tm BARBIE minim17 1951 bhying through the Maple Leaf Gardens Saturday we uncover ed one sure fact The Leafs are not too popular in oronto The pack the place to see the games alrighL But far as cheering for the Leafs is concerned thats another thi in The fans and sports writers were really tip in arms when waa plain that Jimmy Mon rison on red the Leafs top rearguard Was benched Jimmy wa on for the first goal by the Bruins scored by an exFlycr Leo Labine and that was the last lime he wet his blades if that was the only reason the Leafs Meeker Day Clancy ant Smythe had for benching the defencemanthcn maybe they hat better pay vist to certain type of doctor The goal was welldc served Real Chevrefils started the play by crashing into the board behind the net with Morrison The Bruin another eaFiyer who was picked first star of the night came out of the play With the puck and heat two other Leafs before pushing the rubber to Leo parked in from Iof the net And if thats the way the Leaf brass decides whos to play tin vbcnch then Jimmy Thomson Marc llcaume and Al lilacNeil shoulri also have watched from the sidelines Thomson who usually plays fairly steady game was the most ineffective of the whole Toronto crew He got so bad that he tried to compensate for his bad checking using his body He failed there too Then Machil he just docsn seem to belong in the league yet Then vlteaume be skated along side Chevrclils for about 50 feet yet let Chevy get away shot frorr closo in The goal by the way was one of the prettiest of the night Up front the Leafs used Tim llorton very sparingly That didnt go over too big either All through the contest the chant We want Horon floated through the Gardens It would seem that the Leafs were trying to out run the Hawks for the cellar Theyre going about it the right way anyhow Considerable lobbying was apent in listening to talk about the late of coach Howie Meeker if the fan had his way Meeker would be paying customer standing room only llruin fans especially those who made the trip from Barrie got great kick out of the play of the exFlyers All of them Chevy Labine Don McKcnney Doug Mohns and Bob Beckett played well llfohns scar ed terrific goa on wrist shot that was really moving Beckett checked extremely welland liiclfenncy played steady game at cen tre special treat was the licking that liohns gavc Torontostough Gerry James James threw the first punch and that was his last liiohns landed several good punches winning an unanimous decision Actually the Lcafsvgot the best of the penalties as James doesnt belong in the same league as Doug As the bcll rang at the end of one of the periods several players from both sides were scuffling around Beforethcy could be separated voice over the PA claimed For grand tasting energy food lead ing hockey players eat What matchmakch he is comm FIGHTS Speaking of matchmaking the Maple Leaf Gardens will be the location of couple of pro fights March Featured on the card is former British Empire Heavyweight boxing champion Dave Rent it will be Rents pro debut Hell tackle somebody named Emil Brtko of Pittsburgh Both boys are handled by two of the most exciting mane agers in the fight game Rent was brought over the waves by Al Weill the former manager of Rocky Marciano Brtko is managed by Jake Miniz the man who guided the fortunes of former World Heavy champI Ezzard Charles The cofeature of course features George Chuvalo the Elvis Pres leyJooking youngbeavywbu souldbecome asnotorious in boxing cir cles throughout thecontincnl His opponent will be or should be Walter Hater it was Hafer who was supposed to be Chuvalos opponent when George finally fought the substituteflor the substitute Hater too has some big names behind him the most popular being Gus Lesnevich former lightheavyweight champ of the world The pulp licilyrelease says liafer has been fighting since 1943 We hope he was just an amateur then JUST NOTES Don Emms who doubles in brass as recreational director at Strathroy and front liner for their Senior Rockets is closing out his best season since playing junior for Uncle Hap with few games left before