rm These min Social service skills cannot re main secret very long even in foreign count At least they didnt in the se of former Barrie resident Mrs Phylli it dey who moved to Zwei bruekcn Germany with her bus band couple or years ago when he was posted to the RCAFs No Fighter Wing Thoroughly convinced that she was going to do littlcbut holiday and perhaps learn the lanmiage during her stay abroad she has instead been devoting great deal of energy effort and time to dependents activities and welfare work Governor Gcnerals Award llcr activities have been so ch tensive that she has been pre sented with special service awardirom the Governor Gen eral by the commanding officer at Zweibrueken Had she been in Canada she would have re ceived ii at Rideau Hall in the annual October investiturcs of The Order of St John of Jeru salem Mrs Moodys record of volunv tcer service abroad will have familiar ring to those whore memher her as assistant recrea tion director in Barrie post she held while her husband was sta tioned at Camp Borden Later she was supervisor at the Oshawa Community Centre commissioned superintendent in the St John Ambulance Corps she holds international and Can adian Red Cross swimming in structors certificates During the war she was physical training and drill sergeant in the RCAF Womens Division later working with the senior WD welfare of ficer at air forcetheadquartcrs At the end at the war she was on sea duty accompanying war brides and families to Canada One of her favorite projects has been teaching handicapped children to swim The American armed forces publication Stars and Stripes in special article from meat brucken tells the rest of the Moody story Which will begin You caniq Alllllll lfyou feel Alllli ry up less alrain on body and brain Icahn physical ï¬lm easier In lehuldfl to regain Todays tune lowered uairhntd mucus ny of it may add nonrial no aclton When nan out an derrelcua acids and wastes system Then indium dulurbed rut that ï¬redout heavy headed feeling alien follow Thats the tune to take Dodda Kidney Pills Dodds Ilimulafe the kidmy in ma attlarn Then you feel bettersleep betterwork better Ash for Dodda Kidney Pills at any drug mu so new phase when Warrant officer Alan Moody and =hla wife come home to Canada and Barrie this spring cady Volunteer When take her JungL to something First at prenatal cliniu held weekly at therbua winguhoapltal Then ieamlng Ahfrsghfoodya past the chaplain begantoconfer with her on welfarem ters Last winter she helped an ganize dependenta welfare council through which the round theclock emergency care for RCAF children at No Wing is provided when required She gave firstaid courses to adults and teenagers and conducted special junlor home nursing classes for Girl Guides The services of this persist cnt volunteer were rewarded last spring when St John Ambul ance Association official in Lon don invited her tobe Can adian representative when the brigade was to be reviewedlxby Queen Elizabeth Within recordtime wing of ficials arranged for Mrs Moody volunteer for to maka the trip by servicefair craft At the review in which more than 20000 St Johns memi bers paraded she was one of tiny overseas contingent made up of representat from Aus tralia Ken Malaya theGo Coast and Never resting on her laurels Mrs Moodyrushed back to the to begin pla nlng summer ties mimeshine swim Healih Unit ls Subject Lions Auxiliary Taik Miss Janet Gillespieuh nursing supervisor for the Simcoe County Health Unit was speaker at the regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Lions club on Monday evening at iCommlmity House gt The To vary the roll call each her answered by giving the ï¬e of the current hook or 13381 she was reading own cation was received be Royal Victoria Hospital omens Auxiliary requesting co operation in its THostess Night this month Mrs EmestBilkey treasurer reported healthy bank balance and Mrs James McLean ï¬nance chairman urged all men bers to poseoft tickets on the Hope Chest Linen Mrs Anders wife ofDr John Anders anew dentist in town was welcomed intovthe club Mrs Jack Craig wasa welcome guest Mrs 60 Smith program cblib man for February introduced Amazing 71IOCGSS rmoodyaanived in Gcrmanymyearatagonit didnt mm wéHareiworkerCAE 9363 