Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1957, p. 3

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THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONO MARCH 111951 JROPERfiEOKSAlI PROPERTj Poll RENT EOr or Exchange bond maid Reuse Sunnidals Road and Can Phon PA 06 15 sMALt Apartment rd hutrd rheoa PA was alter ppm adssou BEDROOM HOOD urmlnd rum us mun up motor rot crhou roulh 12 lli filmywlll ac or ex use or ee Phone MORTGAGES cumAt Royal Vittoria Ital mm slimmer Caliu antral hurls on March ll to Mr July and August or season burnt and stream Carter uNorta st Illsuntan bedrooms Reply has Ctlxdllimtiflsiqfla HOCIIIIEI rte it Inn to or Roots Iplrtmt ammun HELP WANTED FORSALE °°°° STOUTT SALESMANV POSITIONS om IDh Salesman anti Appraiser with isAilRir Mr AWNING co Salary and Commission Travelling Expenses Iiospltalltatlon Write giving lull details or past ea perience age etc to MR JOHN CAW nAYFlELD Si DARRIE 13032 STUDENT TELEGRAPH OPERATORS lire required by CANADIAN NATIONAL RAl LWAYS Excellent opportunltlcsjar young men age 11 or older proterably with tviu yran gh school necelyr pay while training as tele graph Operatoragent and be trained at station near your home Inquire Irons your nearest CNR agent 143012 RELIAIILE Person to ivaieh children while mothcr works Live in Phone PA Mm 12916 RELIABLE mlsldlcagetl housekeeper who would be good with 2yeapola child APP Westways Grill Anlutsn 129 AVON COSMETICS require capable ladies who have our hours day to spare Write hllss Itiarian Townh Apt SQG iltI Wilson Ave tzoronto 12 Ontario 12132 APPLICATIONS will be received until March 20 tor parbtlme caretaker or ltcss No 12 lnnlslll lllail applica tion to James Clyne 70 Pcnetang St Dorrie Ont iilMl SKILLED union Mechanics lie ensed FordMonarch Dcalcnhlp gar oust Interviews can be arranged on weekends Hanna Iiiotor Sales co Ltd Stoyacr colllugweoti 29 POSITIONS WANTED nRLlAnLEwoman wants to look utter house or children Parttime pro erred Phone PA 6614 249 EXPERIENCED Painter ror many years wants all types or paint work hiolldr ing gralning and boiling and paper hanging specialty All work guar antced at special wintcr rates For lree estimates please phone 852ml Barrie zzllai WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID for SCRAP IMETALS RUBBER STAMPS MADEWORDER WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE In DUNLOP ST W131 EARRI 11116 HUNTERS Clii 1ch you money on you FERTIUZER utrtments Pay helore March ii additional SL ialtc ltyery desired Fertiliser spreader aval ble to customers We can also supply your MASTER FEEDS Cash or contract IIUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUD PHONE Sara sTilOUD 715le APPLES APPLES Iiiaclmsli NORTHERN SPY vEALillY pUOKING APPLE All price ranges Frnm two bushel to use bathe 25 cents dciliery tiring your own containers FETCH 109 SUNNIDALE ROAD PA 82729 AFTER pm 7294 Jo VIKING Electric itange large slrc oven used one year Apply 11 Paris St 71901 tuttinut Garden Trackhr with plow eultivators Ionaw opener maulders etc Phone iJt basic 7dosz AlitANA ritErzElt small model 10 cu it In excellent condition Owner being posted $200 Phone Camp Dar den onw 12951 CLAnri JEWEL coal and Wood Stove zz 32 with Shelf llest omr play as seen at Frederick st or phone PA suns 72pm