turntitan masons mm Tea atTriniryj Conservall Book With South East Asiar The February taeeting some Womens Missionary Soclety of St Andrews Church was held last Wednesday afternoon in the la diea parlor with Mrs Simpson Womens Speaker lDeplores Destruction Of 93 resources of Canada were formed and how man in so my tale baa played havoc with them wantonly desire yin aomuch he couldnt use Irish Programs In North Simcoe LAddresses papm um and in my lokea dealing with St Patricks Day and elections of officers will be featured at meetings of North Slmcoe District Womens Institute hunches during March Pro that the day unnot ti Boll home and country Roll call callWhat would do if were an impromptu speech Program 21 again ngranhcommunlty activities and public relations Eleetdon of officers Lunch Mrs LeahemJlnJ Game Mm Charlea Ranklfl Mil Leahey MeldufMarch 13 Convener Mrslloyd Russell Motto Be fore you try keeping up with the election of officers VaaeyMareh Hostess Mrs Nelson Edwards Home econ omics Motto wilting heart lighten the task Roll call Some improvement Ve made or would like to ma eln my home Program paper on house Nearly 150 ladlcs attended theeandidatevfnrhimcoo East in the afternoon tea given last Thursday lastf dominion election addressed at Trinity Parish Hall by the the group Barrie Womens ProgressiveC Stressing that the historical pol The Biblez€adlpg was taken by servative Association icy of the Conservative party has Mrs Macaw Psalm 103 and Convening thctea was Mrs lt always been to preserve andde prayer was offered by Mrs Noble assisted by commit yelop Canadian resources for the purrle lt ice composed of Mrs Bun benefttyof the Canadian people Mrs McCaw gave an Interesting ton Mrs Lowe Mrs Ken Dr Rhynard said that when the report on therBarrie Preabyterial Cbantler and Mrs Charles Me Canadian National Railways was held in Allandale last month Martin built Sir John Macdonaid Mrs Evitawson gavelthe The anan began with fought for and achieved public topic introducing the new study business meeting conducted by ownership During the recent book The Churcth South East the sump Drama Mn pipeline debate the Progressive Asia by Rajah Manikam and chcr Smith after which Mn Conservative opposition again Wlnburn Thomas Mrs Raw wanen wag and Mrs urged public ownership but were son was assisted by Mrs Currie Lowe mak megr pines um defeated bythcliberal majority and Mrs James Formon All am 98 mm pm and with the result that most of the members agreed that the book Was served pmltlls titï¬entopxiiseuwill shouldube most helpful and in gooenrc ciensote niormave uzflegonggde IEhEBatigxgrds as ed States The meeting closed with the Hal Progressive Conservative The natural resources of Can singing of the hymn What ada vast as they are will not last Friend We Have In Jesus and forever Our neighbor to the The Lords Prayer south has already run through her own resources and is now buying up ours by pouring in money for their development it our government allows this to continue the day will come when we have nothing left to sell and still have to pay out dividends to the owners in the United States Again going back into history Dr Rbynard mentioned the pro gressivo policies that had always been followed by the party it was under the Bordcngovcrnment that the womenwere first given the franchise he stated and also under that government that the first labor minister was appoint cd Underfthe Bennett govern ment thctBC was set up Answering the frequent charge that the Bennett government was responsible for the depression of Lhe 30s the speakcr said this is simply not true No govern ment could have prevented the cleaning hints Contest by Mrs George Hawke WarminsterMarch 20 Host esa Mrs William Johnston Moi to When looking for faults use mirror not telacope Roll call anlrish joke Program election of officers WaubaurheneMarch 20 At institute HalL Motto March comes in like lamb goes out like lion Roll call sing say or pay Program anglrlsh joke lrisb akiipapercommunity activ grams subject to change were arranged or follow Coldwater SrMarcb Host ess Mrs Herb Motto individual contrlbution will build or ruin branch Roll call Written ideas mottos and roll calls for next cars programs Program Repo of conveners election of officers current eyents Lunch Mrs 011 Polk Program paper by convencr of inghorne Mrs Brown Vcsomtï¬unity activities Mrs Gerald Coldwater JrMarch