morning pm ioda for youngsters fromdour 11 The 3th Milled Deapita her vol ntary tom this renurkahla woman doesnt negliet herbuaband who aartbe wing rtatlon warrant officerbad slacabl job of his own hilegreaerved gulch spoken Moodytakcs an obvioua pridan his wilesactvities Leggee Visited RVH Patients The regiilar dean of the League of Mercy at the Salvation Army was held in Central United Church lnthe format dinner meeting Caterers were the church women Delegates and officers were present from HuntsvilleNewmar ket Grayenhurst Midland oriilia and Coliingwood The Territorial League of Mercy secretary Mrs Colonel Wlaeman was the apeait er She wdsf accolhpanled by the divisional secretary Mrs Briga dier Pedlar of 0rillla her hus hand Brigadier Pedlar Molar and Mrs RWhiieBarrie Corps officers werealso present special feature of the evenlns was the enrolment of several new members by Mrs Colonel Wise man assisted by MrsBrlgadier Pedlar Representative reports were MARIE PAULE president as is by irene of MOntreal Canadian Couturiers designed this elegant suit in Oxfordgrey with woman executive in mind for tile Springlcollection ot the association She used the fabulously soft 100 pdrcent viscose coloray fabric called LAirnant forthe suit and glazed vls dosecotton sateen with modernblacit and grey design on honayground tor the lining of the suit Jacket and matching shirtwaist with the Italian loo Both fabrics are Canadian This Time year Less Than Nickel iay mourn mum canadian PRI Eilff Writer What coo shouaewifa buy for nickel or least Well My home economists in the federal agrlctilture depart Iments consumer section at Otto wa tblatlme at year eggs cost less than nickel Supplies oftopquallty eggs are plentiful now across Canada and douncf thebeatscosta around 50 Flats at this season In the consumers section lmown as Canadas Kitchenha take advantage oflha low cg prices for these reasons th They can new cool eu loaded treats that might be too expensivewben egg prices rise lalerion They can buy eggs econ omlcally for freeaing either in ihaicecubeleompariment of alrct filgerator or in ahome freeier Healthy Meal Fresh or frozen skin are loaded with protein value They make healthy meal whether theyre cooked for main courses or for cakea and desserts First step in freezing eggs is to usefresh eggs of the best qual freeze the yolks arately and whites sep Here are the consurhcr sectlorils given by an Orillia delegate and by Mrs Baxter League of Men cy secretary in Barrie The divi sional annual report was given by Mrs BrigadierPedlar After the veryiin message by Mrs colonel Wiseman Major it White of Barrle pronouncedthe benediction Dévoféd Service Victorian rxw 4fll Nurseslsf president Mrs Gerald Woodger presided at the meeting gt In Barrie with 11 Borden present thousand and given grea Royal Victor 2590 copies distributed At tChristma make up the health uni Baby Clinics county pupils children will be later date of the unit or the VON nurse number of which is decreasing year by year Gillespies appreciated by the emlie that she accepted th invite on short notice owing to the members Mrs led Gourlay small token oliappreciatlo Asociallialfhurw tiring 1956 there we 52 ings held in the jail During Camp military hospital calls en were visit asenem visi din Barries ospital Around jWar Cryflwere Miss Gillespie The speaker des cribed the various branches that The unit is maintaining Well and has assumedre sponsibility forthe Salk vaccine in tions whichit hopes to start invthe secondary schools of the vaccinating some 5000 on Feb 11 Preschool inoculated at Every newborn baby in the county is visitedby either anurse The unit nurses alsovisit every discharged sanitarlum patient the ortunately eh btenlng and informative tak Was doubly den illness of one of the formél fhgeca Mrs Charles Agnew thanked the speaker presentin harwitb yell older people This isthe Diamond Jubilee Year of the Victorian Order of Nurses ln dpiyears the VQN has grown from comparatlvely modest bcglnningsv into national nursing servic with 117 branch es spread rcss CanadaL AI present the order take care of or 120000 casesannually makV just derone millio visits through the devoted se cc of 592ouallfled nurses From the very beginningpthe National