playoffs Don is well out in front of the western league scorers with 57 points Collingwood Regalsnpset Palsley Maroons at Cpllingwood to get back into the Georgian Bay piaydowns after losingi two games Oakville and Georgetown will play hestofsevengplayoff series in the Metro Senior loop Mixed invitation Bonspiel Barrie Being Held Today Below is the draw for the mix ed invitationgbohspiel being held at Barrie Curling Club today oclock4A Greene0r Dr Gray llarkdale John Grant Unionvilie DBeauchnmp Welland Ken Langill Graven hursl Ken Crawford Cookstown Don MaeDonald Grnvcnhurst Gerry Brown Bola Barrie rinks Jack Hamilton Larry Hart Vern Adams Jack Kennedy Charles Kersey Dr Hamid Smith oclock60rd Sloan Gravv enhurst Wib Mark Bobcayfeon Clarence Kneeshaw Bra iord Eon McNabb Gravelihirrst Farr rBrampton Harold Wilcox Midland Jim Armstrong Hunts ville Bert James Lindsay Barrie rinks Harry Michie Harry Armstrong George Ken nedy Bill Mayes Mac Fendley RalphRobertson Three eightend games on plus system mama Mixno basque Noll Strikers 48 Jets4lCadil1 ilacs 39 Crackers 38 Ho1ziBarbsi 35 Queens and Drones 35 Atoms 35 Ernies 32 Madhatlers 28 iRoynlv Blues 27 Daredevils 27 Alsc026 Wiiositls 23 hacoons 120 Bluebells 16 Dominion Store 15 Lucky SiXis Misfits Feb 21 Results Crackers Misï¬ts Atoms Bacoons 0Jefs Whositts Ho ladBarbs Royal Blues Non Strikers Madhatters Cadil laes Bluebells Alsco Ernies Lucky Six Daredeviis Queens and Drones Dom inion fJacfk KJedy Ririk Win Main Event 3A1 Terniskaming venicm museum gangreneMayor Horace says steps are being taken toestablish museum here for motives and automobiles on the first event the Temiskamng Pharmacy Trio phy ver th past weaken in the annual bonspieiat Temiskamingr Th al curle memos long into Northern Ontario had vone game Friday nigh Saturday and three gt winning them In the ï¬nal for thefltrophy the def ledan RCMP entry from NorthBayskip ped by Magn early models of streetcars loco ReturnT for Fritiay hockey team that defeated the Ottawa Canadlehshe tight was nformahthe goal lead to Peterborough same club that blew or leafplace Petcrborough Petes Monday night But this time the play was dlfnoticaeabie on manpower The erent So much so that llteLOt awa crowd of about 2000 cheered vildly for the final 20 minutesjas to loss than seven pucks were dapped into the acts The gamc on the whole was landy The Flyers playcd accord ngly passing with unusual accur xcy and shooting the puck in the post dangerous direction the net At one point in the final ses iiou the llycra held an outlandish lead of Tour goals 741 At the con lusion however the Canadicns iparked by RalpbiBaekstrom and laudc Richard narrowed the mum to 76 The Flyers too had individual stars who stood out like sore humbs although all of the boys amc up with good efforts Bill Forhan with his second hat trick in three games and eight goals in thcsame number of con tests played his best game of the season Jimmy Josephson who picked up only couple of assists lohn Chasczewski Dick Cherry Murray Brydson and Murray Davis on played extremely good hockey The most pleasant game was turned in by Chasczcwski who has been under the gun for indifferent play of late The big fellow was really crashing them through the second and third periods and had the entire Ottawa Club look ing twice before trying to go around him Bothyclubshad regulars out of the lineup but the Flycra were really short although it wasnt Owen Sound Beat Barrie Cctge Game Owen Sbund SunTimes Owen Sound Bond Purple Raid ers whipped Barrie Merchants795 to 73 in exhibition basketball ac tion at OSCV1 gymnasium Satur day Simcoe intermediate chant pions and Barrie the Intermed iath champs gt The liaidcrshcld comfortable lead at halftime and held off determined bid by Barrie in the final frame The Raiders meet rm Erie inthe finals this Sat urday night at the OSCVI in the first game of atwogame total point series for the alloatarlo title Harry Singleton once again paced the winners with 19 points while John Gorham rapidly rounding into shape fired 15 points John Matheson and En Garvie counted 12and 11 points hooped five ield