Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1957, p. 7

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By ANNE McGlNN one of the very precious gifts with which the Divine Creator has endowed the human being is the ability to experience emotion Emotion is another word for feeling All humans are capableoi eel ing ISome teel more deeplythan others some feel so deeply that life presents problems to them Those who feel verydeeplyand are able in someway to express what they feel for benefit of other people we call artists Artists put emotioninto some thing concrete and lasting Musiv clans are such artists Musicians arc artists who change ANNE McGINN cm ion into beautiful sounds which when heard change back into emotion again in the ear of the listener All great music has sprung out of some equally great emotion very famous American scho racism orgasmic many reasons tar Dr Henry VaaDyire when asked why the world needs mu sic gave this memorable answer of the lofty soul the trained in telleot and the disciplined emoi into rrcgion of beauty and sub lnnity which has Divine order The strongest and the greatest strongest because it is the foreo which in turn generates life itself it is the oncforce against which all Weapons are useless all achievements futile nothingness it has inspired consoled in flamed comfortedand driven man Ion to almost unattainable goals since the dawnof time The coinposcis of the worlds great music have all known this emotion welt Some were tormented by it others were transformed by it some were enraptured by it oth misery of theiryearning forit All acknowledged it as the chief inspiration of their art and as life itself ISuch man wasrirederic Cho forth from his piano What deep sensitivity and pro found tenderness possessed his soul Whot tremendous capacity for love he had He never married Yet he has passed into the pages of history as having hadone of the most unusual love affairs in the dong storyot art MarieAurore Dudevant was writer She took therpenname of George Sand to disguise her femininity during period in his tory when ladies just did not en gage in writing This was during the early part of the last century As George sand however she achieved great fame especially in fiance She was sensitive hi my in telligent capabloeduea ed and decpIy emotional Her love affair with the fam ous composer was might for T9bcgln with they were un like in every possible wayin age in nationality in character in tastes in inclinations She was so eh years older than he was Sherwasjmbittou undoaggresr gtsivewhile he was retiring and shy She possessed brilliant mastery Estates oisponxunnr FOR APPLIANCE SALESMAN FULL QRIART TIME We require progressive appliancevand heavy goods salesman of superior abilityfordireet selling toeustomers in the home Excellentbpportunity for volume sales and big Liberal drawing and mileage allowance Appiyby letter only telling us strictest confidence SimpsonSears ATTN mil in norm sates Marianna commissions about yourself All replies held In edTorontor DEPT 332 it has raised great men to ped estals it has reduced others to What glorious sounds poured Good music is the expression lions Whenl hear beautiful mu sic am carried out of myself emotion in life is love lt is the ers poured forth pathos in the power as basic and necessary as Mrs Thomas Goddard riiis Piran rmnov is Gloria none Miss Bowlinbpf 1957 Gloria will reignover the $20000 Molsons fivepin Bowling Clasi Lsicat the Canadian National Sportsmans Show March 15 to 23 over the French languagc3vhich was her means of expression he spoke it badly and with Polish accent She was open and frank He was inclined to be secretive George Sand always conunand ed the centre of attention wher ever shc went Chopin preferred the outer circle She was inclined to he eceon trie in her dress and personality while he loathed anything that deviated from what was both con ventional and conservative What was it then that drew them so closely together for period of nine years It has been speculatedgthat this lovegavc to Chopin all that hrlacked George Sand with her resoluteness and energyradi ated selanssurance and strength Wierzynski This was what Chopin needed most Being writer she was sensi tive to his needs understood his fears and was sympathetic to his weaknesses gt In loving him she protected him guarded him guided him ad vised him and kept b4 safe and secure from theprying EYES of the world while he Wrote his hauntingly beautiful music Most of all she inspired him Perhaps the worldrowes George Sand debt For certainly the emotion in some of Frederic Chopins music rose up out of his great