tint litY Emphasizes VNeed For Quarters Continued from page one in October having previously been stationed in the City of Ed monton in the employai the Al berta government Word Melen bacher BA BSW is the proba ion officer situated in Orillia and is responsible for Orillia and the surrounding area Miss Lois Hall is the secretary inothat of fice Bruce Macintosh MA is the probation officer and Miss Diane Anest the secretary locat ed in the office in Midland and responsible for the MidlandPene tangCollingwood area These sev envpersons are provincial em ployees There is also Mrs Peg gy Coombs court reporter and clerk who works inthc head of iice in Barrie and is county employee gt one total costof theoperation of the Juvenile and Family Court of Simebe County forthe year Sloanwas $37400 The countys share of this cost was $9200 In other words the pro vinee of Ontario paid in the past year$28200 of the cost of oper ating this service and the coun ty paid $9200 The countyscx penditure onernuarter oi the total cost is very small in com to the province and in services rendered ramily can $4357797 was collected irom husbands and fathers and that amount was paid through ouroftice to vilves and beena lack of proper detention mothers for their support These women and children could have been cost to the taxpayers oi the county Further monies colv lcctcd include $630 from putative fathers and $103361 restitution collected from juvenile delin quentsand paid to the owners of damaged property In March of this year we were supplied with permanent court room which is located on the main floor of the county build ing Our court hearings schedul is as follows BarrieEvery Monday and Tuesday MidlandSecond Wcdnesdays CollingwoollFlrst land third Wednesdays OrilliaEverlehursday Emergency court hearingsvhave been held inAlliston andwith the increase in the work loadin the southern area we foresee the possibility of sittings in Bradford as well Up to the present7 there has and fourth quarters for children underf14 yearsof age which is require mcnt oi the Juvenile and Family Courts Act We shall endeavor with your approval to locate such accommodation SimcoeCounty Council has budgetted $13030 for 195 to cover thetctal costoiJuunlng thiscourt gt ltgt The king Age when the Noremen roamed 1theiar seas lasted frlom about 800 AD to 1050 GET xAHEAqwiTnf CLEAN BILL gt Pay leftover lealo bill drcducohigh monthly ply fluent with prompt loarl here We Iikua Icy Yell when you skJor lonnthnc foryour in one visit or come irn Ill 15 MILIJAJZM at mu THE MAYOR 0F BARBIE Willard Kinl tie is not an idle mall any day As municipal head of the town portion of his time is naturally spent on town affairs At left above he suiting with Walter Gigg Town manager As Reeve last year Mr Kinzie was chairman of the public works committee and through out his municipal career he has shown keen interest in the work of merit As Mayor his interest in the depart ment remains and above be is seen having word with Large director of the Public Works Department In the driving seat of the loader is Rowe In 1947 Mr Klnzle purchased Lakeview Dairy and has been interested and more modern methods of operation incorporating those which were into his business At left he Herman Cauthers plant superintendent at his modern dairy plant Iin Grower To Speak Continued irom page one lng lily researchon grant from the National Research Council The research consisting largely of trzirnping through woods and ï¬elds seeking out wild es is forming the basis for his thesis on the study of natural evolution which has never before bean traced in lilies While working forbis doctor ate he is aparttime instructor in botany at Varsity graduate of the university he specialized in cytology the study of cells and did his MA thesis on them Best says that interest in lily growing is increasing more rapid ly than in any other group oi plants even thoughlilies are com paratively expensive He believes thereason for their popularity is that they are more rewarding than many othergarden flowers By careful selection the home gardener can have continuous bloom from May until October In most cases the blooms last about three weeks either in gar den ty vase Lilies are also easily multiplied by any or all of five methods divislon oi the bulb taking scales off the bulb bulblets bulbils from the stem or seeds Many of the besthybrids have been developed by backyard gardeners Like his father young Mr Best is fond of paintin His own can vas oi Canada llles illustrates the cover oi his catalogue He Despite Al Bruno pointsforthe Downsviewtcam lBruno was noted coliege hoop star in rthe States before coming of the week great pro or the Oriliia is seen con= Association this deport chener They in the newer practical is seen with Dawnswéw Loses To Brass Glenn The Barrie Brass and Glenn lhasketball team proved yesterday ate calibre For yesterday at RCAF Downs feated the Downsview team 6260 The brightest part of the win is that the Barrie club waslz oints down with less than four In nutes to go yet rallied to notchvthe triumph gt the lead at the end of the ï¬rst half by score of 2724 was led by Jack Ilorc Doug Kettle and Don Crosby Hore led the snipers with 19 points and Crosby 13 Al Bruno the former Toronto Argonaut football star scored 14 to Canada to play ioctball Holmwood scored 22 of the RCAFs points andltamm had 12 The Dofvnsview team aiong with Brunowho now plays his Thursday at 830 lt CANADIAN Wacns AtlmidAugust thc average cents an hour without board In manufacturing the average wage elsoplaysthe violin and piano aweek during July 1954 METEOR nausea to $121500 gt Air condition ing heater AYMEN 3111 nursnult GOA onEArEsr van view the Brass and Glennels de The Barrie club which held Kettle had 18 football in the Westernbonfen ence Wlll be at the BDCI gym The First Column féontlnned tron hagcona month the ninthulna bonaplcl which got off to roarin start at Harryl Hangout on EssaRcad Then tonight at ElmvIIc there is convention which attract the meeting at attention even of the