erlnfll Cnen mm novame 010118 ï¬lial It opt Charla mulln Barrie 1325 can nation mt model in good eonamntl Ibo lIurrw labia Deere 19 on rubber used one year you warmer pan 3232 germ nucnoN SALES nutIll rep or Auction rain or nantend and ride uereiord Cattle Pam imp ementlwllay untn Pom and none ilooaehold Eileen roe Noite Moiiatt at not ll port ironn Tuneup miles north wen oi lloekky vtuue sale at pm mm 10 ruerchu the usher livlénl arming ems tl If 00 tin Itixllonnr in Maren Aoetlon rain or nor an lam nod lmolemeoia hay Iiraw and Darrin nanelicit euecu ior Wooly vareoe at but id Curl ll Tecooueln Townrhip rnlleo went ol Highway 27 Sale at pm roam No reaervo an the owner to retiring Term cull Jerry Coughlln Auctlunv oer siiitl1uza wuoerday North Eart field not Con 11 vrrpra Township iii mile west or on ralr Groundt one lion rain oi wedlock implements Hllhgged Em and iptmlmrehsue 911 am tl ll iatrn it mid Chnriea ll Thornton Auctioneer loo Naywuti 51 crime PDDnEIFA nil am sriorday March Auction rale oi st ht OI Slitinborn Clltlt lmplemenll ll drain straw and ronte household cell for Wallace lhyea It Lot 11 on Tecumleth Towruhlp mile rtnlghi tooth or Declon on No 10 side road Telnu eun No reserve term is acid solo at 12 noon sharp Jerry cougnun Auctioneer 2223 salurda Iiareh id nlomar 11 Wright no Lot i1 con il innlrnl in ne village oi Strand complete dlsfenal role or hard or Grade iioi rten Coin milking motiilne and nuantity or liar Terror cull Eric at 110 pm sharp Sprouie Auctioneer 25 TiaMu March as Auction Said ankle Cattle lioncr Plus and some to iooiehta for it lennett north but Concession lo East Town ship Munning McEwon Ancilolm TENDERS Township Of Innisfil Tondera lor Booth conceuion It Ine hkfll Pllk WIII he RCQIVN undï¬lllntfl up in Oclntk noun Monday March 1957 Toppers on one year and three year basis irin lllmeude Conrcuionaird ta lune ply own Equipment LOWCXt al In cider nfll necessarily accepted lltBlON ClerkJremrer sntouD oat 2520 TENDERS WARBLEFLY SpPRAYING Tendera will he received by the up dorsigned ior it man with trucit to draw and opernte Ipmycr to spray erttle tor Wochlc Fly in Bun Town nhip Also ior supervisor with cor to supervise the spraying o£cottie stnte price per hour and rote per mile ior ear and ior suincient erhlerFly Powder to do the spraying Powder to contain not itssiliulr570 Roionene Quotaprlte in 15 in pabiiogetandtn bout Tenders to elose on Saturday drcllz pt 12 oclock neon Planning Reeve coxwoitili cierlt 2115 TENDERS Sealed Tenders will he received by the undenlgned up to March 1951 tor the ioiiowing sugplles ior simooo Manor at lieeton nt iur 1957 Groceries and moot delivered when equlred peer by the quarter Dlue Brand Bread stnndard hill 24 02 deliv ered daily Approxlmotcly Call rude apeciï¬ld deleered lo the Minor Ali tender to he tor period from April 1957 to march 31 1958 21 Cent meat and ilsh whichohali be or period of Six Months Grocery and meat tender farms and 11 atherlniormalian nan be obtained mm la the Estate oi loliN WAN Mt LEAN late or the village or wasaga Beach Daocehail Operator deceased Notie hereby given that creditors and hero having claims ruins the Estate or the said John ivon McLean whndled on the lith or February 1951 am required to send in to the under Eigned Executor particulars