Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1957, p. 1

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onussn lvmwiu the county we munity Hali last night Centre is Ernest Cumberland of Alliston who was named gt ftmanagerlof the newjamuy and childrens services operated by the Chlldrehs Aid societyof Peel Coun tyyoffered some helpful advice to Simcoe County Childrens Aid and municipal of little Change agency in Guthrie om president of the county board or ill ctors His Worship Warden Fisher Canton right was head table guest eh flcials at the nnnuaidinnergatherlng of The great problemvand challenge facing communityser vices today is to provide the strength that the old clan the large family groupused to give in theopinion ofEmest Majury managerof the family welfare and childrens ser vices operated by Peel County Childrens Aid society The way these problems arebe else but if he loScs ihaIhc has lost the inost important thing ing met in his own municipality will some day be the pattern of welfare throughout the Province of0ntario suggested in his address to tthChlldrcns Aid Soci etyoi SimcocCounty at its an nual dinnergatherlhg in Guthrie last night vln an effbrt to integrate all welfareservlccs on county level Peel has strenglhencdits Chil rens Aid Societyio the point where it hasitaken on welfare pmttrarn its own work it was invth yaservice field that the he Childrens Aid Society showed 110 Ward trend in 1958 gtOnl flies in the county were rvbd duringthe year compared to 379the prcvli ous year fact that concerned agency workers Thenumber of children admitted tocare showed corresponding increase The New Family The highly industrialised urban life toward wiiicwae are rapidly moving is creating new fam ily which needs an en irer new ethi to guide stated Mr MaJury Familie are getting smaller and alien They now no one lntlni ely have immediate relatives around them Yet in our com unities today we still expect this familyto man age its own finances handle child rcns education and health and meet all kinds of lifes emergen ciesto achieve alone what socii etyr expected iho whole clan to do in our old cultureJ nd Strfengtfh50d 0la II PrOrVidEd Family lnl0ur New Society Social Revolution The family is being shaken to sonalities themselvsam its very core in the great social revolutionthatis going on around as said Mr liiajury Whole islands of customs are going and in their place new continents of new ideas and valuesarerising We that is immediately upon us The roots of all emot have to and transplanted into new life in our increasingly mob and the family is mov from ontrol by rtheneighborhood group to the control that comes ll Hnspml for Ski Ch rem from within oneself We see marriage today being setj up as terminablegsituation as part of the new societyatrai Grandma that to rible menace to emotional devel 131133931th aim two 195 meeng or he chim has been south of Elmvalc Charles Miller safely tucked away Uncle George Wailiaying Uuiside in the no E155 snow iwhcn he noticed smoke The 91 coming from the but He ran in clan or large family group that to be met lay blast of heat used to give great deal ofsccur The child screamed warning ity to the childand great deal ccor to the family iutimcs ifc TTTT eriiiylo no society avilay gic situation and Aunt Emma than thousand miles To make it miiehworse the members of the familygare made to fcel vinadequate if théys can SBRQIHERHOOD WEEK nof the CanadinnCouncil of Christians nnddews with whi am again happy to associate myself to havethc grating norlosing its moralval ues he maintained greater characterof the individual and stability of the group itself lsjgo ing to come because the controls upon the family in the newer soci ety toward which we are moving are not so much social pressure but better influencecoming moderate winter bu orolt vniledfor over week Snow level in about inches lllln ice and frozenmnnd below cold north wind eluted this morning but sunny weather is promised with little change Teinpcrafum were High Low Poll ll Alli dreb in is Fell lg 30 17 Feb early 12 Car Skids Off Road into Tree Soldiers Hurt Three soldiers were taken to hos pital when their car skidded ofi Highway 90 early on Tuesday morning between Barrie and Essa Station and hit tree in Toronto Military Hospital are lte Gribbon With fractured should te Jlreitman