roehameflhrm malty runners CancertWorkérs ocia By JANE mamamu Womens Editor its195758 membership campaign the Barrie Community Concert Association will lets workers in the organization Monday evening at dinner at St Andrews ichtlrch that will be attended by around hundred loyal lsupportera who will be working all next week under the idirectlon oi the campaign chairman Mrs John Dobspn Oiilciaily opening Although most oftho campaign uworkers operate under the lead iersbip of team captain there ore several independent workers in the town and surrounding area lllliss Jessie Bryscn and Mrs MacPherson in Barrie Mrs in Black and Mrs Ritchie in lEimvale Mrs Lewis in Angus Peter Coates in Coiling zwood MrsNeville Jamieson In vThornton Mrs Donald Monkman vin Cookstown Mrs Gordon Todd in Churchill and Mrs Pelcr éThomson in Allislon Other workers andthcir cap ins are Mrs lnger Aarson up into Mrs Harry Armstrong Mrs Peter Sinclair Miss Pearl Thorns ton and David Croft Mrs Craig captain Mrs Stew éart Mrs Robertson Mrs John Steele Jr and Mrs James Wray Mrs Craig captain Mrs BilkeyI Mrs Ralph Snelgrove and Mrs Ronald Pile Miss Nora De Hart captain Miss Edna West MrsJames Ferguson xhlr5Roh9rt Sarjcant and Harris Steele Mrs Ronald Hardy cap tain Mrs Campbell Raikes Mrs Fisher hirsl Mncv Lennon and Mrs Bert Empire llllrs Hart captain Miss Morgaret Sinclair Mrs Dobson and Anderson Mrs Edwin jlncson captain Mrs RDowning Mrs Mattenley Mrs Free man and Archie Ross Mrs Bruce ZJohnston captain Mrs run raonuns toBirrlel Exclusth Farrier who make and octlamrs only Lance seLecnon TO Choose mom wicsms runs HARRIE gt TORONTO 25 BULLOP ST naptrio Remodelling Cold Storage Cleanlnl REASONABLE Pistons SATISFACTION GUARANTEED trlheisviroems 51 no sin or at this low on Approximate cost of Celotei terotediile Board tor ceiling of overdQelOkllroom panels are applied right over existing lilo nailed towood furringor training in new construction visible wheuiobs completed An improvc festeners chen 57 at Gartshorc Mr ledy Mrs Ar thur McKenzie Miss Clara Curtis and Miss Doris Keards captain Mrs Campbell Miss Enid Carter and Harold Cusden Miss Flora McGregor captain Mrs Harry Smethurst Mrs Clcland Miss Margaret Park and Smith Mrs Charles Newton cap lain Miss Greta Finley Mrs Ray Allen and Mrs Bobicr Pickles captain Bell Miss Dorothy Falconer and Mrs Snider lilrs Douglas Shep pard captain Miss Merle Burke illlrs Currie Powell and Miss Anne Murphy and Lloyd Tutlord captain Ros Stephens Mrs Bayes Angus Ross and Walls Miss Hamilton Hopefuls Thrce Barrie girls have entered test being held in connection with the liomeShow at the Hamilton Forum from April nineteenth to twcntyseventh There are among forty entrants who have already signed up for the On tarlkoide event including Miss Toronto Judy Welsh The local hopefuls tor the title are Shirley Allen liose Agius and Sheila Stephens who was winner of theliiiss Barrie title at this years Barrie Fair All three are students at The loan Garrick School The entrants willbe Judged on the basis of talent and their ap pearance in evening dress and bathing suits The winner will be entered in the ï¬liilss Canada competitions The finals at Hamilton will be on the opening night at the Home Show following three preliminary contests Parish Mordi Gras Following its first highly suc cesstul parish party the Catholic Womens League of St Maryls Church is holding lilardl Grss LSt Josephs Auditorium on Tuesday evening AlIIadultrin the parish are cordially invited to attend and special invitation is again extendedto New Canadians Novelty games and contests linv ed up for the evening include Jancake Race for the women and Chain Gang for the men Everyone will have aaew spring ettmig Per stapled or the Miss City of Hamilton con HierriEngaQement is Announced Ann Miller daughter or Mrs United Church At tbevilnal weeks meetings in the Nort Simcoe home econom ics sorres held at Sunnidaie Corn ers Waverley and Laiontaine Miss AnneMclntyre of the On Iario Department of Agriculture home economics service spoke on the topic Short Cuts in Cooking Miss McIntyre stressed the im portance of planning work sche dule included 11 whichis the planning lnealpatterus ln hat to wear for the evening and during the festivities King and Queen of the Carnival will be chosen in trueMardi qras tradiv lion Neil Hurtubisc and his musi cians will providemusie fordanc ing andtherc will be coffee and snack to round cligtheparty Mrs Mcveigh ls convcnér Coughlin Mrs Glen Scandrett Mrs Jack Coleman Mrs Tony 5850 Mrs Clarence Corbett Mrs William Merrick MrsR Watt Mrs Robert Bibby and Mrs Ro bcrt Clifton Miss Marie Burke various games Expert On The Exceptional Child or Stotbers who will be district