at their cialina on or heiore the lsth day or April1957 aiter which date the sold xecutors wii distribute the annals of he raid es ate amongst the paflnns entitled thereto having regard only to thel ohm or which they have then no ce Februlry 151 nudeleldelmietn and nine Telrer Executor solicitor Teller to Lumsden uuuding Toroot 222BW is their NOTICE ro CREDITORS AND omens 15 itEiutnli GIVEN parro ahttoThe Trustee Act that an credi tors on others having clum against hegsrtaoe oi IDIIN vnssiE Dltovm ink oi the Town olBnie 1n the county oi Slmcoe netired Farmer vnoc ted who died on the Seventeenth ay oi Decemher A111 less are re quuted to send articularr or their claims to the un erolgii on or be fore the toll tiny or March AD m7 alter which dnte the Execut wt distributav the nsfets oi the Boo having regard any to the claim which it then shall have notice ï¬nd not haruponslbie oznny oth siEWAnT with re MeTlmK Blrrle Ontlrio soucltoro tor Tim STERLING Tnusifs cuttings Executor oi the Estate oi iohn Vaule Drown Deceased zmaw 200 ions or sinker Dated at Toronto this llitli dyni HALWIG SENSATIONAL CLEARANCE or Balaillce Owing SpeCIals ATBELOW WHOLESALE PRICES BALANCE owmc is THE FULLPRiCEYOU PAY norilmq None 1947 sod rigt Dmulo an ieuo ria grey 11th with tpotlex ilo ai Blue original tniertor curtotn ra heater and deirosier deep tread tires no rush out excellent motor with to ponnda oioli renure while idling Thu two round automobile in nrrt Elisa condluonl 11 ateri italnee Dwiilx ONLY $29921 1949 MERCURY Conch Nice original green Ilnlsh little rurldut on rocker lunch All eooiutlooing Mater and do roster out coveta nine new excellent motor flood funninl ammhblieï¬ Hn new 1957 liceme Jointed one wont last long hurry Balance Owing lttll ONLY $19841 I946 PONTIAC Sedan Custom ndin halter and delruster amide tun visor load tlru Inund powerful lutolt mobile in good rilecmnlcal condition flurry Ior this one Dunn owing ONLY $17861 1947 healer Mid delrorur excellent aviator good owind PLVMOUTII Sedln like black ï¬nish ninillilg little car balance ONLY $9961 1941 rumour Deluxe Sedlii Nice dnrlt green iinlsh ciern interior ooild hody Mai beam ilrhta hydraulic brakes good tires nico running lillln auto rnohlie Cieon reliable transportation uninee Owing ONLY $7684 Excellent 1938 clievno Deluxe Co motor liy ranlle hrair roai oeun headlightr reilahlo transportation Why woliti Datanco owing ONLY $7823 NoDowN PAYMENT TO rmANéiinw ltESPONSlBLE PEOPLE See our ï¬ne dinpily of Ilte model one owner nutnrnohllee manyrio choose irom HALWIG AFAOIOR co lip USED CAR SUPERMARKET PA 65552 97 BRADFORD ST III15 Buying orSéiling5 lnlilnihrlnsnhnm Wltbr complete Innurulu STEVENSON ALL TYPE 01 INSURANCI PHONE PA 85201 DUNMJII ST EAST BAR CLEAN EARS WANTED cAsn mlrivu MlNUlES LlENs PAIDQFF ffHOjNESTVJO CROSSTOWN MOTORS PlioiinrA mall 226 BRADFORD s13 131145 1951 FORDCustDm Eedon edulpped lofl down Pbtine PA 134661 131315 isanilElBoiignew clutch and battery $250 orihest olior Phone PA 51220 alter 11 pm 131 1250 Fig Panel Truglrnincgoiodflrftg er sun or tee Box7MAngm lsarts 1851 PLYMOtflllrSavoy Suburban $1195 Wlll lake trade 11 clean our Film 4474 or imply 10 Victoria st lazszii lost STUDEBAKER Deluxe Sedan over drive undznoatheators other exirns Low mileage Apply utl Victoria st