love for her Copyright i956 thedoctor doesnt have to shrink into the obscurityiof 115s non in rai admire Some would say about the same dis Falls twice the distance from owen Sound to Collingwood How ever it is measured it represents quite lengt laid end to end the piecesrof surgical thread or sutures used in an average hos pital during lemonth period would stretch the same distance and the cost to the hospitalwouid amount to approximately $12000 In most Ontario hospitals to day as many as 10 different types of sutures are used dependingon the type and place of the oper ation The material known as catgut is probably the most com monly used for suturing whieh is the tcrmgused by medical and hospital peoplefor stitching How ever silk cotton and rayon are also used for this purpose Catgut strangely enough com es from sheep ft is treated in such waythat when sewnti to wound it Iwiil dissolve after certain period of timeand be ab sorbed by the body Asa result to re move the stitches Usually it is packed in sterile solution in glass tubes CHURCHILt Churchill Womens Institute will meetin the community hall Marehrld at pm ill be answered with What would do if were twene lleeent Vis tors gt Miss Sarah Gilchr tiand friend of Toronto were vi tors on Sat igans and ere supper guests on Sunday of vale Mr and Mrs Cline RawnLairy and Anne visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs William Clark Oakland Hill Supper boasts aek Cameron andMrs Arms Tripp Elm was thererdrt Foil $1411 high ytltinless an tance as Toronto is fromNiagara They are pupils iurday at Mr and Mrs James grassroots Today and Iranian if AND HEALING The term cateut dates back to the days of ancientArabia when musicians played string edyinstrument called kit lhc strings ofthese instruments were Fiade from material called ltgut Over the years the 0rd kit was changed to eat so that today the material in hospi tal sutures is commonly known as eatgut Be that as it may this mater ial is just one or another of the many wonderful things stocked in hospitals and used by the medical staff to help patients get well faster with less pain and more certainty SHANTY BAY Birth of Sail congratulations to Mr and Mrs Moodie nee June Cromarty on the birth of their second son Douglas Arthur at Kingston Feb 24 PassMusic Hiram Congratulations also to two of our young piano students Janet and Judy Dingman both of whom passed their Grade BConserva tory examinations with honors of Miss Jessie Bryson gt Day in Emu Mr and MISHEFEWald Martin spent Sunday March in To mate as guests of Mr and Mrs Martin World Day of Prayer Dont forget the World Dayof Prayer service for women of all churches to be held in St Thom 55 Church Friday March at pm Scarlet Fev it loanna and Babb Princeare ill with scarletfever We hope tosee their upand around again gt Mrs Paul ins is again patiept in Royal Victoria Hospi tal having undergone surgery re ychbsof Same on Tuesday eventlg last whereMrs Webb had epared someyery am At close of the evening dc oyed sident um The ladies after mid Come and with your thvbt00manity gt an of the Mrs lboaus Goddard maiden namewas Ellen Elizabeth Bugglnsu passed away at her home to Wellington Street East Alliston on Saturday March 1957 Floral Dies At Alliston Home Was Native of England illness Following lengthy whose Mrs Goddard was born on Harcb 30 1872 in Birmingham England where she spent her early life She was married on March 30 1093 to Thomas and dard and left immediately for her gt home in Canada in several communities shecame After residing to Alliston in 1021 Mrs Goddard was of quiet nature being hap piest among her flowers and home Besides her husband she is sur vived by two sons and three daughters Thomas and Nellie Mrs Alfred Vembles Alliston Edith Mrs Parry Wes ton ltiabel Mrs Gillham Barrie and Henry of Ailiston One son Leonard predeceased her in 1922 Also surviving are 13 grandchildren and laggrcats grandchildren The funeral service was held on Maréh at Thomas Chapel con ducted by Rev Shllton of St Johns Unite Church follow ed by interment in AllistohUhidn Cemetery Pallbearers were six grandsons George Walter Allen Charles and Harold Vcnables and Leonard Parry Those carrying flowers were Arthur Stone Don old Applegatc Herb MeCracken Harvey Latimcr Howard ltlilne and Wilbert Haddock Friends and relatives were present from Weston Toronto Morrisburg Crcemore and Tcmagami tokens were many among which was one from St Johns United Church SCOTTISH SCENERY The Glomaeh Falls in the so tish highlands which drop 370 feet are the highest in the United Kingdom death of both Mr and Mrs Coul tcr of Grandview Manitoba Mrs