Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1957, p. 1

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vanss7 ryxnawsvzrvpmr xvi ltr AN innermostr newspaper Serving run rows or panels AND countr or soccer Since 864 Monoiv wsoiirsoav gna FRIDAY single copy FixRem ONTARIO CANADA Juliamu In an lav air the rut uric Docmt mun 93rd YearNo 32 chinaimam is Mild Morning Two Sections46 Pagés Cloudy Rainy Mild weathér bu munred Canada Budgéi Highlights Anoriei General orrawa MARCH ii CHHighlights Finance Minister Thteeksussefitims Walter Harris Budget Speech For Emergencies No mange in personal 33d corporation income tax rates Fain allowancesbooate 51 monthly to $0 for children under six AttorneyGencrat Kciso Roberts the mm mmm slm years and to $8 in 1012 age group effective Sept Warner DaVie Mr Old age pensions increased to $40 monthly from $40 effective July Maximum monthly payment on old ageassistance blind and disa bility pensions shared with provinces under means test raised to $40 from $40 Jiily Benefits for war disability pensioners and burnedout veterans increased by $25000000 year eifcetlve July Taxpayer in future allowed option of standard deduction$00 unsupported by voucherslrom net personal income on account of medical costs charitable gifts union and professional dues Receipts requiredfor full claim when more than $100 deducted Deduction oi $400 for income tax to be allowed in future for certain dependents with incotries up to $950 instead of S750 Selfemployed and other employees can claim pcmonal tax de duction of up to lo per cent of income on payments for approved retirement savings plans effective Jan 1057 increased rail subventions and federally built thermal power plants for Maritimcs Special excise tax of lo per cent on soft drinks candy chocolates confectionery and chewing gum repealed immediately No change In taxes on liquor beer tobacco products wines automobiles radio and TV sets Tax rcductlenaamount to $55000000 and benefit Vercases to $93000000 in 195758 fiscal year payment in itcvcnue estimated at record 55170000000 and expenditures ht peacetime high of $5018000000 Surplus of Sl52000000 forecast for year starting April coins pared with $282500000 in year ending March at Tariffs reduced immediately on 15 products ranging from railway freight cars to musical instruments Sales tax of 10 per cent removed immediately from tea coffee cocoa prepared desserts and some other grocery articles Deductible medical expenses in l95tl and future tax years to includefulltime nursing home care for taxpayer ordependents and fulltime care for retarded children CANVASSERS AIM iocoum $13000 FOR RED CROSS FUND Red Cross canvasserswill carry out thorough blitz of Barrie tomorrow during the annual campaign for funds0r ganlzed by wordsthey will be calling on householders and It is hoped that they will be received generously Below is full list of the canvassers Ward Centre Ward ChairmanRon Hardy Mrs Oates Capt Mrs Les Chittiek itirs Mrs Mayor Mrs Currie Mrs Hill Capt ivirsChur chill Mrs Earl Smith Mrs Blir nard Mrs Jirn Morley Capt Mrs ilon Marshall Mrs Lloyd Harris Mrs Keith Marshlill Mrs Hams Mls BFlookCipt Mrs Cliff Brown Mrs John Seal Mrs Chisholm Mrs Carson Mrs Frank Tindall Mrs Miller Mrs Eldon BalifCapl Mrs Winchester iiirsiichowell Mrs Tariing Ward East Ward Chairman Graydon Kohl Mrs Joan Lang Capt Mrs Jackson Mrs Jackson Mrs Al Hay Mrs Case Mrs AlSim mons Mrs Perryman Mrs coleman iMrs Lloyd Smith Capt Mrs Al Gerow Mrs Cow Miss Frau ces Wildman Mrs John Clark Bruce French Mrs Reg Garrett Capt Mr Tuck Mrs Grant Mrs Lanyon Mrs Elder Ward West Clyne Chairman Mrs Garner Capt Mrs Al Mllliean Mrs George Bowlcs Mrs Ernest Burton Mrs Mrs Leonard Wilson Mrs clync Mrs Lew Caldwell Capt Mrs Rooke MrsBert Cross Mrs Frank Caldwell Mrs Leo Medann Capt Mrs Decarie Mrs iteg Lachance Mrs Hollis Robinson Mrs Ross Saunders WardZ Chairman Mrs William Malcom son Mrs Siddall Capt Mrs Garnet Hicks Mrs Adamson Mrs Pierre Mrs Beavis Capt 7Mrs Fred Lloyd MrsjlilicNabb Mrs McVeigh Mrs Slessor Mrs capt Mrs Mrs Crease CaptfMiss Grasett Mrs CarlPollock Mrs Jar Mrs Howcl Par idge Capt Mrs Bo en Mrs Ted Jones Mrs DeLom Mrsltob rt Sar jeant Mrs Wharton Mrs Petrimouix Capt Mrs John coldwill Mrs John Phlmer Wards Chairman Mrs Cook Mrs hows Capt Mrs Aldeorn Mrs Brennan Mrs Haslett Mrs Stephenson Mrs MacDonald Mrs Paterson Capt Mrs Burke Mrs Agnew Mrs Bonnypastie John Postnikoff Mrs it Mered Capt Mrs Steel Mrs Duval Mrs Filinds Mrs Ferguson Mrs Batstone Mrs Powell MrsAllcn Bell Capt Mrs Earl Adair Mrs