Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jan 1957, p. 9

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bins which whsshown inthe leiterrth County Council in reference to adding rovinclal development road sy cm Mr Gibbins wh moved the onion that it be adde lotthonnty Coun eil last fall wh told oithe rea son given as to whythe 8th line could not be added now asked why the therrroads erred to about th The Cookstownflroad orwhieh estimates had been obtained was iound to hegolug tocost more tban the department had allowed Ior doing it and for this reason no expenditure was made We havenot heardwhy the An gus road was delayed but it is probably some such reason The 8th linepart which the township TO SAVE $s ORDER the Bth linen tnnisfll Countyoi wedoe somethini to make th road sale for driv ing The switchback 1hills are tEry dangerous also the width offlhe road implaceslioes not allow safety for cantopass Hojw Some Arroon francs Collectedl gt The asionishinf iolormation thatthere are over one hundred thousand dollars of unpaid taxes in the Township of Innisdl must comeas shock to manyfiol the ratepayers lhey immediately ask what lsbeing done The present allow them three years expires when thepro lonemw the Fort Churchill shelter playing Pages Qaeb City See Min radd Mrs RsyiriondEaidey Rfis ursinn mmmiune at tmembers oi the 2nd Battal lion Royal and Regiment twoweek northern trainingiexercis Manur huddle in snow game of cribbage cardplayersare left to right Pie Luc 0hoinlere East FamhnmQue Cpl Robert serving on nt Cp The taken wveaalose Strongholdo iaillll was aunt in fightermission crty and ti WA Nm ngert United Churrh WA met thebome at urarxannath Broiley onWedocsd Jan16 with eight members present and Mn Hazel Bmlley presiding The German Bouc ard chicoutimi Que Michaud Kapuskasing Ont works With agasollne stove The low temperature caused slight haze in the snowrshelteryyhere this photolwaa CP lromNationai Delenee VCHURCHILL Church Meeting meeting opened with hymn and The Lorda Prayeru Roll callazd the minutes oi the last meeti was read by Kathleen Hooney Scripture lesson wasread by AliceNawtou and lesson thought by Edoa Brélle and Prayer by Haul Brolley Esther Boner readva paper on the Christian as Cambler The meeting closedwlth hymn and the benediction Florence Whiteslde and Doris Matthews served daintyfluneh The next meetingwil be hel at Mrs Cllliord Mooneys on Wed nesday Feb 20 right toreadthe Holy Sulpluresv had been won because at the heroic struggles oi Ereat relorlnerallike Martin lhern He went not say that the atrngg was going nomad that the Protestant ehtuehes lnuat still maintain watchful vigilanee again st onstan diorta to destroy the very existean He told hisaudiencethit it la the duty 01 every Protestant and woman to be ialthtultb their shoreline attend regularly as good exampla touthe younger people and keep the Protestant Church strong by theirVacst loyalty Ind activesupportg does not attend tin church vreg ularly and give it loyal support is deserter and traitor to both the churchihat gaveihem their ilbenyandalso to the Protestant heroes and martyrs who bl and died to obtain fitha liberty Euchre Ciu Woods Euchre Club Iheldithe weekly euchre Wednesday eye Ing Jan 16 with five tables play ng hen wawould see it who arepiKIMckina °T¥¥ on the sh uld rs tho pathelr taxes du be so likely toallowftheln ogre malnunpald lith were given stew days inToronto re vSt Pe rs Church annualmeet ix lngwaaifleldln the parishhali on Friday evening Alterjbe de votional period the Vestry clerk read the mimltes oi the as meetingand reporta were given party may be put on tint sales Then the owner may save thgsale by paying the amount due for the three years and the current amount will still he in be no us roeooursm FERTILIZER 0W Iirom Slmcoe Coop Take advantage of the ol SundiyVlaltori Sunday visitorswlth Mr and Mrs Douglas Plumhtree were EYE CARE lowing early delivery dis counts $200 per ton or early do livery cash discount on deliv ery or generous payment plan available Quantity Discounts Dividends Trucking Allowance Order 193 and Save SIMCOE COQP 259 lnnisiil St With the mun polity endeav oringto pay eash as it goes tor capital expenditure the only man nor in which thiscan he accom plished isior taxpayers