rltlLlGIir Floor Lamp in good condl lion Walnut Desk glass top lull length drawer and side drawers also Come Table oval shape Duncan Pher legs in Codrlngton St 741i STORE EQUIPMENT 7in popcoolcr dry SmithCorona adding machln hli Ilcrkcl Meat Counter itllil cou ter top llleCaskty cash register my tan meat slitlrr Dcllllnce Scales 15 cu It ailsnll Snowbird deep lrcczc hilly he scon at 33 Wesimount Drive Orlllla or phone PA 55190 alt7erzg rsll FARM WANTED lAitlti WANTED tor rent near Barrie Apply Dan 77 Earrie lanamincr29 II Business Opportunities FDR SALE iotirist Resortiocated an miles north or Sault Ste Marie on the IrhlisClliadh Highway to the West coast Consists DI cabins Restaurant Banquet Hall Stare Gas Pumps Boats etc Write Po on 429 sault Ste PA WEI REAL ESTATE hRolsERs GORDON STOW REALESTATE BROKERS 102 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 8590 omca liouna an to par lOlolt REAI ESTATE BROKER lerpr Russ CARSON NoriM snastzLL Dunlap Si Elli Barrio Olllce Open toa pan Dally Saturdays until pm EliCLUSIVE SUNNIDALE ROAD DOWN PAYMENT stuoo ullupriue tor till exceptionally well constructed bungalow overlooking tho golt course it lectures spa clous living room with lrlflllra with aows stone tireplacc lira modern kitchen with dining area large bedroom and bath lull basement timed air all heating Situated on large well treed lot over In loot lrontsge Many cstras included In the above price believe it or not this home carries lor $6500 month $7900 FULL PRICE Slsoo DOWNBALANCE ABOUT 65 MONTH Modern room bungalow lull buo menthot water all heating Large well landscaped lot Private drive and garage Near Codringlon Street School DUCKWORTH STREET sumac FULL PRICE irodorn if storey home is large rooms cdrooms lull basement Situated on nice lot close to schools CLOSE TO ARENA 535W DOWN PAYMENT BalmInc held On one open moflzlle by the Ownni storey brick home lllrgc rooms and bath llllly Inn cm This home is In beautiful con diiion Inside Ind out and mini be seen ll be Appreciated NAPIER STREET CLOSE TO CODRINGTON ST scHoOL tizpoo PULL PRICEThis Is an ex ceptional room hrlcit bungalow with attached garage and all the erlr situated on SIPint beautifully lands scoped will shadcr trees REAL ESTATE 91 Dunlop SEE Rodin torrosm mam on PHONI PA camNb ORLIOATION OH LACEY REALTOR isiotl SUNNIDALE AREA AlLOTS 0a water add sewer lots at Iluo each and lots strum each This are low asking riccs tor lots in lids aresso pot on ckly ivllirE To max BARRIE EXAMINER FOR ADDITIONAL iNPORMAIION Ioistl COUITS Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barri CONULT US ON Low Down Payment ilouslhg pinla nehaogu ot Propertie ONstIortl Bottling Isau Omcoma Plow OReaLaia Business Opportunities oProperty Management For Rentals cull PA 44 boon PHONES Office PA WmDIM PA MCGOEY TOUGH REAL ESTATE nusmfis BROKERS ounmpctent Rcal mus Benita Excltuiva and eontidantlal my Privaie and NrLA slnaaclag plans ecislty service on buying anti szlllnl private lncumahhmu Topmelecumi or isms and small ho dings business repcrdaa soldon coaliti og service entlai EREPLPHW Central Apply pan ROOMSD FURNISHED looking Ill Iive Polhu $15M liler apartment Ihopyin ill run hed Street WINTBREED Adult PA D3534 electrically entrance itll Phone AdultI only PA Dzlla all only Phone rangement