Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1957, p. 1

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Moum wronssoiw odd mm AN meanness rimer Serving run some or more AND coorrrv orsmcoa single copy Since l864 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MtgNDAY MARCH ll l957 non Alamoind he run um Audit cum dclmflam or not uric neuronm on 93rd YearNo so mung Two Sections 12 Pages HlsWorship Mayor Willard Kinzie greets Rev and Mrs Leightonford prior tollost nights opening of the Crusade Skilled or Just outeskatersg warmlylipplauded BysAudience Of Two the Barrie Skating Clubs 1957 carnival stthe Arena on Sat urday nightuand firmly applaudedlthe skilland showman shlbifi more the hundred young figureskaters The show hedgeverythlnglrom childrens fantasy Alice in Wonder landfj to sophisticatedprecision numbers end ballet onlce number of the skaters were highly polished vperformerstbe most brilliant being the sister team of Marilyn and Donna Srnltbbut whether or not theyiwere sure on their blades they were hit with their parents and triends who comprised the majority of the seat holders The tiny junior and primary members whose Alice production was the feature of the evening were bit wobbly on occasion but they Were the favor ite performers neVertheless There were 90 in this cast alone and they Were costumed with consid erable imagination and original ity creating series of charming pictures Club Six When it came to skill on skates another group took the spotlight this time only halfa dozen per formers the Club Six Nancy Craigthe skater received the coveted Badgley Trophy as the clubmember who had shown the most improvement oyer the seasonLillian and Georgina Bak ogeorge Jean Appleton and the Smith sisters were the brilliant combination who regrettably ap peared only once during the even ing as unitr TiousandyJiti Carnival An audience of around two thousandpersons viewed the Their Grccn Door number had the fast sparkling pace that is the requirement of good figure skat ing number and that was lacking in few of the other carnival productions one obtbe only scrb ous criticisms that could be insde of the show rlhe six skaters gaily costumed in brilliant turquoise skated in perfect unison with precision that many professionals might envy Solo Numbers Although Marilyn Smiths Swan Lake ballet solo and Donna Smiths Prccision solo were the two outstanding single numbers of the evening another young sololt ist was revealed as an up and coming star of the local club Peggy Wardle the Dorrnouse of the juniorproduction is nat uralskater with acalm and eff its gStillPossible fr To MakéjFarmin It was not easy but still pos sible for farmers to make dollars outoi farming but if they were not prepared to improve their methods it won for much longer opinion expressc Wright of theneparhneni of Agricultural Economics OAC Guelph to North Sirncoe farmers who filled Elmvale Community Hall on Friday the occasion of the annual seed fair sponsored by the North Simcoe il arid Crop lmproyemcnt Association operation with Professor Wrig trends and problems management He aid that it was an agreed pet the farmcrre ceived less oi éumers dol lanthan gt did previously The reason for thiswas Ltbe things donetto the prod after it mid left the farm and lawn probable that the farmercou see decreasiu sumer dollar Marketing as It gb ooklngto the evident that marketing costs were going to remain and hefelt off expand The maicr leedfor TNo onccould deny that the farmcr was deserving of share of the market but what could be done The speakeroutlined some of the steps that could be taken legislation marketing boards and economic production In consid cring the latter headmittcd that this was sometimes problem with smallfarms The Small Finn Professor Wright had foilnd that there was variance of opin ion as to whatwas small farm survey made at OAC had estab lishedéthcre was no connection between acreage and economic prosperity farmin He felt that the priI¢ipal cri terion with regardsfio how big or small farm is whether it isblg enough to produce sufficient vol ume of produce to support farm am Itwas noted thiitfarm sizesnn general had increased in 0ntarioalthough the number of farms in Jbe province had de pliCOS were up 115 per ceht fertilizer 75laborv345 and building material 120 per cent prowar Refer Professor rlgb farmer nrightxwell consider substitiitlng fertilizer for this Would increase the ed th or MuchLonger cattle and or per acre returns farmer could not beat growing forage Redistribution of Capital To meet thepresent condition farmer might consider the re distribution of his capitol onthe farm The trend is to havea higher percentage mone tied lip in production assets such as livestockzand laud than in bliild lugs and equipment The farm capacity has to be increased in onyway on another and this can be done by either increasing the work to be done or by increasing the efficiency of the work that is being done and thereby finding time to do more Modern economy demandsthat investments be kept working You make money ifthe money turns over fast The speaker gave the no standards which were thought by his department to be necessary to make farming economical In the dairy department aim should be 10000 lbs milk per cow beef 450 lbs of gain per year hogs 550 1175 offered to market poul try 200 eggs per hen crops 20 per cent above county average Those who are doing these aklng money said some these thlnifii