printham mwï¬ï¬ï¬nasmu 1051 team HELP WANTED QUALIFIED BOOKKEEPER tiust be able to take care at Iou set boon Excdllcul mflln III with iuiure PA 82045 lIflu fGIRLS TO TRAIN FOR TEACIITNO Iiurt be alert and wiuilig to learn 11m JOhN CAluucx SCHOOL OF CllAliei Owen stret PA mi CLERK STENOGRAPHER required by modern Lila Insurance omce Shorshsnd gtuseliilll soay week employee hcnents Phone PA 85981 gt 12213 TOOL AND DIE MAKER FOR SMALL INDUSTRY Must be experienced in tooling tor IIIs hlnmpan EXCELLENT OPPORTUNiTY Eon IIIGHT MAN APPLY CANADYIET CLOSURES conNIzn lDllN ANNE sTs nnnmp ONTAnlo 142M FEMALE Soles llclr wanted or retail starts Box 81 liars Examiner I5ll Nu COOK male Ior construc tslggoioli Apply Iiox it Danie Ex arnlncr IzzZa PEItIENcED Dookkce cr Apply to TEEXL Crows Co Ltd Dunlap St west Barrie 11213 sEmPEE required by adult onus niEPlee in Apply to Mr Laing 74 lligh st Phone PA 841ml Ildzi ted to care iar preschool gtlldANhntln assist with housework while mother teaches school Apply to Ilolgate st Phone PA Monti AVON PRODUCTS have openings in Barrie and vicinity Tor capahle ladies who have tour hours day to spare Write Miss Harlan Towers Apt loo Nil Wilson Avenue Toronto 12 Out 12123 iAN wsrll cnn Would you like to Increase your weekly income 20 to 25 or more during your spare tima selling nnwleigh products to consllm ers in Barrie Write ltawlelgh Ella241 Montreal PQ IITO INEUIIES to the ambitious Deal us an Income at $50 to tls per week in selling irom door to door our 22a wellknown products Interesting com mission Specials ttith lree pruducls 20 needed lITo Dept 5m St Hubert Montreal 12223 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Man or wo man la take over vacantwatkins Route in Dorric Nothing to invest No exporlcncemedesanry as we train you lilinimurn earnings 50 weekly Iilslg Pu Fs 65135 rec on sea 350 IIsrzsw Dept i22 EXPEIIIENCED ClerkSlcnngnipller re quired ior interesting position in local oillce Must be luily qualiï¬ed in shorthand Thlails conï¬dential posi tion in pleasant surroundings Goad salary and working conditions Full employee benellts Apply Box 46 Dan rle Examiner 12112 MEN WANTED to manage independ ent dealerships in rural localities steady repeat business selling estab lished nationally advertised products necessities tor both home and tom No capital or experience required For particulars without obligation write today to the It Watkins ca 350 st hoch st lioni sl Quebec EXPERIENCED DealesSalesmsn want ed lor this territory Aluminum Win dowDoara Awnings Siding Slpel Car Parts and other home improve ment items The man we want must be good on specialty sales and have ability to take over lheterrliury and organize It as potential branch man sger Pienty or scope to right man Send rlull particulars age no barrier to Box 40 Barrie Examiner 12012 IIazsw 5E0asAIE RUBBER STAMPS MADEmanna WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE UNW Ell Lu WALLPAPER SPECIALS PER ROLL 359 39C 45C 49C 59c ROOM LOTS FEATURED AT BARGAIN PRICES ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 Dunlop St East PA 2431 119 wasnizna all riced at genus lolil Electric lava Dunlap St East hone PA mi 722 USED DELAvAL Milking MIEIIIIIE complete Phone Lelroy mtg USED Tl SETSau makes and mod els Ai condition from 935 Epieits Electric Dunlap st East phone PA ML EUDGIE Breeding Cagcs also Fish Aquarium Phono New Lowell Jill Curly Shepper Tawnllne next to the 122 SNGLE DED ring nd mattress Bookcase glass oor may also serve as Chg cabinet ï¬hnine r01240 alter nu ay 72022 ELECTRIC Iiamlnerrnili or Chopper Little hesver brand new 5315 locket lleatcr lar hentlng water tank May hs seen