Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1957, p. 1

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AELAN hoops secretaryédireetor or Barrie YMYWCA discusses last mtnutede tails With two of the division funds campaign being launched today Gen tre Jack Merrettvchalrman of the produce chairmen of Tedcheri and Pupils Have Been Busy Getting Schools Ready For EduCaiion Weelk VOpen House Barrie public schools hummed with interest and activity lest wcek as both teachers and pupils prepared to entertainiparcnts and other interested members of the public during this weeks Open House in thelocal schools be ing held in c6nnectionwith 0a tarioi Education Week March to Timcs and flows when local school doors swing wide to Welcome public inspection are as follows 15 CodringtonWedncsdayMarch 730 to prn Ilillcrestch nesday March ii 230 to 430 pm Prince of Wales Wednesday lurch 230£o4 £mylfing Edward Wednes Match 230 to 430 pm Principals and teach rsare join ing with members otathe Educa tion Week committee urging all citizens to tuijn out and have look at Banes educa tional facilities teaching methods in use no andithe re sults which are béing1acbieved 7H patina Also Candldalev Pro conservat ve 948 contested conVention ag rist Robert Me Ltd Palmer waa riga ruction work Those who havent bcen in classroom since the days of the little red schoolhouse will fian plenty to wonder at Parcnts are invited to visit all classrooms and are also urged to hold personal interviews with their childrens teachers if they wish minimenu ma Out on Joyride we KillédAs Cor Flips over Two youths were killed and one seriously injured on Friday night near Colllngwood Their new convertible went out of con troland aomersaultcd olf High way 26 just west at Ihc town and fooddivlsion Right Geoff Glenn eo ehairman for the retatl stores division The campaign starts with special opening meeting at the YMYWQA headquarters tonight at eight oclock WORK INSECIIEI Some governing bodies go through all the motions of public meetings while doing theirreal work in closed sessions What has this government by secrecy gain cd us Nothing of coursexnlt cost apriccless chunk of liber tyPrincc George Citizen RELATIVE ERAS Sometime when you feel the urge to talk about the goodold days it might be well to think for moment which good old days you were going to brag about lifclita Man New Era PLAN ANNOUNCED To Hate CANADIAN FRENCHWORKERS LEARN OCCUPATIONAL SKILLS plan toihclp Canadiangand French workers acquire occupa tioraal skills and techniques not ordinarily available in their own countries was announcedtoday by Bisson chief commissioner of the Unemployment Insurance Commission The plan puts into effect an agreement between the governments of France and Can ada for the admission of limit cd number of trainees in France stagiaires to undertake onthe jobtraining in their chosen fields In the year ending Oct 1957 each country will admit 25 trainees 50 will be admitted in l958and 75 in 1959 in 1960 and each year alter that 100 trainees will beadmitted The national employment ser vice of the Unemployment insur ance Commission will act as the coordinating agency to deal ith applications from Canadians for training in France and for the placement of French trainees in Can The plan is open to Canadian citizens male orie male who are not over 30 years of age in exceptional cases the ége limr may not apply Training may be taken in either manual or intellectual work in the industrial commercial agri cultural on professional fields Examples of the type of Canad ian employee who might be able to benefit from such planare those engaged in the silk industry glove industry perfume manu turing and wine manufactur ing provision for financial assistance to trainees for transportation or other costs involved The agree men provides onlyfor facilitat ing the admission of trainees to the host country and for permis sion to work there Permits to work will be granted although on Dan in these may be exten ed or mad ditionals months when the training pe od lsover trainees maynnot rem inat work inthe host country unless authorization is granted interested in Sunny Mornn9 Cloudy later quantitle now three rtpceted afternoon lghts are cold with zero af ter midnight and at ii is 32 er government has made of the changing rim thQplanhmayvbtaihapplication forms at their National Employ ment 0ffice where complete in formation isavailabie Employ ers interested in hiring trainee from France forthe stated per iod may also obtain full details from the National Employment Office Brotherhood Is Thought For Every Day George Pettit vicepresident of Christie Brown and Company Limited told members of Barrie Jayccesthat Brotherhood was not something to be remembered for week but something to be thought about each and every day Mr Pettit wasspeakingat the dinner of the Jaycees marking the end of Brotherhood week JArnong the guests for theeven ing were His Worship Mayor Wi lard