Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Mar 1957, p. 1

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it Sunday evening aches nor National Council YWCA 3Divlsion chainhén Sand acana vessch heard the heartening news that $900 had already been donat ed towards $7000 target for Bar rle funs $750 of this had been given by DeYilblsstCanalda Ltd The briefing of the campat workers at the YMXWCA he quarters on Monday night drew fullhousc Two prominent speakers Miss Agnes Roy of YWCA National Council Toronto and Clifford Schcll of YMCA Na tional Council added weight to the instruction and information given by the chairman of the cam paign Robert Lclshman short interlude of barbershop singing by the BarrieTones quartet was Welcomé contrast to the general business Aims olY Following short report on what had been done so far to promote the campaign by the pub licity chairman Don FishMiss Roy spoke on what could be accomplished by YMYWCA in communit like Borne Miss Roy srancglccutiveHdih color of the National Council XWGA inToronto and has had many yoarscchricnci of the work of the X4 Sh how cessiully overcome loneliness ex perienccd by1mah community how the provide amectingploce for peo pic and piacc wh rc one could make new fric The value of training in leadership and pro trldlnghealthy occupation for lci sure tme was difficultto evaluate in dollars and cents but easy to see in the Wsults aeh vod where there was Rélill Cana tan bragoons could sdc in as large program in ROBERT LE HUMAN Chairmanof Campaign Raisingiiuds CliffordSchcll cxrcutivc sec retary of the YMCA National Council Toronto congratulated theBarrie directorson the pro gress that had beenmade in such short time andspokn with business of raising the necessary funds He minded the canvasscrs that theywerc not goingvout to beg but to sell the best invest ment that any man or woman in Barrie could expect to make Points to he rememberedwcrc that the organization provided ex perienced and trained leadership and yet the local branch wps locallygovcrncd The National Council was there to give help and advice when required only Support Character Education lndustry and business com mented ltir Schcllhad begun to réailzc the importance of ac adcvnic education But tho educats to the community and so there was greater right to ask for support for character education ftifou are public relations poo ple out to sell good cause and interprgctkwhatfl means The spiak sold 317000 who hot ha in any mans barn and tourist thatamount the canvassers xnust havcconfidcnc Vin what he is pSupport ofNumbers Any YMYWCA starting out was besthelped by the largest number of people He urged the campaign workers not to scorn the smallestcontribution Every contribution rbcant an interest in the projectathe morcthat twere paign under the chairmanship of Band Presents varielycofiétI Mum The Band of Athev ltoyal VCau adian Dragoons from Camp Bor fdcn presented an tstandlng pro gram of music and entertainment RD Theatre undcrauspiccs arm Town Council and the CitizensfBand hich benefittcdfronhe collec onto the eittentof The theatre fourths filled an at is no small feat those nights towattract Barrie audience for cert up toonehalf st noticeable was annoori wasno fooling audition about three members ituspices Barrlelownloulicil talent Shown was played with Ju tiee by Ba Sgt Pete Dchiegcr and the band gave sympathetic accompaniment Fan American Promenadef whichf0110wed had definite flavorof Rio and Buenos Aires conslderable humor 1y handled basisoon Debussys descriptive The Afternoon of Fawn and the suite Dance of the Hours may not haverbeen ihthe rock roll loversddiom but their presentations were Smaller Ensemble The Dragoons have at 55 ve score closing number before isslon one oftheband Sgt Evan con ducted his own inarch co po er ton Dragoons opened the sc the mdwa today MY Fair Lad played by filly cd scoundicl was greater haurd Dream of Olwen favorite The selection beautifully done by the band en semblcof3 pieces musicians altogether but are to Former Barrie Man Re Iresas fEditor he springbok after he titgt Jim Towni CLIFFORD SCilELL National Council YMCA interested in the Yvin Barrie the greater the chance of success Spccd was essential in this campaign and he urged the work ers not to delayanot to put off seeing prospects Before you solicit anybody solicit your selves counselled Mn Schell Teen