with to arm Pie field was taken to Camp Borden hospital suffering from shock All three soldiersk are from lst Field Ambulanw RCAMC Camp Borden CONSTABLE NAMED ELMVALE Aftcr several weeksvwlthout policcforce this viii hns nppointcdlflorace El ell 45 village constable Elwell is an army veteran Gedrge Terry former constablewho also per formed the duties of hydro inspec tor resigned to work with the from inner ethics ideals and per Ontario Hydro in Blind River Wallacé Miller dled Su day Toronto following severcburns received in fire wlrich de strayed his parents home at Elm vale on Saturday Thelfamilyulived in an isolated andran out again The father George Miller threw hisbaby daughter Brenda Jean out into the snow and was severely burned saving Wallace are going through veryreal perv iod of transition Vlway from thc oldagrarian economy tothe high ly ndustrializcd urban cconomy tliéi Badly Burned rwardenv John Small of Athlonc After saving the two children the father collapsed in the door way and waspulled to safety by neighbor Wallace Town 53 who rippedoff the burning cloth esvfrom the man and then ran two miles for help An ambulance coming to the scene had tobepushod through the snow for over mile The mother Mrs Dorothy Mill erv4l came home from shop ping trip to find the home burn iugiuriously and her husband be er and Brendaand en accommodated farm er Miller is in Penctang enerai Hospital During the evenings of Fe Vi Chittickaf Barrie honorary amppell of Barrie treasurer 0N SALARIES The teachers of increase oflcr whichaniounted to anacross the board increase of 8600 on the grounds that mo 81 schedules are laulng ll you behind Lather schools and that adjusimcnla in surrounding schools are likely to be more gen ous The stuff commiilcc lidssubmit Yin and annual meeting the led further proposal for um North Simone Hog Producers held consideration of the board inn the Department of Agriculture the tuchrrr ask that the min board roomFeb 14Clayion my mum salary should lie Ontario Hog LProduccrs card hat all teacheis and stall shou hicmbcr trials as lilrthcmc ake receive $600 increud plug 520 Hogs Available and Letthe Trade mm1 01139111 that 18 uin Seltimirlce or vlcoprincipa uld be raised $800 plus $150 that the Mr Frey said there had been Indications and ramifications de salary of the principal should be velopjls result of the Ontario Illst 5800 plus Hog Producers pioneering in the In their offer the boardrhad 91d Pfqdum marbling in agreed to raise the salary of the order to obtain the highest price principal by $750 and that of the 01 hogs that the trade was will Mw Fig to pay He referred to the offer is nowurrdcr consideration by the board mitcd opposition among farmers and truckerslo the program but produced ample evidence to prove that we arcon the right track The newly opened assembly FIRE DESTROYS HOME COLDWATERFirc early Tucs daydeslroyed the frame home of Henry Worrell Jrof nearby Fes Ernesi Cumberland of Allistoq scrum worm was on his way was named president of the work in Woodstock andhis board of directors or theChild dmm Wm Wm rcns Aid Society of Simcoe Coun ty at last nights arm dinner in Guthrie Community 11 Other officers for l957 are firesidcnt James Wright of lngwoq Alst vicepresidentp rl Richard of Barrie honorary 1st Barrie when the fire broke out Flames werespotted by Grant ND bio of Medonlc and an alarm was sent 10 theColdwater fire bri gade Cause of the ir is un known Two nm clue tinmun cutoutJan nun emuI figs Availablel Let grade Set reducers Are lot yards at Lindsay only receivedls thugs at all times while the loo hogs the first week 300 second wcck but 600 were ceivedonvthe third and fourtlil week said Mr Frey Five packT era were ready to bed price on these hogs from 50 to 35 higher than the published price in answer to lhc stock ques tions so often asked What are we doing Why are we doing it and Howarc adding it Mr Frey said thatthe hog producers had only one objective and that was to place hogs on the open market to be bid on and then sell them to the highest bidder Up until the opcnmarket campaign got underway approximately oi the hogs were all that reached the open market The percentage is new around 10 and continues to increase In reply ton quesiion What are hogs worth Biqulfly said just whatever the highest bidder is willing topay no more no 1055 