Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1957, p. 11

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is 4m Illinois EXAMINER norms Linton sinner MinterCommentary MINE Lemons Goldwaters recognition at Eda cation Week will been open house at the new public school on Monday evening March ll Starting at 730 pm the school will be open to parents and all other interested Theprlncipal and other teachers will be present to discuss any matters sliecting the education of the children in School Section which includes portions oi Medonte and Toy townships Members at the Home and School Association directed by Mrs James Emslic lunch conven er will serve light refreshments during the evening Church Services Presbyterian St Andrews Church pm Sunday School pm Church Services Preparatory service will be held at pm Tfllltlliio TEACHERS COLLEGE 0neltyear and Twoycar Courses are altered leading to an Interim Elcmentary School Teachers Ccrtlticate valid in the elementary schools oi Ontario Torm opens September 10 I957 Descriptive booklet Teaching in the Elementary Schools oi Ontario tree on request ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT FOR ADMISSIONr Onoyour Course Stand Ing in eight Grade XIII papersmneoi which shall be English Composition or English Literature TwoyourCnursoSecond ary School Graduation Diploma of the General Course Intorvlows with uppll cunts are conducted by the Commlttce of Selection Secondary school students interested in entering Teachers College should apply for interview through the principal of their secondary school Other applicants should write to THE PRINCIPALn LTORONTO TEACHERS COLLEGE 951 Carlznv Avenue TORONTO ONTARIO March 10 and service of Holy Communion March 17 World Dsy Prayer service for Coldwster was in United Church March Midweek Lenten sen vice for in community takes place March 13 at 730 pm in the United Church with Rev Ross Cumming as speaker Three Elderly Friends Three Eady men whose sgcs ranged irom 78 to 89 who grew up together were friends through out His and who spent most at their lives within short radius in Eady district all passed sway within about two weeksot each other First to pass on Feb 15 was William Young who died in Drillia where he had lived tor the past two years In his 79th year he had been cared for by sis tcr Miss Ellen Young until three weeks belore his death Last week Nelson Prince ano ther well known Mcdonte resld cut all his lite died at Hillsdalc in his 88th year He had been rai by the Boyd iamlly This week Ilobert stke who was nearing 90 passed away at Eecton home tor the aged Mr Hawke was member of pioneer Medonte iamily Eady was said to have been known as Hawkes Corners in the early days Later It was named Endy alter grand mother oL Miss Edna Walker and Mrs Boyd Dunlop of Coldwatcr She was Mrs John Walker the iormer Edith Kent and the name Eady was derived from her first name Edith Kent was sister of Robert Andrew Kent whowhile serving as clerk or the House of Commons following coniederation wrote out the copy oi the British North America Act which was forwarded to Queen Victoria Orlllla Banquet Thirty members of Huionia Horticultural Society will travel by bus to Orzllia March 20 to at tend banquet and hear an ad dress by lolln Clark accompan Ied by colored pictures oi the Orient Iteceivc Caps Coldwatcr relatives and friends were present recently when two local student nurses in training at Soldiers Memorial Hospital or illia Margaret Smith Coldwater and Sylvia Orr Coldwatcr RR received their cups as student nur ses in ceremony at Westmouut United Church Orillia Miss Orr received Canadian Nurses Award Cathedrals of England Rev Churcherand Jack Tipping presented travelogue and pictures hnthé cathedrals at England to Midland Ministerial Association this week The Coltiwater men who visit ed England and Europe last year have been much in demand by organizations They have appear ed at meetings at service clubs church organizations Womens In FESSIONAL DIR LEGAL ACCOUNTANTS BOYS SEAGRAM st IIOWE oarrmm Solicitors Nuiarirs ruauc cnnveyancers etc MONEY ro LOAN oillee 13 Owen so Barrio Iltlrlsh om Ellmale Ontario ROWE QIE SMENAM COWAN nCOWAItI hamster antic or ry Hours 10 am tot on cnnmmiizlnnday to Friday loss Cowsl MONEY TD LOAN cnlller st Barrie Out MacLtREN C0 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 42 Collier St Barrie LICENSED musrcn Licmssn MUNICIPAL AUDITOR IIARIIIS NEEDHAM C0 Certlilcd Public Accountan Toronto and Barrie Barrie oitlco Wilson nullnlng Post omen Square Telephone PA M391 Resident Partner Naenusm can JGLADSTONE CURRIE LC Barrister and Solicitor MONEY To LOAN l1 nunlop5t 1a Barrie Pb PA Mus JOHN OTTON not Bmiiiounlopsiifulifi mm HARRIS SMITH MCLEAN Duncan Mncuulg KC fiiiirliiTsultu no Arthur McLean Barristers Solicitorscte so Dunlap st Phone rs ossol LIVINGSTONdG lMK lYEIIS or ran ClglnggthJ Fhsne PA 3545 aAiuuis OPTOM ETRY MAURICE BARBIE FAAO wanes St co ours