Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1957, p. 9

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noth resound Comm ity Concert Ahocintlon enjoyed Cevtlin and Mrs Jack Hunter daughters at Ottawa are spending short holiday with the farmers parcnts Mr Jud hire Tomnce Hunter Ill Ann Hunter Rent ol the Royal Victoria Hospital Bar rie spent the weekend with her pnreatltr and Mrs Torrence Hunter mnto Visitors and Mrs Jack Kidd IDavl and Judy oi Tomato were Sunday guests at the lenders parents Hr and Mrs Arthur Kidd Mrs Kenneth Kidd oi Toronto was visitor ln town on Wednes day Mr and hirs hiilt Trace and daughter Betty oi Elmvnle were Sunday vlsltorsoi Dr and Mrs HarryLeadlay Mride Marlohn Leadlny of Toronto were also visitors at tho Leadliyl Sunday Guest MissAudrey ltlnpes nursein training at Royal Victoria Hospi tel Ba rie was Sunday Enos with her mother Mrs Herbert Manes Day Prayer The World Day of Prayer will be hold in Cookstown nt the Presbyterian Chureh on Friday March nt2 pun one club BarrieCcntrnl United Glee Club sponsored by the Junior WMS or the United Church are puttingon very fine concert at the Toivn Hull Cookstown on Monday March ngnrtCourse Letlls Cook It Right spon sored by the Ilnstjtutc nt the rmaui tom 41 Every one welcome WA 11911 The United Church WA meet ing iwill be at Mrs Norman Cools on Tuesday evening lunch ngiitectiu The regular March meeting the Womens institute will be at the Town Iliall on Thursday March The toplcCitisenship and Education Roll call will be answered by prominent citizen oi Cookstown living or deceased Committee Mrs Jiindle Mrs Farts Mrs Jones Mrs Han sen and Mrs Donneily Euchre And Dance On Thursday Feb 28 St Johns Guild are having their euchre and dance at the Town Hall Every one welcome Old Boys Reunion Tho Cookstown Old Boys litL unionot the ontitoom of the Union Station on Wednesday March 20 Plan your parties now soa bus can be procured lra Wilson will be replying to the greetings to the home town Bent tys OrchestroI will be there Ias usual thltlngiIue The Red Cross annual quilting bee will he held ntlthe Town Hall onThursdny March 31 This is open to the community and all quilterslarc urged to attend ile freshments will be served at on intermission WI At Becton Mnnnr Tileinstitute ladies and their husbands lwill goJo Beeton Manor on Thursday Marchttto en jmuuuo tuber of stituteand the gliists eyed ww its iheirIthird win our party on Pride at Hall vely lunch wns served it the commlb teo appointed at the conclusion at in evening Mon limits IstudIaois ot Miss Morion Webb who were successtul in the Royal finnservltory examinations held in Barrie Ithis month were Grade lV honors Karen Beaten Frances Hindle Jnma Reajn San dra Simon and Brian mnkman pass mdeI ll honorsIIEvelyn Connell LionsClub At the regular dinner meeting at the Cookstown and District Lions Club holdmn Monday even ing Feb 18 the Town Hall Cookstown the gspecial guests were members of Elmvale Lions Club The rectorIoi the Anglican Church Elmvale was the speaker ondvhe go in most instructive talk onnrecenIt hehad withrélal lives in Qulto Ecuador Iwho nIs doctor nurse and teacher nremin istering the This talk was ill ustrated by colored slides made from iilms of the reetoro comers and these with his vivid descrip tions of places visited made this talk one at the most interesting given here Ross Group Mrs Hanna opened her home tor the Ross Group work meet ing on Wednesday Feb 20jwith 17 members and six guests pres ent Mrs EFildey the president conducted the meeting and opened on North to view mumnon on the lathM also ninvi tailors wuextended thtowll cull quilth gamma ell are on uleiortheIdrawi on the quilgto be madeat the 8031 group dance on Ilareirlfi rlt was reported theta group oildies met at Mmflnndena on Wed nesday Feb 18 and completed Red Croes quilt Aterthequilt ins thn rncmben oyedI pot luck lunch The next meeting will he held it the home of Mrs iilinbers=on Karenaw lhtjoyable refreshmInLr were served by the hostess assisted by Mao ND Lowe Mrs Alex Allan hlrs Ntmpn Mrs Wheeler and Mrs Wa wrung orgasmr Congratulations to Jimmyiteain whowas awarded firstgchs hon orsin piano periormance at the Kiwanis Music Festivalin Toron to Jimmy is pupiiont Miss MarionWebb Eastern Star Dance Severn Eastern Star member3 irom Conirstown attended the uo cessiul and enjoyable done the Bond Head flail fsponsoredl by the Eastern Star ladle They are planning nnothcr Idnnceht Bond Hen on March 22 At Mondays regular Eastern Star meeting Mr éltot Midlund made the drowan el villa Martino Stroud was the lucky