alter pm Phone PA 07190 13 PORTABLE Air Compressor with on gino hoses guns Mullen pressure raint pot ideal tol painting bulld hgs Apply Shanahans Garage Phelp sto Phone Eimvnie lrM 71223 MOUNTED Clr Iindio head suitable lor 55 Fold sunbeam Eicctrir Razor rnans suit and spam Jacket size as short All in excellent condition Phone PA I459IIitcr pm 72022 miLlGlll Floor Lamp in Pood condi tion Walnut Desk glass top lull length drawer and side drnwcrs also Collee Table oval shape Duncan Phyic legs NS Cadrington Si 72zti USED FURNITURE Euys 166 Beds 340 one with bookcase henrdhoard 40 Eed only $5 Bed complete sis Kitchen cabinet Kitchen Tables Euliet and china cabinet in beauti lui walnut ilnish Studio coach and Chair 845 Chcstorllelds 820 Chairs 510 chromo Kitchen Table Used Dres ser Clarks Home Furnishings ia Blyfleld St 712 WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID Ior SCRAP METALS BATTERIES Phone PA 66331 01 PA 66487 We also hell ll bum all channels In Ireiliiorcing maaITI INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dunlap st West Ferndaia Phone PA 68331 or PA 87204 mu Barrio MeiciIG Salvage SCRAP IRON METALS ms REES RAGS BATIERIES LIVE POULTRY flailis°sllii iihduma Phxllo Elmo Ela ex em MAXHPUSHKOFFS AND COMPANY Yardarid Office 204 Turin St sasu POSITIONS WANTED WILL MIND BABY while mother works in own home Phone PA H015 zZIzz MEN with power saw available ior wood cutting contracts trees cut and removed logs cordwood lots and acreages cleared Phone Hen McCartv ney Minesing Tan23 LosTiAND FOUND LOSTWallet sum oi money and pan sonoi papers Reward Phone PA 07203 2243 LOSTBlackand Tan Hound iemale vicinity at Edenvale IPlttase notlly Raymond Ward lliinesing phaneflnï¬ LOSTBlack wool knitted gloves mauve trimming on Collier st Friday Pleasefleave at Elamiher otllce 177243 USED UNIFORM suitable lor Tntvny Owl wanted KPhone PA 05050 3l7tl AIR COMPRESSOR with Motor wanted also Electric Weider9180 Imp PhonePA 84170 322 ELM LOGS wanted to pay also con tracts for cutting and skidding nox Io Earsla Examiner zIltt Farms For Stile Rent PAltlIi FOB ltle buying Apply Waller Wilson Auistou 2i 020 MORTGAGES ï¬sr MORTGAGES Will give In to 207 discount Apply Box is Darrin Elimillet 422043 Do YOU HOLD ï¬rst mortgage in BarrierIr you would like to sell it call PA Mm 421204 stRAYEDSmnll black IlldJfln iox houndlo Con 11 Innisï¬l about Pets owner call PA 02191 Earrilei t2 BATES Foil flnllll columns DeadliheIor Copy 500 pun week slay precedingrilssiire DEADLINE FOR MoNDAYSATURDAYr Loo pgn ADLETS MAY BE TELEPHONED 4C elicit word Box Num comï¬Ã©EvENTs LOCALS Cymrd miiilmlini Follohiiilg consecutive ms 31 word Dilni El 03 POE otIIIed ll mam Following consecutive insertlnlis $0 wind Iliinillium 60c IN MEMOIIIAM CARD 0P THANIIs ans 5100fENGAGEME FIRST MORTGAGE Wanted 5150 $2000 to sflnlah bullsdlngh unantth Ere paymen ears 0X aminer 424le To PA 81414 minimum 30 Following coltsécutive insertianï¬ 2E wordiriiiii tilD4Dc MUST HE Pam W111 EDElt mor directed tlik Office 256 Extras AUCTION SALES NOTICES 00 33 word minimumflcv IN APPRECIATION nidupiay enslaid er MuftiI department REAL ESTATE PA lmll Alt ml 1900111 mm pl litmus room storeybriek in excellent condition All modern convent emu palate eatnneea mm ground at Pull huhom meat New Iron Fltom Euraar tamu Double garage and other Mlidlnll In large an by lil depth PIch Il Contact nu Council EVQDIMS phone PA 10 gt CLOSE T0 BARR FULL PRICE 33 Just minutes drive to town solid brick home with bed rooms large kitchen living room dining room and summer kiichea Ali newly decanted school res etc cloth DY H000 down Fen Ford Drenlnu phone PA purl puiLDElls OWN HOME