VernHambly Mrs neg Adams Capt Mrs Kelly Mrs Murphy Mrs Pro piict Mrs Hockridge Mrs Pearson Ward East Chairmarr=John0tton MrsJ Gable Capt Mrs Drury Giiroy Hart Dav idson Mrs AS Perkins Mrs McMartin Mrs Noland Capt Mrs Thorburn Mrs Godfrey Mrs Otton Mrs Pratt Capt Mrs Chap pell Mrs Hurtibese Mrs Bristow Mrs Pratt has receivedanuinbcr of sugges tions in connection with traffic safety and three in particularhe feels are worthy of serious con sideration by the public They are The equipping of every motor vehicle with first kit This could be of considerable assist ance in the rendering of first aid on the scene of an accident by those who knew how to use the kitmen trained in St Work such as the police The im mediate application of medicines such as iodine could prevent in fection from spreading or devel oping Small casytohandle fire ex tinguishers as standard equipment on car might have double ben efit in the event of an accident causing fire prompt action with an extinguisher might be invalu able in the event of driver spotting residential fire he could be the means at hand to keep it under control thereby saving lives and property it is also suggested that dc pendabie flashlight should be compulsory equipment on car Not only would this be useful in mechanical failures during night it would also help the driver signal other cars out of the way or to get assistance The Attorney General is of the opinion that thcse suggested an ticles might well be considered as standard equipment by allmotor isis There is no question of making the suggestions compul sory South Simcoe Seed FairQpens At Ivy Toclay South Simcoe Secd Fair opens at ivy today The speaker at the meeting will be Keri Frost criticfield emit Assamhr department of agricultor He will be speaking of the new va eties of grain and their uence in increasing production The fair is sponsored an nually by the South Simcoe Soil and Crop improvement iAssoeiation and is well pat ronized by thefarmers of South Simcoe Turn to page two please Crusade centinues To Overflow Church The Barrie and District ciuv sade for Christagain saw an over low crowd at the service last night turned away but rather through the medium of closed circuit tele vision were enabledto see and hearthe entire service Evangel ist Leighton Ford said that he has been amazed at the warm hearted welcome the people of Barriehave extended to himself and the team Thecrusade which is conduct ing services nightly in Collier Street United Churchvat oclock will continue throughout next week Mr Ford who has been visiting various service clubs Ro tary Kiwanis Chislian Business Mens Committee and others durA ing the week reported that due to the enthusiastic reception of the team the Collegiate lnsti lute last esday afternoon they will hold special Youth Service on Saturday night The meeting will be open to the public but will be specially geared to young pen pe Rev Mr Ford has announced that therewili be no Areserved seats at any at the Sunday ser vices and that all seats will be given out on hrst come first served basis The service will be at $730 on Sunday evening oniy Last Wednesday night at the conclusion as his message Mr Ford extended an invitation to all interested inrmaking aper sonal decision for Jesus Christ to remain for an after service Several hundred remained for thisservice and some 50 signed decision cards recording their decision for Chri At similar meeting oh7Tues day night many responded to an invitation to pray particularly for one Tpersou during the remainder These people were not attempt to win that person for Christ During the weekday services delegations of 10 or more can secure reserved seats by writing to the Crusade for Christ Barrie The public is invited to attend these services sponsored by the ministerial association of Barrie and District There are plenty of free seats available at every service There are no tickets for sale but tickets for reserved seats have been made available for delegations for convenience on week nights John lsox County one county Library Jooperatic Board Better ESmitb QC WI ciectcd as chairman 01 board for l057 He succebds Sowart Page Earl Trace deputy rceve of Fios Township wa aiectv ed vicefchainrian other members of the board are Mrs Montagulceds honoo ary chairman Warden Fisher Gnnton Stewart Page agri cultural rcpresentativc Scott public school inspector ErnestEllison deputy rceve of Tecumselh Albert GCaivert move of Port McNicoll Miss Earla Pliatzke the county librar ian ms reappointed secretary treasurer Chairman The board