wms BOXING notions Royal Roads cadet Brian Wea therhead of Barrie won lightweight class attheTriServlces Colleges Tournament Saturday at Royal Military College Kingston His win came on third round TKO over an RMC cadet lo pounds heavier and six inches taller Weatherhead with strong compact build floored his opponent three times before the referee stopped the bout ProSchool Salk Vaccination For Barrie Dlslrlct Through Ihe kindness and co operation of Capt Howard officerincharge ol Barric Arm oury this building is being made available for the vaccination of preschool children with salk Roliomyeliti vaccine The dates ior this clinicwhich is being con ducted by the Simcoe County Health Unit are lilarch12 13 and for the first dose and April and ll for the second dose All parents of preschool chil dren six monthsjnpwards are asked to read tltese instructions carefully to avoid confusion The town hasbeen divided into hrec mentionsDunlap St to the Five Points south is one sec tion lliulcaster St which runs outh cast andthe swlielweeh ï¬jlnlop orth and Mulcaster SL east The surname aiphabetrhas been divided AL and Mvz on Tues day March 12 everyone whose surname starts with to in clusive wlll be takeh care of in the morning from the districli south of Dunlop St tothc Five Points and on thesame day everyone whose surname starts with iii to inclusive will be looked after in the afternoon from this district On Wednesday March 13 every one whose surnamestarts with to inclusive fromtheidistrlct cast of Mulcasler St will be serv ed in the morning and in the afternoon everyone whose ts name starts with iii to inclusive from this district On Thursday March 14 every one whose surnamestaris thA to inclusive from thedistrici north of Dunlop St and West of Mulcaster 81 will be cared for in the morning and everyone whose surname starts with to vZin clusive from this district will be cared for inthe afternoon esides oreschool children fro the rural aseas who did not receivethe vaccine in the faI may be looked after 0nTalesda those from St Pauls liiinet Point Holly and Crawford on Wednesday those from Crown Hill Dalston and Guthrie and on Thursday those fromr Ferodaie Cundles and Midhurst Parents of preschool children are advised To come early to thesecli cs Thosejwho come early will have good chance tofbe served with ou confusioa and rushing Have the child ready for the inoculation it is realized that it difficult to dress and undress tile tots but ii iii clo be removed easily it elps all Having received the tion please dress the child quick Psychiatrist Aids Néeds onoulh More important than ever be are it is necessary lhat the young people of today havethe love and understanding oftheir parents stated Dr Crawford Jonespsychiatrist on the staff of the Ontario Hospital School Or illia At the second meeting of series offour entitled Are We Meeting the News of Our Youthif Dr Jones was the re source person on Thursday even ing Feb 21 as the groupstudied th emotional and physical needs of youth Three aspects physical social and philosophlcal at each individual need to beequally developed if wellbalanced growth isto take place stressed Dr Jones and he went on to tell how different activities ace compllsh this These El7resent ï¬zundDr remarks vbry stimulating and number of ones tidnswcre ske Among these were How an we stopt62n agers from leaving dances early and taking sucha long time to get home and How forceful can one be indirecting teenagersf actions All through the even ing the responsibility of the par ent in bringing up young people was emphasized These study meeting have been arrangedby acomlnittee oi interestedCounty people in co operation wit the Simcoe County Recreation Service The chair man forThursday evening was Mrs Ward Melenbache Orillia The third meeting will been Monday March when the group will be studying the intellectual needs of yout There will be panel discussionland also an out landing resume person has in ted Alllrneetings are held in the Board Room of the county Build ings Poyntz Street Barrie Every one interested youug people is Invited to att ly and leave making room for the next child Rcmombeh the parent must give her signature beforeithe vac cine can be given There will be personnel to help Ilhls clinic is for preschool children only not bring school children clini School chlldien take care of at future date The second Adates mentioned above are for the second dose Please come tofthe dates mention ed inMar to ensure getting the inoculation irst doses cannot belooked after on the dates lin in this county cherei limited supply of vaccine for free distribution andthere is limited time to cover the collnty you can trust when you borrow emblem shownhrlé 510001947 solve new Look or trim New Eassor COOKING munmun CHEFMASTER 30 INCH Model 4zzos Reg 275 00 LOOK Arnnnsnlmruaas Cascode Tuner AcrossThcTo front tuning the inter Outside ing as hi ATOMATICLRANGE ATLASTl Completely Automatic Cook ing LI sryle Quality at New Am oxingly Low Price The Chef Muster by Firestone brings you such outstanding features as full 24 oven with completely automatic controls thrce burners each with Individually colored push button switches and one burner with the revolu tlonary Thermal eye that bringsfood to the required temperature and then holds heat to prevent boilovers All controls time appliance outlet and indicator lights that show red when switch is on are attractively mounted on the gleaming chrome back panel Fluorescent light extends full width of backpancl Elements swing up for easy cleaning Finished in gleaming white enamel layers the Chef Muster offers you top range Value come in see it today Automaticrkange Finder Super Removable Safety Glass AND convenient Breakers ln the newest Firelt stone Range replaces worrisome fuses Comparable Nrdilllts scil rig$60009 SToNis inns go full among V12935 firestoné AUTOMATIC DRYER icatlons of over 3000000 homemakers mm wagER WITH AUTOMATIC rum rugged direct drive rubbermounted motor powers the fourvein multlflushcr agitator of this washdly work saver feature which every housewife will like too is the handy lid book which eliminates the inconvenience of leavmg the lid on the floor Dependable Lovell wrloger 00 No more worry about the weather he more hanging clothes out in the cold All day is washday with the economically priced dryer that offers these Eig Price Features Large loading door Perforated drying drum Porcelain enamel top Regular 19900 See this outstanding range featured on cxvn Monday at 629Weducsday at850 aad ridny at 645 gt VVVFircstouei 30finch supreme EléetriclRangge exetoswszac conflict AND REVoLUilohARYiiHEaMAL EYE The stove is actually built from the spociL gleam ingflhite enamel finish 3lliy5rs will utvtake on yellowish tint layer chrome ish Will not tarnlsh COMPLETE AUTOMATIC COOKING the ul mostin simpl ty of operation and effectiveness in making kitchen hours more enjoyable as easy as ABC tousei gt Turn knob to hour baking should be com pleted rn knob to length oftimebaklng willtake turn knob oven thermostat to de red temperature ock and one hour minutemindc Thermai eye brings foodto the required temperatureand then holds heat to prevent bo overs The large full size 24 oven featuresua permanent Scaled door that just wont warp nonfogging ovenpieture window high speed chromalox ele mentssw up for easy cleaning Deluxe back panel has full widthTfluorescentlampg timed ap piiaoce outlet Attractive indicator lights Show when unit is on Full width drawer guides ln and outeasiiy on freeroller bearings