RANCH TYPE DUNDALOW Brand new brick construction 25 42 It rgo roomsle extra special leaturu all through Finished in blond flr Thermo and screens DE remote coh pane windows aluminum storms Irol electrical lend All nul crial used Is the very but Lavely builtin china cabinet This you mun Ste Nil pm 315200 HIgfa mongau and easy telms Call Dan conheil Evenings phone PA W101 ElinNTv IIAY ROAD STOREYIJRICK 155w Lovon roo modem one on very oeoutllu lot on with roll trees Terrliic viewol the lakkunahstmciefl it lawns and garden Very many extras included such as wan to wail broadlnom storms and TreenaTV antenna etc only years nld All room In 1H1 anti bright Oil hrauns Contact Percy Pom Evenings PA um GARAGE DUlLDlNMï¬w On Highway 27 very close to Dorrie on very good lat Iu 380 This building moasuros 55 with living quartersat rear Inside conveniences hum aAnn terms arranged Cali Percy Ford Eveninga phone PA 69531 CENTRAL mCAIiDN 1V STOREY2 BATHROOMS Lovely brick homo practically new Ind very suitable or duplex Ilil ii required Downstairs hll largo klirhell dininl room liv ing room bedroom and bath mom Ill bedroom Intl pinceblllh upstairs Hardwood floor lIIIOIIKh Pull prico station 5147 mortgage and terms HulllJiy one at BllIlel hen builders Call Din Connell Evenilllt plum PA 87701 ROOMS AND HIGHWAY PRONTAOEpmo Just about mile north BIP Pie room brick home on hlIE lot 160 500 Glilll Barn to chicken house is It Home hlg lull concute bament plrce lith um madam canr venlnneer Or will hell acre with 150 highway frontage lifln Willi this property 2509 Taxes only us call but con ne EveningsShim PA 0110 WE ALWAYS HAVE MANY OTHER LiSliNGS Only levy Can be shown in our lfl II time SO ii you do not see what you want here Just call our oiIiee during the any PA Hm rgAeggrsiaings phone Pehny Pord even one Conneli PA arm CALL Us ABOUT Summer cottage llncame producing hm dripqu Elgar homes in both tm and collar arms and acreul NHA homes with low down payment aEuudlng iota Phone PA all dayuma SLESSOR Real Estelle 1522 gt PARKVIEW HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION MELROSE AVENUE BETWEEN COOK NELSON sTs All Existing Home Built on hielrose Ave are now sold andoccupied CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEXT I5 HOMES BEGINS EARLY THIS SPRING DONET EE DISAPPOINTEDi FonEAltLv SPRING DELIde CHOOSE YOUR OWN HOUSEDESIGN Now CHOOSE YOUR OWN and at rice to suityour an ticularneeds OVER 20 DIFFERENT MC EW1957HOUSE PLANS TO CHOOSE FRoM iron FURTHER INPOnHATION CALL DAYSTOL wllIlr nth oai 53o LIN Wu cm in eve Eny Iaodaea No immedim enitnces mu rte on codsinrtou st living room with open fluvial lav mmh HOTEL salary requirements pomsion era be in MILES SOUTH OF BARRIE came down Mwlvro bedroom hours on Ialse asldea Int south or Bairio used basement wlul turnca flJhroitlhmil hotb soil and scour EOE SALE HER Nani RESALE EUNNIDALE EOAD Three bedroom hrieir homJoutad to an excellent reddenuoi am More Isahumathathsamanyau mil dlvlflld mull reuura drains lhil homo ll In ry detail with an city con BGVACRE PARM Linn romBanle on load Highway level chylohin Good room It in Irllil and cedar Dill hlrp gt some hlrdwood lull 111000 mu Fritz BUILDING LOI iIise trcea choicest so act 1dr codriortoniit 70 15 deep some dndahruha lots remaining Ill itus area one ll COMMERCIAL ALSO mist trouiasr on Blake Street Pri to sell CIII todayior panicuhmï¬ Iilah llsllllilsnl homn at all silos and price muse Molola in all surroundin areas dOOD INVESTMENT PROPERTIB Severall new NBA homu Ind reiaiu vault uniINC iNVITlm LIST WITH STOUTr THEN MOVE DUT GORDON hot water heating heavy hydro Fiiu price £9100 5557 mongale aurI OUTT REAL