Home iand Schoolcouncil on Monday evenin March Vel enth is anexpertron the excep tional child the child who physically academically or emo tionaily handicapped The Stothers Exceptional Child Foundation in Toronto wh he founded last Apr nd of which he is president nonprofit organization that is endeavoring to give early and expert diagnosis of tbe abilities and inabilities of suchehildren He will describe its operations at the meeting whiebis open to thepublic WCTU ANNUAL The annual meeting oiï¬be Wo mens ChristianTemperance Un ion will be held at the home of Mrs Stuart Cochrane 81 Innisfil Street on Monday march Justln McBride Charles Tierney and Murphy will direct the speaker at the gathering otthe THE aNononMaumshnnbonom or Miss Barbara ller and the late Drl Miller oLCookstown to Donald Kirkup son or Mr and Mrs Dalton Ktrkup orToronto place on Saturday March sixteenth The marriage will take 957 in CookstoWn command Hoesewivés Ate UrgiédTifoxTry New Cooking Methods Recipes For Variety Appetite Appeal fruilss vegetable cereals and breads and meat or meat substitutes in the speciï¬ed quantities Knowing from this oodsprcvide adequate nut it ï¬lpossble co or flavor texture and gem cral appearance meals which offer sufficient variety to keep them interesting but which keep wit nthefamily budget Once this point in the planhas been reached we know just wh is to he done nodal can we the most organized aytoxac eve our resultsemplo gthc ihg sh cuts which Her assistants are Mrs Jerry Dong take chance KNOW will give ou bett guarantee stressed at buying BLUEyour identiï¬cation your agent rheworldrï¬nesr anvrhrddte Schoolssiéty Patrol Operation Outli ectfor PTA Rev Thomas Manleydlrectcd workshop discussion on leaee pt St Miryl Obed Parent Techcr Association meeting in St Josephs Auditorium on N29 day Members were divided into small groups to discuss questions and record resolutions read to the other groups Tb questions andresolutions were How lbould parents prepare themselves to teach obedience Resolved Set good example and children wiiipiollow Dont disagree in front at children The best methods to bg em ployed in giving commends Re solved Commands should be consistent based on right reason tirm not too many butfrcaily menul Punish Justiy according to the otfeoce and the knowledge of the child How do youpromotc obedience in the preschool child Resolved Botb parents must cooperate in discipline Example of parent in iluenccs chlld How do you promote obedience in the child of seven to 14 Rev solved Keep childs confidence Explain the reason for obeying Re sympathetic with his problems and help him to solve them PolleeCblct as hlrariand Constable Roy Lacey explained he school safety patrol which has beenset up at St Marys School Jhiet Tschlrhart pointed out the umber of accidents occurring on bc highways andtholr staggering cost in lives and money He sug gested intensive drivlhg instruc uh hold blots were suggested many showing the importance of pre arlng in advance certain items osohopped nuts and breed crumbs so that they will be ready for use when required better torage arrangements torfoods making them handy to their place of preparation were mentioned ind better use of the oven for oathoven meals and baking was Hints on measuring foods cooking ioods in the best aximum quality were discussed and newme oftenJaves nd produces resultsf Throughout the afternoon it was stressed that If food loses its llovor and food value on standing it is auto short cutt 3prepare it in quantity Discussion followed on the top How Much Use Shouldllie Made of Prepared Foods The popu iarity of irogen ioods of every Varietyand prepared bakerypros ducts was discussed with respect to convenience flavor and econ omy The use at cake and cookie mixesnbiscuii mixes and pudding mixes bothiomemade and pur chased wasquestioned To illus trate the use to whlch mixes could be put in the home exam ples cake and cookies all made fro samemix were display sainpledu weeks meetings brought loseVibe home economics meetings for 1957 Tokeno moiechdnces with Vuniclentllfiedduéls ltb uel ofrweatherl Replenish your bin NOW with fblue cohli Come snow cold or bltter temperatures youll be all sef he satlsdctlgnrrl revolueJor ever Witbaioel you more economy rho centapenrl blue no is colored your éta rél Eight hetgdlrector at allle vis aids and special education licben schools gavean tatEPestlugvad rear to large aud iegcqot parents and friends at rlct Retarded Childrens on meeting on Monday The meeting ms presided over 17 Doallshcardprestdent Mur ray vFlnlaysoa introduced the speaker Mr Fretcwai the first Inspec tions and courses when person lslearning to drive followed by written test before