on in tranaition drntmcor to general Motor oduction anode this ultra luxury mode wilibc available in Biilflintd numbir in1957 Cnmpintelyghédn to every detail therarougham doqr styling on extremelyiqw cm height chop and root bruahcd atoiniesa one an experimentnl another is true unillorieédour compression ratio Many British Achievements Continued lrom page ten the worlds roservcs of oil This industryhns been built uphy combination 01 mainly British and American investment enter prise and tcchnicaiakili with io col man power Heavy invest ment and risk sometimes mili ions at pounds have heenspcnt and then nooilia found are at times rewarded by goodprotits In thh4liiddle East these proï¬ts are shared ï¬iih the producing country ona 5050 basis in 1955 lraq received dround lzjmiliion pounds and Kiwait receiver round one million pounds ygar Most mg oi the proï¬tsï¬are ploughed melt into the induatry that is acn tialit iheinduatry is to remain efï¬cient thus it hen timtodvthat the world on ioduiiry an haslnveated some 90000 pounds sinoe World War Wm to maintain1nd expandjts opera tion The current rateis about 8000 million pounds year We Wocké lluhlicwwmks arc the next we decta to the discuased and here is shownhow much has been done with railroads bridged moms air1 ports tgiecnmmuniution water supply etc Here Britain with American companies and the peo ple of the Middle East More ac complished almost Herculean pro VALims T0 1993 766RESSE yamsTo 293s knol floorboardsmoon and lire new Dish and atra Little Service it Mr and Kruw steel suspension systemin which nirnprinia mine steelsprlnga ianimthcr one of the out otondinznew ieoturéa offered with this car Still rotu headlight tystém which wasmomma IluCIdilinc when ung powered by Baohoraopower high performance enginé with iwiniourvbnr carbure in into The ï¬edta tithe oilfltflliiilniellhavc social waitre recrea tin and medlenlxlacilitiu Technical min fllileohapter on chntcatexperta indth okiiiesz interesting It Ihown how much has been done train and educate the men title countries of hetmddleï¬ust amd how these unenulork along aide technical know £d8fl58tngttilembtii2€ts Today tto read in thin pamphlet at the great achievements develop ad and expended in the Middle Boat twith so much ï¬nancial and technical id liven by Ithe IUnl ml Kim om Mummant it is bewildering to ace the attitude of the numerous countries the innate East iheirhntréd and Virouitt CHOICE YOUR cHouqe union attendedthe machinery display in Toronto Friday Dayliflt Nadia Mr and Mrs Earl Hammett lpeut Wednesday with kinds in Toronto whitisht Mr ondMrs w8erviee hnd lira Nodweli attended the orchid show at the Dale Estate in Brampton on Sunday ï¬lled Visit Mrs Robert Sutherland and Brian viaited at Mr and Mn Keith Turnbulis Baxter on Friday flornnto Vinit Mruand Mrs Carleton via tcd with relatives in Toronto on Wednesday Recent Guests Mrs Loggc anddaughler Deborah and Mrs Millervot Leaside were guests Dtltir and Mrs WrightonaFaJdoy Client of Reeve Miss Lois Clipshanf Toronto fanaticism nigainst Britain coun try which has cooperated with thcmin the expansion at their gt countries has been tannedand ï¬red by evil forces This review mentions certain projects accomplished but the 38 pages at the pamphlet give much lorgcr nod detailed reports or the development in the Middle East aidedso Intich by the Uni ted Kingdom Government Britnin and the Middle East development may be ohtained from the United Kingdomintorm ation Service 19 Adelaide Street West Toronto gt tendedytn membera acturtLaIuoooLNchni Mr Mu Elsie Connell and um Nichpfulttended the tunerolmt urchiii mm chi and Mrs grilled home on Thursday rum Chicago where they hldnttend with aLaitcndonce at 8Q munhnandtourviaito The president Mrs Elwood Mccague presided The worship servingml conducted vhy Mrs Hecaxue Mrs Service and ltrn errier Cobnrn show several local flower gardens summer rcsorts and loco weddings during the post gt ial hour followed with iemeo ere wavede Irvmud Mceting closcdvtvith rprnyel 3hoee Ehd tnthï¬hnu Sympathy of mu SYmNihrnbtltdwium er en mind at ma wed th ins auiatedjyflve member the InhilumAmd litr Int time gt vihérc will4eacommttnity at th hdmeval plating Aparty Glihlidflhk Thuraday evening Gardner entinipay er mewt mi wmnt idi tmlah tauntum oz Gears ms 0qu Peek £2 Piaï¬ihiiidtï¬iï¬i NH need by MissCamp miseipnary of Cimpbeilall writ exténitl Newfoundland bin Mary Jaanne mo reporter Donna twoï¬dworil Mrs more és meres assisttint The project to Clothos Closets Up 44 Date they 911 VI Rev Mr Gordn wtha JuiceH Following the Ms cloalng the mee used with with ï¬t th not Alli try which interesting by HeQwthcorn on the ch must and showed some things rec vod lrom other countries on Humberson govea3readln Hungarians and Mean to rCanadn eatingclosed with Godsivo Whit They theQueen Lunch was scrved am floyd Patton and Mrs P33 m3 otvn1to liu risen and auxhtefl Malkdï¬le iaitcd the mother returned home Wit et materialptnuwork meetingdia aocinl timp wasvspent undetstandinggthot nil wquidnt