iornzaanhmaxamaa rams moose n51 tired wmaammm thrceAmaciaActwbich aforn Study of Cycles mews e5 Giveslong Range Weather Forecast itioNTllEAL CHEric Neal is kitchentable weatherforc caster whoratcs well abOVeEcro with his public Neal an aeronautics engineer has been calling hislongrange wcather shots on the nose this year and claims 05 per cent accur acy His predictions of green Christmas and armidlanuary cold snap both materialized gt Next summer will be nicevand warm he predicts hir Neal began his forecasting in 1930 chore he undertook as cost accountant for an airline in an effort to pare time lost through bad weather My method is easy when you know it says the mildmannered man He starts with the spring equinox which he claims starts each weather year The key data is the ï¬rst full moon alter the cqu Mr Neal says wea Builders Contractors or Farmers No and rnemlaoh Spruce and Pine Lumber Rough or Dressed Delivered on the job by truch Write for prince cinemas lliMBEii cu Port Loring Ontario qun he iunllecu of 34 ycarwet and dry citJae myear hot and ld cyclea$year mag netic storm cyelu aud flaw sunspot cycles The end product is swear eyelefrom which Mr Neal aayahe easily can see the weather rcpeatingdtself on the patterniol thefprevious year He employs his tamer forecasts some standard weath cr textbooks his kitchentable and an old airpiaue altimeter used as barometer He provides the ï¬nished product at some al government forecasters are pol lie but skeptical gt dont want to run down Mr Neal said one But by using old records can predict thatl certain July date will be sunny andwarm and ill probably be right Mr Neal makes as good pre diction as anyone because no one can really make an accu te long range weather forecast Meanwhile transport depart mentresearch continues on long range forccasting and Mr Neal says hes conï¬denttheyll only come upwith what We got now Lake Silncoe Fishing Huts Total 3100 MAPLEinterest in winter fishing on Lake Simcoe has been increasing annually and there is every indication that the num ber of fishing hutsï¬his winter will surpass last years 3100 Conservation officels of tbe Ontario department ofJands and forests report that as few lake shiuers came into the shores of Lake Simcoe last autumn many fishermen havent their normal supply of minnows for winter fishing There are however Weve got to revise our budget at the end of themoney number of satisfactory substi tutes or the prehaiting of white fish gmunds Highly recommend ed by experienced Whitefish fishermen is pearl barley boiled for several hours District fish and wildlife divis ion staff are takin advantage of good ice condition for experi mental netting setting hoop nets under the ice to study winter habits and movementsof fish Sumll Retard Year For Listrllnont we hldjlve days liver Veterinarians To Visit low Ouality Milk Shippers Milk shippers who have failed to attain the qualitystandard of the majority of shippers rinsim coe County will be visited during the next few months by health unit veterinarians so that their difficulties may be assessed Rawunilk grades in January were 88 per cent satisfactory compared with the yearly average of 82 per centtfpr 1950 list of shippers has been compiled com prising those who failed to reach icncclto anyone liehoped he Mn Conï¬dentlfl letters Prime Ministerst laureut and Niall culturepronoun an opposition leader Dielenbaker mud mm cloaked in theCommomover dflcagy 711 whethcrlPaxlhmcnt should know befuuctioning by rth Si resolution to introducethe massed by vote at 101 to about confidential correspond neebetwceu the minimum ianeccaaary for those who gave Mr st Laurent refused to cop me the dissenting votes coming mm fleny press report that from sadi Credit members after flatly leaderSalon Low indiuted he had aent letter to the prev idcut protesting the United state art iuay makc thcCduncil um surplus disposal program exams next lurei The government proposer give the council $50000000 as an in the def My But Hr Diefcnhaker maintained thcCommons had right to know whether such protest was made martitles we at sciences and arts WNWOMGM Mt St Laurent Another $50000000 would be it To te whether sucha letterhad been written would ï¬nd £322th itiplltlhe make tint system at confidential used in the same fields mp interviews or cunfideutialrcor up hmmm In equp respondencc lose practically its Mr bow said he will opposc most broust any attempt to canned culture on Cam Th personal converse Improvemens cm tlon this is protest on