then wouldssy it wont be posslbl for lung Gusf lips Over icebogi on Lake crewman Hurt Harris Steele of Barrie was sch iouslyiniurcd when the icebont in which be was riding was tipped ovcr by gust of wind on Kemp enlelt into on Saturday after noon Ho suffered broken pct vis andpheod Injuries and was taken to oyal Victoria Hospital The ac dent occurred about ile of share with Slcclc at time was Lloyd Smithlhc wner and operator of the boat Smithwas thrown clear and imitated no injuries He tried to signal for help but receiving no response from shore 101 leave Steele out on the yicewhile he rnn back to the inlandfor assistancc Litwas riot possible to get the ambulance can on lhe bay because Olrthe Flvcm Rev leighlon Ford Speaks at Kiwanis Todays dinner meeting of Bar rie Kiwanis Club will have as speaker the Rev Leighton Ford whois in town to conduct the Cnisadc for Christ meetings un til Marchzd Undcrausplccs of the support of churches commit ice the program will haveWil lia Linton in the chair ortless manner unusual in so youngn liormervv ea The sumss of the show 15 pcared to be mainly due to people the clubsyoung professA ional Miss Diane Wright who produced and dircetcd the entire production incidentallyber first and Mrs William Dyment who headed up the costume committee and did brilliant job We might mention her Bluebirds whose beaks and wings were pure in spiration and the glittering silver costumes for the Winter Wonder land number bythc intermedi ates Miss Wright took her bow pubv licly in solo number looking graceful and highly attractive in brilliant red velvet costume set offby tiny red coconct in her dark hair She was perhaps little nervous but after all she had right to be alter seeing her first students through btheir paces In club that is notably lack ing in male members Don Crlbar local audiences favorite ice com edian Victor Knight Marilyn Smith youthfulrdance partner and Rnny Brunstadra tiny en gaging Mad Hatter represented their sex nobly As the CNRs Champion Hobo Mr cribar skater from Weston brought down the house with his easylooking ice capers and adults and child ren alike loved his ballet takes off performed in blonde wig and palcst pink Some Criticism The carnival was the local clu first in twoyears and had is faults The most obviousandun necessary of these was the halide ling of music and lights lime and again skaters were left stand ng in the glare of spot for what seemed like hours ith no music forlhcoming Long introductory passages preceded almost every one of the youngsters musical cues and recordswere eut offvwith loud scratching noises on couple of occasions Better coordination surely Would have climinatedvsuch production hazards and would have providcd superior Qhow As it was he mismanagement was hardly fair theperformers The carnival showed improve cut over previous yearfsshows in anolhcr import aspect There was little pausin betwee bers and the shawlwas th right length lasting just exactly about two and half hours where has always been inclined to run overtime While we have almost nothing but praise for the costuming we would have liked have seen fewer bats of the top hat varie ties worn bytho girls in the chorus numbers The style re oppcarcd again and again and it was nei keep on asa headgear however the unimportant ecomingnor easy to poo ice condition at Hayfield trcet find so the iniuredman wasbrought to shore byslcigb LloydSmlthsnid that he had cen pinning thc icehunt since lmfandithis was thcflrst accl ent thathad happened Appar tly suddcn gust at wind lugh he boat broadside and iflllpedit right over The weight pf the boat fell on Harris Steele whqfwas crowing 2i Lloyd Smith was helped by Neil and Bing Mayor in bringing Steele to shore Toronto Youth SentencedJudge Warns Others luvcnilc and Family Court iin Oriiiia 21yearold youth from Toronto was arraigned on charge of contributing to Juven ile Delinquency The cascinvolv bdga ltycarcld lndiangirl from llama Reserve After hearing the evidence pod finding the defendant guilty gndgment was reserved and the menths suspended sentence plac ed on probation directed to ob serve curfew of 12 oclock mid night nnd ordered to stay out of Simcoe County Her Honor Judge Marjorie Ham ilton in passing judgment made the observation that the rights of lndian childrenare just as im portant as the rights of all others in the community and rowdyism on the part of Toronto yputh or anyolhers would not be tolera ted in Simcoe County GREAT LAKES Lake Huron second largest of the Great Lakes covers 23000 Record Congregation elilOws ChulCh To Fourteen hundred people the largest congregation Barrie has known flockedto Collier Street United Church last night to hear Evangelist Rev Lélghton Ford open the 14day jQrusnde for Christ The church was quickly filled to capa city and the overflow congregation was accommodated in the new auditorium and other church rooms where the vice was relayed by tolevislonmnd public address For his address key Leighton Ford took two stories from the New Testament to illustrate the truemeaning of evangelismthe occasion when John the Baptist rccognizlng Jesus said Behold the Lnmb or God and the time whcnjAndrew called Simon his brother from his fishing nets to meet the now messiah Rcv Mr Ford defined true cvpngcilsm as bringing man face to face With Jesus Christ He said oneway to get Afalth was to look away from Oneself and to look at Jesus Christ The purpose oitlic crusade was to create in