to pay their taxes in cash They could even goonevhetler and take ads vantageoi discount for prepay ment We could adopt similar schemeas Barrie and have these prepayments begin in January in order to bring in some at the large sum unpaid itaxes PHONE PA $653 one suggestion would heithat the unsignedi lN few short months you can becashlng big payeheques There is avtremendo demand your spare tohe drafiSm draiisman Nodraiilng backgroun en We will train you at boine urprevious training needed Allbooks and instructions or as Established1897 not dbyindustry enemas roe filGSTEADY PAYAND GOOD FUTURE AS DRAFTSMAN eejlntorrnation scrioo DEPR 24 HOMEW AVE HA MAIL without sis obligation plete informationand 156 odpaylng jobs lncluding draitamam months notleo sure that thousand would find its ship tre Forest Personne Attend first sMidhursr During the wee Ontario Department of Lands and Forests start in thenorthpartnl the Lake Simcoe district wererre ceivlng iirst aidgtralnin held throughout the week the mornings atM dhui Station andgthesecond at Angus Seed Plant the Some20 employs ing each pourse ofcasea staff personnel held pie vlous first aid certificates and Wereattending the courses 7a First aid ihstruction IS part of the departments gener safety ram and Mona MlLK Netherland Ws Iage yearly nearly 8500 lbs zlh Cadailian average is 5223 lbsnper ow per Vuan Woolley oi Toronto spent hen ay into the town of Plan 21 in spite otrltherinelernent Vweather land Mrand Mrs Blll lgPlumhlree Cliiloid and Cathy 02 anetville Miss Alice Plumbtreeand friend oiLin oy mussyrmy Mrs Bud Preston gentcrtained number of little boys and girls Glly who was seven years old oaxsnrustw llirs William Falllsis on the siclri PartyFor Niece 0n vsaturday evening Mr and hats Lorne Carmthersientertainr niece Among those attending were Mr and Mrs Charlea llounsome Mr and Mrs Billcrippin oiPenetang Mr and MmeErnie Handsome Mr and Mrs Jaekjardonol Mi Sal land Gard first dohnltankin of Penetang is visiting gtwith rhis grandmother MrsGeorge Rankln annie Banks spentlthe week end with is grandmother Mr flow At Dance Agood crowd attended dance in thehall Friday evening MidlandCarvaarty number of Wycbridgevpcople attended thecardlparty in Mid LPdEE Froanronto Misses Susanne Cromie week ith Mr and Mrs is eaten lk Producers banquet Sa Is ury dwh was undiy at birthday party for her and Thornhi ame winners was Smitha twogamer vwinner Third prize sponsored by the Rebekah to 92 at unity Jlall on Thursday ids ot showing all obligations motand balance in each 2W rdens ior1957 Lrectors war Moitatt people treasurer William Alters sldesmen Alters VF Mo Squibb Matebett elite lay delegateh Moi Weekend Visit and Mrs William Con stable and family of Toronto spent xthe weekend with lrlends in vieln ty Lorne ltiatohctt vWeleome to Village roen Hindle andfamily to their newhom he yillage bacléiirom Baftln Land rliev and Mrs l3 PSmythv and hav recently return spentu thg ed lionspiél on Saturday Three VMrAlgies ink mm Brampton and Dave rinlL from Barrie was aBradford nkskipped alnoney when swch and Mr WosweloomuMrzand Mrs Cafi High prizes were won by oria Matthews and Kenneth Brolley Mr and Mrsulohn Muir tied ior lone hands with Mr Muir winlt nlng on the draw Consolation prizes Mrs Campsall and Tru man Braden éympathy otIComrnnnity The sympathy oi ejcomrnu ity is extended to Earl Solomon and faniin in their bereavement and to George and Herbert Agar Sunday Vilit Mr anersLSandy McCuaig IORTO oiizlvnImamnZ sonarroimm soup in amt at spent Sunday Hillsdaiewith Mr Gie urday ENDUBING BENEFH Men and women who were fight ing in Hungary ieWweeltsa now are onrvguestslin Red Dee lt willhe ourduty andour ilegetogiv01tiiem every possible assistance in fitting themselves to their new lives and it is certain that theirmining to oigfimhntry and our district will be of endur ing benefit to us all Red DeerAdvocate the weekend with wiok Bridge Club TheLadiesBridge Club met iriends at Kes on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs ltussell Stewart Mrs VaniaPrime mv phesy what 97075 Theansw be Prqvhc Joy spentWiiiism Reid held high score iefihéhson CTRIST onommiara DUN 5mm Eat uomun TO an mom Navafunuai sun our BENEFCIAL FINANCE c0

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