Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1957, p. 7

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Credit Not Restricted Con nueo from pin Perhaps the most convincmg sinale indicator at this fret istho low level of unemployment In September aadDctober 1958 the number of Jeannawithout jobs and seeking work fell to less than 17 of the total labor force But if labor is in short supply generall it is very seriously abort in certain regions where economic expansion bas becn particularly laptd More seriously sti the shortage of some specialized forms of labor such as drafts men and engineers is realbot tlcneclr Do Vt Like To Say No Now perhaps some of you are sttting there thinkingThat is all very well for himto say but he is banker and you know what they are like They just love to say no and take superior at titude but lhave to supplement my capital in order to makea go of my busincss Well am 311 ing to lot you in one secret about my own piofesslon We dont like tosny no at all We likcrto lcndmoney to sound borrowers forproductive purposes That is how we carnour living And for over 20 years we have iANn macARTHUR tried never to say no to any good proposition 0n the con etrary we have been pounding on your doors telling you as forth rightly as we decently could how glad we would be tolend you some money for prom ing un dcrtaking Believe me it is dis appointing to us now to have to turn down business we have been after for years in all seriousness it takes conscious cffort ol wtltfora com mercial banker to take his mind 80 the problem of deciding on whether Mr is good credib risk for $1500 or Company can safely use $100000wliich is real ly the main business of banker and think about the more general problem of what the effects will be on the community if we try to lend one another more money than we are willing to save Easier Credit no Solution Easier credit would notaolve anything Perhaps we are still subconsciously thinking of the dr pression of the 1930 We quite properly discount our experience with warvtime shortages asbcing due to special circumstances and tie last half of the lWs as being no Purina HogContract PrécisioiiMixed starter and Grower gt LocalManuIactured Finisher No Carrying Charges and you pay only List Pricelthe day urchase whether it bag or 100 bags Barrie ltlrln Supply for ivestock and poultry Purina Chows pectalized liltrn tutor has leading in woken for efficient eggrpm IL period ballastnut tan also dimntJh period or the Korean War to some extenb But animus not judge the marshy the 1930s Then we were plagued byuncniploytnent ot ntenandnndelemployment come forward tha new idea for profitable prod lion and could permdenote ilk manager to help finlncelt was public ben elactor in twowayI beaidu pro viding the publlc with new or improved product he was draw in resourcésintn productive use that would otherwise hxvebeen wasted in idleness Today however the situation is quite ditteran Demands on our productive resource are too great not too small All he who borrows money is in fect bor rowing resources or diverting them to is service from someone elses ought to be 3to ensure that the money goes to those who will use it most effectively in he public interest as indicated by the market mechanism and the law of supply and demand Natural Market Working This think explains what the officials of the Bank of Can ada mean when they say thcy have not raised interest rates but have only allowed rates to rise through the natural workingof price it is the price of the use of moneytor certain time under certain conditions Asa price it moves in response to supply and demand and that is pretty much what has happened over the past year it is true thatthe Bank of YJanada could have interfarcdto keep interest rates low by creat ing more money but that would have seriously increased the al ready existing inflationary pres sures since it would have done nothing to overcome the basic shortage of labor materials and capital lnthe 1930s credit ores attdn and easy money could con tribute to anexpansion of pro duction without it serious inflalt tionary threat by helping to draw unemployed resources into use but today such policy would be irresponsible VOthcr Limitations Monetary policy has other lim itations it is undoubtedly un even in its impact on thlt econ bnd high interost rates are 50 verer discouraging to longterm capital projects where interest becomes major part or total cost but have relatively little effect in discouraging shortterm inven tory accumulations Itis difficillt orlimposaibleuo moderatethe im llact on particular region or industry or type of activitywhere that seems desirable or to accent unto the impact on other sectors On the ather hand we must not exaggerate the importance of these defects for the only real alternative to monetary restraint in times of inflationary pressures from recent