moms ro ms merino IO HOUSEPOWER First or series tour arti cles ot vital interest to all present and prospective home owners SPARETHEWIRE AND SPO THE HOUSE PART IIs your lIOUSEPOWER too low Did you ever wonder why in your home the lights dim when Let UsCheck your home for Overloaded Circuits Blown Fused Flickering Lights Poor Lighting Faulty Fittings PLAY SAFE IN 57 Faulty Wiring Can Cause Fires We Undertake RESIDENTIAL AND INDUSTRIAL WIRING REPAIR WORK Why it takes so long for your iron to heat up Why roar electric are higher than your neigh bon The answer is easynot ens ough HOUSEPOWER When every appliancestore win dow and scores of advertisements lure us to Live Better Elec trically inadequate wiring be comes serious matter Were toldthat Canadian home owners uta more electricity per capita than any other people in the world But most oi as cant really believe it For instance the statement was made rccenly that nine ofevery ten people who want to buy highspeed clothes dricrs ï¬nd that the power supply in their homes wont operate one satisfactorily Their houses have not got RED SEAL Adequate wiring And there will aoon be other more wonderful electrical appliances which they cant have either unless they modernize their homes This article and those following will give you some ideas about why your HOUSEPOWER is lilolt del instead of 1957 Super what you can do about it how the new wonders of electrical convenience and comfort are going to fit into your home The articles are based on information developed by Gan adas institute of Electrical Liv ing Lack of HOUSEPOWER isnt just an accident there are delin ite causes for it and almost house With few exceptions theres plenty of current in the wires along the street The trou momma rrxrunns HEATING INSTALLATIONS WALLWIN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Oil Burner Sales Service mom PA 83230 Sho 54 SophiaSL East 193Baytleld St ENJOY ROOMIER LlVING modernfold SPACEMASTER give you back all the space that oldfashioned swing ing doors have taken away Theyre good for life timewith allsteel frames and durable washable fabric coverings You can easily install Spacemastcr yourself and paint ir or slipcover it as desired now may L2495J Well glad to show you smiles and 1311p full gt Spacemastcr innrmnlion ble begins with what the experts call your service entrancethe big board where your main switch meter and fusebox or circuit breaker are located These are rated in amperes and low HOUSEPOWER rating says youve got bottleneck in your electrical system Most houses now have 60amperc equipment which is hardly adequate for an average home some have looam pere which is the usual recomv mended minimum and few 200 or more Others are as low as 30 The wires or conductors that carry your current to where youre oing to useit are branch circuits Most of these are out let circuits When equipped sate ly with uses of 15 Amps these will carry 1650 watts of power Exceptions are special circuits such asthose for your range and highspeed drier These call for heavier wiresand uses if there are too few circuits or if they have too many outlets you have bottleneck number two The eff ects are like water system where pipes are too small or there are too many taps turned on You get only trickle of water or too little electrical current Having too few branch circuits is reason for the unsightly and dangerous octopus foundin so many living quarters when you see an outlet or an extension cord loaded with extra plugs its sure sign of wiring where boy trying to do mansjob The alternative is the situation so many housewives have to live with and suffer They get the off am on complex because they cant boil the electric kettle while doing the ironing or two heavy appliances wont work right at the same time The size of your electric bill comes in here too Appliances lamps and motors are made to operate heat at standard levels of power They slow down and operate inefficiently if they onshort rationsand electr ty is actually wasted due to heat loss The dial in your meter keeps right on working and the kilowatt bours ï¬gure on your bill keeps is adding up You pay for electricity but you cant use it Next time you fldget because always they are right inside your the breakfast toast is slow or the cottee is late remember that your bank account is taking as bad beating uyour temper Invfact more thanternper and pocketbookare suffering Oven loaded wires and connections can develaplpto real hazards Dam aged by overheating they can start one of those electrical tires that get into the headlines BfllthNG NEWS =nnévawsy THE HARRIS MINI18 MONUAY MARCH ll 19 Even though your house dount burn you have to foot part ol the bill for those Utahdo The insurance premium you pay re flects the losses experienced by the insurance companies five year averages show close to8000 electrical tires year in Canada These represcnt property losses of about $10 million annually Fortunately there are things you can do to protect yourowu home and thus cut the eost of the national fire damage Fire marshals and others con cerned with these dangers point out that overfusing is the most frequent cause of ï¬res of this type They recommend adoption of strict regulations which would require installation of equipment where uses of only thepropcr safe capacity could be used if enough of us supported the can ports our tire insurance Icosts couidbc appreciably less Meanwhile you canresist the temptation to slipo heavy fuse in your oWn system The ones that say 15 Amp are made to pass all the current your wiring can handle safely One that says 30 Amp is an open invitation to disaster If you follow this one simple rule your chances are almost lot house ilaming from an electrical fire If you want to enjoy full use of the appliances you