ESTATE lanoan I02 DUNLQP ST WEST PHONE PA 8590 Glitch nounD am to pm SAYE 80000 TO NHA HOMES Interestrates have gone up to Titan houses In helng gold Ii tho we rate ONQ lbw 91 oNLYAPEWLEPl CROSLEY CONSTRUCTIO HENRY BERNICK EA 82670 HENRYEm1CK month CONTACT on rHoNEmI 3BEDRQONI HOMES OFFERING CHOICE OF STYLE huILT BY ChoSLEY CONSTRUCTION CARSON REALTORS PA 85583 KELLOUGH Owen Street Barri CONSULT US ON Low Down Payment Housing Plans Exchlnga ol Properties annull Eonlog Loans olnccma Properties orientals 01 eniDer oi the Bottle District Real Esta to Board 15204sz as Ill II $5300 to see those homes lnytlme tatadding Ieaturea largo lamily llu hitchn large living room with letu win dow one ol the three rooms is enough to accommodate twin tour piece caan tila bath liauiid tpha lasted as the abov this home equine with Ilumllllnfl Roms Ind Itan fully unduePod lot Down puma only $1 Ind inllllu 115 mm or an appointment to see this better htsut ham all Al note PA 3150000 Iull ullnt price this home hasihreoroouuandatwopieeebath on the second noor downstairs there are two bedrooms living room in modern kitchen and tn lace bat nLli basement with back at entrance located on large lot so It Taxes only about moo call Al nose PA 55m anytime DUPLEX somedmll price Lower apartment has ilvo rooms with upante entrance timer artment has three rooms wt se ante entrance Pull base mant wlh new lorced air on heat ing turnace Large lot with double anae Down payment about $3500 is Isa road bu Call Ai nose PA uzsa linyllnu tor appointment FLEX INCOME HOME our own live room home with sun v0mhplfll two lovely menu that give cu an income er Dion Each IPI men ll De Contained in everyway and the upper apartments no equips ped with rclligcrators and stoves oak and tile floors throughout natural woodwork hot water sicker heated large lot This rmpeny is almost new Must he and as the owner ie going ioIlc Po ii details call Al Roar PA 35298 nylilxle NHA RESALE sumo iive room modern brick him goiow located on Agnes Street three bedrooms ceramie tile bath cdnt hail plan tull basement iorced on heating iully landscaped Ioi his home carries tor only moo per month including Interest principal and taxes and has mortgage Close to all schools Cali AI nose PA 0529s anytime NEW NHA HOMES Why play lilo llllhor to inlemsl when you can stui purchan new NIIA homes with mortgages at Only iew Ialt to choose lro ey Ire olnl Int Wo have them or sale starting with down payments as low $103700 and theych lor er mantis including interest and princ pal call Aillasc PA um anytime lor an appointment LOTS Lots 57 lsa located in Codrington School area on service street with water and sewers In Full price 275 each Call AI Rose PA um 91 Dunlop Sf Room OPPOSITE CIDEst Born PA CamNo OELIOATION LACEY REALTOR litlots LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKER Represenilflvos RUSS CARSON NORM SHELSWEL PA win Oitlce Open Saturdays LARGE RAMB LING 513500 hill prlCe or Ill ultrimndém bungalow 52500 down hhlhncecn Pie like rent Van lira divingdoom with large windows modern kitchen REALTOR PROPERTIES BUSINBSFS Exchangool Properti Properly Mllflllmenl Llstlnxl solicited 41 sT PArkway 84869 aueiness Opporbinl Property management Spec tervii 03 soiling private incoml holnu To lllecllon ho din till report iaasoi ervl car ahr neatiia eali PA oflu Elan PHONES glac PA LudoEvading PA 30 PM lblzfl basement all heating am iomtr iiiEvin Sum ior recreation room galcw blocks lrom downtown Large szywo down payment buys thisInrge TOUGH hEAL ESTATE BUSINESS andnpa OCompetent heal Estate Sonic onsetsdiv soundeottai nation Private an NIIA tinsnclng plans with plenty ot