to East Apt Rivte entrance Phone PA IL keqilrll rooms close to town laundry scl Phone PA 11o LOWER Aplflmenl Newmllket 31tooM lurnlshcd heated apartment Private hath lrig machine and ample cupboard space Wigwam FIJINIHIIIF lizath rmnu avail lhlcJiaat Adults only Phone am lsam Ad Its girls 31mm or acts one 5191 IHMI Ind house unlurnlshrd Apartment Central Phone 15254 APARTMENT rooms lumiahed over Newly decanted Blake st Phone PA 11 lino Aplrtmenl 1121 Adults only Phone ull padPA Jill Lsnu CHOICE well tumllhed modern new heated aoaahle Olnrn Phone PA downtown trlct and bath Prclbrred Comic it on supplied heating suitable bullneu Call is or human allies Cen IHII itleliEn zroom artment sink hol lilttl cold wflier pi vnlr entrlnce Phone 153031 ROOM unlurnlshed apartment Rooms are large and bright oil heated very central immediate possession Adults lbZSGI MODERN Apartment rooms separate entrance stove and lrlg htliiHn kit chen cupboards newly orated Phi iagpsrlt Phoaa PA astsa NEWLY Furnished naehelor 47 Avgly as Henry or do PA 37355 see apartment Phone rs 154540 APAILTMBNT main floor 5rooms sell contained heavy wiring heated Avail able April Apply 252 Dunlop st TWInlnc 1529 or phone range finch Isnu mania Bedsittlag room and 10th was zinc Rodanil contained apastrneot as Good St alter 5ml 52940 close luv D2128 152931 Room heated apartment close to Phone PA Main Lin In run or PA 84168 Alter 1519 1100 Apartment with kitchenette rivlle ntrlncis unlit 1M Napier 16min bedrooms Available immediately peg Also garage to rent in liarrls Phone litOMI DUPLEX upper central large rooms ui pea iraat hot water Adults 152941 nlnilshed Private 1525 Apart ment or or girls Phone Lakevlaw Dairy PA D6501 Irom to 5ltlor ar 15min BRIGHT urnlihed apartment hauled bedroom uvlnu mom land kllfihcneiie Shared hilfllmom Centrll saith or apply Harris Plowe washinz lnrr DOGS PET STOCK DACIIIIIIIND Wills Punbredls 00d willnrhnhllch lnd hm De Inch Illdhilrfl Phone In sum PERSONAL HUTTONS REST HOME CONVALESCENT ls FEET HOME FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION Available lor elderly graph Good food Ind nufllnl clre ice litrmundr ing grounds TV and home larllltlcs PHONE srAYNER i243 WleX INN STAYNER JOHN IIva U112 PA PA PA PA CARE VEN to had patients 00 per day in pulsing home Apply Bolt 75 Danie Examiner iiinan II WDAINP£ RubLicensed gradu ate museur by appolnimcnt only Phone PAdfllll Edgehlll Drive hartla sotm IT CONSIDERING MARRIAG cots ault Harris Wellrs Specialist by Rum your 71 not er rich and polar marrlcd Iirgolg mile logwygllifi PROPERTY WANTED ssuti Dunlop East PAD8387 MOVING IN MARCH OR APRIL gt several ol oilr Vllued cll9ntl no moving then and WE are on the at to nnd them suitable houses tor uy some iarSPOT CASH and gains or cish to the present mortgage new Industries IN starting up InBnrk Ho and older ones expanding our town is still growing lastl there lit steady call ior houses under 310000 both in town and close to town we cant ever keep en ough or this category in stock NilA R$ALES are also in strong demand good REALTOR knows that property that Is properly listed and priced in todays market is hall sold already and comer listing and pricing Is ROGERS specialtyl IrVOu are thinking or move this Spring why not hose Roc ERS now or flood Valua Ian and