behalf of ripe adians Mr Diefenhaker protésled security lgislatlon were ar more the maple Cmda dead Colin Cameron CCF Na oaimo ountered that tbeS Credit is against both sin and cul lt bad genuine ravui sion against thought ltfished innthc muddy waters of signer turc ance such protest was made it lster to take the stand that when it is convenient not to give in lormation to Parliament the method going about it is simply to make protest inawhispc Mr st Laurent replied lt was shameless hypocrisy made no officialprotest as prlme pretend that be more for the Social Credti group to The issue arose when Mr Diet Extend Wlicaj Bosrd proval to fiveyear extensionjtd 1002 of the Canadian Wheat the first step ch him out vacant for itteadanec tsimator Duff in hospitalse ledrwceb Emma or theypeels Haybe if motorist ha siau inNovember all Seriat en or apptovedva notion react did the ad report on the seat The Se is cerkï¬ha Tbcre aret occasions Iwhen it ia necessary or those have $30K Quin flfauiherflm responsibility to baveconfidentlal was not in keeping with Parlin menta rights for the prime miu minister of Canada to the pres gt the governments ident of the United States failure twincrcase social security benefits wasfa valid reason for enbaker asked about repOrta in votinz asalnstthe Canada com the weekly Financial Post of To cil Mr Cameron said he would ronto that writtenprntcst had impressed with Mr been maderecently Logs argumentifdtheSocial Crei Cr tors roteste the ay compmie pwem mum and The Commons gave final aplt frohbiug the canadiau public TRINITYC Anchan snrrusonsma one namely common 90 ammo Commumo haiorjhnday School 1100 amoaruno 31mm roman on be declared vacant or M182 in attendance DANGEROUS EGO Vw wt confidenceshaken down before his thel they would be two perfection very quickly Ahme mo 2ch If dangerous thinlyEte ciuiia Host BariI51 any RCH 51 ANbREWfs PRESBYIEBIAbi an Jorganlsthndrhoirmaster SliNDZAYFEBBUAitY 11 1951 at LHORNING wonsmr panj EVENING wonsmr provides that weéha of thaVSeuate had taken ifka does not attend two minor de eouaaeutiveseniona the seat in The Ministerat both aetvlceg hs yew an Treasury Windl li Boards compulsorypowersin the StormSash Quilt in Cupboords THE CABINET sun lluiélherurchSchoolfoi Insurance Sold th whip mm WM auhohues For Four atria Knowles criticized Prlmc liiin lCobinetMuking FREE ESTIMATES no ébngaunn 10 or an order of storm sash if over $10000 THAROILD 239 Bradford St GRAHAMiQj rte9 Pea4444 Insurance 111 Forcé hasincreased to $443317751 gainel 3362404653 New Insurance demen and their to Policyliolders MONTREALThe Sun liife of Canada sold $854million of life insurance last year largest amount in thccompanys history and the largest amount ever sold by any Canadian company in single year GeorgeW Bourke 51in Life president announced the new record to holders of the companys two millionpolicjes and group certiï¬cates and stated that total life insuranceinforce has now passed 57 billion also anall timehigh foraiCanadiancomp= any The ucwbusiuess during 1056 was an increase of almost $100 million over the ï¬gure re ported by the Company for 1955 which at that time also was new canadian record Mr Bourke in presenting Sun Lifes 88th annual report an nounced another increase in the scale of policyholders dividendsl further reducingthc cost of life including Group $66047628 wbeinq $6925321 ahead of 195 ï¬ditholders themselvee to Beneficiaries through claims Reserves Bonds arid $53m increase in Policy and panache Preferred cadcsnanon so Other Assets including Poi cy Loans andcompqny ildln insurance During 1957 $31 mill ion largest amount in the Comp anys entire history will be paid in dividends to participating pol icyholders Mr Bourke reiieaiedthatjotal policy payments made by the company invlnï¬s amounted to $137 or more than in any pre cedingyearu of the total $94 million went to livingpolicyhold ers and aunultants and $43 mill ion represented payments to the beneï¬ciaries of policyholders who had died primary function of life insurance declared Mr Bourke is to provide funds for the family when thenormal source of income is cut off through the death of the breadwinner Since 1871 when Sun Life ï¬rst policy was written thecompany has paid Aitspolicyholders bent ficiaries and hnnuitants more than sa140cooooo Included in the new insurance soidbyth company iastIlycar was $250million of Group insur ance representing 30 of total sales surance Mr Bpurkecommouted iiesLin the facility withrwhich it can he used to prov