Town Gilt Gable chairmanof the board oi directors of the Barrie YitlYWCA remlndod the meet ing that the project had been in itially started by the generosity of Teen Town who had donated $500 The board was grateful for this gesture Socméfl fTvvo Barrie CancerWorkers Two members of the Barrie Can ccr Society were honored with Society at theannual meeting of the local society on Mondayltlrs Drcnnan and McCar roli both received emblems in rec convener of the society for thc past four years and through her energy and leadership muchhns ing of thosewiththedisease in the dlstrict ltl McCarroil was charter has been closely connected with the progress of the society throughuthe years NeWtop ret ing president announced that the Cancer Cam Graydon Kohl lastryearrealized $945 Mr Kohl office oi this year James Simpson cted pres ldcnt of the branch for 1957 other ffic rs were honorary pres ldents Mayor lardKinzie vicevprcs dent Graydon Kohl welfare Mr Brennan educatio Graydon Kohl Speakeroi the cveningwas Dr WE Allt radiologist associat to who spoke of recent advanc in cancer treatment While the present time cancer is cur able only by surgery orby radi tiop treatmentfi advances havé bee madc in the use of hormohé serum and the development of synthetic drugs resembling male andfemale hormones and this hasopencd up new fields ca er research gt In his brief thumbnallrskctch of the progressjbelng made Dr Ailtypointed out that period of fivcto ten years must elapse he foresthe full benefit of new pros cessesean be gauged Recently compound had been made and tested by one institute but until suph treatment has been fully proved normal medical treatment must follow the tried methods Prince George BC Clifford Warner native of Barrie whorstzirted the print 47 yearsago hasjreitlred as edit Mr Warner served rseas WorldWar One and then went to sold his shares lishersand Printh trottedre cently to Milner Vani awards from the Canadian Cancer been done to relieve the sufferp president of the local branch andl accepted thei campaign chairman fort George Johnston MPP and with the Toronto General Hospi ing tradeat The Ekamincr plant 93rd YegrivNo it negm umuau or on an Costing Vote Turns on Power Foo Foctory COLDWATEltCouncil met iil special session Friday night fol lowing an urgent request by Bay Industries to havefpower turned on at their new factory in Coldwatcr council split 22 on the issue with two members opposing turn ishing electricity until $5000 bond guaranteeing the companys hydro contract with Coldwatcr had been posted eve Law rcnec Devlne was called in from previous appointmentand cast is deciding vote to supply power at once in view of the fact assur ancc had been given that the necessary bond would hedeposit ed with Chester Martin secretary of Coldwatcr liydro Commission on March Earlier in the wcck hydro official hod inspected the hydro installations at the new industry and found them satisfactory Tri Bay industries will use as much electricity as the entire village of Coldwatcr Coldwatcr Public Utilities Per mit No 92331 was issued after an inspection by Brewer area inspector of Pcnetang Previous ly James Tarling engineer and Fred Long chief inspector from Barrieofliceol the HEPC had been in with Chester ltlalinowslq gineer in charge of operationsat the Coldwatcrjaciory Mr Nial inowskl who has bcenlnCoid water assisting with construction plans is residing in thcStocking home in Waubaushcnn Heading the Coldwatcr indus try is Burton Thurston of Coldwatcr represen Qucried Monday on ompany plans Mr Maiinowski said until portunity given to assess the suc cess 01 manufacturing processes statement wouidlbe premature Regardin the product to be made he would be no more spec tic than trsayWhafitodoiwith cold forming of alloys mentblock and brick building on the companys 235 acres on the west side of Highway 12 at the southern entrance to Coldwatcr was issued in the fall of 1955 At iriday nights councilirnce ing Councillors Roy Mills and Ralph Aitc Ison were in favor of power being turned on on the understanding the guarantee bond Thomas Seymour and Turner thought the should be delayed until had been turned over Reeve Devinewas absent assist ing with rink duties as repre sentative of the Community Ce tre wh are operating the arch He obtained replacement to porary and ving at the spec ial council mcctirigyoted to turn on the power for the factory thus Victor