Members of the school safety patrol at RCAF Station Camp Borden help two children to cross to school in patrols are organized among senior students 45er of childreo lo andal way has been prime considera tion of the Royal Canadian Air Force and in this regard at Camp Borden Commanding ot ficer 610 RWelt Chins made it perfectly clear that there citizens of Canada are to be pro tected in every way possible The Accident Prevention Committe chaired by 51 Amteld co safety RCAF officials are especially safety conscious and has given great deal of careful consideration to the problem of making both parents and children safety conscious Probably two of the greatest harards to ouryoung citizens arc fire and motor vehicle accidents and with respect to these two haz ards special programs are in el iecton this unit Fire Training Children love to Watch fire cn gincs vofcourse among other things it is the bright colors that attract the children in tact itis the color of the resulting flame that persuadeschildrcn to strike matches Fire training for chil dren pays DILand at Camp Bor den there 51 program of fire trainingl is calculated todo the most prevent fatalities and injury to children The Junior Fire Prevention Group numbers some 100 children and classes are held each Satur day morning at 1030 Thcchilv drcn are inninegroups each Ts TALK MusIc liy ANNE shown lie is gone The little man with the snow vhitc hair has passed from amongst us He has passed very quietly in topthe shadowy realm we call his lory With Beethoven with Shake speare with Abrahamlincoln and Julius Caesaryhe has gone to take his place among the im mortals Arturo Toscanini The entire world of music stunned and saddened by his loath stands silently and rever cntly bowing its head in the depths of the grief that comes with deep personal loss For to musicians the personal To so many name WLIS just name ltnvas legend symbol beacon it stood for all and highest and most perfect in music it stood for greatness Such little man little man with large fiery expressive eyes with with another world world he could reach out and touch with his magic baton and bring down here on earth with us little man riglItoutof the pages of history He has stepped back there where he belongs thats all His death marks the end of something he endof an era An era of cmperamental prima demos and lavish operatic pro ductions An era obgreat music portormcd In great tradition by very greatIattists The Golden Age is finished It breathedi its last on Jon is 1957 with the last breath of the Maestro Toscanini was an old man He was over 90 years of age Under his baton greatest singers of all time pour ed out their hearts in glorious sons ljlnrico Caruso John McCorv The bed comprehends our hole lifeforwe were born we livein it and we shall die in So wrote Maupassaut in his Work The Bed Andwbat about beds hospital beds in par ticularity In Ontari there are over38qu ac evtre troentlbcds in our bl and generaih world over Toscanini meant something of us his very so much more than that was best little man an unfathomable contact some of the mack Nellie Melba Emma Calve Geraldine vFarrar Claudia Miezio Luisa Tetrazzini Fcodor Cholin pin Lotte Lehman Rosa Pon sclle AntonioScoItl Jean and Eduard dc Reszke Ernestinc SchumannHeink Marcella Sem hrlch Lillian Nordica Tito Schip paEllrabethrliegth ergand host of others sangth way Toscanirii commanded them tosing They all bowed their art to his mighty standards of perfection Tosconinis name among mus icians has come to mean per fection His approval of an artist was enough to open every possible musical door But his approval like other commodities of ex trernc value was rarely given Canadas Lois Marshall must be very great artist Tosanihrvchose herto make one of his great recordings His public approval of her art set final seal on her that no one may dare question The worlds greatest orchestra conductor he had been person al friend of bothVerdi and Pue cini the composers of such works as Rigoletto Aida La Traviata ll Trovatore Madame Butterfly Tosca and La Bo heme He never used score Whenever he mounted the pod ium he was equipped with his famous baton only He was the only conductor in musical historyto conduct entire ly from memory What vaststore of musical knowledge lay bencath that snow white hair The world goeskon People are born they live little they strive for something sometimes they achieve it And then they die This islife Shakespeare expressed it so well If Out out brief candle Lifes hilt walking shadow poor player That struts and frets his hour uponthe stage And then is heardgnogmore MacBeth Actï¬l Scene And so farewelluto Toscantni Theworld of musichas lost truly great man vCopyrightv1956 Partition beds that break at anteseat l¢VElS sorvthat best support can be gained for an affuctedIarm or cg is othe typc recent inovationWhich adds still another type of bed to the spitals variety aternIty tion of thevtim ill an thch can be used THE BIBLE TODAY By ncv nransou