Council of Women at whose urging ady Aberdeen toundedthe Victorian Order at Nurses inwlBii7 recognized the need for profess nal nursing se ice coming into peoples taking care of patients roarsparttime Todayy while the VON takes care of patients of all rages its services are icularly needed forolden peopl and in matern ity cascs indeed almost half of itsCease and turnthirds of the visits ar connection with per sons oger 65 yearsoldu People live10ngar nowadays thanks to advances in medic clenee As the VONs Dire tor in Chief Miss Christine Livmgston pointed out in report this trend is bound to continue as public health In sures improve nd the public demandsandvr etter medical and nurs Therefore the ed for such nursing service wf nwirgieater than ever and at the same time people are co jing more and more to understand that the home is usually the bést placeinwhieb to takecare of CHANGsos osznsuw ltd $1336 list oi bmhnar mm irone qeebrafihg Diahï¬qï¬ledbiIee At the othcr and 011112 age scale mothers babies ac eount for just half of the ca but only pily maternity cases call for far ewer visi than sickness Over aternlty patients are cared foryearly while over 40 VON branche provide prenatal classes Looking back over 60 years the Victo Order of Nurses maytake legitimate pride in the great progress which has been made Looking to the future one of theprincipal needs lsfor wider and standing on the part of the ublic itself that VON services are availablein peoples own homes both for those wb canfaiforg taxpay and those whocannot The VON is indeed Everyqne clal The womashumuy to 162 Squadron Air Cadets will hold ts monthly meeting on Wednes day ev ing Feb at eight Itb card at the some of Mrs Else Clapperon Street BOND acid John Ambulance first aid course The instruction dealt ivltb Bandagingand shock ibe Local Association Girl Guidesheld its regular monthly meeting the same evening The Guides dornotA have time for campflre theseInights The tap communion ARE PARAMOUNT ill svskvicef LLOYD STECKLEX ruNEaAL our IWorsley St Hlilihtliera of new cadets are do eial nvitation 53 Aqu BAPTISva midwsm or monotonehflnm TS ANUILMEYERPASTOR Sunday February 13 266wa pert are urging housewives to ionsore an ity Then freezethelu whole or Ismsko mahdanr 10 195i imamwonsm sconesd3 ca ttended the second night Nopreparationjia dowry at freacaeparated egg tea dust atlckfthent in the freezer For£flyalb to onequart luggcstlons for preparing egg 9L1 cur oilyolkajabunt attracting yolhadd one tenpoon offsu To one cup ol whole eara or onequarter of nuptials cup takes about six eggsadd salt fmeak allvyollu half tablespoon ofsug orhalf thoroughly with 10 mid Salvation co Collier street Hajor on Mrs someone organist and Clio floyd Mord sum ra won in 1957 it us noamnsaaammu at MORNING mm pompcouran MEETING Windersng Th1 Chmhd oJSToPE 5m Order Worship pomSalvation meetingx Admission of Elders to the Bright Happy Singing Session Gopd Gospel messages 180 pomYOUTH GROUP THE CHURCH 8m All aro Welcome to make the 945 almelonlor lnicrraediia Army their Church hon and Senior epts Llï¬i 1m Imélrenmer baby alts tins Ndnérylndergarteu and Primarylfepartmcnb suiioav assaults 101957 sf kunasw rat VYIERIAN GHURCH Owen and Woralcy Sta REV JAMES FERGUSON Minister CLAitKE Mus Baa Organist and Choirmas er some salmon The Iteat Ansnmr God Has lead Tot Lifds Unanswered Question nvaayorta wucoua TRINITYCHURCH Anglican 24 Collier st EPIPHANY yr rFshruary 19 gnawSnow counuisron The Minister at bat sewatsrosu mpmonmnq mum SERMON Senior Sundayï¬cbool 1100 aniMORNINGPKAÂ¥ semon you everybody go toHé ii nmMoamno woos Ir amTbaChurcb School for we counro omen canlsmu Stiifiiti Servicealdg Sunday School SUNDAY FEBRUARY 16 957 than amSPIRIT was poor TEMPLE 41 Collier St Barrie Fred Metho 1209 Baylield Rev Goheenitfi uniThe ramuy Bible School ll muteMorning Worsbip mo plmPEvenlngWnrsth Warns Welcome Awaits cuppmoo at worm rum BAPTIST cHUKCH The Rev Allan Bead C31 NW luniorjundiay hool 100 mEEvensong 1th Divine Exhibitio The Rev PTO Sherrln CINTRALUNITED CHURCH Dunlop andx Torontostreets hav cacti immanent MR cauabHiLo Organist we pawr arsonn 10 watt son Laminar FORD Toslng gt bytae at nthif now lSTEE chamo Truce Rector is nemnsmiu at Billy Grdham two of ohr Crusad