was ormedthat county council had given the quested grant of $9000 for tho year with special grant of $1971 for rent The bud ct whichhad been prepared tenta tively for county council was ditional shelving was authorized The board was brought up to date by the secretary on negoti tionsvwith Medd Middlé library in who had acceptance positibnof head iibrarianand was hoping to come to Canada as soon asatrans portation was available it wasdecided that the board should write to the mihister of citizenship and immigration Hon Jw Pickersgill and the minis ter of the department of launing and developmeaty Hon Nickle toask whether twoijld be possible for him to have prior ity initransportation since he is assured of employment here LatesiTolalf IIVYIIE campaign If Latest report front Cillllv palgn headquarters st that the of campaign has aaw reached $6900 Yesterday an unsolicited cheque fors100 was received and Bartie people in Florida and Ca foniia havesent $115 Many individual contribu tionsjiave also been made blind person approached canvasser and handing him 310 said he would like ti help towards starting in Barrie Thejanitor at the headquarters contributed he cost of firstfive hours of his work cording secrety adopted and the purphase of ad Lreated for burns but cooler la promiaedby tog night Wlth thawing and fink the frost la leaving and tho ground iamuddy Today Indicates mild with cooler to hardeight Thursday brought 5for abort time highest since Nov zlat80 Temperatures were March 10 March 11 March 12 March 13 March March 16 early East Sirhcoé Orgnge Wak Oriliia July 13 VemeTurner iii Orillia was elected County Master at the an nual meeting of the County 0r ange Lodge of East Simone In Oriilia He succeeds Jack Miller oi Wavcriey Named Deputy County Mirstcl was Peter Clause of Midland Other officers electcd were Kari Brown Oriiiia county re Albert Black Midland county financial secre tary George Thorburn Oriilia county treasurer Cecil Woods Waverley county marshal Elmer Howe Uhthoff county istlcctur er Don McArthur liawkcatone county 2nd lecturer Ted Vosey Vasey assistant lecturer Bert Harper Ortllia Howard Rowley Elmvale and Joe Locking Mid land icglslatiyc committee The meetipg decided the annual Omnge Walk would be held in Oriliia Juiyja FAMOUS BASTION The Rock 40f Gibraltar at the southern serenity of Swain tow ers 1386 feet ati the entrance to the Mediterranean EprOSion The rown Ceuneum Barrie andthe councils of the town contractor was net awhoily to ships of Essa and Inntslll met atthe Town Hall last night to bltmc The contractor now had findan amicable solution tofiprobiems cuusedby names new closed trucks nnd private garbagedump The dump which was started inatyear is situated on the eleventh concession of 3558 The approach to the dump is along threomile stretch of road which runs through the Township of Innistli This township stated that the present heavy traffic of trucks was ruining the roadwhlch had been constructed initially to carry light traffic only it was doubtful if vehlcles woimlbe able to travel much longer on sec tion of this road because of its condition Complaints ltccoived The townsiiiphad also received complaints respecting the indie criminate dumping of garbage along the route They had ap preached Essa Township on the matter and it was on the sugges lion oftheitoeve of Essa Pear cock that the meeting lhreo councils was called Essa Township stated that the had no bylaw to stop the dump ing of the garbage in tiie town ship Complaints had been re ceived by that council respecting the smell and smoke nuisnnco There is only one dwelling near the dump in Essa Township while onthe innlsiil side along the approach to the dump than is small community wit is gunderstoodthat at ilie time bomb Totvn ICouncil let the garbage tender it was stipv MohamedSix7Burni And liref wreckigiroyiiouse An elderly woman died and mother and four children were badly burned when an oil stove explosion set alight fiveroom house iii Leirvy late on Wednes day Mrs Mabel Burke 79 was burned to death trapped in room at the rear of the frame house Thomas Shapeott neighbor attempted to rescue Mrs Burke but was driven back by the heat from thefire in Royal Victoria Hospital Bar rie are Gary Burke lph Le due li both suflering from severe burns and Jean Leduc with burns to her hands and face All aresaidto be doing satistac torilyl Mrs Jean Burkeyzd her bra Jaw Larry Burke17 and her daughter Gloria were but were not detained in hospital The Burkeand educ childrea were watching television when the