District Secretary Upper Canada Bible Society The newly appointed general secretaryof the British and For eign Bible Society in Canada Rev Kenneth McMillan BA Bi began his new work this month nativeof Mount Forest Ontario hehasheen minister of StAndrewh Preslzvteriae Church Guelph since 1950 iiiMcitillanhns had wide ex perience in denominational wogk including the General Board of Missions of which he is at pres ent the chairmah of the overseas department Asa member of the Depart ment of Overseas Missions of the Canadian Council of Churches he will not find interdenomina tionaland missionary work now to him Frorn past experience angpersohal utlook Mrh Mil TErI isfivillfi édï¬biersee Ible Society nffairs which involve co operation with all Protestantde nominations He will head the 18 auxiliaries of the society across Canada The new general sccrctiry is the firstlrcsbytcrian titfill the post since the retirement of Dr Armour some years ago Secretaries of the auxiliaries who will work with him represent var ious denominations In each auxiliary almost every city townv gtvillage and hamlet forms branch ofthe Bible So ciety where all reformed common ions cooperate in collecting funds used to subsidize the sale of7the Scriptures in their mission work at home and road Commenting editorially The Guelph Mercury says better ambassador of faith and Christian principles could not have been chosen Guelph will always re member Mr McMillan and we predict will heara lot more of him as greatecclcsiastical can eer unfolds over the years Suggested readings for week Sundayl Kings 83761 Mondayll Chronicles 7122 Tuesdaylsaiab 1131 WednesdayJsaiah 125 Thursdaylsaiah 6110 Friday Ezra 7610 the The elevator bedconta motor to elevate and lower spring and mattress making it easier for nurse to bathe turnaor attEnd the patient many other way hasbeen estimated that in the course of lifetime the aver age person spends aboirtJone or about 23 greater dr bed our hos pitals have made real study of this very imp tant iece ofhos 5th furnitil suit in speeding patient recovery ntsspend an Teachers are all so busy Al though Id like to meet Bobs and Helens teachers really hate to bother them Most teachers are glad lDJallt with parchmfllhata whythe Home and School arrang ed Parents Night nextrFridayf Therell be brief program but most of thetirhe will be free for informal chats Be sure you dont miss it An annual occasion when par and more communities In some schools parents are invited to go directly to the childs classroom any timebetween 730 and pm Therethey glance over their child rkhaohsuï¬iT know his atandingand the tenets ers comment on his lastreport Hung on thewalls are samples of writing fofaIrt work conservation posters andporhaps collections of pressed leaves When their turn comes they can have chat with the man or woman who instructs their Johnny or Mary Later there is usually abriet program and refreshments in the largest room in theschool Often the school choir sings number and if they are fortunate enough whom band or an orchestra they perform took it the school has gym demonstrationoi tumbling folk dancing or drill is frequently given or two teams play volley ball or some other gainer The plan of the evening is flex ible other schools have found it vworked betterto have short pro 3am starting at oclock and then devote the last half of the evening to teacherlparent visits either in the classroom or ddring the refreshments period There isles likelihood of par ents andteachérsknowing each other unless special occasion is set aside for this in Canadawhere our rural and smailvillage pop ulation is decreasing and quite number of ourtowns and cities are growing in numbers when must move from one school to another cooperationvin the trying period of adjustment to strange conditions new teacher arid different grade standards is particularly valuable This parentsvvisitingtho chool plan can beadapted for us in school whatever its size The one room county school and the large city school can both benefit from elementary pupils andhelpful in are are teen agers Jn onanc dian city over one secondarysch lswhere Fo Parent only rmnsIIIiniIIIscImoI ents and teachers meet at the school isIbeing observed in more itit is useful for parérits ot By Nancy Cleaver thousand parents made good use of parents night which followed one week after the midterm re ports had been given out in ad ditlon to the visit this childs teacher the parentssaw typing class in actionandtheigeneral plan of the school uildlng The reporter in the Brampton Con senator commented All the rooms are open and each teacher Yas present in his home roam nisome cases just the introduc on and friendly chat had the aim of cementing relations that willalater prove valuable tothc tildénts hisis certainlythe most im in mm feature of the Parent utsasnsmw1atnngaox on period when theteachers hnd the pareniscome face to face Mother or Dad likely realize in hewway that here is someone who is their childs friend per son