experience how un desirable that altcruative is Prian Housing Private housing construction has attracted considerable atten tion as field in whichrtho credit squeeze is believed to have had an unfairlyheavy impact There is someghing to be sal for this point view for housing is longterm term of capital and thus peculiarly vulnerable to tigthter money and higher intérest ra es undesirable to have sharp and sudden changes in the volume of construction since theicnmmu itys needs for new housing should be fairly year to year On the other hand is pretty clear that fall in starts welaremow seeing is by no meansre irely ducto tight mon ey The rate of 1a formation is falling though it is expected to rise shnrply again in affew years as the Jar number of year after the start of the war reach marrying age and the backlog of hnsatis fied demand for es from time been largely eliminate It the fore appearsvthat th legit irnatc though perhaps temporary reduction in demand for housing residential hous ing is probably good example vari markedly from regionto region To extent that cre restric ons factor in the dfilced numbe ofhousing starts in the areas whele housin oil the basis of past ex perlence in goo time and bad Igthinkuwemustradinit hattill form of credi tahlished its raaourcaL Everyone who could Our main concern now omy for example tight money is direct controls and we know lt canalso beiirgued that it is onstant from ng and ponwaryefl has no demand donot intend to make or field in whichvthe situation impact islundoubtedly heav thc market An interest rate is it len afton Farms Allistonholit received theceittllcate of Long timeProductipnfor Montvlc Colleen Abbekerk atthe annual meeting of the HolsteimFrleslnnAssoctatlon of Canadaheld January 30 in Toronto Colleens totalor2261 lbs milk with 9861 lbs fat average test 435 per cent mm her Can adian Champion for lifetime productionof buttertat over all breedsuregordless of times milked dolly Pottery Holds Open Hodse Collinéwobd On Saturday Feb Jack Browne president of Georgian China Limited of Collingwood held open house atthe pottery publicized widely for two or three weeks in advance arid the attendance of nearly 500 guests attested to theintcrest of the citizens Gcor China Limited start edbuiiding in Collingwood over lOyears ago and have since addt cd two new wings to theirvorlg inal plant which now exceeds 50000 square feet Since near ly twothirds of theemployees are femalethe male halfof the area have had Tlitttenoppcrtunity to see the plantandthe purpose of theparty wasto enable them to do so While the plant was dressed up inparty clothes for the oc casion most of the equipment having been moved or covered supervised tours of the plant by the management took place so that everyone was given good idea ofthe processes involved in nthe productlon of dinnerware items An interesting sidelight was that smoked sailfish was served to the guests this being the meat fromthe sailfish gracing the em trancesto the companys new flees The fish was caught by Mr Browne earlier this year off the east coast of Florida and measured just overseven feet in length and represented two hour fishing struggle The new offices of Georgian China are very moderniy decor atedandrwhi not quite com pleted do give very good indi cation of the upto date wide awaka thinking behind it all neing ffl very great share of thebn den of todays needs for capital iinancingfalls on tbemu icipal mes necddnly mention thi new or improved schoolswater andsewage systems roads and other community services that are needed tomeet til present de mand let alone the add onnl facilities we should now structing in ntlcipation of future plea ere for broadermunic ipai revenue base However even though that may be very desir that tight moneyputs partic ularly heavy burden on the fin a1 capital prtjr shoal eto refer to com plaints that have been made in some quarters that the cre and establ hel man whose business may pid expandin at who you get an increase in his eof are dit Itwant to say thatm he stitution Lam honored to work ith we are doingour best to see that th ype of customer does with helarge orrowe we will assure you for like all banks today We have more ioanrequests than ecan satisfy es mean howe that ensue anlaormn factory building The event was able RatherJ wish to point out not suffer unfairly incomparisom ns very Weather Today MostiyrSunny KeepirigTColdfl Last week brought cool nights moderate days with high 36 Saturdayniorning freezing rain caused an ice coat until some thawiag witlL much Silllcev water lndican tlons are for mostly cold and two previous was formed retarytreasurer FIAChurchili chairman Hobbs hotel pro tor Lefro The stollowing executive floors were appplhted Omer Al lardrmanufaeturer Lefroy Maur ice Martin road store Painswick Harry Warnica Builder Stroud Shering garage Stroud IThe association The purpose