Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1957, p. 8

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If the mmmmuomarmnll The no horticultural Society GARDEN NOTES Cofdframes hand Hotbéds By JOHNSON COLDFRAME is In indispen sahle item to even the smallest garden lt is as its name implied an unheated frame theplants rc cclving heat from the penetration mom of the suns rays glass of the sash THEY CAN BE PUT to many uses but in this part of the coun try they are usually used for the propagation of early spring plants Areally enterprising gardener can use the frames practically every month of the year for they are ideal for protecting plants durlng the winter months IT is NOT economical for com mercial growers to propagate many kinds of annuals yet with the use of frame the small gar dener can grow practically any thing FRAMES SHOULD always be lo cated where good drainage may be assured Never place it where Water will lie The high side should be towards the north and the low side towards the south Wherever possible sheltered spot should be chosen with wall or hedge on the north side for protection IF ONLY TEMPORARY frames are needed they are usually con structed of wood For perman ent frames solid concrete is ad visabie in constructing one of wood cypress or cedar is the best material to use as they re slst decay better than any other wood it is useless to use cheap lumber as the boards will have to be replaced within very few years WOODEN FRAMES taro very easily eonstnlctcd andvdo not re quire the services of an expert carpenter By the use of books and corner braces they can be built collapsibleand can be stor ed in the basement when not in SE REGARDLESS OF THE match ial used all frames should be con structed so that the back is ap proximately slx inches higher than the front This slope will permit the water to drain easily from the sash and will also offer the maximum amount of surface for the penetration of sunlight Twelve inches is good height for thc front so that the back should be18 inches high THE STANDARD SIZE for coldframe sash used by practical ly all commercial growers and by most private gardeners is six feet by three feet Forthe home gar dener where operations are on llmited scale smaller size may be more satisfactory An area sixteet by three will carry ap proximately four dozen standard plant boxes MOSTSASH are made of glass but the last few years the glass substitute which is sold under various trade names has been Nldely used it is in many re spects much superior to glass in Vlew of its much lighter weight substitute is used the wood can be of much lighter ma terial In fact small child could lift one which could not happen where ordinary glass is used Glass sash howeVer does give better protection against cx trcme cold fA COLDFRAME can easily be converted to hotbed by the use of electric units or ordinary light bulbs The writer has used an electric cable for several years and has found it very satisfactory The cable was simply spread around the ground inside the frame and the thermostat con trolled the heat It produced fine root growth One night the outside temperature went down to 15 degrees While inside the frame was 50 degrees VENTILATION IS very import in growing plants in either coldframe or hotbed if this is not observed trouble is sure to follow On sunny day in spring even though the outside temperature may not be very high the temperature inside the frame may reach over 100 de grees This would be disastrous to youngseedlings thin coat ing of lime on the inside of the gluss will do much to avoid the burning of the suns rays GROWING PLANTS in cold IxAMINIlt Photos Picture by revere Examin rtelf phqto nphertha pea In thlil newspaper an crumble in floss prtn mops snnvlols through the frame can bc great pleasure as well as economical it is not dif ficult and anyone can do it and grow many kinds of pilot which cannot be purchased Do not be antd of the Green Thumb for strictly speaking there is no such thing it is 51m ply applying some common sense for while nature has endowed all plants and animals with re markable rcsistance to various diseases god the elements durlng their young years there is how ever period when they do re qilirc some care IN THE WILD STATE the best and sturdlest seedling is found growing near the parent plant or some other natural protection where it is protected from the cicntcnts for the first few days of its life IN APPLYING this same prin clinic of protection and heat through the uscof coldframes and botbeds earlier and better bloom will be the result Farmers 5thch Pay Fair Share Of Income Tax Farmers should pay taxes the same as otherl citizens but they should pay no more than their fair share So stated Stew art Almontc past président of the Ontario Federation of Agri culture at special farm income tax meeting held on Tuesday cv cning March in Guthrie com munity Hall The meeting was sponsored jointly by the Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture and the Oro Farm Management Association similar meeting was held the next afternoon in Churchill hall with Mr Stewart again the speaker Mr Stewart is dairy farmer from eastern Ontario who has spent great deal of effort in making income tax more suitable for farmcrs Working through the Federation of Agriculture he has helped develop more equit able means of taxation for fann crs Continuing Problem In the opinion of the speaker income tax will continue to be problem as long as farming rc mainsthe same type of business The attitude of the Federation of Agriculture is that the farmer should get fair deal in taxation rFor this