Coultcrwas asister of the late David Cochrane and aunt of Mrs Lottie Cowan and Joseph and Jack Coehrane We extend symi pathy to these folks also to Harry Kelcey op the death of his cousin Mrs Helen Nixon FamersUnion Meeting Local 92 Ontario Farmers Uh ion held their monthly meeting at the home of Mr andMrs Paul Pope Monday evening last BACKACHE when every sudden move brings Iholf nmp twiligeaita time for Dr Chasel KidncyLiver Pills Thousands find quick trchf from backache by taking this maven remedy By combining treatmentl in 10 Chases KidneyLiver Pills work two ways for fast relief ms KIDNEYLIVER PILLS Enamel Gives Appl lanceLike Kitchen Finish Are you suffering Irommid winter doldrums freshly painted kitchen might give you new lease on life and that extn push to takeyou into the crews and dtffodil season Choosing colorrfor your kit chen isnt any problem with ninbow of colors at your finger tips But knowing the right type of paint is more difficult Perhaps you have been mar vellingat your kitchen appliances and how easily they are ltept clean it doesnt seem to matter if its grease splashed from the frying pan orhaklngyfumcs from oven one wipe with damp oth and theyve all disappeared And its good thing that they do clean so easily for you wouldnt buya new stove each time itget5 smudge on it But neither would you repaint walls andcuphoards soiled by steam grease and food aeids that are part of every kitchen Choosing paintthat will stand up to these conditions is therefore very im portant Enamel is the best type of paint to use in the idtcheo where muchwashlng is imperative And now an enamel isavailable which gives an applianCeAlike finish its called pliancelikc because it has the ame cleanvlnzanioment properties as your kitchen apple anecs It has ahard tilelike smooth surface that repels dust and dirt and the inevitable cook ing stains wipe oft the wall easily as from the refrigerator Many housewives aregettlng away from the antiseptic white look once thought to bethc only thing for kitchen and are choosing pastel shades instead Greens blues pinks and yellows are fast becoming favorites and enamel keeps the color as bright as the day it was painted Butif you still prefer white kitchen you dont have to content yourself with the fact that in time it will turn yellowish colt or For now superwhite enam stay white on aiatterhow fraud to or course every kitchen needs periodic cleaning and whether your kitchen has new face or must be content with the old one anoceasional cleaning with mild detergent and water is must cursorson Emperor Nero was said to have 5000 paid applaudits attending performances of his plays in an cient Rome it comets urn The Public Accountants Council for the Province of Ontario has elected as President Mr Hamid Cornish CPA partner in the firm of Cornish Mitchell and Comlt pany Certified Public Accountants of London He succeeds Mr Brown FCA of Thornc Mu holland Howson and McPherson Chartered Accou tants of Kitchem or who is rem ng on the Coun cil other officers elected wer VicePresident ltir Ayers of Sime Ayers and Comp any Chartered Accountants Tor onto Secretary Mr lticchh trio of nthechnle Boles and Com pany Certified Public Accountants Ottawa Treasurer Mr Mac Gillivray of Chagnon and Mac Gillivray Chartered Accountants Hamilton other members of the Council are Ampletord John Entwistle Fazackcrley Windsor McDonald FCA Toronto Hamish Macdonald FC Toront Norman CPA Toronto Read Ottawa SaburnCPA Tor onto Sharpe Port Hope Guy Smitb FC oronto elcnsures that the white will We make Iodns This single payment often less pl Phone for 19 Lee hp qlt CANADA ansqédqfe 315 gt Get cub hero to pay mlny of your ban then hive only one convenient payment to one vile to BENEFICIAL FINANCEVCO HICHAI HNAMJ ro ll nowr ur 1o an Mourns 10 Refinw an moi nuns your mum om so mum mnnour no make mi niunui than the total nmoune you now office or come soc enstinatoré riirn rim or Auto convinlonr oiling3mm Is nOflflll you IAIRlEu um Sm 2nd Floor DRILLIA lulu Strut Eli 2nd NEW NAME saints concentration tain peace soon would lose their freedom stelco as the largest Canadiansteelmakcr isproud or the part its products have playeddn the develop vmentofcanada ennnan be material wellbeing of every nation Without steethhere could not have been much progress Forsteel is in ahnosteverythijig There is steel in the modern church smockhospital and college and inthc making and preparing of allbtxild ling materials There is steel too in the weaponsof de rfenee without which the peoples who desire to rhaln ioltlltlti gram and fumes itlsslibleeted

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