Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1957, p. 2

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can or arrow This is ditiercnt type at columnlead but we ieel it is merited Followingis the copy oi letterreceived by Bud Thomas chairman aithe Barrio Winter Carnival and Speed Skating Meet it is lrom Joe Tosi Sr at Prospect Hill Warehouse Point Conn USA DealMn Thomas not writing these low lines to congratulate you anihilirtbe oliicials and members oi the Skating Committee on wonderiutlymn tirst time big meet horn the skaters viewpoint it appeared smoothly executedalthough from personal experience there must have been thousand headaches that went along with it Theevent sure put Barrie on themtp for us and already We are thinking of takinga vacation there in the near iuture it must be real nice in thesummer 0i courseivc also hope that soon you will be able to put on the North American Speed Skating Meet which we know is your cvcntlul goal Vcwvant to thank you and all the cltixensot Barrie tortheir kindI ness and hospitality We were treated with real respect wherever we went doll that includes the restaurants etc Thanking you again or every thing and hoping to see Barrie again soon irrcmain Joe Tosi Sr MOST vaLtJaaw chart2n About to days ago Jim Vipond Sports Editor ot the Toronto Globe and Mail sent letter to this scribe asking for our three selections at the most valuable players in DNA Junior It was we thoughthnot too hard task and typed down three names aflrst second and third Our choices however will be kept secret until the final results of the voting has been released it has always been mentioned thatno matter who picks the award winners there are always differences between the choices of the scribes and those ot the coaches Friday night at the Barrie Arena we spoke long enough with Joe Primcau and Father Crowley coach oi theSt Michaels College Majors to get the idea that iithoy had votes their unanimous choice would be their own big captain Frank hlahovlich According to these learned men liiahovlich has been carrying the Majors onliis hack They claimed that while the learn hasnt been winning too manygames of late and Mahovlich not scoring toomariy goals it hasnt been for lack at work on the part of the controversial star Primcau says he just isnt getting the breaks He also noted that Frankie sets up more good chances than all other players singling out the clubs weaknesses Coach Crowley pointed at his defence then said the forwards with the exception of lilahovlicb arent too moch either in fact the Toronto men noted there isnt club with what one would call good dcience The Marlboras they related were tiieonly club with two Ron Casey and Harry Neale We noted that Dick Cherry has been our top blueliner all season Surprised that we didnt single out John Chasczewski Messrs Primeau and Crowley said hell bethcro in theplayoiis Just watch With this they added that the Majors arent looking forward to meetingBarrie in the playoits Look what they did to us last year Father Crowley lamented The subject changed again this time to thehiarlboros Asked what makes the iiiarlies so superior to the rest oi the clubs oi late Primeau answered they play like pros And pros always come out best in the end lie continued they check chuck check all the time We St liiikes playedilike that against thpm one game this season and We beat cm But our boys just dont wancto check and they dont Norjriiar KlDSPLEASEL Aboutthrcc hundred lucky youngsters rom he Barrie Legion Minor Hockey League were guests of the Barrie Flyers on Friday it is taobad however that their conduct had to be varied as it was For moments at time the kids hollcrered Boo St Mikes ltwas much nicer when they cheered Yeah Barrie During very tense or exciting moment in sports boo can be overlooked But there is no excuse for thgdclibcratc continuation as on Friday JUST NOTES The South Simcoc Hockey League playoits start tonight at the Barrie Arena Faceoii time for the first game bctween Thornton and Stroud is 730 Torgis and CceBees play in the sc and The muchheralded hockey game between CGli girls and lort McNicol scheduled for lasLFriday didnteome oif Apparently the Port girlsJiave had cnoughof the Barrie lassies sent this town is the Collegiate Brassand Glenn And BDCI Boys Basketball Reps Barrie willvbe represented by ncrsof hetwoaitemoon games ossibly three basketball which start at pm flittown competition hampidnahip in the Saturday Marchs fteamg Brass and BDCIalmost didirtgctto the toGaltin Inter fcityJCloslng