntrodueed the speaker who was thanked and presented with token of appreciation by Mrs Peter Noy Mrs Cflmflmn2nll her group also served refreshments They were thanked by Mrs French Mrs William Lowe gave the scripture reading from the 11th chapier ol Hebrews verses 110 and Mrs Carl Greenough led in prayer Theflpresident Mrs Jack Sies sor was in the chair SPECIALIZED SERVICE an MAKES or llillllll TELEVISION Every Installation supervised by our technician Yo Miliiillllill BEFRIGEEATIONCO fllB DUNLOIBT rhone PA 842059 library school as in Canada but it is less usual An ALA Associate of the Library Association Anthony Walker started in library work in Molvcm Worcestershire town about the size of Barrie where he worked for five years Woe cestersbire is county with population of about 300000 peo ple and is the site of the county library headquarters where he was assistant in charge of request service For year he was sup orvising officer of all the branch libraries in the county about 12 His library in Shropshire the county next door to Worcester shire In the West Midlands was branch library Comparing its operation to the local library scene Mr Walker comments that the request system is more living thing in England than it is here About 30 per cent of the reading was nonfiction Joint Code An English librarian has very little difficulty fittirig into Can adian job thanks to jont code established between the two con tincnis UMr Vaikcrs interests outside of his profession include music and amateur acting lie rather thinks that his job is more highly respected in this country recall was asked what his work was When told he was librarian the inquiry continued chbut what does he do for aliving Canadian librarians would not be encouraged to exchange places with Mr Walker and go abroad looking for Job There is no shortage of librarians in England and even library school graduates sometimes have quite time get ting job he declares Spring Loék Is Swaying Look lrish Designer This year for the first time Sybil Connolly showed her cou vture collection in London as well as Dublin Her London show was held inthe magniï¬cent Cari ton House Terrace home of Lady Astor in aid of charity The handwoven Irish tweeds the gossamer pleated linen the bainin thehand crochet work forwhieh Miss Connollyis damous were all praised with murmurs oi delight andunusual in London tremendous handclapping Sybil Connolly describes the Spring look as swaying one moulded against the body rather than close ï¬tting Eiémple of this was Talk simple black duveteen suitwlth wide standaway Simple Simon collar bracelet length sleeves and fastenedby trio of dominosized Irish crochetcovered buttons Tango brilliant orange linen suit this time collariess also but toned high to the throat with single button before developing its doublebreasted theme with neat nippedin waist further em phasized by deep back yokeex tended to form tiny cap sleeves As usual pleated Irish linen featured largely for evening wear billowing skirt of bogbrown shirred linen with our ribbon laced inverted pleats was linked to Puritan sleeved blouse by blue ribbon belt Perhaps the most envied dress infthe collection was an ensemble called Liaison skirt of marsh mallow pink pleated Irish linen wandembroidered with bands of iiiiiiiiiioisiiiii run Pee suiia auras inwiis 199v Thereis no need of havingn shabby looking 1chcsteriield invyour living room Weean show you the widest range of upholstery materials ncldding wool 01 nylon Friues Brocade Tapestries Brocatelle Matelasse Damask or Homespuns to renew yoursuite Our trained and experiencedworkmen can reupholster your two piece suite for as low as $9950 inghow iriendoi his at home Towu witha tucked white linen blouse Emotional Han icaps kaerious A55 Physical The male species held sway Monday evening at ifillerut School Auditorium when Barrle and District Home and School Council held an open meeting addressed by Dr Siothers founder oi the Stothers Exception al Child Foundation Garnet Pratt provcd genial and confident chairman and the Barrie chapter of the SPEBSQSA approximately 20 tuneful and handsome gentlemen attired in grey trousers white shirts and rpd cummerbiinds sang five num bers Led by Murray Hall the singerropcned the evening for the audience in refreshing way singing Sugamne Jubilee Love You the Best oi All Gypsy Sweetheart Wait tll the Sun Shines Neill Blues and in Scottintroduced Dr Stolhers revealing great respect or him as friend