Kinzie Batstone pres dentlot the Barrie Chamber of Commerce Rev Cecil Brenn president of the Barrie llfinistcr ial Association Ralph Snelgrovc lim Tarling chairman of Brother hood Week for the dominion Taking the dictionary definition of brotherhood thespeaker out lined what man mustaimatto aehieve brotherhood The term brother itself includes it only the family but the onewhojs next to us the one with whom We work the one Wholives next doo Mr Pettit rmcd that hatred eontr uted nothing to peace and new growth oftrust freedom and honesty among peoplct and nations must be the ultimate aim vasone thing to make ade clarationbut another thing to have peopleaceept Fellowship was part of bro therhood and true fellowship doles ot admit some and exclude others True fellowshiplsdin ads the erradication of racial preJudice Brotherhood and sound busines 005 we judice and intolera co in industry alone ran into astronomical fl are However in Canada comers were now being accop into nearly every industry nfolcrnnce as ated by the child of eight fiom his pan ents claimed thespeake questionws to whether generation will wmv ove an nlybe ion and how to All three occupants were thrown clear of the car Russell Winters 23 driver and owner of the car was killed in suntly Bradley Dunnill 21 died May to Coningwood ilailnc arld General llospl llobert Winters l8 brother the driver suffered hcad inlurics nndwas taken to hospital All three were from Thornbury and hadlatlcndcd dance there and then driven on to tolling wood for joy ride Police stated that the car had gone out of con trol at curve knocked down mail box snapped Ielcphont pole and then flipped over twice befochandlag in the ditch Farming Topic final Meeling Production Line Farmingwas Mice Delml eonf gricuIlure1iheme iwanis Program Job Talk Plans lt Todays dinncr meeting other rie Kiwanis Club at Community lluusc will boundcr the agricul ture and conscmllqn committee with Synnolt as chairman Harris vicepresldent will preside in the absence through illness of President George Caldwell The speaker vlll be Stewart Page agrl cultural representative for Norlh lmcoc lgaat Mondays meeting was given over to club business with Bill Lang in the chair Ho rc ported net loss of 18 in mem bership during 1950 of which lo had removed from town Effort will be made this year to bring membership back up to the 96 mark of January 1956 7ReporlgWere given by the folv lowing Boys and Glrla Work Charles Rogers underprivileged ChildrenJack Butler Vocational Guidance Tom Bobler Public and Business Affairs Tony Dccarle Support of Churches Bill Linton lrogram llob Armstrong Kiwan isEdutation Neil lllaeDonald interClub Charlie Griffin Public Relations and Finance Dr Ed win Wilson nor PIPES OVerhcalcd pipes were the cause of an alarm answered by Barrie fire brigade at Sanford Street Saturday night There was the topic for the fourth and hast meeting of the 1957 series of weekly agricultural meetings The speaker for the meetings itsud nidale Corners Waverley an fontaine wasw Owen Pointing outihat farmers should take some tips from Industry lllr Owen emphasized the need for longterm planning The first step in planning the operation of the farm is to decide what crops to grow crop what to feed the crops to sell the products Aftorthiswhagjbeen decidedrthe next step is to decide how to go about bringing the plan into of feet In speakingot machinery the speaker recommended that the operations shouldbe planned to get the most use out of each ma chine There are some machines which can be used for three or four jobs such as the forage harA vcster Mir Owen then went into for age crop managemeut and fer tilization Since pastures provide our eheapcst source of feed they should be given more consideo ation The speaker emphasized the value of using the improved varieties of grasses and clovers to getihighcr yields Healso ein phasized the importance of cut ting hay early in order to get the most nutritive value out of the crop The use of fertilizer in his opinion is veryimportant the amounts and kind to be used de pending on ihe results of soil est EssdRéevé Director Rural Municipalities PEACOCKrecve Es Township was appointedw irec tor representing zone four con sisting of Simcoe Dufferln Peel Halton and York counties of the Ontario Association of Iiural Municipalities 3Thev assoc lion held fiveday Conventlon To route on Fe 2526 which was attended bysome 250 elegat from all over Qntari Simcoe County camefrom Teellmseth Tiny 0r Ve rs and Essatownships A1 at the convention ywere the Wars idea when Ganton Clerk Fred Huhter Treasu how many acres of each Gillespie 1952 represeiita esJ Coiull¥ xtensiverdnmagc sateen ago wages Images Imam Noonhw wasan IuIII gutounces Hydro croupiecord ACCident Free Days Safety Award Dinner Two groups of Ontario Hydro employees attended safety award dinner at River Gardens Restaurant Sun ValleY on Thurs day One group represented the Barrie area staff the other the regional meter