td Néwmarket by playdowns of the our points in the first gameoi ketball Association theseries They eamebaek to win gthc bome game by eight points however The possible third teamto dgo out Cot this town is the BDCi who won theright by defeating Newmarkct twogame total points series play at Hart gtilouse in Toronto Fourteams Junicrsquad The young fellows are lcit inuig cossa The win BaokHoiii The Barrie Ftyerswlll meet the tirst roundlot eveningThe second is atthe Catharines Saturday lithe day and in st Gatharin Admitting that his club would have trouble with anyone inttba playoffs Coach of thoiFiyers Hap Emms said that he wasnt too happy about the prospects oi playing the Tceps Nobsbmuch Catharincs isnot eq pped t9 suitably incilitalc jiino hecke Poor Accommodations in St Calliarinexrthe coach at no elbow room at at either stand invone ol ll isles or sit right in with the lans silo cannot get to speak to aohpi his players individually unless the players toolstandin Hg or sit with the ins Accordingly the fans close to the players on Catharincs at least dnnt iellowsa single break Anotherl cabaldate that it both eoaehe guided their tcams from the lo they would bcrubbing elbows Apparently the Ontario Hoe Association ordered the StCath arincs Arena to clean upvth touchy situations but nothing den City management OHA Still anather reason warns Fiycrs wouldntbe too anxious to play in St Catharines Arenais their unenviahle recordthereover thepast iew seasons The Barrie clubs havent been able to org in the grounds orcrthelaStfewilvintexal The Tecpees hoWever ve been having their troubles atthe Barrie Arena in their last trips this awn notched convincing victoric locals have outplayed them every gaino heretoo One thing for sure be great series The Flyers are hungry gang andyrciiiember last year ThelFlycis completed heir reg ular schedule at home Friday night Vllhfl 4l 10s to the St Michael allege andpuciocarr The Majors built upa30 before the Flyera scored only goal at the 335 mark iirst period Jack Katie got the goal from Brian ltiallonN ropght torthc contest from Frank liiahovlich Crowley of th were diesussing th Senior Girls lsoua know within the no they will aketh coilegate in lititiiiinfiii havcptaye 50 season But win to the Junior OHAADlaydownr Thetirst game will be played in st Cgtharines tomorrow Barrie mills Friday thenBt series goes minimum the fourth gunK will Wednesday uém experiencohba has been donecither by the Gar or steal win in theTeepeeahotnc the micegame he here theioiiowingjiues the Junior iiian this seiaon For theAncxt minutes the overall play of thejoightxolI 10 rcarguards proyedrtbemrorrcct milk hm Gliiasfpewski and ryooune on tocrry th in thf You active suite hld sométhlng ontho hall rise trom Coac Emms Raeves Jewellers or presentedBillyfloihnn ith an expensive wrixt Watch to pleading Fly th in virtual scor iucky learns oft tnsseda home game is wiriter was also presented with beautifultiihepieoe St Michaels goalSavage do once Foster tultcr Rimstad Wilsonfiiseril Hook forward hiahovlichBouehcr aco lite night hicbtaste Odrowski An Eottl Sl Ma iussi JimSonoski left Donald PENETA come The visitorsiwege hearth ztnegigaiihcairds nilux of people broilght not only the majority of the spectators tothegala event but also th la ercentage of the competitors inthe erous out door ve feature events which en ti ed more to participate the Fishing Derhies were esp ally thrilling and rewarding For two ours ofcoinpeting Donald Bub mn ol RR 5Barrie wona beau tiful eat andymotolqvalued at elbsel $1000 Mr Bulmer won thetop word by catching 26 ike rand Period MajorsMahoylieh Bo cher Ubriaco his catch an 113 alairiander nt Surprise gator fishing event yes awlengitb so allowed therest of the years perlane minuenshingnae Oro mbines Win Inwan Intermediate Northern Group playoff game at Guthrie Friday Oro clobbered er 115 The next game Varies will layed at Goldwater this evening and the in Guthrie tomorrow has 12 resulted in seizure of illegally taken venisoa in homes of four residents lofv Tossor To The onr men appears Foster at penaltieswe or hand ed outby retereehudflammond two to each club by STEVE JONESCU tilTh banner signstrung across theroaid you enter be busy town at Penetangread HeartyWelS Over Goldwater gt GOALTENDERROSS BROOKSot the Barrie Flyers bats lor the puck away dust in time asthStMichaels Motors nd Gino Ubrlacoiight weresoaring in on the net That Murray Daviscn the Flyers top perio mere Friday hightfiknockinglmri coofbal Th IBulnier Gets Boat an Moior Accordingly