it best price your property will bring in today real witt2 market all calls receive canndeatlol and personal attention and tiltre is no issues How whatever if you dont like whit he says when he comes aroundl PHONE PA 66381 ANYTIHIETDAY Oil lva Charles Rogers lor PA MOIWAGllWinlcd too am urn 30 21W ugoalgt Goa its Sent sw udu Viciorir tal Barrie on 10I951Ftrplr Arid In Andrei cm no aaushtcr Susan carleeal IlARKNBlLAAReAl Royal Victori Hod ital Esme gullrd l127 so rs Rare RR panIt daughter axonamass and Wilson not wish itl announce Us rsivai at their llxsenmnoml iToralnyi Wu ONEILLAt Royal Victoria Hospttsl harrie on March loss to Mr and tin no oNeul Phelpstda aiiaagb ter tuory Anne ROBIONAt ROIle VIClorIl Hmllll Elma on Much 1937 to Mr Mrs Leonard Robson Vina datum Liner Or Rlnlu Anise BIIURBAt Roylls Viclnrll Hupllll on March Is to Cpl Mn Walter Shu SI Camp BONED daughter URBANAl Royal Victoria Helplul Bamr on March m1 to Mr and VI John Urban It Caroer St daughter iMargsrct Disabethl DIED DELLSuddenly st Daytana hcach Plarld ori asday sreb A1357 Hugbcaa lane 1m WW wue or Thomas Bell 9o Bull St Barrie dear mother at Virtor or ilswkeslene nsnlr ol Tomnto use gsret Mu Gilnn Gilchrist er Rap no Klihiorri tliirs George nobeflr son or artilla Ruling at the home malts until Wednesday morning March is than to the Prthicir Puacrl Home 121 daysoid st serviced lha at 210 interment rrie alon Ceme tery KNAPPSllddcnly II My Victorll hospital notrte on Saturday March as Ma Elkhuh Jsnil at Sl Barrio beloved wild OI lha lain llmu Herbert Knl Ind de mother at Irene and allacs dc lriend to Henry Mom loved slstdr of Mn Cook IEminl North Bay William ol rrte and Charles II Hamilton Rel III the Jenna FuneralHome Funerl ser vtca Tuesday March 12 at no past lutormonl Barrio Union Cemetery MOBILE HOMES isss GLENDALE so rooms piece bathroom hot and cold running water Large porch and lenee around lot in Dorrie small down payment Mortgage arranged will accept rural lure ctc lor part down payment Phone Ii Lucas Elmvale 441532 ROOMS FOR RENT PuRlellEn Bedroom PA 84643 452940 FURNISHED ROOM Gentleman pro icrrcd Phone PA was 452940 FURNISHED hedisliliril room private washroom Billie st Phone PA 6657 451930 BRIGHT clean mrhlshed bedroom lo Kentlclnln CentnI Nell CITE Pittmn PA D5014 452931 HICKS BARRED ROCKS Control Plane Esmlrr ed ulthatove IndJIIf slanted nmypuummllndl IADI¥B°I narrie mulls PIlIio Township EDI WOOIIVSIIPILY readers will be receivadhy who swag WM Squu later than as Ill 1351 Elm lens cord cedar Gm oh gm card Ilailill lluunl 011 card on cud Thornton one turd lie to the cord Teno oclocs noon on nice long and our era to clot at day March in WILLARD COLE chairmda NoRlANcoxw0Riil seer Thornton soot AUCTION SALESL 2221 HUM March it complete sat at to head or Registered cattle lor llerbcuiiurn and Sea 5t Let it Cost to Sunaidsle Tomb one mile south or Sunnioala Camera on Highway in Terrru an No to serve Sale out sharp ONeill and Jerry cougblln Auciiane er ror catalogues write iisrh coi hsni and Soil RR stsyner flle aalaraay limb is Auction sole or household ellecta for Fred army he held GflV GIIIIE Cilndltl Gsrasa will be heated sale st lso pol CoughUh Aucllnneer north hill but l1 Con lriiillfll in the village olstmud Complete all cnal Ill ollterd oi Grddu Holv