have now orot those you plan to buyyou can get HOUSEPOWER rating of your home now Call your qualified electrical contractor who will give you all the facts about your wiring without anycost or obligation Information also is available free from your local electrical utility the Electric Scr vice League or from the Institute of Electrical Living 128 Daven port Road Toronto If rewiring is necessary youll be surprised at how little it costs compared to the safety and sat isfaction youll get Cash isnt requiredthe whole job can be handled on special payment plans other articles in this series will explain how you too can live Better3 Electrically what to do ï¬bout the house you have now and the one you may buy what the new wonders of electricity canmcan for you and for your family if your home has gtIIOUSE POWER AutomaticWaleriné Feature of Easily Built Seed Boxes IV he mwooo Here is quick and economical way to start seedlings off right with automatic watering boxes that can be built in an evening sheet of ï¬r plywood and some nails solves the problemof flats Fir plywood made with water proof glue will stand up to sear sons of usage under damp con ditions Five standard 18 24 inch seedboxes can be built from one sheet of lavinchtplywood With simple arrangement of holes bored through the bottom from Denis meet the monthly De expert ad his wl meat in thebuildingtrade or Bantams tilANS an BUItLpINGSUPPLiES Loans to Servicemen Specialty resource mortgage boards mi Paymept rodents to supplements small mortgag Come to nears Sheard its at names miles South or mine for all or building needs nadhavethe advantage of their service courteons attentlonyhigb quality quick delivery together with the Sheard Ltd Loans arrariged to purchase borne building and relno delling needs in town or country If ynnown your own lot youcan finance ill or part of your lumber needs provided you can payments which are om less than the rent you are now alyinsvr Shguds new Flnaucc Plan is specially designed to help you build out of town without used ilest credit amp per cent of never seeing your Give Yourself Extrci Holidays By Planning summer Work fluences thehousewife to locate house whnt he thinks vidn tour good bedroom tor the in wid 3qnlflmnih Are iiiReality er to fix lplnfledpipqtben you me linou NHA SMALL HOUSE ossensénu cornyStet Itos ianulyintamtad in both economy living room mm mall planting min simple utulptliner Jhe convenient loutlon attire ioir deanwhich 31m amto dthcr or nulnï¬wth no themany interior lattes which to bury housewives Enlflhlllllt ample tired will appeal the tlu houtth houuwhiltlinen await wmgahtfi diam rupuvind device would he no problem for dicilrontenbanco hail load to an combination on mi dining room which provider many pant billliu imlnluutlng furniture arrangeman The totaltloor uu olthii house h1119 square clement ll I6 uhlc ltd available from Central Mortgage and The exterior dim feet Inches Working drawings in thin house uniare 30 by 25 known as Berlin 41 an outing Corporation lman who once laid claim to being the laziest person in the world stated that he spent the summer renting rowboatsto tour ists and the winter waiting for summer to come around Most of usspend the winter waiting for summer to come around too lground floor laundry room in fact can pay off in more ways than one With the faculties for easy laundering constantly at hand the regular weekly wash day might well be eliminated al ytogcthcr because it becomes Irelatviely simple matter to do but we have to work pretty hardflaundry from day to day as re atthe same ime and whemsum mcr does mve we soldqmhavo as inuch time to enjoy tasrwe would like But there are ways in which the average housewife can give herself moretime otfin the sum mer claims thc= Canadian In stitu ofVPlum ng and Heating For ristancEL doing her launA dry the modern wayshc can make every wash ay half holiday The secret oi cutting washday into washhalï¬day is in the planningCot Iaundry room which is designed to cut the laundering tasks in half Most Canadian houses the institute points out have not been planned and built with wash day in mind but it is not too difficult task to makea laborsaving laundry Location of the laundry room is governedbpth by convenience and what possibilities the house offers logical location in many older type houses isthe basement where set oflaundry tubs is probably alreadyjnstalled But frequently convcnience in the laundry on the main floor pixrticularly ifshc wants to carry on with other household work at the same time as she is doing the laundry In this case roomy pantryAlarder might provrde the answe and it the kitchen plumb ing is adjacent tojtfrtlit neces sary plumbing installations need notrhe too costly of the flat ropewicks inserted into the soil and the other euds placed in pan of water below the flatyacontinuous upply of water for the seedlings nsured aollv HOW TO PICK BUILDER Amongthe best waysto find goodbnilder Inter Ask the man who owns new of his builder Askyour banker savings and loan association or lumbervdealer tor list of reliable bu Ask abuilder for of some ihi custom HMCNABB PLUMBING HETiNG quiredzq Strangely enough planning of thelaundry starts outside the room proper but concerns itself with the most important item of all onWash dayhot water and plenty of it Without this essere tiai home laundering canbe nightmare cifec veinof thepresdrit water heater both as to efficiency ind size will save many head ache later on whether or not the heater is large enough will depend to considerable extent on whattype of equipment is to be used Bear these factors in mind Will an automatic washer bcin stalled and if so what is its consumption litany of them use rrom eight to 12 gallons per load rate which can quickly exhaust the supply