Dun an Plants PA $2963 flours 9510 lull bllllmlfltmcnt RBOBIER 1311 110 DPIOMETEUST Dunlap SLWest Closed Saturday uitemonn Phone Ilt Mills Barrie ROBERT II SMITH R0 Pianist us Ilunlnp slifniaost raonernszsw NOEL STEPHENSO ILO OPTOMETRIST unlop 5t Barrie Iholi PA Will LIFEINSURANCE ALFREDII LuIIARRI chartered Lite underwriter Personal and Family Plans Programr minglsnd Estate Analysis Close cor oration Grou Kcy sun Partnenhlv gension Sole Prnprletorrnlp NnLilsuiiaiiglissIoN or FREE out use INsultANcenaens Iteprcslultlnl Londan Lite no 00 IAssss orePA as auria PHONE PA 36322 Anriiun POWELL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Damon St East nsrris Telephone PA 35525 ROSE HARRISON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS SAMUEL ROSE SAMUELIIARRISONCA Collier Street Phone PA s4an Massage Hydrotherapy palm25 mil LICENSED GRADUATE MASSEUR Appointment only PHONE PA smi urchin Drive MUSIC LESSONS $35155 BRYSON RMJ ER oIlpzANo INGIN rImonv Pupils prepursed loruextrrnd lnnttnm oi the Rfiai conservatory or Music Toronto grad Incl AItcr Modern fining studio 21 Bradford Phone PAHtun MR AND Mits RIEDSTRA TEACHERS or VIOLIN FRENCH HORN THE Alan DRY and ACCORDION timowsilss Tdaclier of Pluto Plano an Phone PA 57671 Iss nunrio ANGUS ROSS ILA Illegisterefl Music Teacher Instruction in piano hlldtls cuaChlnl In Ircnch Latin other school subjects PA 55115 IltlDIInln sl cHiaoPRACToR GEO ELSIE BURNS DsC Licensed Dmglesl Therapists Electric ltadio Hydro Ind Mcohsno Therapy use all st out Phone PA com II TUCK tic DOCTOR OI=I CHIROPRACTIC El PI al no By Appflllflmlntlcvfl PHONE 3253 Barrte Rhone Plt Meta car at rtiiuiuf Horticultural Isodsuu and other groups with their vet talk undeclared views Plantrs being finalised by the School Fair committee tor the competitions in be held lncon neetlon with ibeannusl lsllfllair at Coldwster Prise lists tributed in sdvsnee to pupils so they can be preparing entries dur ing the summer Personals Ted Tipping of Hagersvillc visi ted his parents in Goldwater Mr snd Mrs Ross Wylie ot Toronto visited in Goldwater rc eently Mrs Cover was In Orlllls last weekend gt Miss Dorothy Godirey Toronto spent the weekend at her home Seek Clearer Picture Council recommended delaying discussion ol financing the Com munity Centre until represents tlvcs of the 1957 Centre Couneil have been appointed and clearer picture of present assets and other Iactors can be prepared Walter Orr chairman ol the Centre ex ecutive asked members at March session to consider Coldwster sharing debenture issue to help construct community building Reeve Lawrence Devine told the meeting some organizations represented on the Centre board would not be finished proposing representatives till later in the week He also suggested that closer study of grant possibilities and existing assets could probably show the Community Centre was in better position than thcpic ure so far presented to the public He asked Mr Orr it his associalt tlon would prepare as complete Valli method allocating sandplles Aspced up the Job ut itbo viltage might PoiEm ounci passed Goldwaters aim to the Barents Asso elation tollowlafs review at tho Associations past schievements by Kenneth Hamilton Goldwa ter who II treasurer oi the group Sines IMO 222000 pieces at pro motionaIlltersturorhad been dis trlbuted Mr Hamilton said Sheen Lawrence Devlpe told themleeung the mill stone dug up near Eplettfs grist mill and which had been used in the early opera tions at the historic mill had been repaired and would be svsil Youmight haves look at myhuaband while youre here HE doesnt work either to interview Harry Cowsn snd Andrew Dunlop as possible rep rcsentsttves on the Georgian Bay Development Association rVictor Turner was appointed represents tlve from Council As grease irom the chicken csn ncry is again pausing drsinsge tmuble at Mrs Wards ilsld once motionwas pssscd to in lnrmthe canning company no more grease could be deposited In the drain Insurance was increased from $l000 to $15000n equipment used by the clerk and an addi tional $30 premium was approved to cover possible theft of up to Shilth Iniunds on hand The local parking lot was rent ed ior another year with the pm viso the $120 be used on hydro statement as possible at the situ JITCBIS alien to date or the cnlightenA ment oi Council This he thought should Include what municipali ties would benellt by the building and any other hclpiul informa tion such as services which might be available and method of opera tion Hamilton spoke on behalf oi the Goldwater Library request Ing grant of $625 the same as last year lie reminded Council of the notable per capita record mintained by the local library for circulation of books The grant was passed Councillor Ray Mills was asked The roads and bridges commit tee was authorised to ensure an Inspector where required by the Trench Excavators Protection Act Dog tax collector Roy Galbraith will be asked to see what can