Matter Degree7 Appropos oithe malleton the three ho parking umituown town Council this week tried onconvlnee the spokesman at delegation theth customer is larmore important thantheemployee Fortunately thespokesman was ml or great experienc and tact Any belief that the go tomeris alllm portant needs quanticatlon and moments thought would show havicrroneous such an unqualified statement chug be rruewith out the customer therewouldvbe no Mic but without the employee thcre would be no one tomnke thesale And without the employer there would be no one tooiier employment Take the matter step turt rand is clear that both they employerand he em ployee am at some time customers The three categories are inter end nt in terchangeable Nowno one will deny the qnyenlénea or the customer is oi thegreatestiinportahée to the ecbnomy or any town but those who are employed withinthe to are also worthy oi consideration They are entitled to expectareusonabiebus serviceor aso able iacilltlesior parking their cars ii such service is notavnilnbic For long time now empoyers have rea lized the importance oi employe employee reiationshi This might well bathetime for progressive Town Council to take new look townemployee t5f°sP playing vital role in the economic develop Brilllanieldeal nvires Support The innovationoirskating onthe bay on specially prepared area is thebestthlng that has happened in Barrie for manya long season Suddenly the town has come alive and hundreds flock eachweekend day and evening to the ice to dosOmething more than just fish Muchveredltis due of Commerce riorhaving seen héIp Vities oi such an ilrst proposed the or specdrskating meeting which led naturally to the public use of the area must go our He has sparked something has needed fora loriglim hos caughttheimuglnatlon inlfghis say that the chairmanlof th geommltte responsible for the arrangements carnival and speed skating contest this weekend has beenputtingin manyilong hours onatheljob fitting tributetti hisworkand energy Would be the whole hearted support by the community at Barries firstryvinter Carnival and International Speed Skating Contest gt II ll How to Face Stress How to avoid stress highpressure living is 0n ailsides we hear good the pace get you down Bu modern life being what it isabou theonly way escape its strain isto hideionsome island somewhere might as Athevfact thes ainrls here and learn to deaI with it It is not on the big bu ness tycoon ruffersirom this conditionnbut as th Roynl Banks recent iett reminds us in our Western civilizationha mands on his nervo made in former years The economic social and which his grandfathe gt fessional men are harde pressed Stenographers oirlc assembly line work under pressure There eet orld 79415 sciousiy worry there is amalst sort underground pull thatnags at our nervousl system Dr HansSelyepi Montrea the idea thatdlseaseraccident trOuble and emotional upsetsJike worry set Yup stressil lines bodygimmediately tries to counteme faster heartbeats increased blood piessu or steppedup gland sec tionswhii pending the actionoi so orgajns till the fight is ave heavy or prolonged ando suresnot good enough then nnudermnn in the Barrie Chamber the has developed breakdownydiseasepr even death 9n othermandpltiwemet overstrongly to trivial threat harm may alsoresult How often wetworry ourselves sick ver somc littlei thingporeven over do thing 11 never happened it is cl ed that at ofa tiionsand diseases emotionally induced llinua is as comma in all thevother 999 um together of avoiding harmiul stress up whetherthe cause is organic Ofr emotional It emotionalh the best curative isfa wholesomeoutloo iiie Learn in see things lnproper proportion to accept theiactthnt disappointmentiand irustra tionrare partof lite to betairenin stride Religious faith can hon wiltkeophlm in peflectpeacg whose auntie stayed on Thee good working con tions lot rsugeests where noise is oh minimum on lighting good Occasionnliyshiitlthe stressa und Relax ï¬ihe baseball pitcher who is relaxed and calmis tireone smashliker to pitchgood ball1 Aml dont drive yourself faster than conditions are driving you Sometimes vacation helps or obby Above all wellbalanced life is the sur estsecurlty against the evils of stress peratures on men and materials are mightend defence of Canadas north coun Much of this research is centred in 0mm in thres divisions of the National Research council mechanical engineering biology and building research Thework oi the divisions ranges from development of civillAn and military equip ment able to operate lrrArctic and subArc tic regionsto the design oivbuildings and clothing required by men to exist in relative comfort in extremely low temperatures LMuch useiul work in northern problems has been done by NFL scientists in the ievr years However the problems ammany andflormldabie and wont be solvedwithout afconcentrated eiiort by government and private interests scientists urge the extension 01 low temperature research by Nflcand privately owned researchinstitutions unless this is done they say northern developmentwill leg due to the inability or manand machines to ope withthe cold One therederal governments main we is northern defence However th velopment of materials and coulpmentior this purpose often has civilian application defence department recently asked mm to deilelopan loll whichcould be used to ubricate ma Zinelyat temperatures as as 65 belowzero The oil was required or radar equipment but now is being used 1rmamomer miltiary and ivilianptir 13 be Mostiof