from 20 or 30gallontank Will the clothes laundry tubs and how much hot water might be needed to do the ian Will the hot water tank he called upon to supply other needs such as bath and showers during the time the laundry is being done Plan the room for both speed arid labor saving Remember thattubs are the heart of lhun dry roomand should be selected with care Will single tub be sufï¬cient Should twin tubs be installer Perhaps combina tion sinkJandtub Iwith sliding drain board will give best service Shouldthc existing tubs be re placed Modern tubs offer such advantages as longarm swivel faucets bringing Water otjust the right temperature when and where you want its Some models retractable shower Mun5 be washed and or rinsed in the Dram Clea serfs Making Soap Have you ever beencalled soapmakert Probany notrhut if you have ever used drain clear canrlgbttully claim this title The truth of the inane that every time you put this cleaner which is mainly caustic lode down the drain and it mixes with the grease that is causing the blockage you are making soap Sounds like primitive method and that is exactly what it is For it is this some combination of lard and caustic soda obtained from woodaah that our tore others used in the pioneérdays to make their soap although they didnt use the drain pipes for mixing bowl The main cause for plugged drains ls grease that has formed toating on the pipes Insoluble in water grease tends to cling to pipes rather than flow down through the drain It also be comes acatch for other waste particles which eventually results in complete blockage of the drain When caustic soda is applied it dissolves the grease the chemical CHURCHILL ldr and Llli Sloan and Garlrof Gait spent the weekend with Mr andirs Ii Sloan First Prite at Bonapicl number of Churchill curlers attended the farmers bqnsplel at Cookstown Alf Davis rink brought home drstprize With him were Art Wright Gordon Knecshaw and Don Sawyer At the mixed bonSplcl at Cooks town on saturday Mr and Mrs Allen and Mr and Mrs Burke won third prize Annual Library Meeting The annual meeting of the Public Library was held in the library on Tuesday lastwith good attendance reported $184 ot balance donationof books was received from Mrs King Thirty new books were purchased con sisting of 24 fiction live juvenile and one classic Circulation for the yearwas 1172 Four deposits of bookswere received from Simcoe Cooperative Library by bookmo hlle Officers elected for 1957 President hirs Kinnear secV retary Miss Kay Allan treasurer Mrs Watson board Rev II Sanders Reeve Todd Mrs Lucas Mrs Christian Mrs Constable Rf Rogerson Mrs Mc Clusky Mr andMrs Boyd of Bar rle visited at ii Sloanson Tuesday pond to some extent on what equipment is to be includedï¬cer tain basic principles canalways be applied Start with the laun dry basket or blnmear thedoor Next good working surface near bench or table for sorting Then the laundry tubs and wash ing machine Once again work ing surface for preparing laundry for the drying area While all theforegoing should be kept in as compact aunit as possible the ironingsection can be set up as more or less sep arate unit Here is is important to have good working surfaces both for dampdry iaundry awaiting ironing and to stack the ironed linens ready to be taken away Both mesonsurfaces shouidbe within easy reach of the ironer to stave time and steps With laundry room like this the weekly wash can be taken care of in doublequick time leaving the housewife more time to enjoy the summer sun of course to what good purpose she will put the saved time in winter can well lie left to her own in genuity vltb BIG BUSINESS NOW Natural gas was first discovers manta QumkcQINVENIENT USE COMPANY Ed in theMedicine iIat areabf Al lierta in 1383 LIMITED The treasurer action forming soapy solution which bequ drain Chemist wipe can on using this type draineiunser tor caustluoda can merelyharn the skin some does splash on you it Mfldhtflh¢d outin medlateiy itit bel be Ia than sorrygnd bbcr gloves are the but precaution against such lmlsha Although using drain cleaner heed not beeome habit it should he used localsthe drainvhegins to slow up It is easier to no roub start rather th it ntil necessary to call plum gt But for thosettuburba liés who have septic tankathc use at these eregmlcalcleanerh should be lint tion at caus soda tends to slow up the deco position procesx la the tank it they are used too fre quently Althoufh youiwill never make yourfor une Irnm this soapma ingputime it is rathc tngto knowzwhat goes onudawn the hidden channelsof tho drain run our Always poll on wrench instead otpushin safer airing Wimpmtestpgllnst with other particles plugging the den tueawwhieh are being levied We have yet to hear the FULLGATISFACTION 535 METAL wow when it tea min um since theao RITO PLUMBES some $335 Beaumont wssr calm PA 8lt3770 Hrmwrr wear $5 it an in tuition I174 Re ANGLES New largo WMltAltE lt Lllll rfplndustrlnl and Ba rements aAMS PLATES sums BARS Hot and Cold Rolled modern equipped workshop at 3QANNEST rnoaara than ildins in moving as 532 ices modest tics in Steel attention to detail alwrysbe sure that we will of all details for can iul handling of your clothes Our ser arcspeedyand effici nt mom CSTllllllllE LTD 43 Essa Rd Barrle PHONEPA 35575 everything else its that counts You can you even to earth our drama AND yoh canvas iow rental cost an LIGHT Another Home Rental Service lor Ytllill convenience WALLPAPER designedfor the Housewife who wish to remove Void wallpaper our always clean and has no noiseor odor No aridirubbevi legsprotect any possible amage nsulatedtoinsurc EASY TO CARRY EASY TO OPERATE If yon wish to repaper your roomgyoull find thi tool the ide riswer to the problem of strip ng your ails Cume at to use your floors frorn