but it is our responsibility to get them ina position where packers must purchase them on compet itive basis lie also mentioned the fact that the small packcis were highly pleased with the new system of marketing providing them with an opportunity to olr Baiiiiinetoiiqun AudienceWilh Foster of Barrie honorary 2nd vi opresidaat Miss Dorthn Jackson managing director of the ociety secretary and Mrs Fred momentaer of Colilngwood Campbell RR Stgoud ex and Pinch of Midland The nominatin Fisher of Bari Edwin Steffc an exuberant bar itonc with reputation for selling gimme moat concert halls brought the port presented by Mr Wright in curtain down on the 195857 Bar he absence obthe chairman rie Community Concert Assoeim named the tion season Monday night in such yfollowlngrepresentat as for the Winnihg manner that he mm five sectionsoi he county 0011 other successful year for the tre Dr Delaney Mrs Campbell organizati Mrsl=red Kaigbih Soulh Mrs Reva Me was the board of 30 directorsare Mer gt The artistposscssed notioniy John Dewar Mrs MargaretDunn rich baritone voice but way wrth Hilbert North Rev an audience It would not be Sanley Hufl We 11 Benson difficult to guess that his concert East Lang Rowat was the most popular of the cur rent season with the subscribers who filled the Roxy Theatre for the third and final musical pro Membafs latte campleting gramof the series Jocular and full of robust vin Denney of Aillslon Mrs goo humor Mr Steiteremained Eonceri Season tomesi liloLean of Every scctiun of the coun well represented nt the gathering With number oftliesoeietys foster parenls among the dion guests Two Peci County officials had accompanied the main speak Post of Orillial Gcorge Lisk of Beaten and James Fame however serious musrcian Al Sittings Annual Concert though he andhis volce are ad mir bly fitted for such familiar wmlc numbers as Moussorg skyslhe Flo he was at his most appealing inthe aria Is not His Word Like Fir frnm Mendelssohns Oratorio Elijah Here as in tlie Brahms and Richard Straussworks on his Rich Peweiiuliloit¢ imbalance person xof Stanton Carte played sologroup with distinc lion choosing his numbers with taste and simplicity Nocturne in minor by the modern French eomposer Poulcnc opcnlt ed his piano group and Spanish rhumba and his own arrangement of Lover followed The barito fittingiy included among his many jencores The Battle Hymnlof the Republic for which his greatgreatgrandfather William Steffc wrote the music in 1852 Probably his listeners had never hear more stirring rendition of the Wonderful old Civil War marching song Other program numbers were Fords Monologue from Verdis Falstaff Richard Strauss Old Adam was Clod of Earth and Devotion Deems Taylors trans cription of an old Sussex folk song May Day Carob an Ital ian sea song In mezzoal mar two Russian folk songs of Staraya Rossiya The Rovin Gambler Tennessee folk tune Connois seur aia Mode by Martin Kal packers who must buy on thefiipcp market now in order to obtain their supply instead ol Just accepting then at the plan as thbydld under the old syltem objcetstrcnuoiisly and oppose the systemnaherou Vposslblcg in conclusionMr Frey made reference do the fact tthat the flag Producers were pioneering but getting results and that other commodity groups would also bon cfit from their experience in es tablishing marketing programs Elcctionof Officers Manford llornc of Oilllia was the 1956 president but declined reelection PrcslilenlA lilaw Edcnvalo vicepresident Lynn Russell Mld hurat seerotarylrcasurcr Lorne Johnston Hawkestonc Township Committees Tiny Ellsworth Colllns Charles Aoust Cecil Blow Toy Nelson loncs Murray Edwards Vcrno Romney Ilos Fen Spring Elmer Beacock Earl Elliott Earl Par nell Oro David Smith Tyson Langman Roy Neivson Howard Crawford Albert Anderson Mev donte Horace Ego William Miller John Rumble Vesprii isaac Carruthcrs Lloyd Srlglcy Carl DoronA Maw Orillia Ralph Stevenson Wilbur Reed Manford Horne Roy McCaughcy Matchcdasli BurtonTaylor Sun nidale Gcorgc Rodgers Everett Loughecd WJ Grant DuhK114 Delegotes to Provincial mect ingrwillinm Winchester Ken Spring allow Mel Priest Lynn Russcll loe Dyer Harry Adams and Lorne Johnston Director to the Board of the Simcoe County Federation of Ag riculture gt The eeting voted an aflili tion to the Simcoc County Federa tion of Agriculture for 1957 Auditon