Mr and Mrs Roy Gray havobeen in Florida Tor the past Harry Kendall IFob ntwnhao present Mottm Mn Jean Parson has re home our spending the weekain Florida with her Recent Visitora Mr and Mrs Stanley Plumb of Dixie and Miss Diane Prophet oi Atherlcy spent the weekend with Mrs Edwards visited minds in Barrie recently Back Home Mr and Mrslames Hunt who two monthsbave returned home Executive Meetlng Mrs Vivian and Mrs Roy Gray attended the executive meet ing at Simcoe Presbytery at Bar rie on Feb Mr anders lrwin McMahon visited friends in Toronto last week Mrs Lorne Johnstoneis recov ering from her recent illness litClub 60 Those who attended the CCB Club 60 meeting in Barrie Wed nesday evening were Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Croit Mrs Les lermcy Mrs Mc Arthnï¬ Mrs Prophet and son Bill Mrs Munroe MrsDavis Miss Barbara Gray and Mrs Ed wards They spent very cnloylt 3A triend is one who know your fault and loves you but the whlch was explained by MrrHart Roll call Valentino verse which all did very wellon Mrs James Leigh citizenship and education convener introduced the speaker Mr Chapman who is no stranch to the community In 0001 teacher who spoke most ly on education Mrs Leigh and the group heartily thanked him and hope to hear him again soon iirs Gray and food converters served delicious lunch Shamrock Tea The their members at St Aid ans are holding Shamrock Tea at theCommunity Hall on Sat urday March ldfrorn to pm Proceeds to buy music World Day oi Pnyer Dont torget the World Day at Prayer service to be held March at pm in St Aidans Church Everyone welcome Mrs Earl Scott is on holiday with her son and family at Home payne i3 BUFFALO COATS The RCMP annually get about 60 buffalo hides to make cIold weather jackets sanwanrsï¬ï¬ï¬‚3 itsszaa7N rr Airfr ORG STATION months than mm Mn Albert Crawford entertain ed 22 iadin at azuchrenarty on Wednesday evening Those wioA ning prizes were Mrs Howard Crawford Mrs Herb Crawford Mn Graham Mrs Fletcher Mrs Inning Mrs Uncles Mrs IDunsmore Quilting The WA ladies are quilting quilt at the home at Johnstonc Worid Day Prayer The United and Presbyterian ladies are holding the World Day otPrayer at the home at Mrs Graham Friday March at pm The speaker is Mrs Wan Ladies are asked to bring their January Missionary Monthlys and Glad Tidings to this meeting All ladies in the community welcome CHURCHILL Miss Doris and JimIBanting oi Toronto visited Mrs Christian on Saturday The GA Group entertained their mothers and ladies of the WA on Friday evening in the par ish hall The entertainment con rirted at mission slitva ed by the girl taking the parta the early minioan in growth ot the church in theDin case of Toronto also from Bali west The halloaa decanted in lrishdaahion and games folk songs and chandes made live iy time LunchI was served by the girls Irnd the evening closed with all joining hands iii circle ind singing the goodnight hymn lioness tor Shower illissJoy Christian was hostess on Friday evening or miscel tor Miller otth llirti ot Daughter Congratulations to Mr and Mn Wiggins one Joyce Matebett on the arrival of daughter in Newmlrhe hospital on Feb 28 It II Hampton am at soon mï¬wlwtim llrhaosrd ear nah italhquMï¬luvolhvrilda an Gimmrahmncmubmkmnx mon moon on Dont Main mumammunprnmrrnon INowl Get The Hortz idea oi I02 ouNLorIsTwz able evening MissOrma Johnston has re turned to Kettle Point Sarnia tierships last year Archie Ross is Mrs Dobsons cochoirman in the campaign that is being held this week only with mm spending week at he headquarters at Stephens store on Du oIp lwme hem street East Mrs Inger Aarson rightpwas WI gm in charge of arrangements tor the dinner The mommy mumg Di th honoring workers held at St Andrews Womens institute was held at Church Mrs Ron Grays oIn Wednesdayl Who boiiovls front HFC MISS JESSIE BRYSON centre receives her campaign kit from MrsJohn Dob son chairman of the 1951 membership drive orthe Barrie Community Cghcert As deletion at Monday evenings dinner launching this weeks campaign An inde pe dentvworker for the association Miss son local music teacher sold 