builtIn cu boasdrard exhaust ran rour piece ti bathroom with vanity three large bedrooms Pull high basement specially designed rcrced air all heating Completer decnruted inside and out FOR SALE QR TRADE 511909 full price IDnlll brick bull ict garage oli heating Will trade tor sununer cottage or country store NEAR GE roomsaud brick home privat rivewhy garage LARGE ROOM BUNGALOW $2000 downi$9ioil lull pritleballncd an oneopen mortgan at per cent with essy monthly payments large bedrooms with plenty or cupboard ace lihrdwuodund tile floors tall Oil heating WE HAVE iz NEW Eltlcx EuNGAmws at the old Tale withvery low down payments and easy monthly phymenls CLOSETOAREA $1211410 for this Oreyhrlckflmme large rooms 1and hllh Billy modern in evzry respect Pull basement VIth Dii lighting with drive and gsrsge NEWTON STREET LGMJIIIJ price room hrch hun gdlow large hedrno ille ï¬nished recreatioarocm In no cm at it host LARGE FAMvaHOIIE 00 mil rlvceEFSTTIIIDd First own T15 has Iaprge livinr room kitchen and dining room Second floor has bedroom lid hath Full linemen etitlot Privatndyei NEAE ST Wiscnï¬nqa tiojao Iull pricemodem soom storey home with Justin base metal Till lion condition About ayeors old OILhestIa $2 000 DOWN PAYMENT BRAND NEW $8100 full price Five brightmodern rooms Ind hlth Fllli linemen End hzntinl Locatedo INAPIER STREET bedroom bungalow hull with to corniortable living Extra cup boards attaehod gamgo Murmur landsc ed lot with 100 irontsge Low taxes Fullvrltle only stops with low own payment VERY CENTRAL deep bisemenl lhuridry tll Dunlap St EntLBlerle on well dsesped iot 1000 MI price large tlouble brick ousa Elï¬n oldllilwntown in e¢llflll MFI 6W ropm id Ha 609 0N 10th Flo PHONE PA ama umflnold some CLIPP Emma gt mod ammo most blown ri wuLPAv You uiiou HENRY ELRICK MICHIE IIEALTORE 15 Owen sol PhonePA 8i5533 ZOFFiZR COMPLETE REALESTATE SERVICE BUYTNOOR SWO IHORTGAGE LOANS oNATIONAl IloustNd ENEIIAI INsunANcI= APPHAISAIS Art Hours In ii mzhle natal are Niles umyArt Wchhte otiis Henry Brick AMltzhla nositors Phone 56583 lalucy Roglllunllsllilhxd Ihmése 52ng mm or ppy ox Examiner l62121 DOOM Income home centrally lone all healed Ion lama immedls ata possession Phone PA on 1922323 hi Inch HOUSE on Eradlord st oIl heated separate garage 83900 am down Phone PA $5759 or PA 84501 iozlz LOT 50 iw Highlhnd Ave Desln able location Secluded Near schools Serviced sliiio with terms or $1000 cash Phone PA 04922 162120 ONE BEDROOM Bungalow living room bath and kitchen situated Ill Allan dale on largo loi bay terms to shit right punhlser Phone PA 35097 161025 NEWLY DECORATED cottage with new oil iulnace on double lol good llrdzn Ind chlnkennn in Iuhurbian Elma Price or quick Illa Apply All Strand 15214 FULLY MODERN new bungalow in Alliston lull hlflelnen with recrea lion room 12 It turned Ilrvoll heatq ing spam with um wn Phon lmw Camp harden tofuu anAcIoua older pe home kept up todato rooms vilig room 13 with nrepiace bright dining room well eoui ped kitchen powder room on main taar tmdmand pathï¬lp stairs completely new Iorced air heat ing system laundry tubs and garage good residential district yet convent ent Owner transierred $16500 In tludes automatic washer and dryer almost new APPly Box 49 Blink Ex aminer Iozzu Imith NEW Bungalow Attnctivej bedroom lirlck home $3500 down mortgage Extra limeth ed liv ng dining room picture win ow and builtin chins cablneluitfl mod err nilly decontedvkitclien witn breakiast area lots at cupboards Eioinlua steel sink epiece eelantic iiie bathroom colorednature decor sted Sliding and soloing doom lull torced air on heating Situated on nice quiet Street lll Codflnfloll