Ilerli Cowl milking IIIchino and unlnllly cl lllr Tamil cull Ella Aucllnnerr Tuesday Much is Auction sale or Palm Stock In laments Hay and some Household ecu lor Mrs 8min McConxey II LOI IS ONE 10 Innutil anmlllp and mill straight Strand No reserve sa iarro ls sold Auctioneer Prlday March 22 Auction Slalom Pann stock tin lcntenta Hay Grain Household Erlec tor Elli Ford at Lot 19 con ii Vespra Township miles north or Highway no at Great No reserve ss larm is sold rrrraa cash asleat pm sharp Jerry coughlin Auctioneer mums Wednesday March 20 Auction of Farm sleok Implements Hay and Grill 111 it late John Lehton south hlll Lot 15 II IL sharp merve 11 Terms cull NO ltloEilen Auctionocr Mil Thursdly ercll 237 Auction Sale of Holstein Cattle Horses Pigs and some IIllhalements ror ll Ienneit north ball Lot Concefllnn in Ens Town ahlp Manning McEwen Audlogezgl AUCTION SALE launlnl school MI sattirday March is Thomas BWrightl to he maple or beech cut 11 Inchaa Altlnonlll Ill No reserve Terms Chill Jm no sale at an Jerry Coughun IIMI on Tecumseih sale 110 ans Sproule 25a Form Stock Implements etc The undersigned has meived instructions lroin JAMES PEARSON To sell by Public Auction It Lot Concesston ll West Gwillimbu MILES EAST OP iiiGnW 21 FRIDAY KIARCH I5 AT OCLOCK THE FOLLOWING CATTLE Cow Guemsev due March i7 Heire Holstein due March as Cow red one April ti Cow whit due April 20 Cew brindle due May 11 cow red due May is militias cow Holstela one 1on militia cow red due Oct I7 milking well cow Holstein due Nov inlildng well Heller and Steer wearaids PIGS Pigs months old sow due time or sale Sow bred 1MPLEMEN1S Drill International lsdlsc on rubber Tractor Cue Model years with hydraulic pump Hl drauuc RampPlaw case Murrow nearly new on rubber cultivator case ML spring toot nearly new on rubber hydraudc Mower Case 1it riy new on rub berbydrauiie itle Delivery Rake Clae Hm nearly new onrubher Manure Spreader case like new on rubber wagon Cockshilll like new on rubber Plat Rsclt in good condi tion Binder MD it Harrows Springloom zsectlon Drag Harrow section Wheelbarrow on rubber 5st Heavy Rob steighs Walking Plo Panning Mill Reet Pulper Sev steel Pig Troughs Muker Dal ai 2unit magnetic motor and puns giving lor 10 cows DeLaval Crca epuator Dcstsl Water Heater iii gal small quantity Cedar Posts and Lumber Forks and Shovels and oth er ortieies toe numerougto location GRAIN HAY AND sirlAW Mixed Grain loo bushels ier seed Hay 15 tons baled straw lo tens baled HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Clare Jewel cook stove Mctal Red spring and mattress Easy washing Machine Din ing ileum Extension Tabla and Chairs Round Extension Table etc cc TERMSCash rm gauge nothing GDUGII secretaryzrreasurer to he removed un se on snanty Ray oat Frank Iloilghton Clark Me so Ewen Auctioneer all BATTERIES Phone PA 66331 or PA 66481 Wa aso it unload fimfiflfi INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dimlop St West Fundllu Phone PA 66331 or PA 81204 Him Gentsat location Phone PA 54717 MODERN room bungalow large bedrooms living room kitchen Situr ated on Napier SESIS pcrmonthWill accept one child Phone Carson Real Estate PA aMsl 15ill MODERN oli heated roamed app meat in Stroud Builtin cupboards and stove Privato entrance Immedi ate possession No objection