the town an atmo sphere in which innumerable con versallons could gill about the Lords Hcvisualiz dgtprivalc con versations in the home in the street in the workshops Evangelism and the church were closely connected By church the speaker did nbt mean any particular donomina tion When you become in Chris tian you beconea member of the church 5The spoakcrcnquircd what hap pened when ono comcs face to faccwith Christ and he found th answeri hc latter part of Woman tidal Ruled Accidental BENETANG Mrs Susan Pearssll lound dead in her husbands car at Orr Lake Jan diedof accidental monox ide asphyxiation it was decided at an inquest here ller husband Benjamin Pearssll Toronto optometrist and resident choir Lake 10 miles south of here said he and his wife had gone to New Years Eve party but she refused to enter the house when they re turncd lie turned off the motor and Went in alone Whenxhewcnt to the car in the morning he foundthe ignition square miles compared to arson for Lake Superior The North Simcoo Sced Fair at Elmvalc Community Hallon Fri day attractcd good attendance and had anexcellcnt showing of seedsand potatoes Experts com mented thatpwhile the quality of they seeds livas vcryhgood having regard tothe poor weather condi tions last year there was no illustrations in the Laws Carroll book wi her long blonde hair and littl whitepinafored blue costume And we remember her delightful friendsthe white mice and bluebirds the butterflies and caterpillars the mushroomsone of whom lost her hat but no es step and the knavesand Mad Hatters of the laber numbers the Win tcr Wonderland production was the most outstanding with the port young skaters using their snowball props to advantage and looking very smart their sllvcrcostumes Presentations Prcsidcnt Cameron madepresentations to th three elub counsellors Nancy Craig Marilyn Smith and Lois Keast jus before intermission Th presentation of the Badgley Trophy was made by Mrs lid Badgley Presentations of gift an bouquet froseslwcre made the young club professi ald ing th iaveningi era of thecommittees Eilee Spryysouvenir programs nd Mrs Lloyd ticketsp Joan Carrie IkeII LE Douthwaite hashinggng mm to is related to Seb govand the had been turned on and tbe motor started GOOD SEED ANDPhineas rnmno norm smcomm topnotch hay shown in the seed classes department officials were gratified to see that rec omnended varieties were well represented Potatoes seemed to dominate the show High class exbibits lined two sides of the hall The seed potato certificationbranch of the Canadian Department of Agriculture stdged large display introducing newvariety of pot to Euro This new ariety was compared ith thencommon Katahdin new grovVn lluron takes little longer to mature but has yield of51$ bushels compared with 7383 bush els of Katabdin lt hasexcelleni table quality and is soab resistant and slightly resi tant to late bligh gt 0n the negative side lluron This pota department advises care in dig ging to avoid injuring them he cause danmgcdst re likely to rot iii storage Chemplonsblp Grand Champion ceLealyclasses Ed Buic Stayner Reserve Champion creel class scr lhe story of Andrew and his bro Iher Simonwhen the Lord changed Simons name to Peter The full significance of this could only be realized when it was re membered that the name Simon significdvarecd and the name lelcr meant rock Faccto face with Christ man becomes aware or what he really is What was wrong with the world today The heart of man ms sick with slnthe sinof breaking the rules of God it was ncccs sary now to get back to right relationship with God Three things were necessary to accomplish this Renouncc sin Receive Christ by Faith Live life of obedience to Christ in the fellowship of His church Mayor Welcomes Team Earlier in the service His Wor Weaiher Today Cloudy Milder Snow Flurries Tbc pastlwbekWaarmodeii atcly cool with March winds Light snowfell early Friday and Saturday but ground level Every little now To day indicates cloudy and some milder with snow llur ries thisfternoon Temperatures wcre High Low 26 14 32 11 22 13 March March March shooting by the ship Mayor Willard Kinzic who is chairman of lheflnance com mittee for the crusade Welcom ed the Leighton Ford team to Barrie am sure we will all benefit by making your ac quainlancc inferring lo the finance of the campaign Mayor Kinzic pointed out that there was necessary obligation amounting to $4000 remaining out of the total costs of $5000 or approximately $400 per night It was hoped that the full budget would be met before the end of the crusade and no further offerings would be taken oncc theneccssiry amount of money had been collected The crusade which is sponsor ed by 30 Protestant churches in Barrie and district will run un til Sunday Marcb 24 Each ev ening except Saturdays service willbe held at Collier Street Un ited Church Bontqm Tillé For Barrie Bariten won the Ontario Ys Mens bantam basketball title at Orillia Saturday at the sixth an nual tournament Onltbc lrail to VictoryBarrie defeated Woodstock 5314 thcn Orillia 2729 The lalrlc Lboflyi leilrtmsatjnlltima 99 game withOrilila me sharp Ori ians tied up the contest Bill Mulligan Barries tcpscor crwith points scored twolatcv game basketsto scwup the con test Woodstock won the inidget laurels Barrie took the consola tion in the midget class losing its first game to Woodstock 2625 and 12 sass winning its game with Ingersoll

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