PRINCIPAL WIN LAW of Prince of Wales School left was one of the makers of the Italian Cnlnbrese served by the men at the Home and School Fathers Night last week Chief chef however was Cotty Iribble looking on at right Mrs Parsons Has Oificiaieci Ai Nine InsiallaiiOns Mrs Ross Stephens was in stalled as head ol the 12th execu tive of the Womens Auxiliary to the Kiwanis Club last week at the annuaiJnstallation dinntr in Community House As has become trldition in the auxiliary Mrs Parsons who has conducted nine of the dozen installations of officersof ficiated this year at tnecere mony Her knowledge of auxil iary affairs and her clear con ceptionof the duties of each of ice again made the ceremony memorable The wife of the Kiwanis Club president Mrs George Caldwell is honorary president of the aux iliary for the coming year other executive members are Mrs Charles Newton past president Mrs Charles Kearsey fist vice piesident Mrs Horace Pratt 2nd vicepresident Mrs Charles Rog ers secretary MniiA Allen treasurer Mrs Graydon Kohl Mrs Bbbiervhlis Nettieton Mrs McKenzie and Mrs NellMacDonald charter presidontwkthe auxiliary direc tors and Mrs fin and Mrs CottyflJgibble pla There weie 41 at dinner gathering with members of the executive at the head table Special guests were Mrs Vance ol the Soroptimist Club Mrs Clarence Corbett of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Lions Club Mrs William Jackmzn of Hauhave Loos ripln the last year or Iwn the Isjleal treat lnstore he airsospe slonf Ill standard equip lnent onIrll the Highway Travellers and Sceniczulsera Milalso long tilstancs routes to the Kinettes Mrs Delanéy of the inner Wheel of the Rotary Club and Mrs John Ransom of the Business and Professional Womens Club Silver coffee spoons were pre sented to the following by Mrs Robertson in recognition of their records of perfect at tendance Mrs Allison Mrs Jack Butler Mrs Harry Hancock Mrs Harris Mrs Kear sey Mrs Roy Kightley Mrs Newton Mrs Pratt Mrs Par sons Mrs Smith Mrs Fred Smith Mrs Stephens and Mrs Rogers Mrs Robertson has record of perfect attendance for six years Mrs William Malcomsou open ed tbe evening program with singsong accompanied at the piano by Mrs Griffin Other musical entertainment was pro Vided by vlbarbershop quartet The GeargiannairesTex Gor don Stan King Harry Smethurst and George MeKaysinging number of delightful old songs Introduced by Mrs Robert Armstrong the artists were thanked by Mrs Kearsey who presented themtvitha small thit en of appreciation on behalf of the auxiliary gt Annual reports were given by Mrs Pratt the retiring treasurv er Mrs Allen welfare chairlt man Mrs Robertson head of the visitjngand membership com mittee Mrs Christie social convener Mrs Butler head of the ways and means committee Mrs larsons who was in charge of cancer dressings Mrs McKen Zle telephone convener and Stephens Red Cross commi ee chairman Mrs Newton expressed her thanks to the mooexecutive on her retirement from the presiJ dency MrsyNorman Clarke made lioss Street Barrie FillllilY eveni iversltyml Western Ontario may be crowned Quéénriol the Unive ty CollegeBail atlthe biggest socia eventrorth boilegrseadon tn Londonthim weekend Miss Jackie Taitdaughter of Mrand Mrs Doug maturity Bo Road is on ofrtenvnominees for the Nominated by the studentbody on the basis of read mic achieve pemmiit and ï¬xin ar activities the candl datu are having busy week adpearing on television programs etc AttractiVe young Miss Tait was known In Barrie District Colleg iate Institute only briefly She spent the last half ofher final year there moving to Barrie at Christmas with herrparents and is remaining here until June The summer before entering unlven siiy she was on the Simcoe County Recreation service staff One of her big interests in lite is swimming has been up tain otthe womens swimming team at Western and during her first year was on Iheteam that won the intercollegiate chain pionship The star swimmer is also good student She sinher third year business administration one of the few coeds in her course The name of the Queen will he announced during the ball on Friday evening Long Service Mrs MacLaren whose resignation from the Barrie Pub lie Library Board due to ill health was announced Monday ev ening has fine record ofser presentation to Mrs Parsons in appreciation of her exceptional way of installing the new officers cup and saucerwas presented to Mrs Newton by MrsFrank Boyes as gift front the mem bers she took over the gavel of of ice Mrs Stephens looked ahead to some of the events of the coming year including the auxiliary tea and bake sale which will be held June 12 at the home of Mrs Graydon Kohl Shanty Bay Road The beautiful flowers that de curated the head table an ar rangement of blue and yellow mums were sent to Mrs MacLaren who is ill She had birthday during the week coed fromBarrla vncc in library work member of thelboard foreighteen years sh has always talgena keenin lerest in the lbrlry and has been willing convention chauffeur for reveral librarians One of her main activities on the board has bee her work on the book selectiir committee Her succersor Mrs Arthur Mc Lean should also prove to be valuable asset to the board She well remembered from the days when she was Miss Elsie Dunn Simcoe County 1ibrarlan4 Heading South Among the Barrie residents now on their WaysoalhareMr and Mrs Dennis Moran and Mr and Mrs Joseph McCarthy The party of four leltSsturday on motor tour of the Southern States Mr and Mrs George Danger field nreleaving Sunday by TC for Miami where they will be vacptloning for month Roy Brown of NY spent the weekend with hi mother lop Street East At Stephen Leonoclc Dancing at the Stephen Lea cock Hotel in Orilllu last satur day night were Mr and Mrs noss Peacock Mr and Mrs Charles Madill Mr and Mrs George Harper Mr and MrsB Palmer Mrshners St artMr and Mrs Gray Mits Joan Bebb Fred Galloway Mr and Mrs Thomas McArthur Mr anders Charles Coleman Mr and Mrs Frank TaylorM and Mrs Lloyd Green and nd Mrs Kenneth Kennedy LONG TALKERS The dial telephone syste modern miracle of communion on but it has boggeddown conSider ably on the rural lines All be cause toomany womenare using their telephones instead of mak in ociiil calls Stanstendfournl Strain carom tillltllilililiiiiliill Look your most enchanting self with our permanent wiva Special including cuttiug shampoo and setting yourown style ms seami 123 nnNLor sr asr you Setting sawms Miitilltlli the automatl Centre Molten es Service simian Choose PEONE 8443 lager Falls Dinah Brown Dun cure adj durinthrtJunmer ml lnlï¬Ã©lpverdlfmi were tad on AlbertaJIrm cents hour flatworm pwylde inflamed alrelterbe Wheat new ottoman and or GIGAMTM MIDWENTER iiï¬iiiiiwi nearnos BPMALW YORK KERNEI 15 4si rumor Waonarrn New rack Pure senile gt Rois TASTY manner Roannmnronn STRAWBERRY mom rheumatism is SOGKEYE SALMON mammal SARBIHESV imam 32 27c yonxbsaivocnown com Gannon oz in million PllllilS 33¢ citadelan Matias rm Li EY mums iiquni insidious fresh FRUIT VEGETABLES swrsr rumors iliEiil fit eep Frying Baking foil fault occurs DRIMEALGOOKIES viii cream Sisal SNELGIIOVES isi odours so VMUEEETECFIVE from Fri and sat February llibz htis 20 oz tins 359 cross mains to roots Mixzï¬a