reason the federa tion has helped develop the fol lowing policies basic herds by whicha breeding herd of live stock can be considered as capital rather than current income when sold thepolicy whereby ncom can be averaged over year period for taxation purposes and consideration for farm passing from father to son so that depreciation can be claimed as in an ordinary purchase TwoWay Project Meetings such as this are twoway communication project in the opinion of Mr Stewart lhey bring the farm people better understanding of farm in come tax fish it applies to their business and they offer the farm ers an opportunity toexpress their opinions so that the meth ods of taxption might be improv cd During the past 10 years great deal of publicity has been given to income tax in an effort togive farm people better un derstanding of tax problems This projecthas been carried out by means of the lpress radio meetings and working out individ ual problems This has been satisfactory approach to the prob lem even though the number of farmersfiling tax in Canada has remained close to 100000 per year for the past 10 years The last year for which figures are available 1953 saw ll million dollars paid in farm income tax Record Keeping emphasized as being very import ant for two reasonsFirst where Aecurstc record keeping was the recordsarenot complete re cords dfthe receipts are more iv campaign Stressés Safety 6n Tractor WINNle CP Manitobas agriculture department has launched safety campaign for farm tractan Lut year 15 were killed in tractor accidents in Manitoba lower Illurc than previous years largely due to publicly given to the accident But the depart ment believes the fatality rate can be further reduced Tbe departments extension ur vice is working with safety offic fljuat try to regard her as an investment thats more than doubled itself readily available than thosc of Expenses Eor this reason tbc net income appears higher than actually is Secondly if the recordsare fairly accurate tax examiner will have to prove them wrong whereas if no records are available LIlB farmer will have to provc that the figures calculated by the tax examiner are wrong This is quite difficult if no rev cards are available Mr Stewart recommended that farm accounting be conducted on an inventory basis rather than cash basis The cash account for year is not necessarily true picture of the business for year in that it does not take into ac count cny changes in the value of the farm stock and equipment The inventory basis of account ing gives clearer picture be cause it includes changes in the value of the farmers investment Basic licrds Basic herds have been set up so that the breeding herd of livestockon form may be sold as capital sales rather thancur rent salcs The basic herd prin cipal is an agreement between the farmer and the department The only advantage of such is at the time of dispersal sale Tax is chargcd on the animalsrat the time they are put intothe basic herd rather than when they are actually sold in this way they may be added in years of low income and then at the time of the sale the farmer will not be charged tax on such large in come for single year Farm incomes may be averag ed over fivevycar period or tax ation purposes In other words thefsrmcr pays tax on the av erage income for the past five years in which he filed return Such policy allowsthefarmer to level out his income so that the tax would not be so great in the case of year of very high income This averaging applieslorlarniiirsonly Matter ofWagea Since wages are taxable in the year paid the speaker strongly advised family help who paid each year Cases in which the sons wages hach been allowed to build up without actual pay ment have resulted in very high tax at the time tiiey were actual Vly paid The form for income tax purA be oh ol gt nartbr of house repairs reasonable pro portion usually high of thc cost of hydro telephone house fire insurance and automobile ex penses full cost of repairs on house for hired help meals for hired helpat cost the cost of drilling well and the costs of small mols under $50 The farm wife is allowed to earn $250 off the farm and remain dependent Present regulations WORRIED Dont rou nndtass all night last because you have to move Nitth American Van micron bandle the complete ion for ynu the finest in the WireApprovcou moving Incl Can today for race er mate Campbell leltlfl great for NorthArncricah Van Lines Mann and stoma up Burton Ave Phone Pa 64555 ix liMiNEliLliTEfl Walt until and if ya Pills ill in other provinces and the Unted States to demonstrate to Manitoba farmers thelatent dan gerslin operation of tractors It plans to demonstrate safe operation of tractors at summer fairs this year showing also that one of the largest and heaviest pieces of farm mrahincry can be easily upset crushing or trapping its driver Bluest Factor Upsets were the biggestsinglc cause infdeath in last years acct dents with 11 farmers killed when either crushed beneath an overturned tractor or pinned and drowned in waterfilled ditches Farmers themselves are show lng more concern over tractor acA cidents Hudek agricul tural engiheering specialist says he expects more pressure will be placed on manufactprcrs to pro ducc safer machine lower centre of gravity and wider front wheels adjustable for narrow row crops are considered top safety features Speed is another factor The allow tax investigatorsto go no more than four years rinto the past except in cases of fraud Stewart Page North Simcoe agricultural representative was chairman of the meeting Cecil chappell secretary of the Slmcoc County