lvest Auirto 1325 1919 hloNAilcu ciuh coupe nth0011 ditlom with curtoln radio windshield worherr side prim New snow tires Phone PA £4009 1372526 inst PLYMOtllll Deluxe Sedan radio Cull trade orgterlm or would ex ehnnga or livestock intone PA 83221 xvcplugs PA Muir 132516 1951 CHEV sedan Delivery Private owner Excellent condition will sell or exehonge ior In older model our in good condition Phone PA ism 4n and diver white road in neg Box 11 shepherd 1year old with black martian oo WWIP lieurri and paid coolart George Too ao Kirkland lake Ont 11526 ROOMS FOR RENT commasAm ed Diame ior bintrim girl central location Phone PA nut doun mm is VEGETABLES game Jill fein°c ddlvery IllGI Su 56 Ilter lpn 1001 SEED AND FEED CHRISTMAS TREE SEEDEINGS SCOTCH PINE AusriliAN rim 011DEII NOW gt PA 82675 flolm MIXED HAY AIIIIl and Timothy ior nie Well kept Phone Pets7nd 101526 re QUANTITY or Good Mixed llay baled ior sale Apply John rain Anton Mills gt 101321 HAY Arm srirAvv or sale We do llvnr App KelL Gilionlr Phon Lefniy l1 10121 1m Les HM lol rilenear Uioplm Mr charlea Pharmacy Avon Toronlo 15 Out Phone FL 70810 102411 RODNEY oilrs ior tale germination cleaned attd treated good square baitd hay Can deliver cook near Drive1n Phone PA 9733 102345 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED lemy Hoiien lrom nor drumniro more good calm ouitrhlc iol Hi Can Cluh Itork Cline uurr and Sons Gorroiey om Phone Unionvillulldwd ozszo lizaislliiiisu Ayrshire years due April 12 ilolsieinqerscy years due Ma 20 Selling our stock It Plow right phone on illneting oner or Solurday 92521 rims AND Springer llolstelns rides and purebreda vaccinated or blood tested nuy cow with war ranly Phone Joseph Cochrlne Ind Son 14er strand 01535 FARMS FOR SALE loo Acnrsievel clay loam one lot highway 600d brick home menu lorge born drive sheds calf en tiln TM arm open iiialter loo Itciiis randy loam mile on paved road Gooii houre ialr barn Priced al 7500 an miles trout Ton onto Contact Aim Hoop quotesrow PHONE 50 LePAGE LTD BROKER 31445 Sit 9Ill ill near hw Na 15 Apply Box 59 BarrieElm iner 32315 CHICKS nusu AND Pnsture Form ilowing well EM EARRED ROCKS Sztrili lholrd to heul inrcggy inndlment ryesx years area hinu our closed Rochm 5° Mum b9 SEND FOR PRICE LIST TOM KENNY SiiANiv DAY Phone our Dorrie ltdlull cuicxs rhould be ordered aim to hinmh delivery We can supply norred Rocks iinmp iioelr Red Susrer Leghorn nnd Deholh or tops in egg production ieed eiiioleney livnhutt and pronto Hcavy cockereia avDiI role or course we deliver nnd would be plcored Io discuss your prohlelru or requireme L1 with you Phone or write CnI Hunter Hunter our Farm Strolid a2421241 BATTLE MEMORIAL LETHBRIDGE CPMedicine Rock coulee at the southwest edge oi the citylllts been selected as the site til cairn to be erected by the Junior Chamber at Caitl rilerce to commemorate the last of tbenid battlesebelween tiie Blackfeet and Crow Indians Nigeria the largest British col onial territory cover 312000 square miles in West Mrica MARKET riticEs WEDNESDAY FEB 21 noes mm was rouhmy As quoted by First Cooperative Packers 04 Ontario Barrie ilogs $3050 Sows 52500 EGGS Large Medium Small CCr ck new 32 30 27 27 22 20 12 Over lbs gt Grade Grade Grade too lbs GradeA Grade Grade fC to lbs Grade Grade Grade Caponsup