scholar and fellow philatelist The speaker had provided pam nhlets on the foundation and used these as reference as he spoke ills biggest job is togain the at tention and interest of the public and to prove that the foundation can startin amodcst way and has dcilnlto Job todo The Hospital for Sick Children was started on gift of $37 70 years ago Any lob started 50 years ago still has Womens Institutes gt April i3 Dare Dalston Institute Spring Tea Roll call at themonthiy meet ing of Dalston Womens Institute was answered by How to remove spot or stain The branch has decided to enter the SaladavTca competition and several members have volun teered to do sewing and knitting The sum of $190 was collected for the March of Dimes Each member was given apieco of material to make into an apron for the sale on the tiny of the afternoon tea April 13 Quilt blocks were handed in to he quilt ed inrthc near future for the lucky draw at the tea Dalston Lil Girls Club pcesenl floureties and shaded with khaki green satin This model was baught by Loril and Taylor of New York My Sin short decollete gown of black pleated linen ï¬tted smoothly across the front to spring into short mermaids tail cascading down the back to slight ly below hemlevel Bluevandgrey pleated linen was effectively used in full length dinner gownwith bouifant skirt and scoopedout neckline exteuded to form tiny slingvsleeves Any addition to the Connolly fashion interest is perfume being made for her by the Cistercian monks on Caldey Island off the coast of Wales which will be launched in about ï¬ve or six months bearing the name Sybil Equipped with rules Viola Handy fine members are asked to attend help begin new year hostesses Hillsdaie WI canvassing For The Red Cross Hillsdale brinchmi the Wome opened the meeting VELKAY Maternity Dress Shop opposite the Library privacy and economy edian interesting skit explaining its work during the course The Milky Way and Canadas food The lucky draw was won by The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs Coward March 21 at pm To answer rollcall each member is to wear something green or pay 10ccnt Mrs MchnVey will be present for the election of officers and all Mrs Massey and Mrs Brown are tea The members had singsong with Shirley Slade at the piano Lunch was served by Mrs Mar garet Handy and Mrs Jean Jory Institute met at the homeof Mrs Jack Bumble iast month The president Mrs Gordon Thompson Roll call an exchange of flower lot Collier St Barrie PA 33804 Latest in Fashion Yours 30 per cent of its work to do or has advanced 20 per cent in Ontario there are special classes for every handicapped child but ihc epileptic Dr Sto thers in 10 years association with teachers of special classes vcry carlydlscovcred need for an organization to cover all types He had already helped in the organ ization of the national society for the deaf and hard of hearing the cerebral palsy association and the OntarioAssoclation ior Re slips was answered by 12 mem bers number of thank you notes were read The branch is again collecting for the Red Cross lhe motto When we saw seed of kindness we never reap regret was explained by Mrs Rumble The program on Citizenship and Education was convened by Mrs Brennan and Mrs Thomp son gt The speaker for the evening Constable Jack Sheppard of the llarric dctachmentgave lullll mas and cducationaltalk He told of the manyfunny expern enccs he encountered both here and in Scotland gt Lunch was served by the host ess assisted by Mrs Fisher Gan ton and Mrs Thompson Mrs Alvin Drcnnan thanked the speaker to ns inEsE Simian an aim norms irritability loss ofappétite restlessness could boaymptnms of wanna Dontfake chances Get Dr McKenmes Dead Shot VWormflandyfrom your drug gist If the cause is wotma cast are menses of arm no qui soothing relief to adult or child ll coin on Lil Inuvoo on is for lllSl inn an Fiiii£¥lsiili555 GearFREEZER mount snout mansioncan The outstanding features includes one piece fully counterbalanced lid with an attractiveJatch Equip pedwith of lb fast freeze compartment and total compartment capacity of 350lbs The interior chest has one heavy eel closely iatticed easy to move storage basket der with reversible handle ateaeh end Inna $34960 can sprain Monan rm is cii Moons 207A an 1011 FT the famous MARATHON Pri uordnteed five years Mopr 21g CQOl erciAi tarded Children and felt that these ceded helpJo that one might he directed towards the other The liratsnnouncements oi the