who rcally wants to help their Youngster learn As adulLsthcy are partners in one of the greatest of tasks that of training the younger genera tions Any special problem con fronting the boy or girl can be mentioned land if it is serious of ten ateachercan make prac tical suggestion Either parent or teacher may gain fresh insight Intothel reasons underlying this difficulty by discussing it with another interested person uls theré ParentsNight at your childs school Perhaps this is notthe name of the ï¬ssion on which fathersvand mothers are invited to visit the school and mectthe teachers individually Thenamc does hotniatter but the underlyingidea of spacial occasion when those responsible forachild in the home and at scboolcome together is very stund one If you havernot had Pamnts Night atyourchilds school what better way could you mark Educa tion Week ln sense every home and school meeting is fParents Nights Plan to attend the next one school Copyright RECOR EXPORTS iswedensv paper industry ex ported record total of915000 tons in 1958 01 POTENTIAL VICTORIA CPThe provln cial cabinet has placed reserve on Infra than square miles of land Nanaimomining district Thegland shows strong too are tentia Paylohover seasonal hill and reduce high monthly py merits width prompt loan here We like so any You when you an or loan Phone for your loan in one visitpor coma in mom tls at your childs MIL1 phantom bpup undervaleader andtbree groups are inatnittedcaeh Satur day morning Five Phases gt gt The program has five phases which are Simple lire prevention traffic and crowd control proce dure in case of fire at home or at schoolgood housekeeping and how and when to callvthe tire dqiartment of the series of Dont Rules in the handling of matches electric it outlets and electrical appli ances The crowd controlphasc deals with keeping children awayfrom the fire truck and removing young children from the roadways when thevsiren sounds Phase is designed to tell chil dren how to get out of burning building with the minimum of risk Goodvhousekecping is gentle way of reminding parents that inflammable materials should not be stored in dangerous places The last phase is to makc the children conscIousof knowing the whereabouts ol the nearest fire olarmh0tv to call the fire hijigade by phone the importance of Ga nos Relax Enjoy no gt beauty aflhe open country side from comfortable reclining chair In Iururfous High wa Traileré andamvc ï¬t or fun dooooeeeolnl sAMPIs picnics Tour ItsIII it it II dry 855 Front Toronto Includes return fare by on hotel room nlghls life mom and sIgnIsgenig tours Your choice many other allactive tours Special tours to meet your fancy Iooooaleooeoooloo lldlelS ano tines Titaer luronmanort AT attains BUS TERMINAL PHONE PA BSSII Simple fire prevention consists mm mamg calling the fire dgpartineat im pediately What does pll this add note To trainedpersonnel helping to nteruarddives and property with theminimuro of risk and fuss suer Patroi The Safety Patrol is nother phueof childrens safety activ Itles which occupiesan important piece in the scheme of things This activity is sponsored by the School Board the Accidcnt PrE ventlon Committee and ths Home and School Association it is small matter and simpleu lnits operation The stony Patrol dude and students wearing distinctive dress posted at various polntsin the permanent married quarters are and their job its to see that children cross the roads solely They do not halt traffic or Son SVALL trol vehicles on the roads they merely wait until the eke and then help the children serum neirjobpalthougb simple is ode that requires tact and common senselhe tact is for use with the youngsters the common some is used In choosing the right tlpic to cross the roads during the rush hour periods tibe children must be congrat ulated for their effprts to making RCA Camp Borden an accident freestntlon and certainly those responsible for organizing atfd in structing the children both in fire and road safety consciousness are doing worthw ile job that must pay dividends in the unpredict able future SHOPPING CENTRE BURNABY BC CPlA 52 500000 shopping Centre occupying 10 acres will be built in this muni cipallty adjoining Vancouver EXAMINER LATE Walt untllrs and if your carrier has notarrtved then call TAXI And Copy Will BeDcltvercd To Your Home THERE CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE FOR QUICKCONVEnIENTUsa warm5L5 HdOKS CoriIerMaple Ave Simone St COMPANY LIMITED 127 nonprofit sjrï¬ PA 859 Shopping Willi WIWERS Jamboree ltd ï¬ï¬‚ï¬RlE FEB l4 MAR Taxpayers in this area Official representatives of the Taxationbivision National Revenue wot lslt Porn oIjIIcs re invited to take advantage On How LT Prenaré tilt21956ititithEIgltlxlililttlllt5 Deportatent of BARRIE on March Incluslve for trierpurpose of assisting taxpayers in this area inpreparing their gt 1955 Income Tomreturns and answering inquiries on othiar IncomeTax matters These representatives will he dvallable for consultationat the