the experiments on equip4 ment and material are being conducted in rtfwo laboratories in which the temperature can be dropped to 70 below zero For the ical research the council has machine iri hlchthe temperatureoi liquiiied helium can be dropped to 456 belowzero about our gr short of absolute zer gt 01 the blggestheadac es lnenorthern evelopment is transportation Aircrait berused but the diriléulty or building eids and keeping tn miclearIinwlntet next to impossible on alargescale lec cargo and passenger transport yearround bas Wlnnipeglribune The list of outstanding news personalities of Iii past year published the other daylpresented ters and milth commentary on ouriimes Here lis Nasser Khrushchev Hammars sldold Nagy2 Nehru Pearson uu Elvlsilresleyl playlagrestl part ere said thelpsalmist Sunnidalc Rbad MANY HEiPED ABritisb Govern Myrth In ibe Central ofï¬ce at Wormlion London and meant or oversea lniorlnaiion oervloesllves panic uhrs olzihe developmentin um Em me iil government publca lions ibis one is writienfln the ypicï¬ precise and tutul out such pamphlets Howevar the description authentic inp ment or may great pmiecu in life Middle East in ylhiehBrltain hasdonosomucbandrtheenoe mousinndsal ï¬nancialid given loibasepmiecis byBrlinin man onugblenln And one might startling reading irrigation snd ogriculiur puin womand technical are ibe subiecis discussed sized so Toibe Editor The Barrie Examiner Sir Iihink liarrieTown Con cil sh uld publl ed iorilielr eiioris in or irrigation but these early efforts me without success Tlien in 1828 the Canals weredec nod and greater barragei were built hirioric sistef as the hhPDlm molded in Portage iHowever why oihersircets inflows being kept in the yer recognlzedasï¬the horsc and buggy age Yours sincerely gt BRUCE SYNNOTT Carnivalï¬ Asks All Support Barriefs Weekend Barrie Feb c19572 To The Bditor rhea ie Examiner maximum in car gary Slainpcdeoi Harms winter carnival of Headenas rose parade Thesowequy evenisnll started on in smailyway but ilieyweror perpetuated every yen iinailythey became world am iem of silt sinking backinio the panels andanin the not sat notary solution In 1860 Brlilsll skill Ihd exE perlence made iis appearance Thelr engineers sirengihened the barrages and overhauled the whole system of basin irrigation in tip ticket for your friend intbc hospital maybe we will java radio broadcast or them especisl 1y maybe TV Others have donc ii why not Barrie lot of us grouselhercsvno swimming pool inBarrie and nothmgcvsr happens Well now push tothe Wheel and hip first winier carnival etsmake it an annualevent by really putting anniber liver with bang would suggest me carnival committee teilus lois of easy places where we can bu ai kcl Harried business men Hoiv By each and every cl izen ofihose communities helping out hard time to find klngio niakc it easy iobuv articket eh polioe and Mr Thomas ï¬nd hereswishnig all the work ihei fleas and eiiorts In cam we howling success FEET st had flash from the thcr CAKNIth aoosren once seems Rraulnn ssnvlci lye yo whencver you need servl froma carvwash to complete tuneupl Our service men are ma anyAuras or rHsse SPECIALS OFFERED DUR GJHE SHOPPING OREE ur passvtlre police saiet beck cumein now 1661 lhere was the great pmlr we have chance iopui our lliile avlng jeeis projects including wingtips road conriru lion irrigiiaavp may other 3ng work Since my the United Kingdom Government buprnvid Egypt in Lower Egyp hind compaan Joined by British and focal enterprises hundred1min salty swampy land Between 1898 andgtooznriiuh ensinoers Amn Dam During 119151 Britta engineersbuilt the Schlnr Barn designed to irri gate the pm of the ï¬ve million alluvial pll no Tailed Klng Govern mniMlpe¢wlth ihejiinsnclngloi ills nrkby guaranteeingJonns hssrbeenresponsibiemrdcvelop is millionmounds log gt Loan In Jordan In Jordanthejeacresge cannot more salisiaciory siandards of living OVEIE million acres only bout million are euli whichlabolit ï¬ve pence soled music dom Governor at million mam ieddam equals rescuers 1861 theerop the timean this publi cation Ire beln carried sent by the Iraq Develo ent Boa es hblyisbedvln inset ltsiunds are proudedmmy tram men in ject we WM tum sureon countersunk nullmcliriirurs CASTERC Aswan room togroom POWER PLUS 0vcrsize up to twicetbe suction INSTANT plnr msrosnp and up pope thethrowaw lME AVE lupncnurs countrys leading engiu es plus elusive newadvantages lars below competi ve makes we belie the Music Vac to hencleane ever bulliSIr Your Own Ss dustry which 13 this enterprise ed the bisis or iuriber interest loan one for 16 million pounds sndoneior 175 millionin 156 audnne or 225 million poung in 1358 Promoic Cooperative Elton Que oir Briiians most utHlé ory lnltisilvesln the Middle East has been the promoting oi the mopenllve elloris against loofl usawblch is meniinl for the leciion of crops As result muchjesearch and wiih scvcfal countries coopernilng together will combat attacksvand conirol techniques during the period ma 1949 there were no wholesale asses of crops due ioiocuss suclr as had occurred previously The cost of the organization oi counirles was about 15 million poundsa year and borne mainly by llle Uniled Kingdorn Govern ment andihc British EastMrlcan governments oiiengt said that oil is ibc theoMlddlc Eastrln 1855 in Middle East accounted ion212 percont world on pm ion andlneary Awethirds otf Turniojage welve please SUCTION smaller lil lillllPiill current Till mam ans Ian higlhpoworld ppmmi 94 floor as aw use Williams and any on