organization oi the foundation in The Toronto Globe and Mail last July and bvahc Canadian Press and the dilly papers in all big cities brought more publicity to special classes than thaybad had tnld years Dr Stolhera had connected with them been Service to All The foundation within its means provides service to all in as many ways as possible There archew problems arising such as the need for preschool examina tion of vision and hearing so that some information be known be fore reading is attempted the home training of the infant deaf provision of workshops and the extension of special services to small rural schools it is possible by method developed by Scotsman DrEwlng to test the hearing ofiniants ofsix months in childhas nanaicap and special teaching is delayed then cmoilooal scars result and emo tional handicaps are as serious as physical ones There are 90 projects for which there is need for informa Iion in lheCanadiln way our teachers ln Canada cannot get special education in our univers itics but all universities have research facilities and the found ation is anxious tuput people to work and reduce our dependence on other countries iwentyJivc hundred donations of $1 will keep researcher at work for one year One hurdle that has been lumped is the fact that the pro biems created bythe exceptional child have been brought out into the open rough measure of the development of interest in cer ebral palsy is the faetrthat par ents will drive from 100 to 1000 nilcs for advice and information They have formed associations lost their inhibitions and progress has been made ln special class work teachers runup against the assumption that when achild with cleft am WVVrWTï¬mmWï¬ï¬r rm gave me HARRIS FRIDAY MARCH 15 1951 13 palate or difficulty is cur citmedically they are adjusted socially and educationally Foundations Problems Dr Stothers gave several case histories to illustrate the problems met by the foundation one mother came 1000 miles with l5yeamld son who but spent 10 years in Grade Although re tsrdcd he should have beenio Grade Three Week at summer school cured his lisp and started him reading Two crippled boys one by polio and one by accident were trained to become shoe repair men and live happy full life boy fourlnda half years old who can read the newspaper and refers to an elephant as pacbyderm but cannot attend school until he is five will be misfit unless arrangements are made The bright boy and girl the handicapped boy and girl are the main interest of the founda tion The foundation needs the interest of memberships from and requests for information by many people in questionand answer pcr lod following his lecture Dr Ste thcrs revealed that the depart ment of education sponsors sum FUR cons VII have mam ll tlr It to nip sultan us Mll as lillililiiumSon VolIR soul run III DUNLBF ITtwt PhIUw sman mam unn yeasis Dutch Pantry baking is home our famous Birthday Cakes All EASTEELA time to look your loveliestiSo isnt it wonderful that new fashions for Easter aie es pecially freshlooking fern no and flattering We welcomé Easter and you with creamof mer courses to trlin teachers for special classes some handicap ped children areseut to clinic in connectionwilh this so that teachers may gain actual caper lance in remedial training Dr Sioihera believes that chil dren should not enter high school before 12 and that enrichment of their school program is to be pre ferred to acceleration lle accus cd some parean of carrying on kind of gueran warfare with the schools and of expecting all children to be the same instead of accepting their children as they are and building from there Mrs Matthew Hennebry thank ed thc speaker Eternal Triangle Bury more to new home in volvcs raps Mama and usc Mover when you urtos wimanpmiedn more as unita American Van Lines cygry bodyaaappy can as today rat rim estimate on your nan Campbell limited agents is North American Van Lines Moving storage in Burton ave Phone PA was JUST LIKE MOTHER MAKES baking Once youve triedour home baked bread rolls pies etc and some oi our vcryspec Dutch Specialities youll be back for more And if theres birthday soon in your family how about one of EASTER WEDDING TRY OUR 011R WEDDING CAR15 thecream selection of our very newest and prettiest Spring fash ions in suits and coats SPRINGS the season of change NEW seiisonv NEW sands SUITS surrs suirs suns Arid Llnok wbat you get wonderful selection of newest abig finerouality ab cs iloring colours All