to baby 565 Ph stroud is 525 FURNISHED or bedroom cot es winterized year round inside convenr lcnces Phone 154 Wasaga Beach be tween aslnd run or apply nave Kreigcr RR Stay 1522 INNiswooD Apartments modern sell contained Jronms and bathroom Furl IllSlted unfurnished Continuous hot water Laundry lsciiitlcs and lockers Adults Phone PA 84258 isotl Ci Ronni artrncnt sell contained heated wit continuous hot water broom bachelor apartment sell con tained heated continuous hot water private bath Both available immedi atcly Phone PAMno latter mm lSzadz ROOM BOARD WI SUITABLE lor2 ladies or gentlemen to share ranm Twin beds Apply 102 Tlltll St or phone PA I790L 12min ROOM AND ROARD ler genileman in private home wanted Country pre ferred Phone PA 66930 alter pro 173061 CHRlSTMAS TREEVVSEEDLINGS scolCHPINE AUSTRIANPINE ORDERQNOWVI PA 82675 Adults Abstalhcrs Marie 0nl lor inlormatlon zoairsz 154939 AUTOMOBILES Binng or Selling We linance late model cars and trucks very reasonable rates With complete insurance STEVENSON Au TYPE OF INSURANCI PHONE PA 8520 DUNLDP 51 EAST HARRIS 13112 195 FDIiD Mainline in gootf can dltion Phone PA 82561 1351 SIB Porto Panci Truck directional signals excellent condition sills Phone PA 55759 133031 iw FORD with 55 rebuilt motor in petreel condition best cash otter DellaMay phone oiori Dorrie 13403 isio CilEV Deluxe canals in excellent condition Best altar timer Bates Yard and Office 204 mm st Mansfield phone Everett iarzz Fm lazson lT Youit CHOICE491553 Automobile USED UNIFORM suitable tor Tawny nukes Au modelkm down my Owl wanted Phone PA WEI 3l7tl mm womb pamcsm ML ELM LOGS wanted to buy also can gt 1340 tracts for cutting and skidding Box 10 Em Euminm Pu 195 0L SMOEILE hydramatic with radio ttcwail tires Must sell Only BOATS MOTORS 335 Phone PA 37934 73colller sr WANT BOAT THATS Apt 183032 Light Strong Seaworthy Unsinkahle Maintenance Free lsss PORD coach Customiine sky blue GUARANTEED 18000 miles good condition Must as Letcndre Penetang st Apt FOR 10 YEARS WE HAVE ITl Barrie 132930 ONETON Pickup Trucks hath Just SPECIAL PeterboroughCar Top palntedisao Dodge with stock racks new tires new battery in good con Reg Price mom ONLY Ar Siltmn BRADFORD STREET REALTOR BLOCKS FROM 612 $3900 FULL PRICE$2000 down large room brick house with mod emkltchcn oil heating Private drlve and garage WEST END REDUCED PROM 59500 To $8350 Large ii room iull 2stor¢y brick Lir ing momls abeot so act Ions large kitchen with builtIn cupboards See and floor has very llarge bedrooms and bath NEAR ST MARYS CHUR $10500 FULL PRICEModern mom storey home with garage in base merit In excellent condition About years old Oil nesting LARGE ROOM BUNGADOW $20m DOWN $9500 FULL PRICE halanee on one open mortgage at 67 with easy monthly payments Two large bedrooms with plenty or cup boprd Space Hardwood and tile floors roll basement oil heating 151453 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS No calleEUDn ND elim Cledll Enrull of Barri 751 still hold to beat tor eggs and melst Thirtyst years peraolill selection be hlntl our closed tioclr 51an Aron PRICE Llsi TOM KENNY SHANTY BAY Phone aszrz Barrie 241955 CHICKS should he ordered now lat March delivery we can supp Barred Rociu Hamp Rock Red Sussex Leghorn and Dekalb for tops in egg production teed