winner ota minum etched tray Curling RinknpeplngI Cookstown and vicinity are very proudoi their lovely new $50009 curlingrink situated in the Ag IultureIlqur nndoiii There competitionand bonspfieissmonm the curler and evntysmeIls enjoying wondmnl time almost every dnydurlng the week fit the opeplngbeading the Dirdd ottheexecutive and visit in curlers was ilteain Cooker toggwith bisbagpipes In Reive acted as chairman epiclied on levelat speakers the resident Louis Idonhnan Mrs Lloyd Hughes of the ladies section Willian Navils president oi the Agricultural Society and MrslohnRohlnson Convener of the ladlesIsectlon oi the Fair Kristott manager of the Chatter Box presented the tub with beautiful trophy Mrs George Mohiaster oi Allisto winnerI of the ear in the draw presented the dub with lovely and suit able troph MisuC Ramsay on Lhasa group pres eInted eoiiee tahlé orthe lad losIlounge Kennethflrowtord oneot the active committer players lntro duced thevspeolte Lashley of oronto wh ave very tine talkandIatter is timely remnrlra calledpnnr Harry Leadiay one 02 the oldest agrlculturol memv born Ind one oi therearllestol the Cookstown curlers who cut the ribbon held by Robin vlreneh and Jim Currey and theIrlnk was de clared open Outside curlers who enjoyed the bonaplel were ImmBarrle Elm vale Bradford Grillla Bolton ChurchillAltiaton and Toronto Community Concert number of members from 1W one at the but concerts the neuron when they beerd Edwin Stella baritone who is quite ted on Monday evening Feb It the Roxy Theatre led Cro Ieport The annual meeting of Cooke town branch 01 the Canadian lied CrouSociety was held Feb 12 at the home of the secretory mu Harlan Webb within Ivery tew member in Itendance Mrs Cause workroom Convener re ported completion of 89articles in sewing and knitting The treasurcra report was given by Linwood Campaign collections were $171 Swimming clue for summeroi 1956 showed 44 enrolled from Cookstown with $88 fees collected from these children Total costot transportation of childrcnzIto lnnistil Park $217 instruction costs 3128 Equipment $33 Total cartgot swmmirig class $378 Election of otticers iorI 1951 resulted follows presidentMrs Atkinson secretary Moron Webb treasurer lii¥llonlhtinaranlea 2Year ownn HEAVYDUTY Battery 39 auras nee usr 51330 95 AND YOUR our 5mm 50 NE 55 in like gritiii filugmubm now run un uuon Inkd flor over molt wontr flu Du curl and mkelow Ihinrj wood work room supervisor Mrs ll Cause auditors Monkman and II McFadden Sincere thanks lsutended to the auditors canvassen and to all the ladies whocontributed in any wayto Iuppllea Entertain Evening Auxiliary Mrs Timbers entertained the Evening Auxiliary at her home on Thursday Feb 21 Mimi members and one visitor prestnt The meeting in opened with the usual worship period with the president Mrs lionhmnn in the chair Final plans were made or the vnrlety concert by the Glee Club rom Central United Church Bar le onJionday March We were also asked to keep in mind the World Day of Prayer on Friday March Bat prn lnthe Presbyterian ChurIchI also the Red Cross quIilting on March 21 Roll call was taken number of alckealla weremade during the past month Mrs Cooper gave short talk on Christian Citizenship and Mrs unnnowrnm sau Konkman gave areport oi the WSI Pmsbylerlal meeting held in Barrie recently An address was then read to Mrs Pearson and suitable gift given She along with her bus band and daughter are soon Ito lenve Cookstown Mm Pearson thanked the ladies for their kind neu poem was read by Mrs Tim bers Mrs French took chapter the study book The hostess assisted by the committee served delicious lunch The Much meeting is to be held at Mrs Coopers warn unwrrvnuns ASSISTANCETRY on MORSES mum noor nus Compuundod from attentive in re main Momg Indian Root Fin help quick rcIJieftnnutlerul mm camp on arboretum Dr Momn noun Boot Pill hula rumole rogu lantyTrythemItn Jarunins cost pnelly Amos Mid months 30 weather IIIxLln nu sour toout iur ordlnlxy buttrial SAVE BAmlAi quuJum rma some gunmansown Bkmfll wunntnd or xuuuu You or Year do pending on the Guarantee nonpowers suprasmiles PLATES BEG HST $2125 100 ouup In magma 93 or gunrun in In Wllui ID It In are firm NOTEAdd £01 to above price Teauutltio syn menr 1mm Ynu nu onlytgr unlit 210957 You arm no cm Foriv anewy vs nu nu rumax or money ouhI tflxlde 4Year Guarantee MOBPOWER lllGAPAGIIY EerLATES SEO LIST $2115 nun you our saws lo 41 or mm on run aurput in my on Is Ielt on cinnamonWireenuurlaarreittis caulkingIeompouml loan mug not sum noon uuo win

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