for 1957 William ll as Arthur Pughf Chgirman CNIB commnee Simcoa County ServiceExtem sion Committee of the CNIB held their annual meetingrin Barrie on Wednesday Feb 13 Bacon Orillia who has been ch man of the committee since 1953 retired from this office and Ar lhur Pugh Barrie was elected The speaker sohlety lag opportunity urnreing Canadiansthroughojlt the country 26 27 and 28 theSunda Sc 01 th evening Ernest Maiurih mellow vaice ging far behind infikrlowledge revive the ideals of brotherhood among men andnatlons auditorium of Centrally United manage 0f1bE£amY Welale $22fi2$ gumthority and eitec 3233333335 $19 gifihiiombx humanrelations ina wor where whichis thenoble goal of the Council Church Barrie Will ringwith End 1de SEV°5P°93 tiveness andhis vocal interpre Vincent Younians Through the mumgwwij technical knowledge hadgreaciied It is my hope that the course ofevents in thelast few music as the young Peoples countys Childrens Aid lions wer rnoving and appealing Years The Surrey with the Thecommittee announcedth its very Zenith in the Sevelopmept months will bring hemeto us all the true need which exists Glee Club present the um Iilselltvad ll the head table The Singer chose emuhim Fringe Top an Gamma annual CNIB campaign hmfigh oi atomic Vencrgy The engin fareverydne to put mm practice in the year ahead themm EH31 Concert Car Vs Wade as his audience with variety of sea chanty Blow Ye Winds out the county wouldbe holdfrom ecrspf the future are goingto mes represented by Bmtherhbod Week 50 that wema Begun in 1946 by Mr Mr tma pin of Peel the typicalfull Harry Jacobi composition in the Aprilzz to May 4There areriow have he 5° em with Gods hel achie at GarnetLenover as rccrenn al Ii°7 31 Clerklrsasure baritone as he style of Purcell The Company 169 blimi perso in the unity as surely asthe physi sis of this V9 ill 0531 FT an mongfi 911 group closely associated with thc magmas 2159 included us we elec One Keeps and Some Enchant Aleof whom receive library service Famcum generauou have been peoples of the world chum the club has pregénted WWW warden Fisher 9311 tion the oldEnglish air Come ed Evening fbie to release and late the My Warm personal greetings and sqod wishes to themem concert cach spdng since that 9de the Weaken nets Be Merry and the Liia inherent power of the atom so hers of the Council and to all whomthis message may reach time Someoilthccharter mem Reeve GHESPE 0f 19 1105f Lehmanm setting or Oliver Gold hers are still among the cast of Townsmp of 0m and Mn Gi smiths Eulogy Mad D6 and 39home teaching the inherent every hum soul Whethcr thewo dwc re ingSWept towards iiave new much more on thechildren of to day than oath ld eneration he pointed ou But thousands of children ot vre be family if the Hare worker The still th greatest ehicle the race those days is be lovin mother who is iisten LouisS St Laurent enthusiastic young adults who startpractice early in the all and winter months the groupto th ch leaders have come forth togive generously of their time and talean since Mr Lenovers work with the ell Telephone Company ook them aw from ih prescn lead er Bert Churchill is well known in local music eirc lo his ver satilc an gcn way wlth the keylioard and ers ANgreat deal of hard work is necessary to present musical HoWevc proven entertaining moneyraised by ioca and cutof town engagehient nildingfuiid of Céntral Church The special in te Vs erformances intovvns and vll espie and Fred Hunter count clerk were two officers from thechiid ner Their selections were Bye Elues 51 Love You the Best Alabama Jubilee William ell of Barr playecllar mu cal nteriudeat no asguestsgathered the upp auditorium heretot di ner be no exceptlo any previous lagcs in the surroundin inutes later he brought sensr musicianshi to tho level Sp guestsat the dinner gum Bram Mr Steffe also gav welfare division of the department ers Isample on the field in Wfiuare Gordon Askwiihvand which he has achigvcd hismajor successes operai clitmsinglil aros famous firstact aria wfrom The Barberzof Se lie using his shop group from Barrie rovide of musical entertainm nt atfillherdin lg Eng 51 4mm 10 gt nging actor Mr Steffé was man of manyrnoods rid one of of All Carolina Moon nd 211esevvns relaxedinrth he eferied to asfsongs school bu ralh of the opposite

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