School area Direct 12 Irom builders Phone iorzllnivlte showing PAMMO or PA Iozlzz FARM FOR SALE ion ACRESciay lhsni with good stream and room house with hllh ad cupboards Aging hlirn lg mile Only stomam reoi PHONE so COOHSTOWN Ill LePAGE LTD KEn 32123 PROPERTY WANTED HOMES IWANTEO Sell now with Sgrinl pour53 loll We have buyer wit Lcaalahnd land downpaymellih The demdnd iamat iorlall types OLIinlllu in all sections or townDontt wa phone us at PA AME CARSON LTD REAL ESTATE BROKERV human ist some 3311 MOVING IN MARCH 0R APRIL gt aeveral at our valuid cuents are moving then and WE are on the spot to had them suitablo hoiisesto uy some or SPOTCAsH and some for cash to the presentmortgage he industries ard starting up in man rio nd pillar ones expanding our town is still growing iastl there is under ti0000 both in town and close to Simon am we cantgvg kkeep ou on oc pESADis are AIME ï¬t strong demand it YOU re thinking or move this Spring why ot hone ROG Ens now or good val Ion sndtho heat property will ring in marke ail nd nsi attention and therejis no option in wh it you dont lllIl what he syswhen he comes aroilndl PHONE PA will ANYTIMEDA 0R VENINO Illliable Mini steady call rar houses flint OFFICE SPA miIlï¬ahlaglor Man or whit to lolll luv MI Ionkl 0mm WI PHONE Pittaim FOR RENT AT ENE POINTE IBl Doom time unhirnlllud Phon PAIMX 15 GARAGE 10 WT Ilplrflofl db ICC Film PA ml 4572 Doom Maul PillIo PA 33718 IMP 510 5214 IOOMI unlurnhhrd boIed Child ren volcanic Pimp PAIm 52 Imam Apsrtment central Trig and nova Phone PA mu alter BEDROOM unfurnth apartheid ed Ava able Itsreh Phone PA Mort m202 goons more Ebsniy nay Road 15 month Children welcome Phi7 ADv7175 1521 BEDROOM IIouae central location llvllllblaJlnh 15 Relisonlbio Pliolu PA 8H 15124 MODnNzAparimnn room private haih monthly Adults only Pharia PA 157 CYITAGE ll Mine Point menu artlaliy insulated and ilirnllllrd oanA 0540s beiween 750 pm and and pan 151134 R00 Apartment 2plece hath un iurnlah Apply 191E151 R0 cl Phone PAIJ 1522 FURNISHED heated hedrsltlln room andkitchen in Allandale close to bus Phnnh PA ONE 151223 ROOM Irtlnenl loll cantMed Ind Ii lied vailahlo MINI I5 APP llchori Nolan 152111 liODBRNruIllumilhed room apart ment separate laundry tiled bath Phone PA um lsuszi ROOM unturnished apartment For particulars phone PA Mm or apply In hurton Ave 155 liOUEEKEEPINa Room to reliable per MnUle kiln laundry IIcililin PlloIIo PA 37397 152111 Room unturnllhed cottage $45 per month apiece built holjnd cold WI ler Phhne FAHML isu PHONE PAS225s BOOMApIflmeiit Young child wél come Newlydecorhied PA 147 after 510 R00 Aplfllnem rivato entnncz kitchen bathroom ll mulled AdiAlli prelerred Plian PA Mm ilELP CONTAINED room apartment Central Adults only on heatedt piece hat Phone PA 54004 FURNISHED heated apartment new rig and stove hogpd cold water olupradloni st or phone PA Lam iii2241i Doom tarnished apartment rivato bath stove and laundry lociiitlea Heated Phone PA 84281 15712 1003 helllrd gtIpiflmenl close to shopth dlflrid Phone PA 84002 am to pm Dr PA Lassa alter pm ti nationals livingrpuom kitchen bathroom unturnished upstairs Sep aratn entrance Eislre St mist Phone imposes gt 151214 FURNISHED Bungalow bedrooms hot water on heated urge lot Coir irll local an Apply Box 50 Examine iszzzt MODERN Apartment sell contained oil heated hydro heavy duty irl central Apply ISLCoIIIe heated Phone 150213 154243 phone PA 7790 before pom Riv1111 UNFUILNISIIEDA rootn Apartment and noon sci contained heavy wiring cos per month Available March Apply 55Baldwin Lane Aiiondal 00M llnillrnlnliéd partmenl Dii heated hoopla areglarg and bright in Tile homo Central