Federation of Agriculture introduced the speaker who was thanked by Joseph Pinkc presi dent of the arc Farm Manage ment Association American code of andme Engineers has muted max imum road speed of 12 miles an hour lost farm trutcrs are builtto travclyat tread speed of 1718 miles an hour and two man can hit 45 miles an hour Officials in Saskatchewan have been demonstrating tnctor haz ards with special attachments on aatandard machine including fifth wheel on an outrlgger and sulky trailer from which the machinelir operath by extended controls bf Thomson Manitoba agri cultural engineering specialist said recent ruryey in the United States showed farming wls third in the accidental fatality rate and the tractor was the biggest single cause of taming deaths In some states 75 per cent of recent fatal accidents onfarms involved tractors and nccident re POrtandicatcd there were about 75 nonfatal tractor accidean for each death he said Marathon Swimmer Gets Early Start GALT CPFrcddie Higgins Prestons long distance swimmer has started serious training for an attempt this sunlmcr to swim 32milc stretch across Lake Ontario Freddie staged Va wildcat at tempt on Lake Ontario during the Canadian National Exhibition last ycarswimmlng nine miles before being pulled out That attempt gave Higgins and his coach Edward Newlands val uable experience in marathon swims gt Freddie has been working out twice week at the Kitchener YMCA Besides swimming and weightlifting he does lot of skipping at home to strengthen his leg muscles in early lilay he will take daily swimming sessions in Puslinch and Willow lakes 0n the week ends he intends to swim in Bell Woods Lake and Lakc Ontario Consult Parents On Report Cards OTTAWA CHParents and teachers at suburban Cardlnat Hellhts public school plan to re volutionize tbe oldstyle report card committee was set for the purpose and questioan was scat to parents asking what they wanted to know about their chil drens school achievements Principal Johnson says the traditional report card with its stress on academic things leaves much to be desired 11 questioned the wisdom of comparing one pupils achieve ments with those of another This in effect is what the con ventional report cardidocs it isnt fair to compete future laborers with future atomic scientists he said These will not be competing later on in life so we shouldnt make them compete in school lilr Johnson favorcd report card that rated each pupil accord ing to his efforts recognizing that pupils have widely different capacities NOTICE or RATE INCREASE Blinlllii slums assocllllull at meeting of the Associ ation March 357 ununimr ously decided to raise the price of haircuts for adults by 25c and children by we to take effect MARCIi is 1957 Efren he price tag is aimsw distaovery Wit is sleek low stylingbeouty and luxury3Ispeed pushbutton automatic transmission optionbl dual headlights advanced TorsionAiréRide and so many other exciting new featuresChryslerisihe hoppiestffind of the 57 car year Even its price brings pleased grin Its owe Just imaging9111531 at the wheel of this big brilliant 57 Chryslerwith its great spirit and splendour its great and its great yearsahead ideas Undcrthat low glistening hood you can feel the smooth purringpulse of up to 325 horsepower You command it iwithncw push¥button automatic case You get new zoom new hillhumbling performance beauty youre in luxdry away responsiveness And wherever you head this dazzling for tilcsmoothestridiilg and handling than youd guessil on four wheels Chryslers revolution ary TorsionAirs suspension is the reasonand it =reali astonishing difference yvmakcsanm Get acquainted with this cxtraordi of the 57 carycar Le Sculptross Sees Energy in Canada MONTREAL CPIAn Ameri canaculptnss who spent seven yearsin Britain and then emi grated to Canada to share its growth so far hasnt been disap pointed llere you can feel surge and an energy you dont find in Eon ope says Sarah Jackson after lessthan four months in bion real growing in front of your eyes licr personal future in the art world seems to be growing too Already she has exhibited 20 paintings and two sculptures BARRIE FARM SUPPLY Our Motto ls SERVICE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CARRYING COMPLETE STOCK 0F FEEDS GRAIN FARM SUPPLIES SURGE DAIRY EQUIPMENT DELIVERY SERVICE Phone PA 82982 l7 IllULCASTER ST Withollt annoying nosediv You can see the future done in Canada Montreal chi tact have approached her about sculptruc for commercial build ings In Brithin she taught it the University of London and lectur ed at the Tate Gallery where emphasis is on modern art in her sculpture she builds plaster shape and then carve it down to produce strangely ab stract forms which she calls contemporary oun so20 AUTO INSURANCE PAYS 80 or THE COST No matter how small the col Iisipn accident raidezlozhll polcy you pay ml two on the an 3250 of each Ion Above that amount State Farm pay everything Call and lurn more about 8020 today It pays to how III STATE FARM Agent 97clt GRAHAM BIDDLE 67 Newton St PA 84305 nary value in fine motorcars soon You Emu3 beautiful Chrysler this year And weve got just the model colour and eqllipmcnt you wantat price youll find attrae tive even when compared with many of the lesser makes Telephone us Well be glad to bring sleek cw Yorker or Windsor to your door for dcmonstranon drive Chyyllors imamAim also is the most remarkable dcvcldpmcn lsvyou corner without hecling ovcl brake float oycr bumps Advancedesign torsion bars nchcvclizcrrcarspringisupcrOrifiowshock absorbers antidi ruhbcri laces

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