toSBc according to weight and quality sown oz 25 17 over Ills 45 Ills oetwgen end pm 132525 Under lbs 31 Rosinoldlf Grunt WdoBank untlg Bdriio Savorleeai toniiia inch and Timer prominent native ot Orillia Reginald Frank Grant died on but 195 in soldiers Hamlin llLIIDspltll alter short lilnegs 116 703111 QIJKE The former manager eoi the Royal Bank of Canada from 1940 1916 Mr Grant was very active in town aliairs aDdbeinnged to number oi crglniniiona Includ ing the Soldiers Memorial Hospi tal Boardiile TIMI Ceirtetery Bollti and the Orillia Planning lull Kincirdine During Ive yenI hoewu udalant inspectnr at head nine in Toronto theluvaa mana ler ol the button Ave branch in Zuni Dto forqu years End of the Barrie branch wbicb be joined in 1904 In 1940 Dir Grlntcame backto live ill Royal Bank berg unilrltis relin mentilt 1M Grant on Anglican bad been active or innate the Simeoe County Childrens Ald Soekly or direetbruijhe VON and in ille llaaoriicr Lodgam 115 was lurid of several 3pm includ in hockey homered golf and curling lv lie leavonihtsjviiegthe dormer EdilhE McAllister whém be more ried in 1914 indhisidallzhlera Dorothy 15rd Stevenson rot Ottawa Marjory Mrs Whil lilnd and BeltytMrsl Glen esk bath of Kupuskasirig Thelunergtlvwill eld from Paillugs Funeral Home and the service will take place at St James Anglitiin liuivh at pm Saturday He is also survwed by brother Blurray 01 Lindsay and asistér Bess Grant of Orill THE LATE GRANT Board on which he selfved 113 chairman for SCVEIIIyeAYS As treasurer of several organizations heniderl in numerous ï¬nnnéial ctimpoigns The son at the former Oriiliit town clerk Grant Reginald Grant was born in Oriliio where henticndnd public school andihe Collegiate Institute He coin menced his career as it banker in 1905 when he jolnedthe stall oi the Traders Bank here junior After acquiring training and ex perience in the different phases oi banking in several towns of the pro ince illl Grantwas success BItlZRDONIibRoyia1 Victorla Howl tel name on no 25 197 to up and Mrs George Bmedtin Mm IDIIIIEI George CLARKEAl Scurburo General lion Pitnl on Feb to Mr Ind Mn BurryJ Clarke nee Louis Stun nonlDunhrrton Ontnrio run Jlmu Denali UhmEAl lltiyiil Violorl Hnapl a1 barrio on Feb 16 1957 toMrr guiltMurdlmcien Claudette ItR5 no or unlimited iiflgylvmarla itoipithr Kerrie onFtb 15 1957 to Mr nd Mrl FrankD1 Graham Strand mil iAIanFlIllk GRUNNIsiiAt Royal Victoria Hoopl tal Darn unfair to 1957 to rte ond Mn Kenneth runnirh loo Owen st doughier lANGKlNDAt Royal Victoria liorpi la name an 25 1951 to Mr nnd Mm snot Jongkind Enlnawicir it ran Garry Joseph ltittlDAt itoyal Vctolin Hospital narrie on Feb 25 1957 to Mr and Mn Gerrard mount strong daughter iioanne Moryi McAlzTituitAt Royial Victoria lion pltai Earrle on Feb 21 195111 Mr and Mrs ManlsMcArtlIur Dro stotton son MEltcitizDiAt itoyoi Victoria Hospl tal barrio on Feb 26 1957 to Spr and Mrs Mercredi llo lnDlae g1 st dnuphter Marguerite Lou DlED nizsstAt Dorrie on Monday Feb 15 1957 lliriim Benson beloved husband or the late Jeannette Nnii smith and dcnr other at Laverne Mrs clarie Hewitt and Maxwell oi Driliia JconiMrs Norman nieEoch ernl and Kennetlr oi Barrie Man Ellerlle M11 Elliott at London and Hugh at Hamilton in his 73rd year Funeral irom Doolittle Bro thels Funeral