Wwthenudc menu contact acting based on mines noise preside use ramp Presbyterian Aid iiidog By Lonnie LETMERBY Coldwatcr Home and School Association will hold its regular meeting on February 21 den onstration scheduled for the meet ing had to be postponed Goldwater girls hockey team meet Wnubaushene girls for their lirst game in Coldtvator rink the night of Feb27 ItoElected President Mrs Locking was re elected president of St Andrews Presbyterian rChurch Womens Missionary Society for 1957 other allicers are lst vicepresident Mrs William Angus 2nd vice president Mrs Fell secrclray Mrs Andrew Dunlap treasurer Mrs Gordon Cooper Home Help els secretary Miss VEMcArthur Goldwater Presbyterian lr Wo mens Auxiliary has Min Edna Loney as president for 1957 Other offices were filled as fob lows Vicepresident Miss Kathe leen Stewart secretary Mrs Ken Hamilton treasurer Mrs Wylie committee chainnenWel came and welfare Mrs Canaan Rusell Bale Miss Kathleen Stew art literature and libraryliiss Kathiejen Galbraith Presldeni oi Ladles Aid In election of officers for 1957 Mrs Andrew Dunlop was return good man to See your Travel Agent Going places It pays to aetioxpertodvies from your Travel Agent Hell help you stretch your vacation money organize business trips orrongo your itinerary and hotel reservations See him soon other an theexcwtiva ls vieepresidcnt Mrs Stew art 2nd vicepresident Mr KcithEobinso secretarrtresmr er In Tucker flow com mlttcc Mrs Emilie In Locking and Mrs RJangmln lunch convener him Locking sale of cards in McArthur The Ladies Aid are making their fourth dutitnn nppliqued of Buffalo Later they will make fifth quilt for the some lady The members of the group have residents Library Achievements Achievements ot Caldwatcr li brary which have received atten tion recently are considered well deserved in the opinion of re idcnts of the village and distri any older citizens recall the early days of the library and take pride in the present building Goldwaters finest gem of archi tecture donated by the Sheppard family in memory of the late Mr andMrs Sheppard Sr There is an excellent supply at hooks and periodicals and the library is fortunate in having the services of Miss Lila McPhec who is an experienced librarian Mrs William Pheasant and the lie Miss Ethel Robinson were her immediate predecessors The original libraryscrvicc was provided on two occasions in rooms in the former Eplctt block for time in the Milan block and in the Parish Hall The first paid librarian was Miss Susie Belch who when last heard of was residing in Oshawa BARRIES AUTHORIZED TRANSCANADA AIRLINES AGENT BARBIE antitankton TRAVEL SERVICE 102 DUNLOP ST PA Chalicngin employment combines wnn valua ie expcnenoe and uain ing in Caonaida Regular Army The hes 9n in haps Hide tramlo be eader You get taste oireal adven ture haveachanoeto makelifedong gt friends with ï¬ne men young enthusiastic cut above average Alter three years you make your choieefto leaveor stay and make careerwith advanmment truinin and variety Find out about on Canadas better careersno obligation three greatest ears yrllite asses 449th 90 Richmond Street Walk Toronto Ontario can In no bun III HIMIll Army Information Centre CANADIAN ARMY Homericz Com 90 Richmond Street West Toronto Ontario Telephone Empire 68341 No smear cnor HIGH sNERGY Chick Starter is the best feed available on the market todnyi If you want replacement flock that you can be proudof start your next chicks on Coop Chick Starter and see the results We recommend feeding Coopchickstarter for the first eight gt weeks as it pays to feed high rate nutrition to lnsure good feathering and good frame Sprinkle Chick Grit on the feed for the first three weeks then have it available free choice for the next twenty weeks or until the pallets are housed in the laying pens Coop Chick Starter is madeofa crumhlcdchick premix and cracked grains so that it is not necessaryto feed chick grain separately Cnilin today for complete programme on rearing yo poitltryfloclr on restrictedfeeding programme Fora lengthy period the late Mrs Harry Porch acted as librarian who sometimes received gift of money at Christmas from library supporters Among volunteer librarians were Mrs Sheppard lilrs Eplett Mrs it Woodrow Mrs Charles Robinson Mrs Millard and Mrs Eplett In the early days of the library at Coldwoter there was little recreation available There were no set hours and patrons came and went at will enjoying the reading material provided and also playing checkers an addi tional pastime which proved an attraction Crucial Stagc Future ot Coldwater Commun ity Centre has reached crucial stage Fund raising efforts have come to the point where the centre executive igvuppealing to Cold water and neighboring municipal councils for assistance by deben tures to help finance new com munity building An indication of the prospects lini this direction will be gained at the next meeting of Goldwater Council when Walter Orr and Andrew Duniop of the Commun ity Centre Council urge deben ture issue Ithas been proposed that $25000 could bt raised by Goldwater imposing 10year mill debenture and Matchcdash Tay and Medonte townships issu ing similar debenture for mill As only parts of some neigh boring townships might benefit especially by eentraat Cold type for Mrs Ramsey Wheeler made many quiltsfor outoftown Leammualtsbulldlnemse no ads of $50000 There would be $10000 gran abl from the Ontario goiteramen Steps ding up to the present have esla ished the fact that the old rink convertedwould he un satisfactory is centre ns it is located one part got the fair rounds Whlch is flooded every spring Stuart Reyes Drillin ear glnecr presented plans for con vertlng the old rink without charge and also otfe it his nLi vicel free on canstructio Other townscentre buildings havebeen visited and Goldwater Centre representatives have seen plans of the type of building they think would serve best for