nassnrutonvoain cheque to the Barrie District Anglers and Hunters Conser vatldn Quotarecompense for fish lost by pollution rwas the welcome result of much workon thjpart Lloydcznok and Clair gt Elll Filtzslm Ruhl members ofthe club Rater Qrdyuone or the youngermenibers dlsplayathe che quexothers ln mteoture lelt to mm are Lloyd Cook Clalrxï¬uhl LawrenceMelson Convention Contliiued frompage one In kedx againat myname in the as electlon gsald Mrr Snelgrovc This experience makes me bet ter able to represent you at 01 tawaii am Elected Ross Belttle Ross Beanie came next to the microphones and announcing the ouwlihdrawal or his na ram the nomination commen ed Mr Snel grove to those who might have voted or him Campbell Carilpbellszild that for him politics had been wonder ful experience have been thrilled withvlctory and have sufferedin defeat He conï¬ned the major portion got his address to outlining his many qualiï¬cations which be felt made him Ifltted to stand asthe Liberall candidate in Slmcoe North Prior to Ahe conventlon helthad visited almost every part of the riding in his campaignw He had never asked any one to votejor him but he had asked them to cnme to the convention withan open rnind GraydonKohl Graydon Kohl outlined his ex perienccs as farmer the history This eolour televlsloneoursels taught in dependently from black and whlte The most modern test equipment for colV our is avallablex Ilievteachtngnstaff rwas chosen from Americaseolour TV experts Dr Hill EngPHn mug Tubes had extensive experienéesln éléc tronics including stndlesv on Imnge his32¢sldency in 1he dountynf and came beiore the convention to humbly ask fortheir support Withhls experience he telt he could ably represent the rural Communityat Ottnwn Aiming dnrt at the Conscrvih lives In the audience he sold dont wonder at any Conserva tive thinklng of supporting the Liberal cause If should be defeated in the lirst round then am going to ask my supporters to use their common sense and to vote or the man they think will win the next election Oroi Takes Lead intermediate 0n took twopbint leadain the OHA Intermediate league whenthe Combines gained an overtlmelw tie with Goldwater Elmiiale is in second place in the league followed by Goldwater in the number three spot and Le Iroy Don Robinson scored ï¬ve times or Ora Steddart potted three Bill Breck had three for Coldwa ter Orton Smith and Peden had two each In JunioriD hockeyivlilondéy Unionville defeated the host Elm vale club 33 imiupvmw nans LEAGUE First Division Borden Bombers 2d Sopertest 28 Brass Glenn 24antleld Frosted 20 Crompton l7 Erniesda Second Division John Lang 36 Bhrrle Tanning 27 Butlers 23 Wonder Bread 18 Toastmas ter 13 Canada Dry Mondays Séoés ayneld Ernies Johanna But lers Tanning Toastmaster Wonder Canada Dry Turnbull had the hlgh sin perleat Mi ronLolee umberlawns who Ontulo Soilr 1111 no ndblnig Dlufllr Gen at Gordon Downers tern nnlnrli Web elmpr led the women lgh single was and tripl at 75 Bob ibbons as top single at pang49 John ks Pym Wed Miscellanea Westminster ¢bnnchea innz Jo wannar Permit oles sldglgo 293 and Marilyn Law still pew single at road tenths would suspension of the icï¬aaeorcord atloooft léleg Rock and Boilers Stragglers Itllates Rani lu blera White Sox 0Rocketg hiltd Cec Forthhad the high ttrlple bq of 780 Alzkuddicksm was In the press the free world single Vera Terslghi had the up rtunltleg 24 womens hlgh triple of 857 mlmnslbilltles4Cnmp Alma Bebbhad aslngle of hellmver gourler ull Q$ cabs menuHQ ale 83 Leo Gagnehad the high triple of 807 KEMPVIEW MIXED LEAGUE Brass Glenn776 State Farm 13 Honr 69 Dangerfield 80 Boyds 58 Webbs 56 Barrie Tanning 54 Royal Bank 50 Old Vienna 49 Eds Supertest 48 iaat Wednesdlyf Scores Brass old Vienna Boyds State Farm Hoar Da Mr lluvid Fmgurd President lllnl Their New iidouereyamflCdrt America ow has an esï¬motedkllv million se Times and their application for col oured television Pm Anthesj BASeelectrlcal en glneerlng recently readfbaper on colourTV at 71956 LRE Convention of the Televrsion Duhulcer President RETMA 1960 electronics will be 15 Geo Chem 33c En ehomestudy um 12 BENFlCl0CleA gwas4respons 1e for of Portsmouth Those who are desirou tub amon the on eligible to hike Thecourse consist of 22 weeks ZZ lama Maren Douglas Bruce ï¬che Gllï¬lllh Harry Snyder Waterloo had 103th Elton pkgollii3 pk asssave gt néclions therindujstry nu eroul and vgr technicionposiï¬ons 12mm EtscrnoflltsBfllllo fundTi their oresentjobs whilebéing ruinedjnightly once per Week on the modern citeclassrooriisr and laboruto weeklylésséns ll be Indispensable os oryfuture referencetexriboakle