of theorgaruz tion is to protect township by legislation in maintain therevcnue individualshaving deavor to develop industrial en terprise and to keep the mone isfl th sfi Frank Dingman Itiltentire and Fa under the juris ctionof In young singlevman came Otoherfrom Edit group of business men met in Stroud Community Hall Feb meetings had takenplace in Lefroy and from thismeeting the Innisfil Town ship Business Meus Association Charter members Were appoint ed by the group as follows Sec Fred Graham REE contractor Stroud Charles Mitchell general omp son general store Stroud Earl association jrepresentswa membership of 4d atthepresent time The chartersmeinbcrs have been elected to hold office until May 1951 Unti that date the charter members will prepare the working bylaws and pr motethe the invested interest of the businessmenin to 11 permanent residence in the township to wens Probat an Offi er Marjorie llamjlton nib Miami was not included in the trip we outlined We had planned to cut across Ftorldl to told that we should atilehatssee Miami We did Driving south ward from St Peteraburl across the 15milé kyiine bridge over which it is £175 toltia worth the cost not only because it saves 50 miles driving through two cit ic but the drivenacross an inlet oftheguif which is at least three the as wide as the Kemp cnteit The bridgertses in the centre high enough to allow large liner to pass under The Coast lpld which is now beingrebul is siowidriving as the mall toiilna with theirr mph peed limits are so close to that oneseems to be con ingaltmitcd rate Easy togct twi ed also the streets are Howcverwhen on théTamlami Trail one would give lot ust to see alrhouse ora speed limi sign This road running through the eyerglades witha canal along side and row of Australian pines has el ding stratghtness that fiN MEMORIAM McBLntiYJln loving memory or my dear wlfnbfidullna who pulled away Feb Peacefuliy resting at laat The worlds yery troubled trhla are passed in silence on aullertd in watiencalhe bore Till God called her home to suffer no more aver remembered by her huabandi Mcltroy la McCltACKENln lovtn memoryrol dear huaband dtathal alia Me cracaen who non ablayvteb LAND lovlnx memory of our dear daunh or Beth who paucd owl Feb ll iota Dcar cur you are not lorxutten Thoulh on aarthyou are no more sun in memory you are with an alwnys were hornrn at misled by DaddY Ham and can gun and carol la NEW RASPBERRY QRESTON BC CF rasp arigty of unknown origin baiideai forclltning or freezing No 151 it ripens Emily MOUNTAIN EXPLORER The firstirecorded crossing of on Pass in gthe Rockies was By the geologist Dr James lfectprdn 1858 man JOHNSTON Workeisltlreturns to Sunday Feta 17 is highly in ionsisting of av ilahtlities and employment The compi 1d weekly by ffice theNationnl The pro over CKBB for several yearsandproved to be invaluable for th employers and those oklng for job oppor eoma llatrvpolithndixtrlet he Toronto or Lon no they first thalamus headatnnatojctaautetratntnl inootattuy Wehad tombean Mflélda WWW caaedmlimimr Wanhtellto have over found will fatiil pus andaoar ahead We had couple of Fordvinade productaraclng put us while the speedometerwaa hovering 10 They passed no fut that we could begin to distinguish the lie cnse numbers Tba ay they fished flat out of theua with one of the occupants attilin itv ver arrtved in Miami and prominent mayhem we believed lived that was Social policeearweputled up on Viceatatlon lot into over and enquire Before we reached the car this office shouted at us to maveour ear It was he thought blockingstnfrlc we left him standan there and drove around to the villagehall There the Chief Policewas in charge herniated lnieter to any records ionaeeit the party lived there Bl told you if he was here hid know have becnchict herefortenyearawhenwe fiend fNone of my menfionl talk like that meaning tint were mialnforming him ragga likefthegestapo we were told by residential Miami not our Can adian Mend etttie Formhohday that doea not include the spending 0L larle rum ofmoney we would not adv vise the Miami district we rc manta get hackup into thecen ml areas Wuickcd up our mail at land We have our Examinera there We are on our way now towards New Orleans stopping at the cities along the way to see how they compare with our week end in Miami Yesterday was Innisfil Coun cil meeting We know that some of the members wi appreciato being able to have blown oif without danger of beingquote Sorry that we did not have 56m er noon on Saturdu told hint ahouthis officer he am one there and we spent llttlettnle findingour IrieudaM Mrs ter formeriro Stroddfwho are living in that city When we did thcypiic us into their Cadillac and we re ahown the town we oak in Hialeah lltacea This alone is worththetri one of the biggest bettnl tracks in the world ereonl iiitime forthree raccsg the mountsgwagered were staggering usually