21 mem GUTHRIE Sunday Service Communion will be dispensed In Guthrie Presbyterian Church on Sunday March 10 at pun Weekend Visitors Mrs Graham 0i Barrie spent the weekend with Mrs McCuaig Misses Catherine and Ann Me Cunlg and Clara Black of Toronto were at their homes at the week on IWilliam McCuaig Berna Lit Ingston Jack Key and Gordon Jackson sncnt th weekend at Rent the Worlds ï¬nest cors from the worlds longest renta cur seryicet HANDYPanacea HOOKS FOR IQUICK CONVENIENT USE We hive available complete iy equlppcd195l Chevrolet Sedans and Station Walloon AlsoI trucks in various sizes from ton express to ton cloacdin vansltcnt by won Addy WEEKRIDIIHI or Hen in minums just annuallyCall In to reserve show your drivors license car anywhere Very low rat and proper identiï¬cation es and away you go my us roosssovs can anywhere settles Barrie Driveliter Travel Service BARRIE Right nowtoday you can Itart enjoying famous Hertz aerviee were Iall set up and ready with sparkling new cars to drive as your own for an hourday or long you like And you can take the wheel of Deep River the guests of Mr and Mrs Norman Graham World Daylot Prayer World Day at Prayer service will be held in Guthrie Presby terian church on Friday March at830 CROSSLAND Weekend Guests Mr and Mrs Robert Hanson and children of Preston were weekend guests or Mr and Mrs NBarnes Morris Hancock and tricnd oi Toronto were guests oi Mr and Mrs John Bcacock over thc wcckcnd Mrs Harry Hannah Jim and Ada Badjcros were Sunday guests of Mrs Potts andMrs Allen Nearly three quarters olarnillinl Canadians like you borrowed rbm HFC in year are ncsnadau largest and most recommended consumerï¬nanoecompany backed by 79 years experience in helping families solvetbair money prob2 llama So it you need up to $1090 visitllFC where you may alwoya borrow with conï¬dence Hoossnoto Fluoride BEEBE COMPAMY LIMITED 28 Dunlop 5r Wannasend floorphone FA 85529 samryour ornua BIAme rs minim amtmm nohm Luau wnekwd in ormia 68 Huromnrio 5m and floor phdn 1890 Mrs William Bell spent the COLLINGW09bjoNh weekend with relatives in Orillia Back Home Little Miss Martha Palmer re turned home from Penetang on Wednesday Vaiter undergoing tonsil operation Mrs James Smithoirfllmvalc spent Wednesday with Mrs Potts and Mrs Allen Few Days at Home Miss Nancy Wright oi Barrie spent few days at her home here last week EXAMINER Photos Pictures by Pavelo Examin er atall photographer that ap pear In this newspaper If available In glossy p11 mom snnvrcn ii 10 ioz ouNLor ST Farced Air Furnace FILTERS Fonhenting eiiicieney install new Fibrcglas iiltors now Help prevdnt dust and dirt entering the home lor thicknesses in following sizes 1éot614d 1450 01752 drieonvenienr low priced lIeulin Ace Conversion Ills swam 756 50 ICornforl and Cleanliness with Ease of Operation Iond Maintenance PHONE PA 8424114 Modéby one of ConadasiLeoding Manufacturers Thenarrielzxamincr wI Solidiy built this converSion unit is adaptable to almost anyhenting fmit complete with Generoiy Electri controls Iwellknown for their rugged dependability Mayo it instolled by our trained mechanics with 200 Gallon oil tank and com9 553373 FOR arcnrss DRIVING My iompany aims to insure nniy carciul driven re claims costs mien Mlthc raving paxgcd along policyholderrin the moi lowcr cost insurance indloubtodny yguLcan vqunï¬fyjor Sun ramImm was careful driver Jun If Itpéyx to new 11 ARMIIIOII AM JzBIooLE 67 Newton st Ir 305 Wï¬mm Each installed Iwith Ioil bustion chamberandyou have convenience and cleanliness as bonus features Controls for 25 orII I60 cycle available gt EATONlS Mudget Plan Terms arranged if desired Deluxe Heaters with the Accent on FuelEconomy Weithinkyoull like the way these SieglersWring the valuezoutvIot fu line way they storeup the heat in the ISiegler oatented heat tubes Seeihc strong as Iron construction Porcelain ensmel finish and assembledwrite Each modelcomes equipped Tank and 3speedhot air blower MAGlC MEAT Porcelain ename oducesuoto 45000 BT Uiorhcatingup to Twotone Black no on EN three ms Hotplate topIcan beuscd hito Porcelain Enamel finish wide 32 De