goals fromthe point Gord Kitchen returning1to action after an illness scored eight points all in the final hilt while BusBeare counted seven Cy Lemon who was honored with baby girl Saturday cored six although tagged with faint fouls John Olmstead scored fourpoints other three Bill McLerno Lou Nobavicka and Sam Sques did not seeaction Saturday night basketball players in this area effort in losing cause Jack free throw Doug Kettle presented Earl the trophy that Barrie has held for the pasttwo seasons symbolic of the Grey Simcoe hono Bond Raiders worked the ball well and at time looked like Fort Georgas with ntest turnof Gord Kitchenkthe Bond Raiders are back to full stre gth The Raiders play game in fort Bond Raidérsale GrayT respectively while Earl Georgns while rDon Morrisoa addedthe topped the game with 24point Canucks were with Jerry Wilson Murray Balfour and cicada Dum oucheln The Flycra werewithout Danny Patrickand Garry Edwards and iced only two lines and one extra many Backing up Forhana tremend ous effort other welldcserved goals wcrcpottcd byTom Black Dick Cherry Alvin No and Murray Brydson llabs markers camofrom the sticks of Claude Ruel Jeanflicard Ralph Backtrom Robert lions sean John unable and Claude Richard Whenlheliabs started to strike back the Flyera had potted four unanswered goals the winners turned to the defensive and at times held the puck for more than minute whilc the Habitants chased inhot pursuit With one minute and 14 seconds left luvthc game Sammy Pollock pulled his goaltender but the Fly ers cleared well and Ross Brooks came up with couple of timely saves Theres only one schedule con tcst loft on tbeFlycrs Agenda Thats VFridu night Vat home against the St Mikes Majors Continued play like last nights should make the Barrie boys pow ers to reckon with it could be They proved here last night that hard work really does pay off Barripggoal Brooks defence Chasczewski Cherry Aahbee Da vison forwards Forhan Brydsda Rolfe Kane Norrcna Jose We Black Ottawa Goal Hansen defence Pieard Longarini Buel Tardif forwards Johns Carroll Carter Riehari Backstram Trembiay Lamb Incas Rousscau Ann hie First Period Flyers Forhan Chasczewski liabs Picard Rousseau Backstrom Habs Backstrom Picard 1760 No penalties Second Period Hubs Ruel Annablc Picard Flycrs Black Eiycrs Cherry Fortan Penalties Forhan 320 Joseph son 702 Rousseau 56 for han 12 puncturing Third Period Flyers Brydson Josephson Flycrs NorrenaJoseph son Kan 548 shots on goal by Barrie Doug Kettle one or the best VEGLET that par look easy onthc free at niuuui selves Monday night bere when they tooka Head overthe Pat boroughPeta then dropped 84 decision Fortunately for the shorthanded Flycra the game was ofnoreal consequence For the Peiea and the 1438 fanson hand it wasa morale builder and allowed them to think that they were better than th lsitora even though they didnt make the playoffs Barrie took the lead of four goalain the vcry ï¬rst session when they made all kinds of gea tures like they were going to run uphinto double ï¬gures They out shot the Petes 169 in that frame and mlssedon numerous other oc caslona Billy Forhan who is striving to reach the 30point mark before the seasons cnd liarch picked up two goals in the first 20 minutes and had eight ï¬bula on goal in the sonic tenure He has 53 points as of Mom days game and has only two more contests in which to reach his goal For the TPT Poles as men tloned earlier it was great night Unheard of in the ï¬rst period the tans went wild each time the Pctes put the pack into the net and let up tremendous roar at the finish 0n the road to victory the Poles had everything going their way After the clock had reached the 20minute in the second stanza the Poles slipped puck into the cage and although the red light didnt go anthe officials allowed the goaL Pe rborough pucklanded behind Ito Brooks and immediately the goal judge put jon the light Everyone arouhd claimed the puck didnt even teach the goal line but the officials again then ise One of Forhans ï¬rst period tallies came on penaltyzabot after John Kowalchuck threw his stick at Forhan who wasmlies