gthis ares Decision has been reached that And dont aitfor not year before you clue and neg us ive Willdo cost through taxes maybe determined by concession lines North orlllia Township and ter by $10000 gilt from the estate the late DrW Boyd The bulhofDrr Boyd bequut is retained at an investment the interest on which provides for up keep otthe grounds Goldwater Community Centre was formed following general meelln of those interested held on In 1951 Council passed thenecessary bylaw and repre sentativco wereappolnled lrorn principal organisationlid the com munity The groups representcd made donations to provide initial fund Etiey hovering at North ARiver was the her chairman and Chester Martin has served contin uously from the start as secretary trcasurcr Walter Orr of Foxmcad is the Appointmentr for threomnmn ity Centre Council for insI he in be proposed byrorganinlippt tourLunatics unsure is out BUSINESS Closing business annulusnutshedrhoppingz Or just dining with friend Youll love the large selection of fine foods coup ieousscrvice congenial atmosphere and very reasonable prim nmnsc noon orsn tzoo 200 pan SANDWICHES snesnav Milne mercy ro voun rnsrc QUEENS HOTEL 94 humor 51 mom Ms24m AP PLiCAiIONS XCCEPTED lloney Harbour area resldents would probablyrwish to shsrcythe use of newbullding also has been suggestod and may be asked for support Doubt has bcenexpressyed by those working for centrehuildr ing that suftioienimoney could be raised without large part coming from debentures it has been stated that it the mun ipal lties contribute buildin ould become reality as the balance needed could be obtainedby gov urnment gratin donatiohs from organizations and individuals and through proiccts in aid of the centre Considerable in vulum tecr luborandmzileria ould be forthcoming it has already been assured Coldwatcr Council is ands the present key to thefinan air problem Residents outside =tha village say their councils gore waiting to seelwhatf cadv Cold water is prepared to Whe enthusi ts for new building are urging action toget construction going as soon as pos lhe proposedgbullding should be located at the northerly cndol the community centre ground between adrailtage ditch and the CPR tracks The community centre grounds are already established The take in the in ground and co non anosn can Cfllcxs ivocumo chutes MASTERBRAND MEDICATED liilitill KilliMS lï¬ app wigs or ADOPTION ot CHILDREN ouawlo 416 years old lhcreare many children from to omes class who am ready tube adopted are needed for these children now Because of their agareligion racial origin or hyaicai handicap homes arenot easy to End security for these children will come from permanent home This program does not ply to infants since the demand for them or exoeeda the number of intent availablo for adoption if you an marrud couple interested in adoption of an older or years ego You must be in and daily capable of Chllds future Your personal oter homemalun ability and capacity to meet the needs child requiring special oaro are implanant factors in the placementvoi these trons for ado tion of the follow ing childrenan other older or mndifap childrenshould be directed and heal for the you should he node him brown hnirnnd yu iniatar of Public Waifare Typical of thnehlldrln looking Ipannanonl adaption humour pretty little blonde Protestant girl who in years obiShe need good home and patient understanding pmntr because she is nupustlc and mustwcnrn brace on one iegFnrtunntely herchnncu ofanmedny walking without brace nre promising Rut lhe truth attend therapy china every week Ihe aunt be in homo near clinic This little girls greatest need now in forlove and ltTection as part of permnnent family Two goodlookihg brothers who am nnd yam old They are Roman Catholic able to speak both English and French Both boys with bright pemonolitieh to match their healthy physiquni They need good penanth where they can he accepted together its part of the family YourLocolChildmhsAid scanty devotes its time and energy to serving the interg water those contributing towards sible when interest is high if past experience is criterion Cold water Council might consider request for substantial financial aid should go to vote afthe GIVE IT ram shown co mono minnow ammo Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario em of children and your community nmttmsttr as panic Elihu on tools ECocilo oci4msm CHICKS Hurehesgcmrnrieasx Weekly Leghorn RJ Redï¬harred Barred Rock Light Sussex and New Hampshire New Hampshire RJ Redv dz Columbia nam Columbia Rocks and New Hampshire gt Columbia hacks owe recommendDeKalb for the poultry man that is inter ested in eggs only and Arb our Acres White Rocks for meat only nothing like them 0ur prices are right and we deliver right to your bra house Contact usnow by Phonih PA 82982 Rocks Barrie Farm supply 17V Mulcasterrst itsa Its Not Jim Cali Youre Feeding acteristics gt SLlrtyour calves on SHURGAIN duringtile ï¬rst week of age cost you far lessthan by feeding milk if you have some good grain particularly good oats wecan make an economical calf rationofor youby balancing it with SHURGAIN calf Stamix Concentrate Decider now to enjoy thradvftnhg SHUR AINC HILLsnALEjIftgouni succiwumm and youll see for yourself how well they developand it will Business has been booming eve since car buyers learned the good news about Buicks easywrench prices The reason plentyof money where you get more for yours mndz luko rodmlrtass This brand new chassis nests passengers plenty of room Take Theres wonderful new readability new ease of handling with Buieks new low Buick pqu homo give center of gravity chass lakeiperformnce Theres the most powerful V8 engine in ii VSPECIALjnnals and an advan acuiNariable Pitch Dynallow So come1dr the bigtcar thats causing wouldbe small buyers Sta sit up and takehoticc Seey rr Dylath not build today It is right on mm 51¢ nmr Clnhoj npziunii madm or rulen Spain