dc at low cost awide distribution of insur ance to larg umber ployeesf Group ilrauee nou inforce with the Sun Life mostly The value of Group in were surveyed in January to as sist in correcti processing de fecLs total 01608 milk samples were taken consistingof 302 raw 1203 pasteurized and 186 misceil aneous and her samples The raw milk totalu nciudes 28 salm Dies taken from cheese factory being sampled tb rdinm insurance sold during the year was up 15 in the Canadian div isionaione sales of ordinary and group insurance combined showed an increiise or Aalmost 40 as the company actively expanded its Canadian operations during the year taina 55 branches pad that assets had passed $2 billion during theycar hnd thatthe gross rate of interest earned on the as sets hadshowna further increase reachingdï¬zh by the end of the year highest yield reported in 25 years gt 5Becausc ofthe existing urgent demand for additional capital said Mr Bourke the immediate outlook for continuation of higher interestsates Periods of highinterest rates are favorable to life insurance company to the extentthat an increased yield y0n investments enables the company to provid insurance at lower cost However any feature of the economy that may indicate con ditionof precarious stability is to he regretted and refore sud den changes in the nterest nte level must heregardedwith anis giviugs until stahility is again reached If high interest rates do notvhoid inflation eck they are of no value to the in vesto EXCEPTIONS it is generally true that one cannot get something for nothing but the truth isr subject to the qualifie tiou that every new and thens cone does Peace River News two mummillionaires ed lfpr the council St Co investment dealer money technically with hi ally in the spapers The estates wcre those 10 Sir James Donny prcsdieut of Alguma iha ccr backed by ofheroiï¬ ister St Laurent for his dise closure Feb thatfederal suc Posmn pmies three amendments all aimedal wonduue from the Eisug makingthe boards powers perm jus under me 00000000 need client The Liberal majority de had proposcd feated each amendment Trade Minister Howe arguiugfor the tiveyear renewal said theact in vokes compulsion on ordinary citA Sault Ste Marie ohm and Imk mlm Monty tzens and added think that any legislation that puts compulsion Progressive Conservati great day when the minister of trade and commerce parédes for Power Heads Committee Senator Power Boycar Senator Duffuslfv Hon Joseph flames Dufqu EMMANUEI BAPTIST commissions avanonmcon hARIISre REV ERNESTANUIIMEYERPATOE am GODS WILL EDBALL Llama HAS mph scnoon GRANWmmZN Minister SjruusNrs AND Starri Everyone is Issulloutl Proshyieriuniï¬lianh Organist DUTCH COLLEGES sUNDar reasons 1719577 worn or run MINISTRY cannon film 1m raxasv Bed Harper the hilly CrahamEvangelistic invited to Iattend onspaï¬reuï¬s inn mm mm connsnauno Annrpapqirv seen smomc vicE BEAVER 11m SUNDAY srncm llwsl ST GILES mum 030 unp MORNING PRAYER Mr Ma Junior Sunday Sch 45amSenior5undayv Sdmol M13 on agreat number of people Mr Knowles said the prime should bereviewcd periodically minister violated secrecy provi sion of the income toxinBy his JohnDicfehbhlreriiotc disclosure The Winnipeg North Centre member said he hadbecn to on New 9955 113 fundamentai freedoms and human Revenue Ministcr McCaun that rights gtsuch informatioulwas secrets said that the elec tion campaign the Liberals prob old lawyer and wartime air min Snn Lif snow main ably will tell the voters the is Livas chosen to headthe2ti the Can do Council man Senate committee which will had been supplied by two big investigate land use in Canada estates and not out of taxation recommendation by Prime Milll ehï¬pihLtff5ii32i22 wigs magityhaeyefsgnge cou oan ec vejo ovsuyw out he had been repelatlilllgswlflsy Problems land 59 75 what had unpublished gene prime minister having indicated He haL his particular concern about gub rtot sought noi beengiven any Wit agricultural land precise figures He said hedidnt think he ha caused inconven Sermon CEN Dunlap and To aav cacu MR canch sunny runaway 17 ll attainMORE PKAYER installation of stewm V7 7pln Wu camshaman 10 FOR LEIGHIONFORD To Sing Goap The committee was formedon tact Cllrist the canvas soundtiimof first Crusade For To Con TIlE can To qmce lilllSTiflll JEWISH erviocs Sunday school SUNDAY FEBRUARY 17 1957 FMLisouln ma moor 1an Coiuersc mine rm UNI cuukcn it or emu Worship WelcOme Awaits gnu Rector NewtonSmith BA pullHOLY COMMUNIOR Confirmation instrueti use tuniredi