Host 13 Mrs mm uughum Duo North RiverMarch Hostess itiea and publicrelations Speak hp 01 the morning to youy Ru Mrs John Fell Motto We live er Lunch committee Mrs 1L payment of to program for God and truth and right for Roshorough Mrs eozgc Prlc presiding in the absence the president Mn All Me noon The mactingopened with prayer and the ringing of psalm Natural Resourqu The regular meeting of llollowa Womens Institute was held last Wednday at the homeof Mrs Wright with 14 members pres cat The president Mrs Carr was in the chair Roll call 1avcrse containing the name of flower was an swered with many lovely little poemancluding quotation from Shakespeare Tha motto was Every privit ege hasa responsibility Com ments by Mrs EJVrigbt gave the members food for thought Letters of thanks were read for gifts received The branch was pleased to but the secretary Mrs Evans back again Mrs Carr pre sented Mrs Evans with the cus tomary baby spoon and congratu latlons Following the presentation Mrs Wrightpresented Mrs Carnwiih LTV lamp on behalf of the members and Mrs Smith followcd suit with TV lamp for Mrs Carr Mrs Sid Wright told hath no to how wrry the members were to lose them from tho Hollows Wl branchand wisbcd them haplt piness in thcir new homes in Cookstown Hollows loss will be Cooksiowos gain The meeting was in charge of Mrs Wright convenormf agri culture and Canadian industries It heart contastconducted by Mrs Rumble was won by Mrs Wright Mrs Rumble then gave most interesting paper on the founding of the ACWW and its growth into its present import ant international position Mrs Wright contributed an informative article on the natural Joneses find out where they are going Roll call wear something green or pay ltkent fine Pro gram business meeting MoonstoneMarch ti Hostess Mm Carman Robinson Motto You may not he star but you need not be acloud Rollnll wear something green tell an lrish Joke orpay llvecent fine Man ha eauaedthe extinction of the once numerous passenger pigeon and other birds are al mostyeatlnct through wholesale killing in other ways man has been guilty of destructionol na turca bountiful gifts cg Potlu tion of waterways eausing the death of thousands of lth and making the water unfit for use At the present time theCan adian and US gavernrbenu are doing much towards conscrvlng the natural resources of North America Mrs EDalca conducted con tcst won by Mrs Carr after tie Lunch was served by the hos tess and lunch committee Crown Hill WI Plans Banquet For Anniversary The February meeting of Crown luhivoggl cansgilflmahï¬l EadyMarch 13 liostcss Mrs Beverley Walker Motto Far on Thursday evening Feb 14 Roll call Say something nice to lg dds 100 ETCEIIJ Mrs the person on your right and Hawke ltoll call Insh the motto was Let me give so if ï¬ftdmg Program Elee much time to the improvement 1995 myself that should have no tinge PhenlgmlEllflfCh 2L Hostess to criticize others Twelve mem ddCOMbE ï¬lth convener Mrs lvens Motto zsislndh°° mm were pres Courage is fear which has said its prayers Roll call tell on Mrs Haraldswitzer citizenship msh joke or my mum mm convener introduced Mrs ltoy Lunch Mrs Mush Newmr Weak hhï¬s mil Puddicombe Mrs Pzikerm who gave wort on education and its advantages Grelrdr°h 13 Hasmssx Mrs Godfrey Motto If you gï¬lflguwlï¬ mark Izmhdy cannot work with the construction Tu hostess were Mrs gang dont ivork with the wrak crs ltoll call suggestion for SW and Mrs Thompson improving the Institute Pro gram election of officers Wl Enferfains Hillsdalhltiarch 26 Hostess Mrs Ganton Motto Like School Children sunshine after Easter glad ncss comes Coins Corners Womens lnst gm 11 pro itutc entertained Cains and ï¬rm for the year Lunch Mrs owaMrCTh Bethcl school pupils at Bethcl amps Schon edricsday call HobartCnrlcyMarch 13 Host Das and Donts of Traffi Laws ess Mrs ll Heard Motto Every hour is the last hour because we was answered by 18 members and cannot live it Roll call agnumbci of Visitors an lrish joke or writ signs wï¬re made lfort abeuï¬hll tcn suggestion for next years pm an misce aneous sn ram olcc at the home of Mrs Rodney on on mu5 my Friday evening March 15 Pro Ross Street Barrie Ontario ment of fees JarrattCrei ht céeds will be for Institute work on MalCh 12 7A motto Rest not beneath the Tree of Knowledge climb it was election of officers Contest CoulsonMnrch 13 Hostess Mrs Wells Public relations Mrs Lloyd Walker