relay and com municatiuns section This latter gmup has worked 2915 days with out lost time accident This is considered to he the best record of any group of cmpioyccs in Ontario Hydro circles The Barrie staff numbering 15 employees consists of office staff operators linemen fores lcrs meterrepalrmcn and secur ityguards This groilp having worked 210000 hours without lost time accident qualified for the award dinner which is given aflcr reaching the 250000 hour mark Tthsmaller groups quali fyby 1000 day record system liiagee manager of Bar rie area acting as master of cere monies introduced several vis itors along with the head table Eugenia 3L wasdrawntby Hts zie at theclose of the l5day evening Jacqueline made her lucky pur chase at Phillips and Phillips ladies wear storel onjClapperton Street Winner of the second prize $75 cash was Mrs Clarence lIoggarth of ivy jshc made he winning purchase at Zellers le ed 57 William Street jwho made her entry in thefilamhoree contest at Jewellery Mayor Kinzie in do the draws rlzesat at Th Exam iner office assisted by Brockwell advertising anager In addition totbe prizestot ing $309 cash therewere 10 im zcsof slolme handise rlhy the followin Campihordenj Mr May Garrett 181 Shanty Bay Road PfiDoc Gets BordenPost Appointment of Mayor Edwin Shuter sceon ncommand Seeonddlaitalioa Queens Own Riflcs oE canadriiat Camp Victoria BC to se or headquarters jp ting with he Fourth Canadian gade ly of Saskatoa and now Kingstori gt Major Shuter becomes deputy assistant adjutant andrquarier stergencral in his new appot QORS Major Sh er we the Royal Canadian Old Contemptihies Wilfred some maJor Holland War while Queens amid 11 icing Street 23 WorsleySt Clarence Old Girl 002Grand rlzefilnJamboree him igsieuiaeiriwmaéeérmuwsmagmas in The Examners fourth annual Shopping Jamboree Thenamefil JacQueline Bell daughter of Mr and Mrs John Bell14 worship Mayor Willard Kin shopplng special on Saturday Graham Bl Penetang St Fred Pain Minesihg lilrs Helen Win ter 94 Peel St Mrs VFry 53 Eccles St Northpmrs Isabella Friedrich MU Collier St Mrs Ken Dawe 101 Essa Road Mrs MooreRR Barrie gucsls Among the 80 people in attendance were Warren Clifton of accident prevention division head office Toronto John Cut ler of Emery Engineering Bar ric Garrett foreman of Bar rie area and the following from Ontario dros Georgian Bay regional staff Ferguson regional manager Brenne man operations engineer Crease consumers scrvlcc engin eer Wrwlaker mctcrrelay and communications enginecr Beaver line superintendent Kenton safety officer Fine Record Mr Ferguson congratulated the two groups for their line safety record and pointed outthe in terest which has becncreatcd among the 850lgtiydro employees throughout the large Georgian Bay rcgion this being the fifth such dinner held in the region duringithe past year He point cd out the encouraging decline in the number of accidents during thcvpast few years and gave credit to the individual as the key to makingthcserecords pos sible Mr Ferguson reminded the assembly 1hat Canada unlike some of the other countries plac es veryvhigh value on human lives and Ontario Hydro as one of the larger utilities is deeply concerned in the matter of avoid ing fatalities and serious injur icsto its staff members Reports Lower Trend Earl Rented saiet ce one compfactifaepgggtk lower repd of acciden attributed it to and safer workin day Mr Rcalon feltltha thech ion is justified in bein proud of the recordswhichbave been set and urged the continuanceof the fine effort of team work which has been developed Mf Ferguson was called upon to present lhe Royal Canadian eeeding towards eriy of Ontarléflrfiydru engaged with EmeryEnglnecilug in Barrie Mr Cutler had saved the life of Miss Vcra Clarke Reg of Brighton Ontario carlydnst year Miss Clarke lost control ofyher automobile and be came trapped when it submerg cd in the canal at Hydros licaly Falls generating station Due to clear thinking and prompt action Mr Cutler eHcctcdfiMissCiarkes rescue lna few closing remarks Mn Magee expressed hope for con tinuing finerccord and asimiiar dinner whenthcf half million hour goal is reached Two Killed Car Skids In SnoWstorm Two vomcnwlost their lives when the oardrivon by Gene Dannc 28of Hamilton skidded broadside in front of car com ing in the opposite direction at Guthrie early on Saturday cvan ing sDead are Judy Duncan 18 of Hamilton passenger with Danae who sufferedg broken neck and Mrs Sarah James 73 Orillia passenger in thesecond car who died at the scene suffering from brokcnlcg and shock fractured 46 of Orlliia whowas thedriver of the second oar whichwas pro Orillla falong Highway llfat the time suffered only cutsl VSidncy Miles 49 Or illia also passenger in thls car wastakcn to RoyalVietoria lIos pitalWlih afracturcd skull con cussion the pelvis possible fracture of The accident happened Humanqt Associations life saving snowstorm

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