obtaining his license it is too costly toieara by mistakes on be blgbway in schools where safety patrols are inoperation there have been no accidents while the patrol is on duty Constablc Lacey explained that the satetyipatrol is an organism tion composed ot boys and girls selected from the upper grades by the principal with the written poo mission of the parents At no is the patrol required or al lwe top tralilc They do not hlldren across the road but send them across dur ng lull in the traifle which will allow themplenty of time to cross The Patrol is composed of captain and lieutenant who see that the patrols are on duty at the requir ed positioï¬s and times Thirty five patrol members have been in structed in their duties by Cons table Lacey and work in shitts to carryrout theschool safety pro gram Justln McBride thanked the speakers for their most inform ative address Rev Hickey spiritual dir president oi Diocesan PTA will be the guests at general meeting to be held in St Josephs Auditor iumon Sunday Marcht7 at 815 pm The purpose of the meeting will be to form regional unit of the PTA for the Northern Dean ery Drink and Peneiang will be represented Grade Sister Joseph Grade Miss RoseForget and Grade Mrs Eugene Smith were in threewty tie for the attendance sbieldl Lu ch was so ed vapkav Maternity Dress Shop mo Colller saute rmooam opposite the Library latest in Fashion Yours or importance 350ciélf raï¬mg Sinessed ectorandMrs Frank Tumpane tor appointed by the department 01 education to inspect retarded childrens schools in Ontrid lie gave brief summary of Ills tind iogs in those schools eacbof which be louad to be dilierent trom the others Some were out standing He mentioned Crott Haven School in Owen Sourid where there is an Irish teacher who has particular talent in ollxpalatlng She has done remarkable lob of teaching painting to ber etude ents This schoolalso has re tired male teacher who successv tully teachesthe boys woodcrati Mcaiord has teacberwbo is able to give her pupils good deal of academic work and seems to do very well teaching students to read Grade two and three readers Shoalso sends her pli pils on various crrandswbicb Mr Fret thought was good way to give the children confidence as well as to let the public see theycould be useful vModcl School Niagara Falls Retarded Clut drens Associatlon received building trons the lateRobert ll Saunders which was used in hy dro work They have converted it into what he considered model school in design it has six class rooms all opening into central playroom which as the centre of the social training for thechildren impressedMa Freiz He lclt less stress should be placed ontheacademle train run cons number or my nah lull mod as Laniaumasoa vouu coca run in ounaorsï¬w or mll nun unn an find strong school like th recently recommended one tor thelitcbeuer which beir aput president jurde With Teacher The speaker foundee Blrri school notablerior some of HImlilon methods leaching and hebld very Ire queatly relerred other schools to Mrs Hamilton to have benign them Just how she followed cdr taln teaching procedures Mr Frets remarkedtbat ever the loealschool inspecio rympatbellc to such schoolsb you strong inspector andan iiitcresiedboard of cducatlonare contributing tors to success that cannot be it tierestimated Members were pleased to note thelr owo seltoolr iittedycry well th this clause strong schools The speaker dwelt briefly on the future of children in ihese scbools great deal baszbeeo accomplished in the past lo years tor retarded children but much tield work is yet to bedone to ilnd out how to fit themfinto society whenthe schools can no longer help them The problem tor girls is less than or boys For girls there is household work in varylng degrees but outside oi gardenings car washingland snow shovelllng there is not too much yetfior boys Mr Fret HfGabl teacher of speech therapy will be speaker at the next moe Your roVT monaow DEPEan or wont 1011 no sonar lirnoltl llaihhun suN urn or Canada Lite Plans and Annuities 24 cmrrearou sr BARRIE Pbono rs 68451 PA 82001 Sluice TOURIST couar now oerN FQR eyesrs It youarehnving visitors from out oi town and have in sufficient Accommodation we have spacious well heated rooms withall private baths AMPLE PARKING AVAILl ABLE 14 stake privacy and economy SPECIAL Lovely colours red maize ZellchbrlttPrlce Love SleS T0 lg super soft Orion asyio wasband quick drying Subs sTf cirrus rho EA 83704 Joules Miss pink blue and It SIX CE abso en So sp flounelett Ski MoneySavingSpecial or thrit nanny pers Cotton knit in novelty weaves pes styles Easy washinglon wearing Long ort sleech and hrlleticéd and plains Assorted Ieeveless Zelr APPED DIAPERS dad bl fnc