be done regarding dogs following children and creating nuisance at the school grounds Councillor Mills urged review oi improved methods at sanding the streets when they becomeicy Reeve Devine said the main diffi culty was hiring man go do the job promptly when needed Coun cillor Thomas Seymour said the saves NIAGARA loo FoURDcon sEDAN RUCKS Enconvr shtc to loranart at an historic site to be marked with plaque The Reeve said Intormation was being gathered on tamed athletes originating In Coldwstcr He reminded the Councillors oi the fluronls Association meeting at Coldwater court house at 230 we March Espert Address At its March meeting Council passed motion to arrange tor an expert to address the members and local otilclals on the method the Ontario Iiydro uses ln com puting charges to municipalities The motion arose mm His mission on tecent local develop ments During the course at some comments village hydro supcrlni tendcnt Cllti Woodrow was trunk in stating he did not know how bills for power against the local commission were arrived at Reeve Lawrence Devlne repeat ed View expressed In the past that It was not good business tor Goldwater to be paying hydro hills which could not be checked bsushene employee at hydro that ginning llsrchjl this year hy dro employee tromWaubausiiens had started taklng the readings snd sending in the reports trom meters in the Coldwstcrsubsta lion Mr Woodrow said he had re ceived no direct iniormstlon re garding change but lied been advised by Goldwater hydro acc retsry Chester Martin that the latter had been told by the Wau Coldwsters iorcmanwas to look alter hydro meters at the new isctorys substation Why should we look alter their meters at the lottery or snywhere clse Ill look alter our meters but dont see why Hydro should nt look alter their own didnt know till the other day the On tarlo Hydro was nonaylng Cold wstcr commission or the work have becn doing looking alter their meters at the substation stated Mr Woodrow Annual Meeting Annual meeting oi Huronla AgA ricultural Society is to be held in Goldwater court house March it at pm otiicers will be elect ed financial report given and plans laid for the 1957 lair Workshop For Camp Director Rev Itoss Cumming was one at representative group trom all over Ontario attending meet ing in Toronto sponsored by the In programs of nonprofitcamps others were named to plans tour day workshop ior camp directors at Bark Lake Camp in Haliburton Simcoe Presbytery Church Camp at Midland Point is one oi the nonprofit camps ellglt locally Mr Woodrow announced that be FOR COMPBTENT EYE CARE CONSULT Noel Stephenson RO OPTOMETRIST filRPITENSONS JEWELLTHMI and OPTOMETRISIB FOR APPOINTMENT PIIONIIPA 4201 ible for departmental grant Rev Mr Cummingis chairman oi the Camp Committee author STREET Department of Education to aid The Coidwatcr minister and live die advised thst so can be so commodsted at one time by the camp and during the season total at 400 comprising boys and girls and young people attend pen iods at camp Applications were being received tor this years camp in Cumming stated For Months Percy Shannon Howard Robin son and Lysll Gray at Medonte township and Clili Woodrow oi Coldwster are enjoying another season at tax hunting In Medontc sad at last reports had claimed bounty on 55 loses Ono season they shot 88 taxes No wolves have been knocked oil this year but quite few have been brought down by the hunters past years Percy Shannon the Moonstone hlacksmithwho hlshsti recent meals Samoa hello ni home nunam tor so years bout with ill sultan laime One at tbeparly LY GrayJett mainly take holiday In Plan QUEBEC LEADS Quebec led all provinces ln value ot pulp and paper products in 1955 with some 44 per cent at the nationsl total assault naposn wul HOlD ANV ARTICLE Whit hollows from ich Nmriy tlsrm quarters ois million Cnnadinnliiknynu borrowed trons HFC last year HFC is Canadas Iargest and most recommended consumer llnunoocompany backed by 79 years experience in helping families solve their money prob lems So if you need up in slooo visit IIFCthere you may always as panic sr wi IAIRIE Ollul Ismail ss an it BARRIE ONTllth mm Fue economy is borrow with confidence gt HOUSEHOLD FINANCE second floor phone PA 85529 ONT 68 Hurontorie Strut second fienflpho COLLINGWOGD ONT ké itvfronn ED SULLIVAN fifty Six collars makes senseif lfluat one at the many reasons why mare and more Canadians with thrifty nature are climbing aboard theMeteotj ix Honda wagons Firstcost is substantially towelOperating costs pro slim Meteprs Six is so wellengineeredso bénufifull designed the service shun rarely seen itexcept at autoshowsi Add to these isnt thg high hp rating and shortstroke lowiriction design and you seevvvhy Meteorl Six in canndaa most modern costsavings erigineltfs available magnificent Méteor Mogulunionists Climb aboardit makes gofidsenao V8 one With Balance Ric1e

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