Tories The bonnpiel continues Tucc day with no interruption what ever from the Lions Club dinner Communitx House since thcre is no one roaring in that draw My chart indicates however that the Barrie District Huntersand Anglers Conserva tlonClub annual is scheduled for the COP clubroom On Wednesday the major iiem on the calendar seems to be the annual of Barrie Chamber of Commerce St Josephs Audi torium followed bytrlpplng of light fantastic at CGE clubroom which ll alway busy location hy the way forgot to mention Mayor Kinziclis the president of the no ric Milk Distrlliutors Association chairman Zone of Dairy Operators and director of the Ontario Milk Distributors Born in Elair be we raised on farm between Gait dild Kitchener and received his education at the proverbial Little Red School HouseflMr Kinzie married thefore mer Ruth Snider of New Dundee near Kit have two sons 11 and one daughter ageltï¬p and an adopted war or phan in Korea with the of KoMeSoon Mayor Kinzleils memberof Emmanuel Baptist Church serving on the building committee for themew church under con struction In enjoys golf and out racing and as hobby collects and drives antique cars charming name few sparemoments he rvm for an nxAMlNaa will an PllONE PASVZZIA thatit was ready to tackle any outside competition of intermedl farm wagein Canada stood at 00 reached record high of $6291 that the big CGE employees ball opcncd February on the first cv cning al the Armoury and cven helped the second morning on its le lfcre we are backtracking al ready bdt the third day found record number for all time skat ing on the bay that is on an area directly off st Vincent Park which has been cleared oi snow preparation for Iho big speed skating and hroomball event oi mid cbruary There have been scveral thousand people skating in thc past on Kempcnfelt Day but never before in one spot of about amuselectu gt Now getting back to Wednes day for those unnble or unwill ing to take in the oi dinner or thethird day of the bonspiel you maYIttcnd the horticultural and town improvement societys lecture in the Library Hall which will feature as speaker man who has the largest collec tion of lillcs in the world in cluding all valleys lile annual meeting of Barrie Agricultural Society is slated for Thursdayhnd this will take place at Stroud because the honsplel will still be cluttering up the fair building and the Sea Cadets will be inthe Armoury and they cant even havelt otstayncr that day because the lrogressive Con servativeswiil be meeting there having by that time discovered willat the Liberals did at Elm vae gt On Friday outside of choir practiceihcre is practically no thing doing tin Barrie That is speaking away from sporting angle At the Arena our Flyera will tanglafwitb the well liked Marlboros At the Curling Club the president of this newspaper is figuring on presenting The Bar rletExaminervTrophy 01011181184 THE BAR EXAMINBB MONDAY VFEBIIUARY 19513 Far Sightedness Paid Off For Town of Wiarion Far aightedness has paid off in short time for the town of Wiarton few months ago group of business men purchased the vacant furniture plant in that town completely nipped from the owners to save from being demolished and sold for scrap No months later through the efforts of wiartcns industrial commissioner and representative of the Georgian Bay Develop ment Association Elgin Ben nett the plant has been sold to Plywood Veneers lellcd of Calabogic Ontario whose new plant in that municipality was re ccnlly destroyed by fire Neville chicrgchcral manager of the Georgian Bay Develop ment Association says that the new company will manufacture plywood and laminated veneers and will employ about 100 men serving rink and there is an out side chance the secretarytreas urer of this newspaper will ac top it That happening is not as beyond the blue horizon as you might think butuit will have to break the sound barrier Saturday this week will be the ninth day ofthc month the 40th day of year of respite for bachelors and only 268 shopping days until Christmas Now this is only the first week of Febnlary 1957 and comparative ly sparse of activity There are hundreds of clubs and organiza tions in fullblonmaround here which have not been mentioned for lack of space The month Just begins to warm up in the second week which will include St Valentines Day of which more later Ono gentleman from Barrie stated as he left yesterday for Florida lm not going all the way down there for sunshine and swimming lm going for rest within three months in the pinni alonc Ancillaryppcrations may employ tbroughout the district anotherlt10 workmen Wé Wisho give full credit lt to hiri Bennell for slngiehand ed ioh ll far as this industry is coneerned Mr chio states Such an altitude within com munlty can hardlyhelp but pay off when townspeople themselves have such faith in their own as sets lllr Keefe continued Qi late there have been sev eral new industries locating in the area and there are now listed since the incorporation of the association months ago 23 new industries and nine maior expansions of major industr either in their present locatio or nearby towns concluded the associations ge al manager CANT BE SPARE In the Queens New Year hun ora list no member of the Brit ish House of Commons was ele vated to the pccragc and the reason is painfully obvioustho governmcnt could not afford to open single seat for byvelec tion which could be postponed Cocllrane Post GROWS GRAPEERUIT WELLAND CPlnA grapefruit plant here Inially produced truit after five years growth from seed Michele Albancsc still hopes for fruit from lemon plant which so for has borne only foliage Pilllllllili woman in Established Big Volume Busines in Barrie Requires $2000000 More Working Capital if you would like good re turn on your investment APPLY BOX BARRIE EXAMINER CHEVROLETJOLDS try them all and then THE REST DEAL in the Barrie Area llllllclsnrlrlll es Collier sc Morons Lid PA 82487 Ip lllllllllll Iullluli illllllllllllh llllllllllll to be mallelljio tile mods ollePERlAl ll lag 134392233 942071