cilieiclicy livabult and profits Halliy cockenls aval hhie Of Course we deliver Ind would be pleased in discuss your prohlulu or requirement with you Phone or write Cnll Hunter Hunters Foam Farm Strand 141212 TENIIEBS WIIIITEII Oro School area Is Inviting ten ders On Two Room Masonry School at Guthrie Ontario adyacant to aim Ing No 11 School Hot water heat In lush toilets pressure system rel and gravel root Plans and specl heations may be obtained irons Stuart Reyes Orillia Ontario on depnrlt ol 515com Tenders will be received tItI iznoan itiarvla 15 1957 Lowest or any lender nor noeesniliy accepted loHN CURRIE iiecyircas Oro Station Oat 284032 SWITCHBOARD MANAGER Applications wantcd Eur file position switchboard manager DI the Uri Telephone company Limited prosta Ilon Dullé tovconslstl of operating ul supplying aperith to hut lclently operate the switchboard Any Idlercnccstobe included with Ipplicltlons and lurther Informlllarl tiny he Obtained rum the Secrelln treaxurc Sealed and marked AP pllcations will he received until 1200 oclock naoll March 30 1951 hythe undersigned McGOEY TOUGH PHONEPAiiaiiz Ii Ila ems ioltvtt PARKVIEW HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION MELROSEAVENUEj BETWEEN COOK StNEISON SIS Phone PA IL PRUNING Now he mu to have your filll tress pruned Ex en workmanship neasannhre rates Free Estimates HENRY KANlSPHELPSTON PHONE ELMVALE 5711452 AS Electric Motors 16 Ross StBEr1lt PHONE PAR5307 Barrie Metal Salvage SCRAP IRON METALS FURS HIDES RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVEPOU LTRY Our trucks will call Highest price paid Special prices paid delivered Phone Elmo Ellyn PA out W153i MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY CLIFF BROWN REALTOR FOE Homes In Barrie District ODUSINPss PROPERrim APARTMENT HOMES HA HOMFS Goon SELECTION TO CHOOSE PROM PHONE PA 84678 All Existing Home Built onllelronu Ave are now sold Ind occupied CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEXTIS HOMES BEGINS EARLY THIS SPRING 5003 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE lor New Motor Needs Rewinding and Repairs HAROLD HART Burle Electric Motors 68 Owen St Ph PA 82206 545 FLOORCOVERING Armstrongs moor Covering Rubbcr and Asphalt ouael Plastic 1113 Isatertala Supplied sad landfill mo Estlmltu DONT BE DISAPPOXN IED FOR EARLY SPRING DEIJVERYV diiiult also was Fargo 4spesd trans nitsslon new brake linings very am good tarin truck Murray Warnlca 3313 phone troad oarizl 132541 chruflme an HQUSEDESIGN NOW PROPERTY roR SAL CLIFF BROWN mm was CHQbSE YOUR OWN Sim Building plans included Phone DINING OJ SELLING SEE DRowN LOT PA Mm 152 IT WILL PAY YOU 12 MILES Soulh pr Barrie near bus step on Highway it New bungalow rooms with Zplece bath aluminum combination windows and doors oil heatednttlity house Good garden with small with Appiy box 15 Barrie Examiner 152942 LARGE SIZE income home For only 512500 you can own this house in Bob rie district Brick Laura rooms bathrooms one on each lloor full basement and oii beating larg lot 39 i35 Loy down payment Maire an appointment now with William Paul Stewart to See this opportunity Representing Aubrey Stowlri RealEstate hradlord 0nt phone lilw iozost CHOOSEYOUR OWN misses BALED HAY in square holes for sale Phone PA E9375 7102641 BALED HAY or