several thousand people entered the town Sat urdnyaridSunday nrid found the sightovbe no false front 1y welcomed and heartily ertat etang Val erablé waiting wee Peggy Sta oiElmvale bad bite Her mother helped her land the catch whicbturned out to be 24inch Northern Pike Peggy is reported to be no more than iour years old Saturday the Winter Wonder land Trapshouting contest was won by James Fitzgoraldof Bur lington His prize was Reming ton 12 gauge automatic shotgun Charles Watson wonv second prize and silver tra Tea and fashion show by Jean hristie at StnAndrews Eve irig CircleWA March atternoon Evening830 500 ad ia 2627 Churehi Curli Club dance inChurehill Communityliall on Friday March 1957 Orchestra Toronto Variety Stars Admission 75c and 50cm 2728 Womens World Day of Prayer to be held in Emmanuel Baptist ChurchCollior St Friday March at p3m All women cordially to attend North Sinicoe Seed Fair at Elm vale Community Hall Friday March 130 Speaker Pro fessorP Wright Economics Department OAC placedMarch 2528 Annual Pancake tea StGeor ges Anglican Church Womens Auxiliary Allandala Tuesday Marchs tram to 630 in Parish Hall Also sale fancy work ap runs and me baking 2627 Va ty Show at Guthrie Cum munity Hall Thursday March 15 tin pieseutetlby Chiilia hi or Farmers and spon sored by Glenoro Junior Farmers Admissio 50c andafie Everyone welco 25 lioss Caldwell Singers and the New Salon Concert prehestra are presenting musical program sponsored by hoHSrd Barrie Seoutand Cub Troop in Collier Street UnitedChureh Auditorium Thursday March at pm Adults Students50c Tw Farm incomeTa TuesdayMarch5 in Gut rle Hall at it pm and cdnesday March 6iii Churchill Hall at Speaker Stewart std nt0ntaro Federation Alliatmers invit Problems are the kings of all related 2728 Tickets on the game That lar game was the last at the 11ng season or the Flyers They nowIgo into the ployotts ngai atthe St Cdtltailnes Teelees tomorro night inthe Garden City BarrieManwins prizerto James Wilson of Aurora was silverinlaidglass decanter Four Scoot Races were run Sat urday The iirst race or 65 and under horSepower motors was won by Dr Pearsonoi theiied cal Arts Building Tomato Leon ard King won second prize and Not Trudeau tbird The second and third prize winners were from Goliome Bay on Georgian Bay Second raco tor 105 and over horsepower motorsWas won tby Leo King Andrew King was sec and and Louis Trudeauthir Third race for Va 100 horsepow er motors was won by Maurice King Leonard King was second and Richard Robitaille third Kings For Sure Fourt hrace the mainevent freeviorall was won by Andrew King Second was Leo King and third was MauriceKing The Kings who proved they scoot racing are leter Pettersen of iiiidlandh tcmationally famous for his ski ing exploits gave an outstanding demonstration of skijoring Sat urday alternoon Saturday evenings festivities were climaxed with amoccasin dance at thePenetangAren Sundays acti ties were started off on the right foot by the junior ie fishing Twosnowshoe ees followed with Mdrrayl Cor ier winning thcm both Corb Midland has won the sii wshog races at the Penetang Carnival sincelm in the first race heiwas follow ed bysDave Hibberd of Toronto and Paul Warrilow als the Queen City of Napanee was second and line Power the only girl to run third liiiss Power sister of Ted the OHAs leading scorer with the Chatham Maroons and two other brothers in hockey said that this was the first time she had ever hadvsnowshoes on didit for kicks she sat immediately following shewent back to the Girl Guide booth where she was working Les Charlebois Leonard Charlebois defeated his brother Willard for the top spot in both the wood chopping and sawing contests They are from Penetang The Mutt Race was won by the dog of DeVillieroi Penetang JimDubeauol Penetang had the secand place dog The boys skating race 1112 years Was won by on Toppol of Penetang The 910 years boys race was wonby ButchflDeVilh iers of Penetan Kim Simpso won the1112 years girls race Anne Ladou ceur of Penetang won the 910 years girlsrace Pretty lSyearold croix was chosen Miss Carn val nwaiting were The and Peggy Cooley Animal Hospital Lérgeana sinsu Animals iGKWAY 2M7 NORTFI alumni MOTEL In the second race Brady PjHoNE PA 85792 Entries to be gt 195 anv ssoAN oéiivrnv lined only by this company for Auto with airconditioning in Width seat washers aria rests ithiiitfiiiiiii imvnr Llll Hvl lSJlI iiit Partsdeli ery Erintr directional light winosaioa my wt lllt illttlli ifi

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