convcner Motto Honesty promotes the best of public relations Mrs Hudgins Roll call Wear some thing green or sing whistle or dance Program St Patricks Day reading Auction sale Lunch committee Mrs Cooke Mrs Hudgins Mrs Frccbctte Mrs Wells prusures of world finance from affecting Canada and in any case the depression began in it when Mackenzie King was in power 0n the subject of old age pen sions Dr Rhynard said that every Conservative would agree that $40 month is pittance on which no one can live at present day prices and the pension ought to be raised He strongly criticiz ed however the cynical attitudc of our present government in waiting until just before an elec tion to attend to this pressing need of our older citizens The speaker then paid tribute to the fine humanitarian char actor of the partys new leader John Diclcnbaker In conclusion he urged his lis tencrs tohcip bring back govv emmcnt bythe peoples elected rcprcsentativm rather than by the cabinet byworking for the Progressive Conservative party in whatever waythcy were able FillIE SEWING lllSllllllillllllS Elna Sewing Centre is now enrolling classes for instruclt tions to commence March 4th Please mollnttachcd coupon Niagara loans range from $50 In $l250romotlmu maul Uh Inaumncl Available Name Address Particular sewing interests IOANU r3 THE WILSON amtomo Phone PA 84640 CHANGE or OWNERSHIP savrz on new understand there in no enrolling fee and that do not havctownanEln lod was led by Mrs Vaugh ft Sewlns Machine an whortookas her subject The Whole Armour of God Mrs Gillham read the scripture lesson solo How GreatThou Artwas rendered by Mrs Orval Dobson The speaker for the afternoon was Mrs Harry Armstrong Chris tian stewardship convener of Simcoe lircsbytcrial Taking as her topic Christian stewardship she cautioned the ladies that it wasnt so much what their talents were but what they did with them that counted Ways that all Day bf Prayer Service Will Be Held March The February rncetingof Cent ral United Church Womcns Missionary Society was held on Thursday at the home of Mrs Brenn It was chaired by the president MrsWalter Cook who Titan legitimate Elna Sewing Centre Mott The years tench much HOOVER You can save plenty today on the purehnseof famous Hoover ConstellationlThisisthezleon er with the amazing Douhld Stretch Hose the large throwaway dirt bug the reported on arrangements made for the Womens World Day of Prayer service onrMnrch at Emmanuel BaptistChurch An invitation was extendedto all to attend gt Roll call was answered by26 could be stewardsoi the church were explainod by the speaker Summing up she usedthe words tDemands my soulwmy flifer my all votc ofthnnks was extended to ltirs Armstrong by road by Mrs Harry Martsbridge Donna Duncan gave brief talk on Founders Day lamshort programvpreparcd by MrsuGordon was well presented by Bethcl pupils and music was supplied by the school children AEXI COMM6 Mrs Cecil McMulkin Following the was served Mr Culham shoï¬ved threeonjoy able films one dealing with safe ty ALLY nor members repeating verse from the Bible containing the word ETrcasure Thc dcvntional per smooth quiet power genuine Hoover carrying complete factory guaran tee bul at new low pricel Order soon NéW so ONLY 97 779107 closing hymn tca Springsthcsenson of change and this spring youll find that tlich fashion changes are manyind exciting with special lntcrcstvln softer more flattering lines and feminine ladylike air To bring your ward robc up to date and to get in the mood of the new season com welcome beautiful spring here Youll love ourlovely new coat back interest flattering lines fine wools tweedscashmcrcs exciting spring colours findthem all and more in our Spring coat group Suits suits suits And look what you get big wonderful seA lection of newest styles fitted and boxy fine quality fabrics really good tailoring beautiful beautiful colours All this and amazing low prices too Hurry in new and choose yours Its always fair wra ther in one of Simmons and Cmpanys wonderful all wéa fiber coats that look so smari youll be wearing yours in cv cry kindvof weatherr Come in now and see our huge selection of new Spring fashions includ ing skirtshlousesetc WW illlllllllEltdp 2i humorist 35511 SdOHS SHOPPNG girdles and Ipontle girdles curm will he gloriousantl notion for3o new allureanew glamour our ï¬gure will have ms of line Ye Ir Lz is so its smart to rodeo its