SIM APPI Gllbm Knight RR Mingsirlgy or phone 65 103032 mm mm me We or WOLFENDEN APPiy KeiL Giirord Phone iim Ioiztt no Renato st Phone PA 511 Writ11s htossons sweet Clover tor sale ply Ra mond rd Millet Plume 332 Mingslng RADIO LARGE QuAva or good SALES SERVICE square baled or Sale Phone PAL9564 Wdlml PHILLIPS SPARTON ON DISPLAY mlth coa9vcapra loziti LIVESTOCK FORSAIE JACK WEBSTE Also Registered ALCONA REACH IO YORKSHIRE FIGS 12 WEEK old WW 0m PHONE STROUD iors ANYTIME and at price to suit your psp WE NEED CLEAN USED MOTORS tlcular needs Highest TradeIn Allowance on they Terrific 1951 CLEARANCE NEW isss MODEIS AT REDUCED PRICES Chriscraft Boat Kits HAY HENRY ELRIcK is MICHIE REALTORS 15 Owen st Phone PA 85583 OFEER COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE OVER 20 DIFFERENT NEW 1937 HOUSE PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM SPORTHAVEN DAYSTQL CONSTRUCTION BATES Elli llllLETi ClllllllllllIST Deadline For Copy 500 1111 week day preceding issdo DEADLINE FOR MormAYSATURIAAY 100 pan AnLEiS MAY BE TELEPHONED To PA 32414 4c each wOrd min mumJSOG Following Colisecutivginsertions 3c word minimu 609 CASH RATE Following consecutive insertions2c wdrdfirliin Mus BE DMDWITRJRPHE Box Numbers or replies directed to thisoiilc 25 in sn COMING EVENTS LOCALS AUCTION Aims NO CHUNRS oi Pigs Apply Nelson phone ivy lzrl 91 Sow due erch 23 92930 5933 YOUNG YORKSHIRE Boar sio Ap 1y Don Knlsley 1m lStsynerg phone GEORGE DAVIESPA 3313 WM 93 LIAlerA p710 HOLSTEIN GALP tor veering Apply FR 5T0 1642032 Russell Stewart Churchill Phone Le rroy iiioi p40 YOUNG CALPIn Pigs and ii PTE weeks new title soon also Horse Switzcryhoriu oiiriz Bhrrie sm FRESH ND Springer Holitclna and Harley Timbers 21g miles Cookstown on Highway as DENYING OR SELLING IMORTGAGE LoANSi ONarioNAL HOUSING GENERAL INSURANCE OAPPRAISALS Alter Emir Harry is Michle posit Prod Miles oszotl Art Webster 941m Henry Elrlclr latent Realtan Pbeoa 5533 WELLS DUG TILED OLD WELLS RECONDITIONED concrct tile for wells culverts and storm spwcm Weeping tile SEPTIC TANKUNITS XMADEAND lNSTALLED Air compressor work PUMP SALES Is SERVICE Whitney Concrete Priidtici Alterihmlur ia FA tom itR NO DRILLIA FA 4on9 ml 526 cows war Cochran and SIGNS BY loo Owen ality list 91533 service Truck letterlnfls Bald all Hirscreell lltowcuda eutollt otters lsiglillitl gtli0Nl1lflAfl yfrom lidarrle llmlerl st PA omit sau as so or hog begiyattle turkeys orhroilera COINSCanadian aadsadNawlound be the answer toiyoui problem land Wt ay highest rich am nod lordilal Inc as lei1875 this an in au dot cent Many others are valuable nd locrlbr buyingilat talcpins ri ri an BERKELFOODVSLICER KEEPRITEGE AIR GONDI COFFEE MAKERS DISHES OPENlode to DAILY PROM NEW ROOM stucco bungalow lull basement piecebath on Napier st one PAJHVEO Iozaai 1th older llzpe Awhile Igrl half Citrl Dean All lopn trial Plume PA 1116 4930 zéglflyo LOISChoice building iota serviced stend Ran ing IronI all to 13 it Irlonuge Phils PA 54737 161831 TIONER Ward rtltnirrlilniDOG rULLY ACCREDITED reglaior¢d yeapold Cow rresh March 7Apply Stewart MacQthrrle one mile south ot anneli 5y mile west sdo Springer Holstelna ehred acciaated or rdouhia rage hen housepnn nTga sy 27Phtme PA Moog IlaMi SOLID nilch

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