Home orlliia nn Thursdly Feb 23 Service at pm Entombment st Andrews Cemetery Xllllt witla burial lotcrat South yer columnme Monday ieh 25 1957 oi his home 4511 Westmorihnd Ave Toronto John Murray Clllll oeli heioved husband or Deatrice amp thell iiitltnr or isoheue Mrs Stevens Donald Cecil and the iote Gordon Resllng at the Earl Elliott Euneroi Home 715 Doveroourt itoad Just south or Eioort Memorial service will he conducted in the chope1 on Thursday at ini 1n tcrotont Pruspertfl cemetery FORD1n loving memory ola denr iother rnd hnooond Alhert Ford who passed away Feb 1c 1952 Todny reeaus sad memories or dear dld gone toroot And the one who think or him today Are the oneswho loved him hert fLDvlngly rememhered by wire and iprnily 25 STEPHENSONin loving memory or deal Inthcrnnd grohdinther Ed mund Stephenson who passed nwny lFDh 131342 Loving and lrind in all hlswnys Irright and Just to the end or his days Sriceiu and kind in heart and mind For thdbenutiilll memory he lelt he hind iver remembered by ron Don wire on rnnociiiidren sroi ED AJIFFV or money bad Very out late qilooiliinl eoollngiionid DDD nmlprion poritiv reliever row red lickfamed by eczema rushes Dulplrritntiomthaï¬nzvdzlheiiichtroubiel Grrlkltultlinlell39é trinl b4 itiemiilt tauaiy or money hacii Dont miter Ari mu druggirt lot it up trunnion Ve era World anOne lilo Albert Co par dAtRLV Hosp til Time continues lotakelits loll rain the fast thinning ranksnl llle FirstlVDlld War veterans On Sunday February 17 1957 Wil liam Albért Coopcr died Di lite lioyul vicloriu Hospital nSithC result of ii Elmira He wot born in Birminghnm Ehglond on August 23 moo son oi the Joined Couperdind the former Miss ilinlva Dqakln gt At the ngu oi 16 he came in Halifax with his polcut waa therefor iesstiurl two years and the same in Acton before coming to Barrie and WIIILtIIC exception of two years in Hamilton Wis drcsldent here until his sudden illness and death With the outbreak 01 war he joined the active service James with the ï¬rst bntlnlion Slmcoe Foresters 157 served in France lindfBiilgium and returning took up hit rude of po ier dud deem ator llie iunclallon nlesdllY Feb qliiiia and iiinosed lhe here vita gondiitied by Dumid Brown or Guthrie Jm ntjnre friend neighbor budneu madam and the rela tive here and trout distance in cluding Flo and bin ladrllop illumth North Bay and Mn Jaekxlemuntoi Pembroke 1710an in remembrance wen from Amin and friend and from Lakevlnl Dairy Canada Genenl Electric Barrie and iron Reidjr Barber $hop interment was in Barrie Union Cemetery with the allowing pall beams Marshall Lloyd Brown Robertson Meander Em Brown flirt Cooper the driller Min Marian Elizabeth Lawrence died oli May 16 1950 surviving members of 4112 lami connection Ire two Ions Frcdeiitk and Harold GCooper and one gnnd son Brian Cooper There are three sisters liri Gertrude Hep pluton Mia Amy Horneand Mrs Harry mddeiiy Ada and tone broiber Herold cooper Barrie Vs Dr ECuninIlng Died InHdn1illon 90 Wag Thornhury DonItst Dr Aiberi Edwlld Cummings 90 died at St Josupllo Hospital Hamilton Born in Bond 1lead Dr Cummings taught schoolmat Ailisloli Duo oilhirpupils being the ialDlP Loblow 7K quoted from University al1prouto in 1897 practisin Derilistry inTholnbury until his rellrerrientJn 1949 lie was member