most betting of ovc thiswas la Wc failed to folio hunch which was Homested and had we done soourtwo dollars would have netted $40 The oth er Inttbe party wasnot toolucky either Sunday is big day in the city of millions We went around the beach andlooked at the various places which are so indescribably beautiful and different pruloua is the only word Moneyhaa no value the cost of accommodai tlon varies with the name of the hotelu One circular mass facin the ocean costs visitor or guest as they arecailed at least $1000 per week to livel That would 11 include tips and these start at dollar and up The Sundayevealug stroll along the streets and boulevards is something that one could not see anywhere else Many of the shop are open The crowds arejeither on the sidewalks or sitting along the fronts of the hotels They do this so that others may and wher hey arestaying walk through the rotunda of some of these places could cost one night in the cooler if they thoughtyou were just sightseeing Yod need to have someone that might be staying there We werg not We just had suite at motel uptown The city of Miami and the Beach aredifferent In fact thcie are 25 different mixed so that one cannot tell whichtheyare in Whenit be tunes in the tan plus few well remembered standards This will complete a7day programming of Hit Parade reminder too Hit Parade is alto heard Monday through Shnday from 905 pan to 10 pm May we suggest Caldwells Baby Show on Thursday mornings at 1115 During the program uture citizeils of Barrie and make their debut on radio All parents offlth new babies born in the Barrie tea during that allvahows oil the board The list race when gone had $14000042 of municipalities all Wrist istrict amuue cone ult Tlltl is lal Tany lloo plane NM we mean us The chriahhharo on mu my DW III Marlo no Jun aunonu Eaadltnca mu run and country 1210 3w Dlnlt lama nun an at huge JD NI gt Loo Na Rea limBIIlhtll no an enema snrlnr an loo Nun 20 twalilale3l3aom Drown n4 cn mu newlin an Pam Harlot ma Boom uo Nm am Bonito noun un loco rim am aullrtln second ages Varlctr ism mum in Nm cases loans noaaunanaou 8538 ens vanotl weather wasp a2 Etna Oo alo mrnnrtn tor the my Nun an llualeal motlfiho moo ram alarm Report no man Iao carotene anorti no Relionll Weather 730 Neuralat Bhoon uo Hara LEGAL BOYS SEAGRAMGc 30W Vltflltflfltsflkllun Notarlea Public gt Conveyance etc vw nonevrowAN office Owen xii at iElmva 9333wgfme SBAGBAM COWAN COW ii iii to Plan in our cum tinnny to roam non eonn GLADSTONE CURRIE We one moialong Episode an PA sails OTTON Solicitor Nomi mnuu St Eu Rodin at DnnIOP oi SMIIH MgllllwAggn to Duncan intros gg ughmkm nanisop so lanolin admits LWINGSTONG Mums Barrtstcn maaplloltm tin comer sea raonn OPTOMETRY MAURICE 318 FAA0 om Dunlap St WutOfnce Houra to Entrance nut ridovol Dominion at shone was nn 10 an br arao sa Ilia Tin Tin Kralt mam tKaBPRQGRAMS DlAL 1230 lloo enoru noan on mice nlnr Crosby anon lloo inulo country aim rursoav 120011 11 alasi lam ran an inn aooru Dinnr 16 Palm Market Rgnort 50 Rural mum on Mo News headlines anlunt Mary Wm 1030 nldifll pm mun Country imam cnmn Borden soom Town and County New nucleu rnn Mtrknt won an un Board Nana dual htl to To Telelram eta soon or IM CHId Al WDXI Ontario sums rrloltlcr PAijZ studio 21 Bradford MEL tom can to 1hr bane Th clc um 1145 Today In anom use Country Junction YuunsoAV in in team In Inna sheti anon Dav era is us The coitushon 00 our Help v00 Neil 005 Hit Parade looo Now and snort loos Topaf tho Town lloo New and snorta lam News snort Walther wanuasnav Au sin on 010 fitnnlth toe the aao amnion clock show 00 rarrn Market Report New Overnlrht snort mrlonal Weathlt Neva Enorhl mna DD NEW Sparta Ban Ihn Ttm MIIBI amour Tradtna Port nrem cnv no 1000 Nawacaat 105 Idle Fremont IO meritken lenlfl dudl 5a ago an count assass urnnone noun aorta 00 Newcut 05 Good Nana Bcm HJUBMK Club nao one country etm WEDNESPAY 1200 am headliner ism Town macaunm iii 52 ETfi rm 1330 Newman 100 Newa Heldllnll IDI° nulle Id em adttnu nun so Nevacut Womena world filth tll 400 Dick Home New manila Camp Borden snort Nelr 2071 and country EPFN cheese Health MatLAREN CO enanraiian accourrrarrr USTEE mesan MUNICIPAL atmnon BARR EEDHAM C0 Cerulled PublicAccountanu Torngl1angtiiarrlc fcn Wilson Building Post Office Telephone Ms3397 5mm Residents Partner neoplasm can cfirggggne rowan 2t Danton at EutAccovNTANguflc Telephone PA H521 ROSII HARRISON SAMUEL ROSE SAMUEL BABmsoNicdt as calllcratree Phone PA Hats LICENSEE GW ILAINES nan arc Elm Appointment ontyAss PHD trauma out Music LESSONS JESSIE RE BRYSON ELM nun THEORY Pupils prepred or cklw motions of the nayl Conservatory tIllc Toronto Ill ItcT amnem Eff Pho lncludlnl LIN mm and ACCORDION rhono PA Il CHARTmIIDACCOUNTANTS gt Massage Hydrotherapy TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and

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