am nAIuIIE Exam summon Florida Trip Mr and Mrs Tom Belland Mr and Mrs Glenn Gilchrist of Barrie and Mrs Vie Bell 01 Hawkutune lelt last week on trip to Flori Commume Sympathy Sympathy ls extended to the lamin at the late George Shelsi well who passed away Saturday evening natuma in Tomato Mn Brooke bal returned to Toronto at apen week with her aughtera Hrs Grant anlord and Mrs nelly and tamllles Weekend tuTbrnuta Miss Frances Harrison spent the weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs Orton Newton and family visited her parents Mr and Mrs Morrison Baysvliie on Sunday WI Meeting The Womens institute will meet at the communlty hall on Thursday atternoon at 230 Hawkestone and Argyiewlilen atltute Ira Ritchie ante In BeltMn Howamcmpw Guthrie be the Mrs Wiiiiam Scotti visiting Mr and HrLEarlgswtt Hitcheii Mr andhlr and son an visitedhlrs$and Sr at Peterboruaver the weekend Rotarian Speagks On Chiropractic Rotarian Velteh spoke to members otBarria Rotary Club on Thursday Feb 14 on hu lab as chiropractor The pro lesslnn based their work on the principle that the nervétsystem the states theproper functioning of body While the beneï¬t at such Heat was Zwell known in the lys Hypocratas it was rediscover redby Canadian born Dr David Painter ln 1895who carried out most of hit research and study in Dr vcltch Iiiustrated what could be done by proper chlro praetlc treatment with largoslze Xvittlph0tas in concluding his tall the speaker advised The the lifeline so keep it IF ITS NOT CONVENIENT TO SHOP DIAL 85539 THIsIs ECONOMY PLUS LLYKER s7IHIswEEK sgsnvmos NEws NEwls FOR STYLE cousclous WOMEN MISSM JUDD madam Corsetlerre will be in attendance at our Foundation Dept Thursday Friday and Saturday Drop into the store Miss Judd will be pleased to help you with inundation problems ARE YOU LOOKIqu your YOU WONT WANT TO Miss fiissr msr QUALITY SEHMLESS MESHIIIIIIIIS Once in whilewe stumble onto terrific buy and this is one Youll want them pretty stockings because at glance youll see they are not ordinary Always sold at higher price to select clientel heres your oppor tunity to buy several pair at terrific saving THIS IS TERRIFIC sALE 0E wnnrus BETTIE BESSIE REGULAR 10 1395 We need hthe room to Incomingjpring stock so ereayour nucc securen gt No AT Winsome rock atia hemaction ol the usuai price Most isses and women all SALE PRICE es in the lot Theyre vcry attractivejin dccd MANY COLD DAYS AHEAD BUY THESE NOW SAVE Please dunube misled by the low price we lind thatwe have hundred pair or so better gloves on hand values to $150 so were uttering them at price that is rather riiiy However here they are come and get them and save some money Colorlui and pretty these dainty prints will cheer your windows spring days ahead SALE PRICE 79c WE CAIIIIY READY TO IIANG VENETMN Buan BUY FOR THE CHILDREN BRING YOUR MEASURE SAVE THEM IE YOU LIKE FOR NEXT YEAR IlIE PRICES ARE LOW GIRLS IIIIIIIMWIIIIIA GLIIIIES SALE tew pair while this line otter lasts its very 54 worthwhile dont you think mil NOT EORGmINETHE oLoER BOYS THIS IS ECONOMY PLUS STIIIIIIY LINED rJEIIIIS The regular price is $398 yousavc 09 On SALE each pair Walkers try always to have top quality goods and these leads are no tion Shop today and save money SIZESFOR BOYS T0 16 YRS 7V STRETCHEE SOCKSIHAVE SOLVED gt THE SIZE QUESTION IN SOCKS Boys Wool Stretcheeiis These arerliarvéy wovndsSOOIIs for active