Adults sat med ate possession you BO0MEDApaltrnent shared Heat hydro hot and cold water provided Onlylbauineu need apply Possession Pe il Owen St Phone PAaoaIIS 1522 EELP CONTAmmfl partly tutdished apartment in AUandale rge rooms and kitchenette apiece newly demnted Adults Available also Phone PA Bmil 1521 MODERN bedoittineroom sod kilo ea not water electricity hcat AgilitbieA an mSflillrrle stir PF an at phono PAOZzsa isIitr FURNISHED or 3bedroomoottages winterized year round inside conven luiceg Phone 137312 WIDE Beach bl tween nnd tum or ply Dave Kruger RR stayhe gt lsuu PRIVATE nil belted bedroom hypn ment with car port ali conveniences mentor Ind stove continual ho water Phone 21m strondortapply Prod MlllhoUiind Stmud 1530 INNIEWOOD Apartments modern sell contained rooms and bathroom nip dished or unrurnished Continuous hot water Laundry sciuties and lockers Adult Phone PA was IHii DOOM Apartment seIl contained nested hotwster supplied available Immediatel chelor up rtrdc sell contained ted not ws er sup Lied Pb no PA 2720 15122i tooIs FOR its WABMK limlslled 100 PhonchA 032 between it DEIDRE30 oAclIaHuNnPl urebreda selectipobiackspalilbÂ¥awna pe Turkey hunch laidnumt itzilz ELFsf FRENCH HOODED heauunsl brovm we month Mold Hoth broke Ben Turk yr ch Mldlillr Phone PA 331115 Lanai ODANTITP ol good square baledib Io ale hnn PA mm spun3x KWflLZ HAY Altman lao sale We do Iiver NEW REALTOR DUNLOP EAST 953333 Iio ad Rogerio 1511 TEL WCAIIWINW when pans inureneg dl Inn Vlnldd arrrt lawfern AI sum mm leaom Accommodation deleif ICU omen whites to rent or autv Miorlbedmommmlmrdlmfle meat or house Phone PA min unrfl COUPLE with one child requir two moon Emmi3M hnled lune meal Cellul Box 51 Ennis Eb milW 111344 AI13 mm pun Mulm lim tomtlnlowwolBrde Atiaaat bedrooms Pennsneut thPA um iiaou on man at unmralalr mEm no Irrh naminer pp ROOM CV BOARD mmIlABli mmiahed room loud it defllod Stilt lad Him PA 122121 rilitNliinno Bedle new homo hat QM lull optional Phi PA 35 llXln I00 AND BOARD viliï¬ed in Barrie or Ptlnlwiti Ire Apply Box In Barrio Eaalllloer IzI iIotm AND EDAn wanted Tor young single girl commencing Mama who am be employed in downtown om Cenlni tocstion prerersblc Pie empty to has it Dorrie Exam iner Izmzz Business Oppon GROCERY musdoing rood holiness in growing Vlulle Choice location OwnerJu null null mi See this and make an oller nBTAImANrin prosperoas town Weii eoqu This husi hold gtwill handle néalï¬lfl he ALEX HOOD PIIONE 55 COOKSTOwN representing LePAGE LTD hnoth 2922 21 TAXI SERVICE Approximately 15 miles North or Metropolitan Toronla $4000 FULL PRICE PHONE OAII RIDGES PROSPECT $5221 202232 dilemma PARTNEn ror guest hom mm down giver hail ownership partnership or rtraicht investment Apply Box 55 Earrie Ethlnor 29224 mpahfl MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIch No eollcctixm No ellIto Credit BunIf MBIIHD Phoha PA 84751 lit IIW PRUNING Now is the timeto have your mil trees pruned Expert workmanship Reasonable rates Free Estimates HENRY KAlePIIELPSTON PIIONE ELMVALE 57rla 51002 5D AS EIeCIriCjMOIOrs 161de staarrio PA 85807W ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Edit Ehrlich GHAROLD BHARTI See Bmio Electric motor 33 Owenst Pli PA 32205 545 Are you havmg trouble In gelling your typing done Correctly FOR COMPETENT EFFICIENT HOME TYPING SERVICE CALL PA 66358 Ht Armstrong Haul Cuvullii Rubher lntl Asphalt Til Linoleum WAII Til plied and tennis Sn he Intimth WOLFENDEN all Toronto St VISION RADI sALEsegsEHVIcE pnlLLlPs SPAHTON as JACK wnpslm ALCONA EEACH Pbon um TROUDJDIGW WIS Ni Mimi null diaponl 53 mméewcaï¬e torVoid can PAJMIII Jo lied pIlauï¬ FLOOR COVERING 1103