explosion blasted the house Larry Burke helped three of the children out of tjie house and Mrs Jean Burke and Gloria ran from the house with the flames licking their Vclothing neighbor Mrs Flossie Rose said she sawoneof the corners of the house burst open in the ex plosi seconds before flames swept theyhuilding She turned in thcialarm to the Innisfiljire Carl Wheeler 28 was passing the house at the time when he saw the fire He ran to the back where he heardMrs Burke Sr He smashed window and the blast of hot air and flames thre him to the ground Pte Leonard Burke 29 hits band of Mrs Jean Burke was on duty at Camp Borden at the time thy the fCrusade for Christ Campaign tartihg into have an informal oriv Mrs quinn MrsiJ of his Crusade with an earnest second week Re Leigla nFord takes momentto soloist Homer James screaming for heip uiated in the contract that the contractor must have written per mission to uscthc dump chosen anda lettcrgto thlsclfect signed by the eeve Essa at thattime WZS Notierinanont Essa Township intimated that they had no Intention ofallewing the dump to become permanent ieature Thoy felt that when Barrie had scttledthe matter of hnncxniion the town weuldhavc land of its own suitable for dump ing garbage it had been suggested that Essa open the town line to Highway 90 but the cost of this was pro hibitiveowing to the iowasse55lt merit in the area at 197 In the matter of litter onthe route it was felt that the garbage Simciie County Population 1956 entailitli Simooe Countys population in creased by morc than 20000 per sons in thcfiveyear period from 1951 to 1953 Accordingmto figures released by the burcau of statistics at 0t tawa population as of last Junes census was127016 in the 1951 census the figure wasgiven as i06482 Netgain over the past fivewa is 20534 Following are the figures for some adjoining areas with the 1951 figure in brackets Dufferin 15569 14566 Grey 80971 58960 Muskoka 25134 Z4713York 1440801 1176 622 Ontario 108440 87088 iny Southern Ontario couri ties which exceed Simcoe in pop ulation in addition to York are Carleton 282630 Essex 246901 Middlescx iB0097 Waterloo 148774 Wcllattd 149606 Went worui 316233 LOCAL noveuns snark CROWN Two loeal beauties Eleanor Dibsdail of Drillia ananaric Marcellus of Pcnotariguishene are competing for the titie of Miss tries are fromPcnticton BC Ket tleby QuebecCity and Toronto Outdoors at the National Sports mens Showjn Toronto Other en contractorr with open stake trucks alaooscd thread to the dump The road wasxalso used by gravel trucks whichalso help ed to break upth surface Illegal Obligation BarrieTown Council felt that while thor obligation there was pcrhapaa the situation The three councils agreed that the matter should be consideredflby theBarrie public works department andany sug gestions arrived at should he re ferred to the townships The delegation irom Essa was led by iteeveW Peacock and from innlsfil by Reeve Allan Todd The eouncilsmet in com mittee as whole Evangelist Tecim GuesisAl Barrie Rotary The Leighton Ford team at present conducting the Crusade for Christ campaign in Barrie were guests of Barrie Rotary meeting at Community House yes terday hair Lelghto and he in turn introduced soloist Homer James and irv Chambers song leader in short address Fordmutlined the purpose ofthe ciusaile Rcmarklng that vwe were ina period of crisis he told how group of atomic scion lists had produced bulletin nine years ago an the cover of which was clock laee showing the hands at 11 minutes to12 Today one minute to midnight How much longer can we kéep go ing problems ch had been offer edcommunism science and edu cationhad alllioiled in the opin ion of thespeakerybeeause they had omitted to take realistic view of the human equation The speake swer to our troubles given many years 3g Bible in Christtb to combat the ly is but everyone thinks heor contacted Two housewives Veryrfew residents of Barrieknow what Dynes 168 St Vincent knew ithadrsomething the taxes and saidthe times would increased and MrsEarl Laigh 65 time couldnt etine it but felt itwquldnt affect the ave perso eply Matter of Definiiont she knows how affects them In spot check Wednesday representatlv group was were questioned do with he mill rate up thing to do ill rate Would asperhapsuo legal moral obligation toasslst to better Clubat their regular luncheon hord was intro duced by Rev James Ferguson Three utions to the worlds id that the an ill race actual Garbage itcv Mr the hands on that cover stand at

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