breaking the votcdeadlock The factory has ltsrown suh HEPC 44000Volt line It is phase dvolt powcr esrvicc Panel Discussion Civic Affairs At RotaryCIubh pol affai wasthcfeaturfieof the regular dinner meeting ofvnarrlc Rotary Club at Community House last Thursday On the panel were Eldon Greer former mayo Ed son Wicc alderman andimodera tor of the panel and Frank alderman Wiee outlined ricfl the mechan ics ofmunieipal government in Barrie ltfr Horsey felt that committ achieved results fast iloweve any ideas on alter wardsystem should be treated with caution he felt The esent system densure that no part of the municipality sts na ected Only brief periodwas ief for cstibns irom the floor7and the eetinghad to be adjourned just open the meeti was otary and carni oute Dumas Tri Coldwatcr conferring Works Port tario and that Riven near the station to convert power fromthe panel discussion on munici Opening the discussion ltlrr therewas the beginning famo CANADA WEDNESDAY MARCH 1957 low toolme II In truncate rumovcr Today Temperatures were Mma 34 March March March March mly wild wastants Issue April 10 The Honorable ugues La pointe Postmaster General to day announced the details of the new design Wildlife series post age stamp that will be issued on the loth April to emphasize Cau ndus National WildlifoWecIk The postage stamp willbc of 5c denomination printed in black and white andwill illustrate the Loom bird well hndwn on Can adas many lake The bird Will be depicted on lake its natur al habitatil The stamp was de slgrlled by Laurence liydc Mont rca By issuing thls postage stamp the Post Office Department wishes to assist those private pro vincial and federal government agencies striving to increase in terest in theimponance of secur ing and restorln the wildlife rc sourccsof Can These are of considerable eco mic valucgtld constant source of picsaure to thousands in cverywalk of life Six people have declared their intention lorscck election to the candidature at thcSlmcoe North Progressive Conservative ritssocia tlon convention to be held tonight at BDCi Auditorium Barrie at eight oclock Those who have alfcady declar edthelr intentions are Dominion Stores Closing Branch Here ThisMonth it is reported that Dominion Stores Limitc will move out of their present ocatién on Dunlop Street East in two weeks time The firm will be inoperative in Barrieuntil ltoreopcns in ncw location at later date The Exdmincr understands that Evangeline Shops are taking over the Dominion Store site which is locatcdbetwcen Woolworths and the United ClgarStorc on the main street Thenew firm is be loved to be moving in at the first of May and will remodel the buildingI constructing new store front orbiting Interest power was turned on and an op Barrie Community Concert As sociation workers were informed at the dinner launching the 1957 55 membership campaign Monday eveningthat interest in music is growing in th Province of On community can certs are niorc popular than ever JStuart Nail representative of Community Concerts incorporv ated who is initown this wcck was being forwarded Councillors al drive cited community of Deep Chalk River atomic energy Plant third of the total adult population in the town of 3500 people joined the organized audience plan before its first campaign was concluded providing sellout membership Not only the people of Deep itivcr are showing trcmcndous enthusiasm for music and culture in general Something like 000 people in Ontario now do prise an audience of regular co cert goers Mr Nal remarked that the Canada Council tics in well with th aims and objects olcomniunl concerts mad Tabl Guests Thedinncr mee ng held at St Andrews Church lnbonor of the guests were llis Worship Mayor Willard Kinzie undilltirs Ki Nail Jolin Dobson campaign chairman and her coehainnan Archie Ross vicepresident of the assoc lion Mis Inger Alarson dinner Mrs Johnston Mrs pre ent and Mr bell nsso ration secretary Campaign Headquarters Campaign headquarters again located atystephens mens wea storclonnunlopistreet Ens and will heopen from 930 to 530 pm on Thursday and Satur ay unless memberships aresold out before that time Head quarterswero open untiln it today ll be open litll is telephon lthasubee1 fonthe week Thentum bertistArkway 813882 Headquarters staff conslsts Mrs Dobson Mrs Archie Ross are in Noted ohlaliiiifcotlcell workers old permit for thesoxzooVM