nd Mm Rodlllndrvae intotheir new house nd Hrs Fred Haioske and ndl Mrs WestAlpine and daughter of Toronto were Satur dry visitors wiih Mrs George Al WA and W8 Meeting The United WA and WMS will meet Wednesday March at pm in the ehuch school room Community social The community weekly euchre onrbfundayFeb 18 had good it dance with tables playing tumour ula lake Br Ch Nerve Food 111 Vitamin ni no Blood Buildin Imn in Dr Chase at nod worktogutber to grid adyour sdheolih on re at able toy if you 323 an DrChIee NewToolkit the Inland It withgoodhuith on ed inlove with in oon ndentenugetihrudy to enjoy your imiiy your work your Tbuoonaryoo Mm you meleeithebentfitohhl Illround tonic Ivemay my aye youuf nn cHASIs NIIIVI noon Ladies lint prize was won by Mrs Judie hd In June Leonard low Mm Iviu Mens shPercy Davies 2nd Harry Thompson low Fred Mulholland group otloth ladies sen ed tasty lunch RinkNews Moody nightstroud and Brad ford Midgets played at Bradford The gIme ended in on Ale Wednesday night Stroud and Brad ford Bantams played at Stroud the locals winning +8 in the iIstgame thesix Slroud boys whoplay with Bradford Bantams in the North York League team cdup with Bradford to play StroudKnoclt combined Midget team This was thrilling game Combincs winning 21 Colin Sutherland Ciayion Ayrcs Ross Campbell Doug Lowery Paul Campbelland John Waniesshave becnjirndfords main scorers and on Saturday at Nobleton they de teatied Schomberg $3 to win the ï¬rst round of thc ploydowns 11o 0nSaturdIymoming the Angus Stroud games had to be cancelled on account oi softj icc There wasiots of tun on the rink Thursday night when alive To SAVE ORDER FERTILIZER Now Froin Simcoe CH1 Take advantage of the fol lowing early delivery dis counts $150 per ton for early de livery cash discount on deliv ery or generous payment plan available Quantity Discounts Dividends Trucking Allowance Order and Save SlM COOP 259 lnnisfil St mom mossii ivwr BEGINSITONIGHTON CKVRTV Channel 700 pm of Lancelot Theltqry of the légendary Knight of the Round Table defender of chivalryond hon our of crafty Merlin the magi cian andthe beautcous Queen Guinevere Pageantry action drainal Dont miss itl corontediby the inn ne week Sun me Troioln lla oyie Gie ï¬nale themomma and in tenant Mrs Beelbye room Ion the It at Bertllliholilnd Gang Buster Ind trend resulted in 34 yin for the ï¬remen Then tauntwar between the Firemen and Bill Wrights téImeIrned the Firemen lnother trophy They art now open for challenges or these trophies Home and School Meeuu The regular meeting of Strand Home and School Association was held in Stroud School on Wedneo day Feb 20 The speaker Mrs Fraser Sutherland gave com prehensive report of the recent course on program planning which she attended in Barrie The whole group then participated in bun session an interesting ex change of ideas on appropriate Stroud School and all those inter ested are invitedto attend Turkey Banquet Wednesday Feb 20 six ladies from here enjoyed the turkey han quet given in honor at marking the60th anniversary of the found ing of Womens institutes ar ranged by the BarrieWomens institute and the splendid pro gram prepared forthe occasion Bingo Fans number from here attended the Lakeland bingo held Saturday night in the Lakeland Hall Guides and Scouts Service Brownies Girl Guides Cubs and Sendai attended divine wor ship at St Pauls Church on $unday Father and Son Banquet Also father and sun banquet was held Friday night at St Pauls Church marking the 100th anniversary of Lord and Lady Badenlowoii Mr and Mrs DG Sutherland Brampton and Mrs An drew Hanovcr visited Saturday with their father it Suther land and other relatives LEARN FUNDAMENTAIS We wonder if conscript mil itia would be something more im mediater possible than con script permanent force Without diScriminalion thousands of cit izens would be required to know thclundnmcntals of warfare and each one would be more usetul immediately in an emergency St Croix Courier 3811le Legs It youre need with move theres my to keep your chair anti tnble ieu beautiful can as today for mm estimate on huwueAopmeo North American Van Lines move Mnximuln protection im an furniture Campbell Limited agents for North hm uicm Van Lines Moving and smma muton Ave Phone PA 66555 it Season Favorite sins nrmwaz gt PRINTED PATTERN With Printed Pattern sew ings easier than ever to make your favorite stcpin dress Novel yoke has new touch soft blousing in back Simtfle bodice easy fitting skirt ways flat wring Printed Pattern 1691 Misses Sizes 12 14 16 18 20 40 42 Size requires 4V4 yords 35inch fabric yard contrast Directions printcd on each tissue pattern part Easytense accurate assures perfect fit Send THlRTYAFlVE CENTS 35c in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER care of The Barrie Examiner Pat Toronto Ont WA and W5 Meet Regular meeting 01 Angus WA and WMS at Mrs Wests open icd by the president Mrs Lewis Hymn 354 Devotions by Mrs Harvey Robinson Tonic Abide In Me Hymn 344 Mrs lJetty Milne read from the study book on Korea Minutes read and adopted Ticasureijreportod Presentation to Mrs Clifford Duckworth on retiring as presi dent nfter three years of faithful service Roll call was answered by 15 numbers and one visitor March meeting at Mrs Eields Mrs Hodgins in charge of deVo tions Final arrangements were made with regards to the World United Church on Friday even ing March 8at730 Meeting closed with prayer gt TWINCALVES CUDwoRrii Sask CPlTwa sets of twin calves were born in the same week on the arm of Benny Kosher jSALES Pponruuirv ANCE SALESMAN EU OR PARTtTIME We require progressive appliance and heavy goods salesman of superior ahllitylfiir direct selling to customers in the home Excellent onpnrtu ity for volume sales and big commissions Liberal drawingtand mileage allowance Apply by letterooiy telling us about yourself All replies held FORAPPj in strictest con idence ï¬impsnnSeors Limited Toronto ATTN iiiii HOLEN SALES MANAGER marr 332 sinuous ExcuitsmNs V2 gt lOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY 10 Mill Kl APiilll tantra 15in Send order to ANNE ADAMS tern Dept 60 Front St West ed with theme followed by prayer Day of Prayer to be held in the iv ear To Go comiEnWILoVou HELEME ON WIT 1le volt isro 1th undated mythic are 353 still ï¬lik ï¬nnflyr ï¬ifhmiflfuiï¬ H15 2mm gï¬cu or We Visit YMOM ON iiiii 52m mom HAIR 0F EITHER its 9567 rooo LIKE YOUR MAMASAVS Tickets good goingon retuming some Sotordoy only Tm 333 EXCURSION FADES mom Todd draconian Barrie hilandalo Bradford Holland Landing Newmarket Aurora oowrt lonelyRood UM WW ThoRood Betw my Uxbrldge Stonflville gt Pentborn Sot