in the clear Billy didnt score on ular piayubut made it Wayne Connolly and John Kow alchuek scored two goals apiece for thePetesl George Montague and 13 Mahoney were fh other marksmen ADDED NOTE Fate fence Cbasczewskl Cherry Ash Earlicr in the same frame meeting far nomin atlohpf officers ol the Barrie fewer Squadron was held iathe Stuntman ryomsyat Harold Todds WedneadaynislIL The 1956 executive were highly commended nntbeir activities of thepast year and were askedto carry on for another teen Officer renomlnated were commode ed Giddens Ueut odd vimornmander LieuL ey first officer Lleut head secretary officials charge that they had averaged well over 000 fans per game Pat Casey the boy who allegedly gathoila under his arms when he perspired and who was sent to spend the winter in Mon treal made the allstar team in the Quebec Junior League Must play on outdoor rinks over there BARR th Bmoks dc HONEY BLONDE MARILYN HARRANG 20 of Eugenegrdres wascrowned Queen of theCana dian Rockies at fourdavainter earnivalln Banff Alta Sh in the only American among seven contestants bee Davisonforwards Forbaa Rolfe Black Josephson Kanet Brydson Norrenas PETERBORD Goa Adamson defence Parker bchIff Dunne Spencer Bud forwards Monta gue Babeoc Hamilton Connelly Mahoney Ertel Mason Thurlby Kowalehuck Black McCreary Flrstlerlod Flyers ltolfe Brydson 2ilyers Forhan Flyerg Cherry Chasczewski Flyers Forhan Cherry1ane Penalties Buda 538 Cherry 925 Park 1131 Black 1217 Kane 1609 Second Period Petcs Montague Spencer Petes Connelly Spencer Peter Kowalchuck gt Spexnicer 105830 hurstand Parry Sound Penatcs pencer ane 2031 Black and Erlci minor Oriï¬fahï¬aï¬gaincffl pmflml and major623 Connolly 1035 round Don Wyman of Crown Form 137 Chasmmk 183 hurst 135 inthesiirst round Doug ThirdPeriod Petes jMahoney Black Kowalchuek 10 Pelee Kowalchuck Mahoney Spencer 1138 Penalties Blackfljs Con nelly 904 Davison 1802 gt cr mu HéwMiéhieskips Barrie CollsfT9 Division Playoff Harry liftohics Barrimcotry of Emerson Webb lead Dr Fred McDowell second and Dr Harold Smith vice gt won subdivision of the 0ntarioCurlingAssocia lions annual Colts event in the playoffs Monday atOrlllia They now await Division playdown at Midland Colts haveacvcn or less years curling experience 531 Reg Miller was umpire 11512 rinks showed up at Orillia eight of them from Orillia one each from Barrie Bradford Graven 742 semiï¬nal and Dr Tre Echo of Oriilia 109 in the final All games were 12 ends That added up to 48 ends for the Barrie rink slarttngat aim andfinishing latter midnight 150 Bottomlcy of Orillia 1710 in the cide 1957 fees regainmeats le eral important changes from 1956 regulations nundalory purchase of company shares as arreqttlre merit for membership willfno longer be en orced but instead an initiation cvrill be levied agiinst neg membe Until May at an year the initiation fee vullnot ap plyto new member whowere shareholders previous to Janv 1957 and in the case of nonahue holderstile fee will he $2200 After initiationlfee will aegardlcss whether or not he dm 35f rs is will rerhaia magmas in 956 large playing mem bcifship for the coming year and alreadythedircctora are studying the sihillty of closed mem even before the end of This would require Lb establishment of waiting Applications are being accepted now and forms may be obtained from membenhip chairman Kmby Rivett irank Taylor and secre tary Hollishobinson some uncommon VCAMPAIGN Merrill 24 incnUSiva These newwasliersolfer you theJltmost in performance fond styling Neal and compact yet actually holding more clothes amuus Hydewirl actlon gets your clothes cleaner faster equipped with handyfront agita ator controland automatic tinI tiirnonucmti OFFER VCAuowaitonhs Timon IN 0N your 0w WASHER Vsouore typeihor Hy ro Swirl Washer pinto Beach HeaVy Dcsighed especially for is limited Completely equipped ing The large ovepis risulated matic ovenheat control INTRODUCING Tatum lt Burner tment odern planned kitchen where space cooking baki rcelain lined and has auto sesclAL FOR THE snorrms JflMgokié Viscount thher amnion 149597 Duty isrzeLR and broil secession soreness ier