SALE boys tovmyrsq pleasing colors fancy de signs Regular price is $100 So see whatyou save Built Sturdy or hard school wear SMARTENUP YOUR BEES WITH BATES HOMESPUN SPEEAUS MOTHERS Look BEBE IIIIYS IIIILIIII IIILLIWIIIIS REGULAR 498 Sizes M012 fancy brown fleck good quality sleeve puilovers washable 45 mom witha linenlike wcave idealvtor drug as skirts sportswear Its new its terrific SMART COLORS white navy celeste brown sandonn pink lime melon black Usually sold around 89c these gloves are an end of season bargain for glris Snap up REGULAR 2283 FAMOUS NAME nnEssf AT FAMOUS LOWEIICE TROPICANADRESSES The women of Canada never tire of these smart tropicanna dresses every group we get in seem smarter than the last partleuinrily smart tropicana dresses every group we get everybody 12 to 24 LWont you drop in pleaSe youll be glad youdid HUGE PATTERN STOCKS 0NHANI Housman McCALL AND sImLICITv ABOUT FOR SOME THING T0 SMARTEN Noun KITCHEN WINDOWS WELL BEBE IT IS CHEERFUIL HOWABOUT YOUR WINDOWS MADAM nacuum one WALKERS ARE SHOWING Walkers arc featuring decoratlve spring window rash ns youll be pleased at the attractive fabrics Walkers can show JIOLTS BOLTS 0F FABRICS lentured in our newly en you at an economy price Shop this week AND larged attractively displayed Dress Goods Department conic at Walker Stores in now and choose materials for asmart Spring wardrobe NE BOYS Willllill REG 19c and 119 98 Forbgyséyrstoilï¬ SALE SALE yrstisisaquo snnp buy act quiek 50° 299 AUTHENTIC TA ANS PM gt MOTHER KNOWS AND NEWCOLORFUL PLAIDS VERY WELL Wonderluiiy washable run 57 width ideal rm skirts ONCE IN LONG WHILE OPPORTUNITY 23 um crs owns ppm car Eon MISSES AND WpM FOR SPRING AND AUTHENTIC TAnTANs SUMMEIITIME Buchanan hchinnon Stewart Beatrice Crawford Gordon and gt host of striking plaid designs gt Righttuday please dOnt of Walkers Coats are doing the dis unnï¬Ã©s For appearingdnctija if vex1y ial coats still to be sold Look at the isxflRTs SUITS ETL priees an ac qu REGULAK 98 1298 rhuga wfoloLs Emilio 57w2dlh featuredi rich plain 39 lt59 ea eigc ye nw pin rose sand copper avn cado black brown navy DIAGONAL TWEEDS 54 width in smart wine or East of Beauties green mixtures and attractive overeheck plaids To Choose From 19 YD 398 7450 498 Rayon TweedE IHams Smart nc shades of brown grey green teal and wine 54 INCII WIDTII tamarind Inotxs JUST ONCE mailman SPECIALS 25 arr BiliES SPiliiil PANTIES 17Ame REG 995 FOR Satin stripe knit rayon panties pretty pastel coi izesSlML buy THIS ITEM WE NEvEE HAvE EN uc THERES N0 BLANKET VALUE LIKEI lt ALL KENWIIIIII wooL we sell these with confidenceto the particuiar people we know from exp 16 theré are warm long long wearinngooi binnke MISSES ANI WOMENs gt qualityis the theme Take peek at them this wéekend and FAMOUS NAME BRAND SANFOIIIZEU Every woman knows e1IOX vorlon 368 these sweaters this weekiiutbetter still STOCK REDUCTIOV SALE same money pairimo SOMETHINE OUT of THIS ELANET Dillth jcnmimms overytl its mentioned people realize try few on youll adore them really EARNIGANS tors FtiiiiiS running 3hr 100 pair 600 MOE CLAIRE CREPE THE SLIP THAT GIVES SUCH SATISFACTION EVENMICKEY THE MOUSE THIS ITEM IS RED HOT mgf $298 embroidered at top verysmart nice fitting slips at bargain Newstnék large Ize pie ing ra nt colors andmadamyou save $2qu eyery spread We think IISvWDIIIIWIIII dont yoults time to buy and save SALE FEATURE 237