at lllolnbury Board at Education for 40 Years it Rotariau and elder oi lite United church Dr cumming liedbeen an ardent curler He leaves it sonDr Arthur Cumming Toronto daughter Mrs Daieoi Burlnglpn and live grandchildren ate IfllBI JOURNEYBx GERALDION CmMayor Ben Pressniun and Len lifeline Mayor utlieitrby Nakina set out from here on what they thought was the ï¬rst our trip over new road linking the two towns north of Port Arthur They met jDOIIICI oilenrrouto The two mayors reached Nflklnfl at 1030 p111 Henry Archer andben Spell oi TEE mm EXAMINER WEDNESDAY FEB 27 Milr1 N0 Annpxss Dunnr ounool MEDICINE MrsSalde The eomlnl year looks bright in Onlario is waning ï¬ner villi promise at new homer oaiiy For theilut 10 yearflai chlorination and fluoridation at Christmas present in person Dur wnter suppliesfthellulldlng 1le lrona mailing int new school and addition to here has been returnal to 1115 three others and the promise dead lettertimer in on if high level at employmenl contains no retumyaddresg Stallstead Que Journal PI Oil hllh SJIM IL Told in sporto rue taro tiloz unionarsenal lam WODAY All Yul PaulVI gloom mo to wan en Newt grday ta looto Inan flldltn iotab peat nrual more IAICMI 7M carlaooanara on Goon tiauta MW 11 IIWIIII Ill Irlfl Knit TMltr 9° with urn not not and award rituuuv us no cnnrtoan one new 430 unlit an no itotida lunch uo rem Donta sno NHL Moeth II lung wnmisnow La IIIVII tonlay 1110 Min and wruih Ii CKBB neoconsg=font léso om tilvi headliner 62 no Iauait on rerunnit role not run IIme 515 Km not 190 time innit Report lilï¬ Hall no room neom Llo no at Birth hullrather iteoort 17M Newt 00 some Roundup aw Nou atwrta Boon 555 Bhiflliml Be v05 Trading Post no Tenn taro rplo Eh For uhgut tops Radio Preequ loiii Homemaker clinic in so Trading root 1100 Nru 11115 nlng Croror sho llaaiiounruold iiiotr our Mum Courtn 3110 11011 Neva Headliner rttltutv 110 Town and country 12111 doom Digest i115 aiartret Report 30 neon 100 Kris Headliner nullettn Bond on rnilo vaneo 200 lierout 205 Womena world ado100 Variety 300 New ilo Fuslnl Plradl too Hen 405 Marlo country Elvin noun Matinee moo Newt iieadupea 5le camp iiorden Boom dlo Nrtu 510 Town and countn new no Tentrace lth ï¬g vnlggmolfllu errainrluau Bodo by it artale Pm Email itru no on soon 03 Too oi the Town oo oo 01 252 on so variety non unto aordro sooru an nuduoa ram erulflzpofl Hamilton one tiea In Bani Nova Doadiine enoweaa Tenoetnee xroio irvrioal aimma Nev Telegram llilhllrbtl soon by Perry Como Plnltyflhenn Near and Sport Noaiiuid soar sign all rnunaoiv Iota us al no Drawn21 the IA laneIt 350 nautical oItlr in aunts Boom Minoan um Marleen ahatuna item mod It no will no on Plildo no deonuaao xrola show moo Nan and short mo Cniwdclor chrlrt towrot oi the Town ION And snarl 1005 edlorreuout 1200 Nova rt Welther told iiooternarerr clinic 12115 sign in min Poll It um 11m interlude 1115 Gliavello mbivmlotv luo ithrto rouotrr Em anew he 68 nunnone 3688 38 co in fliDAv AI iorjtiia not 21 PICTURE ll inn rANEl ALUMiNiznD Tum DliLilxn CABINET CASTEns illltllilililcss Cautious MODEL 10 ram M0 EL 1931 No DOWN PAY1 NT wiiiii TRADE 1N llllillllci not ill lliili llS13llWiiS ilAltDwARE 1335151 imitation filignollrllli itojpiuuliiusfl iiiilil mill loo Mauritian GUARANTEE enormous WEQWE ï¬e