season through the reciproc ity system leg nlim number ofsub hers attending neighA boringa spcia ons concerts The Chanticlccrs Male Quartet has already been annoynccd as one of the outstandingattractions next year Otherartists in the local series will be chosen at the tooclusion of the campaign this week MrNail mentioned the availability of Oanadian contralto Maureen Forrester who has gain ed an international reputation al mostcqual to that bf another Canadian singer Lois Marshall and is beingcallcd one of North Americas finest contraltos The husband and wife team of at isl and Eu was alsohigh lyreconlm cdby the represen tative The twa musicians have reclcntl returned from concert tour of the Orient Ilebcr Smith QC Barrio lawyer and former mayor of the town and county councillor lie is native of Tiny Township and after overseas war service with the Westminster Regiment he re tircd with thcrank of 11015410 was named Queens Counsel in the recent New Years honors list Garfield Case Deputy itceve oi Coilingwood who was for num ber of years mayor of the city of Owen Sound lie has been twice elected to parliament Until re cently he was farmer and is now engaged in real estate Grant Mayor who is also former mayor of Barrie and was hormat Big Bay Pointsiic served nine years on town council and three years as mayor Mr Mayor came to Barriegin 1939 having first been successful in business at NewtonRobinson Today he opcratcs with his family first class match ii Ted Steele sorvicc stas tion and restaurant operator at Cashtown near Crecmore who has spent his life with the ex ception of war years in Nottawa saga Township lie is president of the Progressive Conservative organization in Duflcrinslmcoc provincial riding John Browne president of Georgian China Ltd who was born in England and scrved with the RCAF He founded Browne Wholesale Ltd in 1940 and lSdBcstabiishcd modern plant in Coilingwood iloinnds ll Palmer recently rc tired from the Departmentof National Defence and now living withlthirfamilyrar CreernomMr Palmercntcred municipal po Hospital Staff Cleared of Blame Patients Deaths ORILLiAThe staff of the On iarlo Hospital School was cleared of blame yesterday in the death of two girl patients in1a steam room jury ruled the death accidental The jury recommended how ever that taps on hoppers in spray rooms be of spriag or re movable type that spray rofom not be used for coping purposes and that spray corn doors be locked when notnn usea Dr Barkhausas Toronto pathologist said use of death was asphyxia doe to suffocation llhor cl QWme actualm this in was in the Township of Scarborough and was new of that townshiprin 1948 His pm fcssion was heavy construction engineering Voting at the convention will be by delegates although the meeting is open to thcpublic Delegates tothe convention will receive priority in seating The meeting willbc under the chair manship of Douglas McArthur of Coilingwood president of the gssociation BDmMIn Massey Hall Members of Barrie DislrictCol lcgiote Band have had busy week Liaat night they travelled to Tordnb to appear in the Ki wanis Music Festival Stars of Festivalconcert at Massey Hall on ipvitdtlon the student group received as winncr ot the lath annual festivals two top band classes is weekend the group travels toParry Sound for alcon cert appearance lnaddition to lestival shields awarded for 5195 performance the band ivas announced this week 13 winner of the ii Heinz Co of Canada Ltd band scholarship at $100 The collegiate glee club which also wonJWo Kiwanis shields at thisycarsxlcstival was awarded the North American Life Assur lineal moose cycnings concert suitc for Tband by Dr Gordon Jacob oflEngland one of its fes tival test pieces and the tone poem vfTbe North Sea by the modern gAmerican composer Ralph rijierman Thc transportation costs to To ronto wcrc provided through the 1fEe¢ti0n iCanjdidaturea Citnservative Rally kindness ofthc Sterling Trusts Corporatiohof Barrie and the local manager Alcornj This weekend the band appears as Alapiece concert band in the Canadian Artists Series in Parry Sound The concert scheduled for Sa urday evening chtivai scholarship winners in cluded the Oriilia Silver Band which won the Greene Music Ltd award cl50and the Mid and Brass Band which won the Kiwanis Club of Elnora Mrs Mattth Héancbry Mrs aMBl Toronto award of 25

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